Chapter 51 Appease the miners
After Hou Jin announced his withdrawal, Gaizhou City gave up its resistance, and thousands of miners occupied the city that enslaved them.

"Those who dare to disturb the common people will be killed without mercy! Those who coerce them will be expelled to the territory of the Jin people!"

Chu Yun sent a cavalry squadron to maintain order, for fear that these rebellious miners would destroy the city.

All the officials in Gaizhou City who worked for the Jin people were arrested.They were surrounded by dense miners before they could escape.

"You said that you look good, so why did you sacrifice your life for the Jin people and persecute our own people?" Chu Yun came to them and swiped his command knife across them.

He would kill them if he wanted to, and no one would blame him.

"Mr. Jun, we have no other choice... If we don't work hard for the Jin people, our family members will die..." the tied-up official said in tears.

"Everyone caught by me said that, so no one will investigate your crimes?" Chu Yun sneered, "I will investigate each of you. But all those who take bribes and exploit the people will have their homes confiscated , pushed to Caishikou and beheaded."

After hearing Chu Yun's words, the heavily tied Gaizhou officials had goose bumps all over their bodies.

"However, I won't kill a good person by mistake. As long as you confess your crimes before I investigate, and hand over the silver for atonement, your punishment may be reduced." Chu Yun said, "Come here, put them all in jail, The trial will start at noon tomorrow, and if you are guilty of concealing it, you can push it to Caishikou and behead it!"

"Yes!" The yamen servants in Gaizhou City who had defected to the Liao Army drove the unlucky officials away like a flock of sheep.

"My lord, is it too extreme for us to do this? After all, Gaizhou City still needs people who know how to handle internal affairs to help us manage it." Yu Cheng reminded.

"Did I say that I would kill them all? I was trying to scare them, and I could also explain to the miners. If the miners find that the bad guys are still alive, will they be satisfied with the result?" Chu Yun said meaningfully.

"Your Excellency is wise." Yu Cheng understood.

The Gaizhou officials who were thrown into the prison were anxious, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to scramble to explain everything they had done. Those who should plead guilty should plead guilty, and those who should spit out the stolen money should spit out the stolen money.Just what these officials spit out is 5 taels of silver and countless fields.

"Good guy, this money can be used to equip two or three infantry battalions!" Chu Yun couldn't believe it when he saw the list of goods given by the Gaizhou officials.

Even though the most serious exploitation of southern Liaoning is the Jin people, these officials attached to the Jin people lie on the people of southern Liaoning like blood-sucking insects, trying to drain the last trace of blood from the people.

"These people will be beheaded at Caishikou tomorrow. These people will be fined to serve in Tieshan for ten years... This, this, and that, the officials will be reinstated, so that they can maintain order in Gaizhou." Chu Yun looked at There are still a small number of clean and honest officials in the list of Gaizhou officials, and they have a good reputation, so let them take charge.

Chu Yun's handling in this way really satisfied the rioting miners a lot.

Then there is the adaptation problem for miners.After this tragic battle, Chu Yun lost more than half of his men, and urgently needed reinforcements. The shortage of troops may have reached more than 2000 people.Moreover, after the expansion of the territory, the number of dangerous places that Chu Yun had to defend had tripled, and more troops were needed.

However, the industrial age is about to come in full swing, and the demand for coal mines and iron ore will rise, which is also inseparable from the efforts of these miners.Without them, what would Chu Yun do to usher in the industrial age?
"Brother Li Guangdong, we won't specifically recruit members from the miners to join the Liao Army..." Chu Yun said to Li Guangdong, the leader of the miners.

"Does Master Chu look down on us poor people? We also have the determination to expel the Jin people!" Li Guangdong said anxiously when he saw that the Liao army did not need them, "I want to avenge my elder brother and second brother!"

"I definitely don't mean that! Miner friends can enlist in the army at that time, as long as they pass the screening of our military department, anyone can join the Liao army!"

"It's just that being a soldier is a hard job with your head tied to your trouser belt. Everyone has a wife and children, and not everyone is suitable for being a soldier."

"And the rehabilitated Liao Army treated the workers very well, and you can still engage in mining work."

Chu Yun patiently explained.

"What kind of arrangements does the Liao army make for our miners? The workers are very concerned about this issue of treatment." Li Guangdong and other miners asked curiously when they heard Chu Yun mention the treatment of miners.

"We work six days out of seven, eight hours a day, and rest on holidays. Since the work that miners do is relatively dangerous, we will give miners three taels of silver per month, and an extra month's salary during the Chinese New Year as a subsidy," Chu Yun said.

"Only working eight hours a day?"

"Three taels of silver, is it true?"

When the miners heard Chu Yun's policy, they immediately became overwhelmed.Under the oppression of Houjin, it is good for them to have a meal every day, and they don't expect a salary.

"And the longer the working years, the higher the wages, and the people who have made outstanding contributions to the mine can even be higher." Chu Yun said.

"Can the Fu Liao Army afford that much money?" Someone asked suddenly, cooling the scene down.

Li Guangdong was a little embarrassed: "My lord, in the past the imperial court often defaulted on our payment, so my brother is not very sensible, please forgive me."

"It's okay. Paying wages on time is a matter of life and death. This little brother's concern is reasonable, and I won't pursue it. If you can't worry about it, feel free to ask a miner friend in Jinzhou. If I say If there is half a lie, the sky will be struck by lightning." Chu Yun said.

At this time, a miner said: "General Chu is right! My cousin works in the Jinzhou mining factory. He saved more than ten taels of silver in a few months, and even got a fat wife!"

"Really fake?"

"I, Liu Tiedan, am open and frank, and never lie!"

The miners began to chatter lively.

It seems that the problem is solved.Chu Yun felt relieved.With this group of skilled workers, there is no need to worry about energy issues for the time being.As for improving the salaries of miners, Chu Yun can definitely do it.In this era, only Chu Yun's family has an industrial foundation, and they can earn excess profits just by increasing productivity.

After Jin Bing withdrew from Fuzhou and Gaizhou, Chu Yun also began to gather troops and hoard them in the border of Gaizhou.As long as the golden soldiers are blocked in Gaizhou, Fuzhou and Jinzhou will be safe and sound.

"Master, General Liu Aita returned triumphantly after chasing the golden soldiers, and is about to arrive in Gaizhou City." Yu Cheng brought news.

"Quickly assemble the army and line up to welcome General Liu Aita." Chu Yun said hurriedly when he heard that Liu Aita, the biggest hero this time, had arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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