Chapter 59 Basic Science
There is still about a month before the imperial court's supervising army arrives in Jinzhou.During this period of time, Chu Yun could still carry out his ideas without any worries.At present, Sanwei is undergoing drastic transformation.

Gaizhou, rich in coal and iron, built more mining plants.Although miners worked fewer hours a day, because Watt's improved steam engine was used in mining, the cost and efficiency of mining plummeted, and the output increased significantly.Originally, a large amount of manpower and horsepower were required to control the continuous gushing of groundwater during mine mining, but with the steam pump, the drainage of coal mines has become much simpler.

The steam engine also freed textile mills and flour mills from relying on manpower and water power, and they could be built far away from water sources without worrying about lack of power.Brewery, papermaking, tanning and other departments also used steam engines one after another. The production capacity was not the same. A steady stream of goods were transported to the wharf, and then the porters at the wharf moved the goods to merchant ships and sold them to Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. .

The Dalian Port construction project appointed by Chu Yun is also proceeding in an orderly manner.Businessmen who keenly sensed the great future of Qingniwa went to Qingniwa for exploration, and some people wanted to buy land in Qingniwa.It is a pity that after Chu Yun expropriated the houses of fishermen in Qingniwa, he forbade anyone to buy land in Qingniwa.

A blueprint of Dalian Port has been placed in front of Chu Yun, which is divided into several areas such as the port area, the camp area, the commercial area, the market area, and the industrial area, each of which performs its duties.

"My lord, I have sent thousands of workers to build Dalian Port. All kinds of wood and stone have been transported to Dalian Port. The first phase of construction will be completed by the end of the year. It's just..." Chen Ting reported the situation to Chu Yun .

"Just what?"

"We now have three main projects, one is the construction of Dalian Port, the other is the construction of four large sailing ships, and the other is the expansion and supply of troops, each of which requires a lot of silver consumption. Gaizhou and Fuzhou have passed The tossing of the Jin people is not rich, and I am afraid that the finances will be a little tight."

"If you don't have money, you can earn it." Chu Yun said naturally.

"My lord, please show me the way..." Chen Ting said in embarrassment.

"Think about it, do we need to relocate some of the population to build Dalian Port? Relocate some industries to the past?" Chu Yun reminded, "Our new construction of Dalian Port is to make Dalian Port the largest port in the north, not Anyone and factory owners are eligible to be stationed in Dalian Port. So if they want to live, do business, or open factories in Dalian Port, don’t they need our permission?”

"Your Excellency is saying that we can sell land to make money, which is great... But isn't Your Excellency prohibiting merchants from buying land in Dalian Port?"

"Stupid, prohibiting them from buying land is to prevent the price gouging up, and the second is to better deploy the layout of the entire city. Now that the layout is set, we can auction some lots to factory owners and businessmen in advance, so that we can Has the investment money been recovered in advance? Maybe there is still money to be made." Chu Yun said.

Chen Ting was taken aback when he heard what Chu Yun said, is there such an operation?

"Your Excellency is truly a genius. I, Chen, never could have imagined such an ingenious idea." Chen Ting had to admire Chu Yun's imagination.

"In a few days, you will auction off these commercial lots by block. The closer to the port, the higher the price of the land, and I will clearly mark the price, and the one with the highest price will win." Chu Yun pointed to the lot he circled with a brush.

These lots are generally residential areas, commercial land and industrial land, which should attract people to live and use, but not everyone can obtain the right to use these lands, so the land in Dalian Port is valuable.

"How much should our price be marked?"

"Starting at three times the cost of construction."

"Will it be too cruel..."

"Even if it's ten times the price, I believe someone will buy it. Believe it or not?" Chu Yun knew the attraction of a good location for businessmen.

Chen Ting went down to prepare for a few days of auction with the officials of the Land Management Office.And Chu Yun is studying the industrial revolution system.

Chu Yun has 3000 civilization points. The last time he clicked on the "Sail Battleship" technology, because it was only a technology in the 18th century, it only consumed 3000 civilization points. The remaining civilization points can still do many things.

If you want to develop the technology of the 19th century, then Chu Yun must focus on the basic science of the 18th century. The basic sciences of the 18th century mainly included mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy.As long as these major basic sciences and technologies are mastered, Chu Yun can develop new technologies of the 19th century.

The new technologies of the 19th century were exponentially improved compared to the science and technology of the 18th century. Steam trains, steam ships, electricity, internal combustion engines, compound fertilizers, and radios were all incomparable in the 18th century.

A branch of basic science and technology in the 18th century requires roughly 500 civilization points, and the five major items of basic science will exhaust Chu Yun's civilization points.

"The host has chosen the basic science of the 18th century - the branch of mathematics, and the available civilization points will be reduced by 500. The industrial revolution system will summon talents from different time and space to help you realize the mathematical technology of the 18th century... link..."

"The host has chosen the basic science of the 18th century - the branch of physics, and the available civilization points will be reduced by 500. The industrial revolution system will summon talents from different time and space to help you realize the physics technology of the 18th century... link..."


"...linking success...helping you implement mathematical techniques are three professors of mathematics and six lecturers at the University of St. Andrews..."

"...the link is successful...helping you realize the physics technology are three physics professors and six lecturers from the University of Cambridge..."


For a while, Chu Yun's room was full of university professors and lecturers from the 18th century, more than 40 people.

It was a mistake, and so many people were summoned, it felt like college talents were everywhere!Originally, Chu Yun was worried that there would not be enough talents to teach, but in this way, a research institute can be formed.With these people, Chu Yun could train batches of lecturers, and these lecturers would be used to set up private schools, schools, and universities.

But there is a question to consider, that is, can these more than 40 scientists speak Chinese...

"Welcome to my Great Ming Dynasty, I believe you all know your mission?" Chu Yun asked this group of great people.

"My lord, the system has given us the language ability, but we are not proficient yet, but there is no problem with normal communication." A professor among the physicists replied, he was wearing a wig that symbolized his aristocratic status.

This guy looks familiar.Chu Yun asked curiously, "What's your name?"

"My lord, my name is Isaac Newton, President of the Royal Society of Great Britain."

(End of this chapter)

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