Chapter 89
The roaring artillery gradually disappeared, but Katsushige Nabeshima's ears were still buzzing, making his head ache.

"Has the artillery of the Ming army finally ended?" Katsushige Nabeshima leaned behind the wall and shook his neck vigorously.

"But Lord Feudal Lord, we..." The soldiers at the top of the castle looked at Katsushige Nabeshima eagerly, showing a look of despair.

Katsushige Nabeshima looked around, and at some point, a corner of the solid city wall on the front collapsed!And the most frightening thing is that the wooden door, which was originally tightly closed, has been broken into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

At this time, Saga Castle was no longer a strong fortress that could shelter them in the past, but a sheep that was open to the outside world. As long as the Ming army in the outer city charged, it would attack the inner city.

"Get off the ground and block the gate of the city with stones!" Nabeshima Katsushige drove a group of soldiers down to prevent the Ming army from attacking the city.

But Chu Yun didn't intend to waste the lives of so many soldiers to attack a Saga city that was almost within easy reach.He sent a soldier to shout to the Hizen clan samurai on the city wall below.

"Listen up, the enemy army upstairs. We are the troops of Chu Yun, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty. The commander-in-chief of Chu Yun was ordered by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to bring an army of [-] to attack you. You must obediently bow your head to our Daming!"

The warriors of the Feiqian clan on the city wall were panicked when they heard that the general of the Ming Dynasty had personally led a hundred thousand Ming troops to attack.There are only a thousand or so people in the city, and they beat them to death. If the [-] troops from behind come, even a hundred Saga Castle can't resist it!
"Don't listen to their rumors. They only have a thousand people. Our troops are comparable to them. When our reinforcements arrive, we can wipe them out here!" Katsushige Nabeshima quickly calmed down.If the army's morale is allowed to collapse, then there is no need to fight in the future.

"General Chu Yun has spoken, you are limited to surrender the city within a stick of incense, and hand over the culprit Nabeshima Katsushige, otherwise, once the city is broken, no chicken or dog will be left behind!" voice shouted.

"Give up, my subordinates are loyal to me, they are willing to fight with me here to the death, why would you betray me because of your small threats?" Nabeshima Katsushige sneered.

After half a stick of incense, Katsushige Nabeshima, who was tied up with five flowers, was brought in front of Chu Yun.And it was his subordinates who escorted him here.

"Didn't you say that your subordinates are loyal to you?" Chu Yun looked down at Nabeshima Katsushige.

This once mighty Hizen feudal lord easily captured him after only one day of fighting.Even before Nabeshima Katsushige had time to threaten Chu Yun with Wang Changyuan as a hostage, the battle was over.

"A group of things that are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Katsushige Nabeshima struggled hard, trying to break free from the thick rope, "I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The old soldiers who were holding Nabeshima Katsushige blushed, and they were more or less ashamed.But faced with the threat of death, they had no choice but to surrender.

"Since you are the commander-in-chief of Daming, let me go if you have the guts, and have a duel with me!" Nabeshima Katsushige turned his head and stared at Chu Yun frantically.

Boom!Chu Yun pulled out the Suifa short spear from his waist, and directly killed this generation of heroes with one shot!
The blood from the muzzle splashed on the faces of several warriors, making them jump back in fright.There was fear in their eyes, and they were even more in awe of the commander-in-chief from Ming Dynasty.

"What kind of bird language are you talking about? I can't understand it at all." Chu Yun muttered while putting the musket into the gun pouch at his waist.

If Nabeshima Katsushige knew that the reason why he was shot and killed by Chu Yun before he had time to talk to Chu Yun turned out to be that Chu Yun couldn't understand what he said, Nabeshima Katsushige's spirit in heaven would definitely want to cry without tears.

"My lord, what should we do with these prisoners now?" Chen Jisheng captured thousands of people with hundreds of people, but he didn't know how to deal with them.

"Transport them all back to southern Liaoning and serve for the same three years." Chu Yun is short of labor, if the free labor of thousands of people is spared, it will be a loss for this expedition.

After easily capturing Saga City, Chu Yun led his troops into the inner city and rescued several survivors of Wang Changyuan who were imprisoned in the inner city.

At this time, Wang Changyuan was dressed in rags and his body was covered with bloodstains, so that when Chu Yun saw Wang Changyuan who had just come out of prison, he couldn't recognize his old friend for a while.

"General Chu, I knew you would come to rescue us, otherwise we would not be able to survive their torture... woo woo..." Wang Changyuan, a middle-aged man, burst into tears and hugged Chu Yun His thighs kept crying.

"Mr. Wang, you have suffered...but...we can talk if we have something to say, can you let go of my leg first..."

"Okay, okay, the old man lost his composure... Your lord must kill that bastard Nabeshima Katsushige, he was the one who killed the captain of the ship and our crew, if it wasn't for him... I wouldn't just be alive ..." Wiping his tears, Wang Changyuan gritted his teeth and demanded that Katsushige Nabeshima be hacked into pieces.

"Nabeshima Katsushige is dead, and his subordinates were also taken back to Liaonan to receive hard labor. However, a mere Hizen domain dared to attack our Ming merchant ship. I always think it is unusual at this time." Chu Yun said.

"My lord's guess is correct. There are Jin people behind us who are sowing discord between us and the feudal clans of Japan. There are envoys from the Jin people in Hizen Fan." Wang Changyuan said.

"The main force of the golden men who attacked us has come here. Originally, I wanted to keep them for later, but since they provoked us, we don't have to be polite to them. Find all the golden men among the Japanese pirates." .”

When the envoys from the Jin Dynasty came to Hizen, they never thought that Hizen's power would be defeated so quickly in front of Chu Yun's fleet and artillery battalion.Even Huang Taiji in Shengjing didn't have time to recruit troops!

Several conspicuous golden envoys were quickly picked out, kneeling on the ground in a row.

"Aren't you afraid of being killed when you people work hard for your golden masters and travel thousands of miles to Japan to start a war?"

"Bah! Chu, we want to eat your flesh. If it weren't for you, our Dajin Kingdom would be invincible, and even Daming would be our Dajin Kingdom's territory!"

"What are our sacrifices for the sake of the grand plan and hegemony of our Dajin Kingdom!"

The eyes of these golden envoys were full of fanaticism, obviously brainwashed by Huang Taiji.

"Throw them all into the sea to feed the fish." Chu Yun didn't bother talking to them, and directly ordered his subordinates to deal with them.

The golden envoy was taken away while cursing, Chu Yun always felt like a villain in a movie, but he was the one with justice.

(End of this chapter)

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