It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 323 Chapter 322 Force is the Foundation

Chapter 323 Chapter 320 Chapter [-] Force is the Foundation
Su Xi carefully recalled her impression of the Spring and Autumn Environment, and summed it up in one sentence, the Spring and Autumn Environment is a virtuous circle.

In that era, the upper class remembered how they rose and knew where they came from.

And the strict etiquette system caused by the shortage of food and supplies also promoted everyone's recognition of the rules.

Thinking of this, Su Xi suddenly said:

"Big sage, the strict etiquette in the Spring and Autumn Period should be caused by the lack of food and supplies."

"Sufficient storage, but knowledge of etiquette is also based on this point."

When Su Xi said this, everyone was stunned.

There seems to be something wrong with the etiquette caused by the shortage of food and supplies.


The Son of Heaven eats Tailao, cattle, sheep, and pigs. The princes eat cattle, the princes eat sheep, the officials eat pigs, the officials eat fish, and the common people eat vegetables.

Confucius wrote in Qi Guoji "Shao" that he didn't know the taste of meat in March.

Mencius also wrote that people at seventy can eat meat, and later expressed that if the people can eat meat every meal, the world will enter a prosperous and prosperous age.

Sufficient storage and good etiquette also come from here.

And as we all know, the Zhou Dynasty was extremely disgusted with the desire for food and drink, and then planned the types of food eaten by each class in a complete manner.

Everyone knows these rules. Now that Su Xi said that there was a shortage of food and supplies, everyone suddenly felt that the high-level etiquette system seemed to be a bit cheap.


Confucius was choked, and then smiled wryly.

One-handed chariot—

"Although what you said is ugly, it is true. There is not enough food and supplies."

"The so-called Tailao is actually a stew of beef, mutton and pork."

Confucius said the corners of his eyes twitched.

This is the most helpless place for him.

Do you think that the nobles in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods lived that kind of indulgent life?

Do you think this is the era when the rich wine and meat stinky roads have frozen bones?

Do you think those nobles are singing and singing every night, playing different tricks every day?
Go to him.

The reason why the etiquette and law here are made so high and so strict is because of one root cause: poverty.

You can only eat one meal when the emperor sacrifices, and you will know how poor you are.

And the reason for this is because of his example.

It may be an exaggeration to say in the history books that King Zhou’s wine pool and meat forest are too exaggerated, but in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, if the king blindly enjoyed it, such as eating too much meat and drinking too much, it would cause dissatisfaction among the people.

People don't eat meat once in a lifetime, they don't know the taste of meat, and they dare not eat meat. This will really happen in this era.

Meat eaters are despicable, and you can know it by directly referring to the nobles.

This is the most realistic thing.

As a great thinker in the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, aristocrats, upper-class interests, and countless wise men, knew these fundamentals best.


One-handed chariot—

"The more things you pay attention to, the poorer the country is. There is some truth to this saying."

"Prohibition of meat, unified distribution, and limited scope, does not show high status, it can only say that the country is poor."

"Food and clothing are always the places that best reflect national strength."

Confucius sighed.

If the upper class of a country sings and sings every night, but the country is still running smoothly, and people can see meat in their bowls, then the country is strong and prosperous.

If a country pays attention to that every day, and restricts the purchase of meat today and clothes tomorrow, then for the country, no matter how frugal it is, it is dangerous.


Fighter in the wine pool and meat forest—

"Tsk, that is to say, Ji Chang in history, faced with the lack of national power, he chose to restrict by division."

King Zhou smiled mockingly.

In his view, Ji Chang did not completely solve the predicament of the last years of the Shang Dynasty.


Confucius frowned and smiled helplessly.

One-handed chariot—

"There were many difficulties, and enfeoffment only solved part of the problem. In fact, there was still a part of the problem at that time, that is, the lack of national strength."

"The enfeoffment is destined to produce a group of nobles, and the bottom-level people, that is, the cornerstone, cannot reproduce quickly. In the words of later generations, the birth rate of fetuses is too low, and the death of both mothers and children is easy to occur. Large-scale reproduction of offspring is unrealistic. Sanitary conditions are too Difference."

"But the foundation stone is not enough, the upper class is prone to turmoil, and the basic national strength has to be solved."

"So the Zhou Dynasty adopted strict etiquette."

"Incorporate everything according to etiquette."

"Pay attention to everything, make the class obvious, let the nobles know that they are different, and satisfy the sense of psychological accomplishment."

"In this way, a lot of power is saved, and these powers are gradually dispersed and part of them is absorbed, and a false prosperous age appears,"

"And the advantage is that with the increase of the underlying foundation, the advantages of this system will become more obvious."

Confucius was an aristocrat in the Spring and Autumn Period, and he could get in touch with these.

Everyone else in the group understands how this works.

If Zhou Wen Wang Jichang directly ordered that you are not allowed to eat this or that, and you cannot use this or that, then there will definitely be problems.

But Ji Chang planned these into the etiquette and said that this is the unique treatment of nobles, do you think it is noble?

Then I will give you what you can enjoy in each class, and compare it, will you be happier.

Then divide it into when you can eat, how to eat, how much to eat in one meal, do you feel that you are more noble.

Pay attention to more things, so that others can experience the difference.

This restriction can save a lot of national power.

This is a very gentle, tactful, and weird operation.

King Zhou was dumbfounded when he saw it.

I didn't expect that etiquette had such an operation method.


Son of God—

"So, the etiquette laws mastered by the Zhou Dynasty are actually part of the criminal law."

"legislative power?"

"It's kind of like that."

Guangwu frowned.

Why does he feel that the etiquette and law of the Zhou Dynasty are a bit like the legislative power of later generations?


Fighter in the wine pool and meat forest—

"Rules and music govern the world."

"Then it's not a little bit."

King Zhou’s expression was gloomy. His operations were rough, while the operations of the Zhou Dynasty were all meticulous. Everyone was of a different type, and there was a big gap.

As far as the effect is concerned, he is finished anyway. Although Zhou Chao is not perfect, he is indeed alive.


"The history of the Zhou Dynasty is not easy to check, but theoretically speaking, the etiquette and laws of the Zhou Dynasty do have the taste of legislative power."

"That should be the scope of the system. The right to make legislation has always been in the hands of the Zhou royal family."

"Combined with the Zhou royal family's own force, it is indeed very strong."

"It's just the same sentence, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. After the Zhou royal family's military force collapsed, the legislative power was dispersed to the princes."

Su Xi lamented that Zhou Dynasty's operation is really quite good and very strong, but how to put it, the most fundamental thing is force.


Chapter 2

(End of this chapter)

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