Chapter 315 Chapter 310
Wu An Jun Baiqi—

"It's really worthy of being a person with the title of ancient sage."

"This thinking logic."

"I can't find anything wrong with it."

Bai Qi felt that as a god of killing, if he died, he would scare the other party, but he would never kill the other party until the bones were broken.

But when Bigan's sinicized education system for slaves came out, it was shocking.

Are you serious about this operation?

Not only Bai Qi alone, but also others.

The ancient sages operated one by one, which is really amazing.

This kind of education planning system can be called ruthless and effective.

It's puzzling.


True - self-made -

"It really fit the situation at the time."

Zhu Yuanzhang really admired Bigan's idea.

Did they do something wrong?

Can other people's methods work?

In theory, no problem.

At that time, the foreigners had no culture of their own, no beliefs of their own, and no racial consciousness of their own.

To put it bluntly, except for the Shang Dynasty where King Zhou lived, other Hu people can be called savages, and there are some tribes among them.

But tribes really have no racial consciousness.

This is a bunch of idiots.

The army of the Shang Dynasty went there, captured them and educated them on the spot.

Give the disobedient ones to the nobles, and the nobles will seriously teach them "etiquette".

In this way, they also learned the rules of China in a disguised form.

And as slaves to the nobles, the nobles can also "kindly" teach them to learn languages.

Language, characters, rules, etiquette, after learning these things, they were marked with fear of nobles.

In five or ten years, at most one or two generations, the problem of education and naturalization can be completed.

As for the original slaves, they can be promoted to ordinary people for more valuable development.

In this way, a cycle is formed, which is beneficial to everyone.

Simply perfect.

As for foreign slaves?

Who are they?

Are they not the legal property of our merchants?

In King Zhou's view, this was nothing more than exchanging spoils for the interests of a group of nobles.

it's OK.

Everything is worth it.

As for the original slaves who came out with blank eyes.

It doesn't matter, they will cultivate the land, reclaim the land, grow food for two years, and when they see their own property, they will naturally have gods.

There's nothing that owning your own independent property can't solve.

If there is, it means that there is not enough independent legal property.


I'm super cautious—

"This method seems to be copyable."

Huo Guang spoke suddenly.

"I just want to solve the matter of the private soldiers and private servants of the aristocratic family."

"Looking at it this way, it seems that we can learn from it."

Huo Guang thinks Big Brother Bigan is really powerful.

He can think of such a good way, but he is still too immature and needs to learn.


Even Shihuang felt very powerful about Bigan's proposal.

To be honest, he felt that this thing could really be implemented.

It is definitely not enough to produce high-end talents, but it is indeed a good method to speed up the integration of foreign races and fill the bottom population of the own race.


Prime Minister of Shu—

"It's good for creating low-level population."

"But what we lack now are high-end talents, and the top talents are too scarce."

"Beyond that, we have a shortage of professionals and intellectuals, a quality population and so on."

"If possible, blood inheritance is really good."

"Good parents are more likely to have good children."

Zhuge Liang sighed.

Regardless of whether future generations are willing to admit one thing, history has proved one thing, that is, the children born of outstanding elders are indeed easy to become talents under the subtle influence and guidance.

The children of Xibo Hou Jichang.

Wang Jian and his son.

Meng Tian father and son brother.

Zhou Bo and Zhou Yafu father and son.

Zhong Yao and Zhong Hui.

Xun Yu, Xun You.

Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang.

Several brothers of Sima Yi.

The so-called high-quality bloodlines still exist.

The future of high-quality bloodlines cannot be determined, but the starting point is indeed higher.

This group of people received the best education and resources. As long as they are not too useless, they can basically become good people.

What Zhuge Liang wants is this kind of person, a high-quality person.


I will not change history—

"Although good parents are more likely to give birth to good children."

"But to be honest, I think universal education is more realistic."

"If good parents are going to have kids, then who's going to do their jobs."

"Be realistic, popularize education, and accumulate qualitative changes through quantitative changes, which will be easier."

Li Shimin smiled lightly.

He thinks it is more reliable to accumulate qualitative changes through quantitative changes.


Empress Dowager Zhang—

"I think so too. It is more reliable to cast a wide net and catch a large number of fish."

"If you say that excellent children are born just because of excellent parents, the probability is too bad."

Mrs. Zhang thought for a while, but she didn't use the word well.

"Just like the Sima family."

"Isn't Sima Jun excellent?"

"Isn't Sima Fang a momentary talent?"

"Sima Yi is an existence whose name will last forever."

"Sima Zhao is also very intelligent."

"But since Sima Yan, what kind of ghost has the Sima family become?"

"In the long history, I am afraid that the emperor of the Sima family has the least idea of ​​what the emperor should do."

"A series of ghost operations is simply unbelievable."

"From Sima Jun to Sima Zhao, four generations of talents have accumulated, generations of high-ranking officials, and generations of wealthy families have passed on. It is a terrible thing to rely solely on talents to pass on."

"But so what, isn't it still a waste, throwing everything away, and making such a shameful thing like a king and a horse sharing the world?"

Mrs. Zhang said unceremoniously.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Zhu Zhanji, the four generations are all wise kings, each with their own abilities, but what is Zhu Qizhen in the early stage, and what is Zhu Qiyu's character.

Mrs. Zhang has long seen through the matter of high-quality blood.

Relying on the theory of blood, sooner or later you will get a moth.

Zhuge Liang shut up.

It was so miserable, the theory of bloodlines has too many dark histories.

Relying on bloodline theory, everyone definitely doesn't agree.


Most people in the group are at the point of approving and disapproving of the bloodline theory.

You say this thing is not good, but he really exists, Sima Fang gave birth to a son, Zhong Yao was still giving birth to a son at the age of 60, and then gave birth to Zhong Hui, who successfully continued the life of the Zhong family.

This one example after another is really clear.

But the Sima family is also a negative representative.


Qin Liangyu—

"Everyone, digressing."

"What I want to talk about is the basic technology construction system."

"I think it's too big, and it's too difficult to see the effect."

"Should we modify it?"

Qin Liangyu said weakly.

He felt that it was right to ask the bosses in the group for everything.


Chapter 2

(End of this chapter)

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