It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 275 Chapter 274 From the mockery of Confucius

Chapter 275 Chapter 270 The Four Comes from the Sarcasm of Confucius

One-handed chariot—

"Educational philosophy, educational beliefs, educational methods, educational methods, as well as educators' personal beliefs, personal ideas and personal methods, etc., all affect students."

"Different people, educated students are also different."

"There are people who choose to spread knowledge and then choose free-range."

"Some people choose the indoctrination method and pour all their ideas and beliefs into it."

"But one thing, that is quality education, and I don't think that should ever change."

"There is only one reason for the massacre of the literati in later generations. They are not strong enough to fight."

Confucius said with a domineering and cool look.

"Hard-core Confucianism, that is, the Confucianism I represent, has a reason to be passed on."

"Our requirements for physical fitness are very wild."

"Our painting styles are all cool."

Confucius most liked to spread his ideas.

"Take the burning of books, the murder of Confucian scholars, and the battle of Yashan."

"If those literati are strong enough, there is no need for the protection of the army. They can overthrow the sky by themselves."

"Burning books and burying scholars, if anyone dares to do this in front of me, I will definitely choose to beat him with a big mouth and crush him with a chariot."

Confucius expressed his attitude.

Confucius felt that Confucian students were too cowardly after his death.

You can't be that cowardly.

When it's time to do it, you have to do it, and the style of painting is tough.

We can be gentle when teaching, but we must be tough when it comes to the struggle for the survival of ideas and sects.


Shihuang was a little embarrassed. Although he was not a Confucian scholar, it was still a little embarrassing to be used as an example.

But he also knew that Confucius was just using this sentence as an example.


One-handed chariot—

"Hard core education hard core education."

"You have to know that although the students taught in this way are more irritable, for example, that guy Zhongzi is extremely irritable, and he will fight with others at every turn."

"But you have to know one thing, this kind of person has strong survivability and combat effectiveness."

"If you are not strong, you will definitely be beaten to death."

"If you explore the ideas of various sects and schools, you will find that they all have hard-core education."

Confucius sneered.

"The Mohist's non-aggression and love, non-aggression means not to take the initiative to attack, but you must have weapons, and you must be strong enough to let people talk to you and love you at a glance."

"Legislative sacrifice of one's life to the Dharma means not only sacrificing one's own body, but also the lives of others. Anyway, it's all about sacrificing the Dharma. It's all about establishing the majesty of the law. Isn't it good to sacrifice others?"

"The way of Taoism is natural. If you want to live a peaceful and stable life in troubled times, there is only one way, and that is to be of good quality.

The idea of ​​a small country with few people is in the case of resisting foreigners, you can understand that everyone in our country is particularly capable of fighting. "

"It's the same for other families. Anyway, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, if you expect each family to have no hard-core things in their thinking, you are probably dreaming."

Confucius felt that he should tell the people present about hard-core education.


I will not change history—

"But sage, you have to know that the times have changed, the environment has changed, and the teaching method and level still need to be changed."

Li Shimin was helpless.

"Besides, they are poor and rich in martial arts, how can ordinary people have the money to practice martial arts all year round."

"The money and energy required for that is really huge."

Li Shimin felt that practicing martial arts all year round was unrealistic.

Throughout the ages, there have been a few generals who came from ordinary families. Even those who came from ordinary families basically took the command line and seldom went to the battlefield.

It is really costly to fight the body.


True - self-made -

"Completing the six arts of a gentleman requires physical exertion, a lot of money, medicine, and nutrition."

"This kind of money can't be afforded by ordinary people."

Everyone is hanging out in the chat group, so Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knows what is needed to complete the six arts of a gentleman.

A savage body really needs a lot of nutrition.

To exercise, you have to eat a lot of meat, you have to eat high-calorie foods, and you have to exercise every day.

There are even opponents to accompany and practice.

In order to maintain the health of the body, it is necessary to be accompanied by a doctor.

In addition, the natural foundation has to be good.

In general, in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, the six arts of a gentleman are not something ordinary people can afford.


One-handed chariot—

"Are you really the emperor?"

"Why is this a problem?"

Confucius asked a question, which directly made everyone stunned on the spot.

Li Shimin's face changed drastically, as if he knew what Confucius was going to say.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Shihuang also looked bad for a moment.

Confucius, the next words....

One-handed chariot—

"You are the emperor, but you are the masters of the entire country. Shouldn't your mentality be that all parties are guilty, and I am the one to blame?"

"The common people can't play the six arts of a gentleman, shouldn't it be because you are not capable?"

"It's a bit too much to blame these things on the environment."

"Isn't the environment also caused by you?"

"Don't you want a group of outstanding talents who can kill the enemy when mounted and rule the country when dismounted?"

Sure enough, Confucius' words did not exceed their imagination.

But the words of Confucius also made them wake up.

They are all in charge of a country's regime. If they are all counseled, what will the country do?
Gritting your teeth, set a small goal to improve the country's people's livelihood to a level where the people can play the six arts of a gentleman.


One-handed chariot—

"In the early Han Dynasty, why did those literati love the Xiongnu? Why did those literati in the Song Dynasty love the Jin and Mongols?"

"Have you thought about it?"

Confucius raised a question again, and everyone in the group wondered, what advice do you have?
They feel that some of the ideas proposed by Confucius are still very constructive.

One-handed chariot—

"Because they can't kill the Xiongnu and Jinren with their own hands."

Confucius hit the nail on the head.

"If those literati can fight ten by one, they will definitely lead the army to do it themselves."

"Look at the scholars in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, why didn't they persuade them?"

"The reason is that they are one-on-one, and they can really kill people with their hands."

"Even some like me, dare to drive a chariot to kill a group of people, and crush them at will."

"Because I can fight, so I don't hesitate."

"Many people judge others by themselves. Because they can't do it themselves, they think that others can't do it either."

Confucius said mockingly.

After clearing the clouds and mist to see the bright moon, everyone in the chat group felt extremely complicated.

What Confucius said makes sense.

The vast majority of people judge others by themselves. They always have an idea that I can't do it, and neither can others.

That being the case, why do it?
However, this idea is wrong.


Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)

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