bastard seizes tang

Chapter 58 Spring Hunting

Chapter 58 Spring Hunting
"Hunting Tianjiao outside the city of Juyan, the white grass is burning in the sky. When the clouds are empty, the horses are driven, and the autumn plains are good for hiding eagles. Protect the Qiang school and take the barriers, and break the generals to cross the Liao at night. Jade target horn bow Zhule Ma, the Han family will give Xue to prostitute Yao."

After Ashinayun left, Li Ke also went back to his big tent. When he sat down in the big tent, Ashinayun's words always appeared in his mind from time to time, and he thought of the song "Out of the Fortress". ", wrote it down.

Li Ke doesn't know what state of mind Wang Mojie was in when he wrote this poem 100 years later, but Li Ke's heart is quite depressed at this time.

The Turkic people are warlike by nature, and they have an innate desire for the fertile land and countless treasures in the south.

Not to mention other things, even Ashinayun was indoctrinated with such thoughts by Xieli at such a young age, let alone others?

Thinking about it carefully, what Li Ke said this morning was really impulsive. It’s okay if Ashinayun knew about it, but if it reached the ears of Xieli and the Turkic nobles who were fighting, Li Ke’s words Life will not be so easy.

"Kick, kick, kick" there was a sound of footsteps, and Wang Xuance's voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, my minister Wang Xuance seeks an audience." Wang Xuance said outside the tent door.

"Please come in." Li Ke heard Wang Xuance's voice outside the door.

Wang Xuance pushed open the tent door lightly, entered in response to the sound, and immediately said to Li Ke as soon as he entered the big tent: "Your Highness, Jieli ordered someone to come forward to deliver a message."


Li Ke just argued with Ashinayun just now, and then Jieli ordered someone to pass on the message. Li Ke only thought it had something to do with what he said in the morning. What's a girl doing fighting over those things?

"What does Xieli mean?" Li Ke asked calmly.

Wang Xuance replied: "Fang Cai Jieli ordered someone to send a message that a spring hunt will be held at the foot of the Jinshan Mountain in two days, and His Highness is invited to go with him."

Spring hunting?It turned out that it wasn't after the fall, Li Ke was relieved after hearing Wang Xuance's words.

Li Ke asked Wang Xuance, "I am not good at bowing horses, and I am hunting Turks in spring. Why did Xieli invite me?"

Although Li Ke can also ride a horse, he can barely ride steadily, which is fine for traveling, but if it is used for hunting, it is really not enough.

"It's nothing more than Liweier." Wang Xuance replied.

Li Ke listened to Wang Xuance's words, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Sir, do you mean that Xieli wants to take advantage of this spring hunt to establish his prestige?"

Wang Xuance said: "The grassland is different from the Guanzhong of the Tang Dynasty. There are not many animals in the early spring, and it is the time for all animals to rest and rest. Therefore, the early spring in the grassland is not a good time for hunting. Ke Jieli suddenly announced the spring hunting at this time. Apart from Liwei, there are other things. Why."

Since ancient times, hunting has been inseparable from martial arts. Jieli's spring hunting is not only to show his determination to show off his martial power, but also to show off the Turkic military power.

Li Ke went on to ask: "I don't know who do you think Xieli did this for? It must not be my king."

Wang Xuance thought for a while and replied, "I don't think so."

Li Ke asked, "What does Xieli mean?"

Wang Xuance replied: "It is true that Jieli intends to use the spring hunting to deter His Highness, but I am afraid that it is more to shock the tribes of the grassland. In recent years, the Tiele, Khitan and other tribes have not been stable. Turkic inside and outside, with Jieli in private There are not a few people who disobey Jieli."

Jieli's Khan inherited from his elder brother Luo, and there were many Turkic tribes who were dissatisfied with this, especially his nephews and foreign tribes, and some of them even secretly communicated with the Tang Dynasty. However, if the Turkic power was not still strong, I am afraid they would have turned out of the Turkic and defected to the Tang Dynasty.

Although Xieli is proud, Xieli knows these things. Xieli went south last year and won a big victory, which has already played a deterrent effect on all the grassland tribes.

At this time, if he took advantage of the situation to show his prestige to the Turkic tribes during the spring hunting and suppressed the ambitions of the Turkic tribes, Jieli would be able to avoid worries and concentrate on preparing to go south to deal with the Tang Dynasty.After all, as far as Xieli's ambition is concerned, the grassland alone is not enough to satisfy him. His real enemy is Li Ke's father, Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

And this is also the reason why Xieli held a spring hunt this time.

Hearing this, Li Ke laughed softly and said: "In this way, this spring hunting is the platform for Jieli and the other ministries of the grassland. This time, I have a good show to watch."

Wang Xuance said: "What your highness said is that Jieli has ambitions, and the grasslands are not good at it. This time, your highness only needs to watch the show from the sidelines."

Li Ke nodded and said: "Okay, I will follow Mr.'s words."

After Cen Wenwen finished talking to Li Ke, he saw that Li Ke's desk was covered with paper and pens. He thought that Li Ke was practicing calligraphy and felt that it was inappropriate to disturb him, so he wanted to leave, but after a simple glance, Wang Xuance But I was shocked by the poems on the paper.

The whole poem is open and closed, and there is no mention of the word "kill" between the lines, but it is full of solemnity, which made Wang Xuance feel amazed.

Although what Wang Xuance has learned is vertical and horizontal, he is also well-read and talented. He has never seen this poem before. Could it be Li Ke's new work?
Wang Xuance thought this way at first, but then felt that it was impossible. Although Li Ke was smart, but with Li Ke's age, experience and writing style, he would never be able to write such a poem.

Wang Xuance looked at the poem and asked, "But I don't know who wrote it, it's so wonderful."

Li Ke was taken aback for a moment when he heard Wang Xuance's words, but he didn't know how to answer.

It was still the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, and the masters of poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu had not yet been born, and Bai Juyi and Liu Yuxi were more than a hundred years ago. Wang Wei's masterpiece at this time would naturally make Wang Xuance dumbfounded.

However, the source of this poem made Li Ke difficult. At this time, even Wang Wei's grandfather had just been born, so where is Wang Wei?

But if he becomes a public copyist, it is unrealistic to say that this poem was written by himself, considering his age.

Li Ke turned his eyes and replied: "This poem was read by the king accidentally from the collection of Hongwen Museum, and it was written by a man named Mojie layman in the time of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty."

Most of the collections in the Hongwen Museum were inherited from the former Sui Dynasty, and they were vast. Moreover, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was chaos in the war, and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty killed them again.

Hearing Li Ke's words, Wang Xuance did not suspect him, and sighed softly: "This Layman Mojie is really amazing, but it's a pity that this person's reputation is not known to the world, if not, how could he be called 'Kongliangluoyanni' Xue Xuanqing specialized in the Sui Dynasty."

The Xue Xuanqing that Wang Xuance spoke of was Xue Daoheng, who was the most famous poet in the Sui Dynasty. Back then, Xue Daoheng was praised by the world for his line in "Xi Xi Yan", "A cobweb hangs in the dark, and swallow mud falls from an empty beam". , but it may not necessarily strengthen this song "Exiting the Frontier" by Layman Mojie, and there is a lot of resentment for not knowing the thorns.

(End of this chapter)

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