Lu Bu's Ambition

Chapter 27 Chen Gong

Chapter 27 Chen Gong
At noon, at the east gate of Luoyang, soldiers with bright armor are standing guard meticulously, and the people coming in and out are even more different, which shows the prosperity of Luoyang.

At this time, a majestic Xiliang warhorse came quickly, and the soldiers of the gate guard all looked condensed. When they saw that the man riding the horse was Cao Cao, a famous Xiangguo celebrity, the tension on their faces eased, but they still did not hesitate. Stand up and hold out your hand.

A horse neighed, and I saw Cao Cao pretending to be happy, and kept stroking the horse under his crotch, while the soldiers guarding the gate said with a smile: "Master Cao, what are you doing? The Bingzhou army who patrols the city will have to be reprimanded."

After saying this, the soldiers at the city gate all had smiles on their faces, while Cao Cao did not change his face, and waved his hands with joy on his face: "Isn't this a horse given by Mr. Xiangguo? Cao Cao wanted to go out of the city because of itching. Try horses haha~ It’s no wonder why they collided for a while~”

"Haha~ Mr. Cao is so lucky to be able to get a horse from Mr. Xiangguo himself, but you have to be careful in the city, because the soldiers under the command of General Lu are in the city to check and patrol."

Although the soldiers at the city gate laughed and said that they could be the leader, the guard still waved his hands contentedly, and ordered his soldiers to let him go. Cao Cao hurriedly cupped his hands in thanks, and walked towards the outside of the city in a leisurely manner.

"Lord Cao, be careful, the Xiliang Warhorse has a bad temper~haha~"

Listening to the teasing laughter behind his ears, Cao Cao looked back and waved his hands with joy, but the moment Cao Cao turned his head, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his pupils gleamed with a look of life after a catastrophe. Feeling grateful.

How could he dare to stay at this time, although he was desperate in his heart, he still controlled his stiff arms, took the rein and walked slowly out of the eyes of the soldiers at the city gate. The horse galloped up.

Just when Cao Cao was out of the city gate for half a stick of incense, there was a sound of hooves of Qingqi horses, and the guard of the city gate froze, and directly stretched out his hand to intercept: "What are you waiting for?"

The five fast horses stopped urgently, only to see the dignified faces of the Qingqi guards, and shouted angrily: "Xiangguo Ling! Can you see Cao Cao coming in and out?"

After instantly seeing the token in the palm of the cavalry in front of him, the guard guarding the city gate knelt down on one knee with a tense face, clasped his fists with both hands and said in a deep voice, "I am! Cao Cao has been out of the city gate for about half a stick of incense time!"

"Oops, Cao Cao has left Luoyang from the east gate, so hurry back and report to Lord Xiangguo!" After hearing the other party's words, the group of messengers immediately turned their horses' heads in a hurry and shouted loudly at the same time.

At this time, the city gate guard who had just got up heard his face instantly, and his face was filled with surprise. Could it be that Cao Cao committed a crime!
Before he had time to ask, the group of Qingqi in the Xiangguo Mansion had already disappeared from sight with a layer of smoke and dust. For a while, the guard at the city gate was sweating coldly. I'm afraid something bad happened to him.

In Xiangguo Mansion, after Dong Zhuo heard the report from his subordinates, he suddenly slapped the table with his big hand and shouted angrily: "You hateful little Cao Cao, you actually lied to our family like this!"

At this moment, Li Ru from below had already rushed to hear the news. When he heard the news that Cao Cao had left the city gate, his face was startled.

"Dong Gong, I'm going to chase after that Cao Cao!" After saying that, he strode away, and at the same time, he could hear Lu Bu's angry shout from a distance, ordering his soldiers to prepare for the pursuit.

But Li Ru broke out in a cold sweat at this time, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in horror: "My lord, please hurry up and tell all the counties and counties that Cao Cao is wanted."

Dong Zhuo overturned the table case again and again angrily, roaring to the sky with anger on his face, and the servants in Xiangguo's mansion fell to their knees and trembled in fright.

In a short while, soldiers began to enter the leisurely and bustling Luoyang city, and a dignified atmosphere gathered. When the news that Cao Cao failed to assassinate Dong Zhuo and escaped in the daytime, the lively Luoyang became depressed for a while, and he was afraid of being attacked. This is a disaster.

Lu Bu even led three hundred light cavalry to gallop on the road, frantically chasing Cao Cao's whereabouts. For a while, Luoyang City was even more turbulent.

Those courtiers loyal to the Han Dynasty beat their chests at home and sighed that Dong Zhuo was destined to die, and Wang Yun stomped his feet angrily when he heard about it in the mansion, hating Cao Cao for his failure.

At this time, Cao Cao, who was rushing all the way, was even more like a frightened bird, who dared to stop for a moment, driving the newly acquired Xiliang war horse, and walked all kinds of trails, dare not go on the road at all.

After chasing until nighttime, Lu Bu found nothing. The solemn Lu Bu was glad that Cao Cao had to escape. Without Cao Cao, the world would become simple and blurred.

Because Cao Cao's escape from Luoyang is the history he knows. Once Cao Cao is arrested, there will definitely be people in the Central Plains who will raise their troops. After all, at this time, the family of the big man has already had people who have gone wrong, and Cao Cao is just a pioneer. That's all.

Qingqi kept rushing out from Luoyang, as far as Hulao Pass, and as close as counties and counties in various places, even countless Qingqi went there to send orders for sea arrest.

For three days in a row, Lv Bu's three hundred light cavalry pursued him day and night, and he had no choice but to take a short rest in the county recently.

And in the past three days, the arrest warrants in Luoyang City have already been issued to the prefectures and counties around Luoyang, and the streets and alleys are full of heroic deeds of Cao Cao's assassination.

Under the dissemination of verbal criticism by the literati of the family, Dong Zhuo has long become a powerful minister who is famous in the world for his crimes and crimes, but Cao Cao has become a lonely hero like Jing Ke in history.

As night fell, a house that looked like a humble house occupied a spacious area, and the house with many houses was brightly lit at this time, but there was a strong smell of blood.

"I was wrong in waiting! I was wrong!" The desolate voice of regret echoed in the night, and I saw a middle-aged elegant man wearing a scholar's uniform and holding a sword, screaming with sadness and remorse.

And the man in black beside him was the felon Cao Cao who was wanted everywhere. He was holding a bloody long sword, looking at the dead bodies around him in shock, and staring at the bundled livestock in front of him with shrunken pupils in shock.

Wrong ~ I was wrong!
Cao Cao, who was muttering to himself, couldn't accept what he had just done for a while, and the refined scholar beside him stared at him with remorse.

But suddenly Cao Cao's pupils flashed a look of painful struggle, and his face changed suddenly. He buried the infinite remorse in his heart deeply, and said in a deep voice: "Gongtai, now that a big mistake has been made, we should wait first." let's go."

At this time, although Chen Gong looked remorseful, he closed his eyes in pain as he looked at Cao Cao. These two big mistakes were all caused by the two of them.

Even he was alarmed by the rattling sound of sharpening the knife just now, and he felt murderous in his heart, but he didn't expect that people would slaughter livestock to entertain them.

The matter has come to this point, and he also took part in the mistakes. If he had a little more calm in his heart, it would not have caused what happened today.

Hey~ No matter how much regret there is in his heart, it will not help. Cao Cao at the side even persuaded him by calling all the heroes of the world to attack Dong Zhuo. Chen Gong, in desperation, could only sigh with regret, and escaped with Cao Cao in the middle of the night. This place of regret.

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(End of this chapter)

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