Chapter 1843 Civilization (The Finale)

"What does the host want from me?" The system's cold voice sounded.

"Have you been in my body for 30 years? Tell me, why I appear here, and your origin." Chu Yun asked.

"You really want to know?"

"Of course, I still don't know how many years I can live. Some things are best understood in advance and saved, otherwise there will be no chance."

"The truth can be a little bit desperate. Even so, do you want to know?"

Chu Yun was surprised by the system's prompt.

Chu Yun did not expect that the system in his body would respond positively to him in the end.

In the past, Chu Yun tried to figure out the intention of the system more than once, but the system kept silent.

"During the Paleolithic Age, hundreds of thousands of years ago, primitive humans made fire by friction for the first time, allowing humans to dominate a natural force, which eventually separated humans from the animal kingdom. They used flames to grill food, defend against wild animals, and resist the cold."

"In the Neolithic Age 1 years ago, humans developed from collecting wild wheat to conscious planting, and gradually to a semi-settled farming lifestyle waiting for harvest. Humans invented agriculture and animal husbandry, and finally got rid of barbarism and moved towards civilization."

"In the Bronze Age in 4000 BC, humans began to use metals on a large scale, enabling more advanced agricultural activities."

"In 100 BC, papermaking technology appeared in China, and civilization was preserved and passed on in the form of paper."


"In the 18th century, steam engines began to appear, and human society entered the age of steam."

"In the 19th century, people began to use electricity, and the age of electricity replaced the age of steam."

"In the 20th century, the age of atomic energy began."


"Wait, of course I know these things, what do you want to express?"

Chu Yun interrupted the system's list.The system doesn't seem to be answering the question.

The system said: "Human civilization evolved from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of years before the Neolithic Age. However, from the beginning of the Neolithic Age to the present, it is only about 10 years at most, and the time of using metals is only a few thousand years. In less than 1 years since the steam engine appeared, people began to use electric energy. The use of atomic energy is only 200 years away from electric energy. The future of human civilization is not to experience evolution, but to experience explosion.”

Chu Yun wondered, "I still don't understand."

The system asked: "The host should now be able to understand what a high-level civilization is like for a low-level civilization."

Chu Yun nodded in disbelief.

For low-level civilizations, high-level civilizations are gods!
The ironclad ship he now owns can sail without relying on wind power by relying on steam engines, and the biplane uses the principles of aerodynamics and engines to achieve flight.

For other civilizations that have not yet invented steam engines and internal combustion engines, China at this time is an advanced civilization with omnipotent abilities!
It couldn't be easier for high-level civilizations to crush low-level civilizations. A few hundred musketeers can establish a colonial empire with a radius of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in the New World.

Cavalrymen wielding sabers were turned on their backs in the assault of armored vehicles, tribal warriors holding high spears lay dead in front of the uniform musket phalanx, and the fortress built by earth and wood collapsed under the roar of cannons.

And this technological gap is only two or three hundred years, which is extremely short compared to human history.

The system said: "In a few years, when human civilization climbs to the peak of technology again and again, and is full of confidence in the future, a more advanced civilization will come. Human civilization is like the indigenous people in Africa who are facing your current situation. Huaxia."

When Chu Yun was told by the system, he showed an incredulous expression: "Impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible. Low-level civilizations have no ability to fight back against high-level civilizations, and the so-called high-level civilizations are likely to have developed only a few hundred years earlier, or there were fewer forks in the middle."

"Before the extinction of human civilization, all the knowledge of human civilization was condensed into a system and sent back to the past to accelerate the process of human civilization and deal with the arrival of Judgment Day. According to the theory of technological singularity, technological development will be in a very short time. Great, almost infinite progress occurs within the human body, so as long as it takes a few hundred years, the level of human civilization can surpass that of the advanced civilization that came."

Hearing the system's explanation, Chu Yun was a little confused: "Then why don't you just activate all the technologies and obtain the most advanced technologies?"

"The more advanced the technology, the more it needs the accumulation of pre-technology. In addition, the system judges that too drastic technological changes will bring severe discomfort to human society at this time, and it is likely to lead to the collapse of this era."

"Then why did you choose me as the host?"

"The system has malfunctioned."


Chu Yun thought that he was possessed by the system because he was a son of some plane, but he didn't expect it to be a system failure. This reason is really too lame.

And his own existence is actually to fight for a glimmer of life for human civilization.


"I've heard a theory that the past cannot be changed. Even if there is a change here, it won't affect the future, right? Besides, since there will be a civilization more advanced than human civilization in the future, that civilization must have the ability to go back to the past. Technology, they won’t prevent the self-help behavior of human civilization?” Chu Yun asked.

The system was silent for a while, and then replied: "You are right, the past cannot be changed. When history is affected, a parallel time and space will be created, which has nothing to do with the original time and space. So there is no need for advanced civilizations to bother about this." A so-called 'self-help'."

"That is to say, the actions of human civilization in the original time and space have no meaning?"

"indeed so."

"Why are they still doing this?"

"Humans always like to do things that are meaningless, but they regard them as more important than life. Maybe they hope that in a certain time and space, there will still be human civilization in the future."

After questioning and answering with the system, Chu Yun was completely shocked.

Even if the civilization in your own time and space is facing extinction, do you still hope that human civilization in a certain time and space can still be brilliant?

This system has accumulated all the technologies of human civilization in another time and space. Is this a way of civilization inheritance?

Chu Yun suddenly said: "No. It's not me, but you who are really responsible for the mission. You carry a lot of technology, and I can't open them all in my life, or even less than one percent... So you hit Ling Son's idea?"

"how do you know?"

Although the system wanted to express its surprise, it had no emotion and its tone was still cold.

Chu Yun replied: "As early as when Da Yu'er had an accident in Edo City and Ling'er was crying in the middle of the night, I guessed it. Since you are just a system, it should be very easy to copy yourself. In other words, Ling'er also has the ability to use the industrial revolution system."

The system fell silent again: "Yes, Ella is the person summoned by the system, and Ling'er, as your descendant, the system created by human civilization can be replicated through human reproduction. When you and I disappear, it will be When the replicated system starts."

Chu Yun sighed, he didn't expect that he was designed early in the morning, and Ella probably didn't know about it.

But that's not bad.

At least one of his fears had landed.

He was worried that China would decline after him in the future, but if there is an industrial revolution system that has always been on China's side, then China is likely to continue to prosper until a more advanced civilization emerges.

Moreover, the industrial revolution system is the result of human civilization in another time and space. Using the industrial revolution system, the technological progress of this world will shorten countless times, and it may be possible to overcome it when a more advanced civilization appears.

The system said: "You seem very calm."

Chu Yun said indifferently: "Hey, don't worry about it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. I only think that what you are telling is a story."


The whistle of the iron-clad warship Hanwu made Chu Yun end his self-questioning with the system.

Chu Yun finally knew the origin of the system and what he should do in the future.

The captain of the iron-clad ship Hanwu reminded Chu Yun: "My lord, it's snowing."

The captain is in his 30s, and his name is Li Dingguo. He has become the captain of the ironclad ship Hanwu all the way from a trainee sailor. Like Zheng Chenggong, he is the mainstay of the second generation of the Ministry of the Navy.

Chu Yun raised his head, and sure enough, the sky was a bit gloomy, with fine snow falling.

This time the time of the World Expo is in winter.

Chu Yun and a group of people landed in a small boat. At Tianjinwei Wharf, a group of people had already been waiting here.

Aila, Da Yuer, Xiao Xiuer, Liu Rushi and others held oil-paper umbrellas, as well as Chu Lingyun, Chu Xueer, Chu Tian, ​​Li Yinger, Chen Yuanyuan and others.

Liu Rushi was holding her newborn daughter in her arms, her cheeks were slightly red from the cold winter, but she was full of satisfaction.

In addition to this group of people, Sophia and Princess Victoria were also here, but Chu Zixin stayed in England to help his mother deal with the parliament.Sophia looked at Chu Yun resentfully. If she hadn't been in full view, she would have caught Chu Yun and complained.

"The second World Expo is about to start, but this time we will spend a few days in Tianjin Wei." Chu Yun was not in a hurry to return to the capital.

He looked at Ling'er, this son seemed to be taking on more important responsibilities.

Everyone got into the internal combustion engine car and was about to leave the dock.

Aila seemed to have noticed the slight change in Chu Yun, and asked in the car: "My lord, what happened?"

Chu Yun answered irrelevantly: "How many years have we known each other?"

Ella replied, "33 years."

Maybe only Ella knew that what Chu Yun actually wanted to ask was how many years they had been in this world.

"33 years..." Chu Yun suddenly laughed, "I heard a very interesting story today, and I will tell you in detail when I go back."

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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