Da Ming started to ascend the throne

Chapter 49 Prevention and Control of Plague

Chapter 49 Prevention and Control of Plague
Li Banghua thought he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to say a word, because if he said too much, he would make more mistakes.

Zhu Youjian glanced over the faces of the officials one by one, and felt that they really didn't understand very well.

Ancient people did not experience many plagues like modern people.

Besides, they have just been promoted, and they cannot be blamed for Wei Zaode's dereliction of duty.

"My dear friends, it's not that I blame you, there is indeed a large outbreak of plague in the capital.

This is a plague that came from rats. Humans are not immune to it. The virus can be transmitted from person to person, and the people are seriously infected.

The three major battalions have long since lost the ability to fight, and there is a serious shortage of soldiers. Now there are only more than 500 sick soldiers, and those who can move have fled.

Not only were they seriously short of troops, but their management was also chaotic, and their arsenal of firearms was also severely damaged.

Not only did this group of rebels not report to the imperial court, they actually dared to spend so many years on empty pay. They are definitely the moths of my Daming, who were devastated by them. "

"Now I have something for you to do, you must do it strictly according to my will, and you must not be careless, do you hear clearly?"

Li Banghua, Qi Jiguang and other important officials were all shocked by Zhu Youjian's words.

They all heard that someone got sick, but they didn't know that the disease would be transmitted from person to person. It was too scary, so they hurriedly bowed and replied:

"Your Majesty is wise, and the ministers must strictly follow His Majesty's will. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Zhu Youjian nodded and began to preach:
"Sun Chuanting listened to the order."

Sun Chuanting stepped forward:
"the end will be"

Zhu Youjian said with a serious face:
"You lead all the new troops, take all the imperial doctors of the imperial hospital, and immediately plan several resettlement areas, first carry out disinfection treatment, and then gather all the plague-infected people in the capital there.

Remember, after the patients are placed in a unified manner, no one from outside is allowed to approach them, nor are the patients allowed to leave the fixed area. "

"According to the purpose"

After receiving the decree, Sun Chuanting left quickly.

Zhu Youjian called Sun Chengzong again:

"Sun Chengzong listened to the order"

"I am here"

Sun Chengzong hurried forward to receive the order.

Looking at the pale-haired Daming Loyal Soul in front of him, Zhu Youjian was a little moved. If he hadn't been summoned, he would never have been allowed to do such a dangerous thing.

"I order you to lead the Shenji Battalion to assist Sun Chuanting and send those infected people to the safe isolation area.

Whether it is a prince or a minister or an honorable person in the court, once he gets sick, he will be treated uniformly, and those who disobey will be beheaded.

"The old minister leads the order."

Without any hesitation or stay, Sun Chengzong led the order to leave the Hall of Supreme Harmony immediately.

After the second grandson left, Zhu Youjian's gaze stayed on Qi Jiguang's face, and Qi Jiguang hurriedly bowed to salute:

"Your Majesty, is it the turn of the humble minister? Please make an order."

Zhu Youjian smiled slightly:
"Of course, Ai Qing doesn't have to go there in person, I still have important arrangements.

You order the lieutenant general to lead [-] Qi's troops to dig a hole at the foot of the mountain outside the city, burn and bury all the dead patients, remember all of them. "

"Abiding by the order, I will live up to your majesty's entrustment."

After Sun Chengzong, Sun Chuanting and Qi Jiguang took the decree and left, Li Banghua and others all came forward to ask for the decree.

As the new cabinet of Ming Dynasty, how could he stand by and watch when Ming was in danger.

"Your Majesty, our old bones haven't fallen apart yet. Please give me an order. I will go through fire and water for Daming."

Zhu Youjian is very satisfied with these volunteers, but their health is not good and they are easy to be infected.

Originally, Zhu Youjian had planned to open a warehouse to release grain to help the people, but seeing such a serious epidemic, he temporarily canceled the grain release.

If a warehouse is opened to release grain, it will inevitably cause crowds to gather, which will give the spread of the plague and create opportunities for super-spreading.

Only by isolating the patients can we open a warehouse to release food, but we must be very cautious, so Zhu Youjian smiled slightly:

"My dear friends, I know that you are the backbone of our Ming Dynasty, but you are not suitable to go to the front line to fight the epidemic.

After Sun Chuanting and the others isolated the patients, you immediately opened warehouses to release food to help the people. There must be no more people starving to death.

The Ministry of Household Statistics counted the household registration and population of the capital as soon as possible, and the cabinet ministries temporarily assisted the Ministry of Households to count idle and redundant farmland and shops, and reported it to the court as soon as possible. "

"The emperor is sage, and the humble minister leads the decree."

It is a big deal for the capital to open warehouses to release grain. At least these few people have not experienced it. What they have experienced is to increase taxes and raise grain and wages.

As for whether there is food for the grain and grass, they don't have to worry about it. The grain that Zhu Youjian looted from those corrupt officials is enough for the people of the capital to eat for a year.

This is not counting the grain stored in the treasury itself. As the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the grain depot will never be short of grain. It is only for self-protection that the imperial court dare not release grain to the people.

It is not difficult to find a resettlement isolation area. Now there are few people and few places, and there are many vacant houses.

Soon Sun Chuanting was on the outskirts of the city, delineating a large area as a quarantine area.

After delineating the area, the first thing to do is to disinfect this area. This is not a big problem for Sun Chuanting's more than 1 new troops.

At that time, there were no good disinfectants. According to Zhu Youjian's instructions, the two military gods of the Ming Dynasty used quicklime water for disinfection.

For this disinfection, almost half of the capital's army was mobilized. Not only did the isolation area have to be disinfected, but the entire capital was almost covered with lime water, and the smell of lime was everywhere.

After the disinfection was completed, the Shenji Camp began to bring those refugees and local patients from the capital to the isolation area.

Of course, the ministers of the DPRK and China and the suspected patients among wealthy businessmen are no exception. When Shenjiying took people, they met with fierce opposition.

But the objection is invalid. The emperor has a will. If you don't obey the quarantine decision and execute the law on the spot, you must not sabotage the capital's fight against the epidemic because of your own selfishness.

In this operation of Shenji Camp, nearly two thousand patients who refused to obey the quarantine were beheaded successively. Later, these incomparable figures finally lowered their high heads.

The effective isolation time of the plague is not long, basically six to seven days can be determined, and if there is no problem, it will be put back.

In about a day, almost all the confirmed and suspected patients were locked up in the isolation area, and there were a lot of fewer people on the streets of the capital.

Early the next morning, notices were posted everywhere on the streets of the capital, and many people came out of their homes to watch.

The general content of the notice is as follows:
"The bandits besieged the city in chaos, the emperor was mighty, and personally led the heavenly army to wipe out the bandits. Now that the plague is breaking out in the capital, all the people in the city must cooperate with the imperial court to fight against the plague.

The son of heaven is holy, loves the people like a son, in order to solve the food and clothing of the people, he opened the treasury and opened the warehouse to release grain at noon today.

This food release is only aimed at hungry refugees and ordinary people who cannot fill their stomachs. Rich merchants, honorable ministers, and those who have land and have no shortage of food are prohibited.

If it is found that someone has falsely claimed it, no matter who it is, the imperial court will take back the property as the most punishment. I hope everyone will cooperate consciously.

Special announcement
The announcement was made by Li Banghua and others to open warehouses and release grain to help the people. After research and discussion, it was reported to the emperor, and the emperor personally approved it.

The vast majority of the people are illiterate. Although they can't read, everyone gathers around the announcement and does not leave.

Zhu Youjian had considered this a long time ago, and specially ordered Jin Yiwei to explain it to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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