Chapter 78
Yu Dujun Mountain, also known as Yanran Mountain, is located in the north of the grassland, and it is known as the north of the sky, and the most powerful grassland tribe stationed here is Xue Yantuo.

Xue Yantuo was originally a descendant of the Gaoche tribe. His ancestors lived together with "Xue", and then annexed the "Yantuo" tribe, so he was named Xue Yantuo. After a hundred years, he finally became one of the strong tribes of Tie Le.

The leaders of the Nine Tribes of Tie Le were originally Yi He Khan of the Xue Yantuo Tribe, and Yi Mozhen Mohe Khan of the Qibi Tribe. Because of the strength of the Turks, they took the title of Eliminating Khan and became the subjects of the Turks.

However, in recent years, Luo Khan and Jieli Khan in the Turkic region have been conquering excessively, and there are many complaints from Tiele's tribes. The leaders of Tiele's tribes have been killed more than a hundred people. However, seeing that the feud between the two tribes has become established, the Tiele people are thinking about getting rid of the control of the Turks all the time.

It's just that the Turkic people had civil strife, and why was the nine tribes of Tiele ever monolithic? Huihe, Xue Yantuo, and Qibi often argued endlessly over the position of the head of the nine tribes, let alone unified.

But today, an opportunity appeared, which gave Xue Yantuo's barbarians a chance to unify the nine tribes of Tie Le.

Tang envoy is here.

Although the nine tribes of Tie Le are not weak in combat power, but relying on their own strength alone, they are still far behind the Turkic people who occupy the most fertile grassland. Datang, a great country at the southern tip of the Turks, became the most ideal ally of the Tiele people.

Firstly, Datang’s national power is strong enough, and among the Tiele people’s knowledge, it is the only existence capable of defeating Turkic; , the Tiele people can grab as many benefits as possible.

Therefore, there is almost an unwritten rule among the nine tribes of Tie Le, as long as whoever can take the lead in connecting with Datang and forming an alliance, whoever is the leader of the nine tribes will lead the nine tribes of Turks to fight against the Turks. This is also for the Yinan The reason for contacting Li Ke many times before.

When Xue Yantuo heard the news that Qiao Shiwang, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty, came here at the order of the Emperor Tang, he was overjoyed and almost shouted to the sky with joy.

It was evening when Master Qiao saw it. Although it was late spring and early summer, Dujun Yu’s mountain was especially in the north of the Turks, and the Dujun Yu’s mountain was still chilly at night. Waiting at the foot of the mountain, he didn't feel the cold at all, because at this moment, Yi Nan's heart was as hot as fire.

Half an hour passed.

"I'm coming"

Yi Nan looked as far as the eye could see, several hundred meters away, several people appeared on horseback, approaching step by step, Yi Nan's heart became excited again.

"Foreign ministers see the angel." When Qiao Shiwang was still nearly [-] meters away from Yi Nan, Yi Nan, the leader of Xue Yantuo's tribe, took the initiative to greet him, and came to Qiao Shiwang's horse and bowed down to pay homage.

Qiao Shiwang looked at Yi Nan who was worshiping under his horse, got off his horse, held a talisman, and asked solemnly to Yi Nan: "I am Qiao Shiwang, the envoy of the Tang Emperor, and this person is a Yi male from Xue Yantuo's department?"

Qiao Shiwang didn't speak, and Yi Nan didn't get up, but still leaned over and replied: "The foreign minister is Xue Yantuo's Yi Nan."

Qiao Shiwang heard that Yi Nan had signed up for himself, so he bent down to help Yi Nan up, and said with a smile, "Leader Yi Nan, please get up."

In terms of official status, Qiao Shiwang was just a guerrilla general from the fifth rank, his official position was not obvious, and he was not considered a figure at all in the Tang Dynasty, but Yi Nan did not dare to neglect Qiao Shiwang.

Don't say that Qiao Shiwang is still polite and polite, even if Qiao Shiwang is arrogant, Yi Nan will never show dissatisfaction on his face, because Yi Nan knows that the person in front of him is not Qiao Shiwang at all. And an opportunity to form an alliance with Datang.

Datang needs Xue Yantuo, but Xue Yantuo needs Datang even more.

The Tang Dynasty lost Xue Yantuo, Huihe, and Qibi, but Xue Yantuo had no other choice.

Yi Nan even knew that if he dared to offend Qiao Shiwang in front of him, Qiao Shiwang turned his head and left, as long as he nodded, the rest of Tie Le's troops would come up to show their courtesy.

Yi Nan looked at Master Qiao and said, "The foreign ministers have already hosted a banquet in the tent to welcome the angels and cleanse the dust, and invite the angels to accompany me."

Saying that, Yi Nan ordered someone to lead Qiao Shiwang's horse, and he led Qiao Shiwang forward.

When Yi Nan heard the news that Qiao Shiwang was coming, he ordered someone to prepare a banquet. When Yi Nan arrived at the big tent at the foot of the mountain, all the food and wine were ready.

The host and guest are seated, and the wine is over for three rounds.

Yi Nan and Qiao Shiwang were sitting on the main seat together. He glanced at Qiao Shiwang beside him, and saw that Qiao Shiwang didn't seem to be in a hurry to talk about the alliance. He was afraid that something might change, so he thought about it in his heart.

After a while, without warning, Yi Nan's eyes turned red suddenly, and he covered his face and began to cry bitterly.

Today was supposed to be the time when Yi Nan was proud, but just now everyone was still drinking and drinking, but suddenly Yi Nan's expression changed drastically, and his eyes were weeping, which caught Qiao Shiwang by surprise.

Qiao Shiwang hurriedly asked: "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Yi Nan?"

Yi Nan wiped the tear stains on his cheeks with the corner of his clothes, sighed, and looked at Master Qiao, "Don't blame the angel, the minister just thought of the third prince, and couldn't help it all of a sudden, I hope you will forgive me."

Remember the King of Shu?
Qiao Shiwang asked puzzledly: "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Yi Nan?"

Yi Nan replied: "The angel doesn't know something. Today's banquet reminded the foreign ministers of the scene when they first met the third prince. When the third prince first arrived in Turkic, the foreign minister had the honor to meet the third prince at the Turkic banquet. On that day, Xieli hosted a banquet and lied that he was welcoming the third prince, but he secretly allowed his subordinates to bully the third prince, with rampant words and all kinds of use. Asylum, but there is nothing that can be done, every time the foreign ministers think of this, they will inevitably cry."

As he said that, Yi Nan wiped the corners of his eyes again as if the truth was true.

"Xieli dog thief, bullying people too much!" Qiao Shiwang couldn't tell the truth from the truth, and after hearing Yi Nan's words, he was furious on the spot.

Qiao Shiwang said angrily: "The third prince is a nobleman of the emperor. How can he allow them to bully him when he is the prince of the court? I will take their lives sooner or later!"

Since Li Ke asked himself to be a hostage, his reputation in Chang'an has been rising all the way. Many people in Chang'an and even the entire Guanzhong don't know the prince Li Chengqian, but Li Ke, the king of Shu who asked himself to be a hostage, is rarely known to men, women and children.

Today, Qiao Shiwang learned that Li Ke was being bullied like this in Turkic, how can he sit still.

Yinan followed Qiao Shiwang's words and said: "Jieli is rampant, relying on the strength of his troops, he despises the Tang Dynasty and bullies the third prince, and the foreign ministers are also extremely angry. It's a pity that I, Xue Yantuo, have insufficient troops, otherwise the foreign ministers will surely go south. Seek justice for the third prince."

It is natural for Yi Nan to have future achievements. His acting skills alone are perfect. After hearing what Yi Nan said, Qiao Shiwang knew that Yi Nan was acting aggressively, but he still spoke without hesitation. Said: "Master Yi Nan, don't worry, the envoy came here today for the alliance between Datang and Xue Yantuo. With Jieli's prestige, welcome back the King of Shu!"

(End of this chapter)

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