Chapter 84

When Wei Yu saw that he was falling behind, he immediately refused to show weakness.

"Your Majesty, experts often come up with astonishing inventions! It's a waste of talent for such a person to enter the army! He should be allowed to join the Royal Workshop!"

"Your Majesty, if an expert can really join, I am willing to give up my position as the Young Manor and be his deputy!"

Li Xin really clicked his tongue now.

Who is Shaofu?

One of the Nine Qings!
First class dignitaries!
Even if someone from a poor family can climb up to this position, within ten years, he can create a powerful family from scratch!
Regardless of family factors, this is already a maximum of 12 people in terms of the court itself!
An existence that no one can ignore.

In the end, this Wei Yu said so lightly that he was about to give up the position of the young mansion.

Li Xin asked himself, if he was allowed to give up the position of commander of the Tu Shan army, he would definitely not be willing.

No wonder this person was able to be righted by Zulong directly from a deputy.

With this kind of heart, who in the Great Qin Dynasty can match it?

Zulong smiled.

Could he not know what these two people were thinking?
However, he once promised Qin Mu the position of the third prince, but the other party refused without hesitation!

What fame and wealth are, to Qin Mu, is nothing but a fleeting moment!

He laughed twice: "Is it possible that I don't know your thoughts? Don't think too much about it. Only with me can I give him enough space to display such an expert!"

"Besides, no matter which one of you joins, it will only limit his performance!"

He didn't say anything about how he invited Qin Mu but didn't refuse.

After all, the emperor of a country still needs to save face, doesn't he?

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Li Xin immediately thought of another way.

The general who leads the army is not dull-minded.

On the battlefield, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks will appear towards you.

This is a matter of facing life and death, so there is no lower limit on the battlefield.

Anyone who fought in a rigid manner would have been killed long ago.

With a thought, he said: "Your Majesty, if you are not willing to let an expert enter the court, at least let the ministers see this expert."

He thought, Your Majesty, don't you want the tall man to join the army?
Then you tell me who is an expert, and then I will come to the door every day, soft-hearted!
If you have nothing to do today, send some meat to the expert, and tomorrow if you have nothing to do, give some fruit.

When I get acquainted with the expert and gain his trust, I will invite him then.

When the time comes, Gao Xin will be tempted to join the army by himself, so it will be difficult for you Zulong to stop you, right?

Although Wei Yu didn't expect this level, he also had earnest hopes for the expert in his heart.

He also bowed and said, "Your Majesty, it's a pity that such an expert can't see him! Please recommend him!"

Zulong laughed out loud.

"When the time comes, I will naturally let you meet!"

"Wei Qing, let's go!"

Back at the Royal Workshop, Zulong once again taught the production method of Baisteel.

It wasn't until he watched the craftsmen in the workshop forge the first piece of smelting steel that Zulong left satisfied.

Wei Yu once again entered the state of forgetting to eat and sleep.

He frantically urged the craftsmen to build iron-smelting furnaces non-stop.

Send all the iron smelting produced in the iron furnace directly to the blacksmith area next to it.

Then, the blacksmith will turn the smelted steel into stirrups, horseshoes or various weapons and equipment.

Although their speed is already very fast, Li is still urging.

The production speed of this batch of equipment is related to the departure time of the Daqin army.

However, as the production progressed, he still encountered a problem that he could not solve.

Iron ore is gone.

Daqin did not value iron.

There is no experience in iron ore exploration.

The only iron mine is located 120 miles southwest of Xianyang.

Originally, it only needed to supply some ore here, and it would be enough to satisfy the production of surrounding farm tools.

However, the sudden increase in demand has exhausted the iron mine.

Therefore, Wei Yu went to Zhisu Neishi, who was in charge of Daqin's property and resources.

The responsibility of governing Su Neishi is similar to that of the Minister of the Household Department or the Minister of Finance of later generations.

The Shaofu is more similar to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

So, resources are not enough, who to turn to?

Find the internal history of Zhisu.

Zhi Su Nei Shi is also very helpless.

Where is there any iron mine in Daqin?
It was the only one, and there was still a flood upstream, which washed some iron ore down.

The villagers searched online along the flooded river and finally found the iron mine.

Now you want new ones?

You should ask God to send another flood to flush out an iron mine for you.

Of course Wei Yu couldn't accept such an explanation.

Why, you take care of the copper mines, but not the iron mines?

In the final analysis, as long as it is property and resources in this world, it should be managed by you.

I care what you want, very reasonable and reasonable.

It is urgent to rule the millet history.

You, Wei Yu, are easy to speak, and you don't have back pain when you stand and talk!
If you want copper mines, I can still prospect for you according to the experience of my predecessors.

It's nothing more than a little more manpower, a trivial matter!

Anyway, Zhisu Neishi is in charge of the national treasury, nothing else but a lot of money!
For him, problems that can be solved with money are not problems!

However, counting 2000 years from the Great Qin Dynasty, has Huaxia ever found any iron ore?
Even if I want to find it for you, there is no way.

Wei Yu definitely cannot accept such an explanation!

I also know what difficulties you have.

But there is no way, the things I want to make are used by a man from the Qin Dynasty.

You can give me a piece of iron ore, and I can arm a Daqin sergeant.

In this way, it is very likely that one less Daqin person will die and one more Baiyue person will die.

The accumulation of a small amount may determine the outcome of this war!
Do you want to defeat Daqin when you rule Su Neishi and push and block?
Zhi Su Nei Shi was also impatient after hearing this.

Who dares to wear this hat?

So he directly said, if you want iron ore, if you want to die, you can give one!
Wei Yu said that I don't want your life, I want iron ore.

Zhi Su Nei Shi cursed angrily, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, I don't have iron ore here.

Wei Yu is also very rigid, saying that Laozi does not have a heavenly king, but Shi Huangdi does have one.

So the two went directly to the palace hand in hand.

At this time, Zu Long was discussing with Li Si about dispatching troops, and he was surprised to see the two rushing in.

The two bowed their heads and counted each other's faults.

One said that Zhi Su Neishi pushed three obstacles and four obstacles, which delayed the progress of the production of Daqin's military equipment.

The other said that the Shaofu is difficult for others, Daqin does not have any knowledge reserves about iron ore, where can I find it for you?

As they said that, the two exchanged blows again, and almost started fighting.

Zulong smiled.

Dishonored in front of the hall, one person hit the board ten times.

Then he said to Li Si: "Li Xiang, these two are your subordinates. If they can't solve the problem, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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