Da Ming started to ascend the throne

Chapter 68 Wu Youke's Shock

Chapter 68 Wu Youke's Shock
Wu Youxing (1582-1652) had a good character.

Born in Dongshan, Wu County, Jiangsu Province, he was an epidemiologist in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

He deduced the source of the disease, devoted himself to research, and wrote a new book "On the Plague" based on his experience.

Created a precedent for the study of infectious diseases in China.

Based on his life-long experience and experience in treating epidemics, he boldly put forward the theory that "fever qi" causes diseases.

It is a great pioneering work in the history of world medical epidemiology.

The febrile epidemic was prevalent in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang and other places, and there were many patients, and it even spread to the whole country.

Because doctors used the general method of treating exogenous diseases at that time.

Either treat it with the method for treating typhoid fever, or misuse the agent of severe attack and expelling pathogenic factors.

It is often ineffective, and even leads to protracted disease, and further develops to a critical stage, resulting in countless deaths.

In view of the above situation, Wu Youxing devoted himself to research, carefully summarized, and put forward a set of new understandings.

It is emphasized that this disease is a febrile epidemic, neither wind nor cold, neither heat nor dampness, nor the invasion of the six evils.

It is caused by a strange aura that exists between heaven and earth, which is completely different from typhoid fever.

There are differences in etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment, making it separate from typhoid fever.

The plague diseases listed by Wu Youke in the book include Fay, Datou, Shrimp Membrane, Melon Flesh, Pimple, and acute infectious diseases such as malaria and dysentery.

He clearly pointed out that these diseases are not caused by the evil of the six evils, but by the unhealthy qi of the four seasons.

Its symptoms are similar to those of typhoid fever, but the reality is very different. Ancient books have never been separated.

Among them, the famous prescriptions include Dayuanyin, Sanxiaoyin, etc., which show people the method of dispersing benefits and eliminating them.

In terms of treatment, he put forward a whole set of theories of expelling evil and reaching the original, and the clinical treatment has received very good results.

Founded the plague theory, 200 years ahead of the Western world.

Formed a relatively systematic program of syndrome differentiation and treatment of febrile diseases.

A series of new academic insights were put forward, which enriched the content of febrile disease in Chinese medicine.

His way of evil invasion has certain enlightenment to Ye Tianshi's warm theory.

His academic thinking made the theory of epidemic diseases an independent system, and made great contributions to the motherland's medicine.

You can think about it, in the late Ming Dynasty, Wu Youke's plague treatment level was 200 years ahead of the world.

But now, in the 21st century, those Westerners still doubt our traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine.

All these reasons are due to those weak East captives.

It was the unified dynasty they established that made China glorious for 5000 years, from leading the world for hundreds of years to lagging behind the West for many years.

He made us Huaxia people bow their heads, but it has not been fully raised yet.

In the entire history of China, because of the collapse of the dynasty, the only emperor who ran away to be a traitor to foreign enemies was the last emperor who was captured in the East.

Looking at the two famous figures in front of him, in order to show respect for them, Zhu Youjian hurriedly got up and helped each other.

"Please hurry up, both of you, this is not the Golden Palace, so there is no need to be polite, just watch!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the grassroots don't dare to sit with you, just stand."

Seeing the emperor personally supporting them, the two got up quickly in fright, and stood there trembling, not daring to sit down.

It is said that the emperor's authority is strict, and accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. If not, not only the head will be moved, but the whole family will be punished.

Seeing the fear and sincerity of the two people, Zhu Youjian couldn't help frowning:
"I'm not a tiger, what are you afraid of? Sit aside, this is my will."

"The grass people kowtow to thank the emperor,"

This time Yan Yingyuan and Wu Youke dared to sit down, but only half of their buttocks were sitting on solid chairs.

Seeing the two sitting down, Zhu Youjian began to ask:
"The two have lived in Jiangnan for a long time. How is the situation in Jiangnan now? Is there an outbreak? How is the life of the people?"

"Wu Youke often travels among the people, and has a better understanding of the situation among the people. If you tell me your opinion, I will listen to the truth."

Wu Youke hurriedly cupped his fists, and just about to get up to answer, Zhu Youjian waved his hand, telling him to sit down and answer.

As a folk miracle doctor, Wu Youke felt extremely proud and proud to be summoned by the emperor.

Since the emperor wants to understand the situation in Jiangnan, he is absolutely seeking truth from facts.

Tell the present day everything you know and see.

"Reporting to the emperor, the outbreak in the south of the Yangtze River is generally controllable, and the lives of the people are much better than those in the north.
But compared with those wealthy businessmen, there is a huge difference, because no one died of starvation.

Many common people's fertile fields have been occupied by wealthy businessmen and officials, and their quality of life can only be described as passable.

From the moment they crossed the Yangtze River, the grass-roots saw that almost all the people in the north were living in misery.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters caused many fertile fields to be abandoned, and refugees fled everywhere.

Officers, soldiers and bandits also have a great impact on the people, and they will not care about the life and death of the people.

Infectious diseases are rampant, and local officials and doctors are helpless.

They all treated the infectious disease as a cold, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

Because there is no awareness of prevention, it makes the disease start to abuse.

After the capital, the situation of the capital made the grass people very gratified and shocked.

The patient has been quarantined, thus blocking the spread of the disease.

Caomin would like to ask the Pope, who proposed the illness and isolation of the capital.

Caomin wanted to discuss and ask him for advice. This person's understanding and prevention of this disease was completely beyond Caomin's imagination.

It can also be said that his understanding of the disease is far beyond our time. "

What Wu Youke said made Yan Yingyuan turn pale with shock.

Yan Yingyuan didn't know anything about illnesses and the like, and he didn't understand at all.

However, Wu Youke actually told the emperor all the official and folk affairs.

How can he, a mediocre commoner, comment on the matter of officials of the Ming Dynasty taking bribes and breaking the law in front of the emperor?
This made the emperor feel ashamed, or his family would be ransacked and exterminated.

However, to Yan Yingyuan's surprise, the emperor did not blame Wu Youke, nor did he lose his temper, but his face was a little gloomy.

As a time traveler, Zhu Youjian still has some understanding of the history of the late Ming Dynasty.

It's just that he wants to know how different the reality of the late Ming Dynasty is from the history.

Wu Youke's frankness made Zhu Youjian very pleased, and he decided to trust and reuse Wu Youke.

Zhu Youjian:

"You want to know who formulated the epidemic prevention and control in the capital, right? Then I will tell you that it was personally directed and formulated by me.

This is not an ordinary infectious disease, but a plague that can be passed from person to person.

Due to the lack of medical treatment and insufficient food, the resistance and immunity are weakened, and the death rate is high.

To be precise, it is the plague, which is the plague transmitted by rats.

Because of hunger, people started to eat mice when they saw them.

Mice themselves have antibodies to this virus, they will not attack, but they will start to attack when they reach humans.

Due to the large number of deaths of infected people, the corpses were not processed or not processed in time.

Cause a large amount of mosquitoes to appear, have mosquito bite to spread human again.

Among the plague-infected people, the vast majority of infected people are transmitted in this way.

The onset time of plague is about six days. As long as there is no problem in six days, the person is healthy.

Therefore, I issued a decree to establish a quarantine area, strictly prohibiting patients from moving freely to spread the epidemic. "

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Wu Youke was stunned with wide-eyed eyes and didn't respond for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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