Chapter 263 Chapter 260
Su Xi followed a group of bigwigs and watched the live broadcast silently.

On the vast grassland, two armies are confronting each other, one is the army of the Han Dynasty led by Huang Fusong, and the other is an army composed of various Hu people.

At the beginning of the battle, Lu Bu led the master assault group and took the lead.

This group of people are all wearing double-layered armor, and the outer layer is a cool and dazzling shiny armor.

For example, Lu Bu wears a golden armor, Guan Yu wears a green robe armor, Zhang Fei wears black, and Zhao Yun and Chen Dao wear white.

The others are similar, all kinds of colors, like a motley crew.

The two armies collided, and everyone watched as Lu Bu swept the group with a halberd, Guan Yu struck a monster with a knife, Zhao Yun and Chen Dao were much simpler, and swept the front army with their spears.

The pig-like momentum prevailing among the prairie people sent off, and the former army was dented in one fell swoop, clearing out a field in an instant.

The scene was extremely shocking, allowing everyone to realize the strength of the master assault group.

A master assault group of 1000 people kills more than 300 opponents in an instant, just ask you if you are shocked.

Under the leadership of Lu Bu and others' expert assault group, the army quickly completed the penetration, and cut the Hu army into several pieces in a short period of time, and the battle situation was quite explosive.

The point is that this group of masters has never been stopped.

After the Hu people's army was cut into several pieces, Huangfusong commanded Ma Teng to lead the Xiliang iron cavalry to rush up to suppress it, Zhang Liao led the Bingzhou wolf cavalry to follow closely behind, and Gongsun Zan's white horse was loitering and attacking beside him.

Zhu Jun and Huangfusong took Danyang to sit in the center, while Ju Yi commanded Changshui and Shesheng to cover.

One set of command is smooth and smooth, and the cooperation of all ministries is perfect.

The command style of the Han Dynasty is generally the same. They have never pursued magic clothes, but they can use a bunch of blue clothes to play a combat effectiveness comparable to god clothes.

Q: Is this approach good or bad?
Answer: The advantage is that it can be replenished quickly.

I'll beat you to death with a blue outfit, and if you exchange one for one, whoever you say loses.

My blue equipment can be replenished easily, and the maintenance cost of your magic equipment is comparable to my blue equipment.
In general, the price/performance ratio is high.

Huangfusong was very satisfied, the generals under his command had a good sense of combat and cooperated quite well.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also enjoyed an artistic command.

Lu Bu and the others cut their front feet open, and Ma Teng led the men behind him, not seeking lethality, but just plugging the gap and preventing the Hu army from healing. When Lu Bu and the others cut it, they harvested the barbarians who wanted to escape from the periphery, and cut them piece by piece like a knife, and harvested from the periphery.

The archer army led by Ju Yi frantically covered, shooting sound bursts, and shooting at each other in long water, suppressing the Hu army to death.

Don't give the barbarian army any chance.

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help feeling that this kind of template for battle coordination is worth learning.

Combat is excellent.



"Perfect. The defensive power of the Xiliang iron cavalry can stop most opponents after wearing iron armor. The comprehensive development of the Bingzhou wolf cavalry can correct the links left and right. The speed of the white horse can chase the enemy."

"Coupled with the cover of the archers and the protection of the Tiger Army."

"Perfectly cooperate with the battle, this is the command method of the frontal battle of the large army."

Yue Fei said without hesitation.

Watching Sheshengying use armor-piercing arrows to kill and cover, I feel even more excellent.

The shot kill cover is really perfect.

An excellent archer can predict the frontal attack, point and kill the enemy facing the front, and assist the army to move forward, similar to a sniper.

However, this kind of combat requires the fighters in front to give their backs to their teammates wholeheartedly.


God's Whip—

"It's very similar to the Macedonian phalanx."

Attila couldn't help but said while watching the scene of the shooting sound, the long water shooting at each other, and the tiger slowly advancing.

When Attila fought Rome, he had seen the Macedonian phalanx.

In his words, this legion is more terrifying than any other legion.

The combination is impeccable.


On the battlefield at this time, Huben carried a sword and spear on his back, held a large shield in both hands, and walked forward slowly.

The Hu people's war horse finally broke through, and it would hit the tiger's big shield head-on.

The cavalry stopped by Huben was immediately shot and killed.

Everyone could clearly see that the arrows fired flatly grazed Huben's head.

The scene of focusing on defense and shooting made everyone feel a lot of emotion.


God's Whip—

"The Macedonian phalanx is known to be fearless. The spearmen hold spears and march forward in a uniform manner. The archers behind them shoot and kill in the gap. All cavalry and infantry will be restrained in the face of this kind of battle."

Every time Attila thought of that battle, he would feel chills in his heart.

Macedonia's fearless attack was truly on the ground, and what the cavalry charged into was a neat array of spears. The spears of one foot five and two feet three feet intertwined with each other, which could string the cavalry into candied haws.

Behind them are well-known European archers. They claim that each of them is a sharpshooter. As long as they are within sight and within range, their arrows can rub the heads of their teammates and kill the enemy with their shoulders. The angle is tricky and the power Huge, it will extremely test the tacit understanding and the anticipation ability of the archers.

Ju Yi took Huben, Shesheng, and Changshui to cover the rear and attacked the enemy.

The sound of fire and long water can even cover the cavalry.

After Ma Teng supported the opponent, Changshuiying washed the ground directly.

The rain of arrows washes the ground, and each person shoots ten arrows quickly in one minute. The Changshui Legion of 1 people shoots 5000 arrows in one minute, directly killing five or six thousand of the barbarian army, and clearing the field in an instant.

The sound of the arrow sticks to Ma Teng's face to kill the enemy, and the sound of the sound kills the enemies on the opposite side.

The situation is open.

Huang Fusong stood in the overall command of the army.

This kind of tacit cooperation, this kind of proper cover, made the army's combat effectiveness soar very quickly.


Zhuge Liang in the live broadcast room sighed. This is when he actually saw Huangfusong commanding the battle, using the most classic commanding method of the Han Dynasty.


I will not change history—

"Inheritance? It must be inheritance."

"The cooperation between the legions is impossible if they have not experienced inheritance."

Li Shimin couldn't help sighing that this is the inheritance of the empire, with hundreds of years of inheritance.

It is absolutely impossible for two strange legions to do this.

And the matter of handing over the back to a comrade-in-arms is easy to say, but difficult to do, especially difficult.


I am proficient in Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism—

"That's why the emperor who founded the country will inherit the army."

"This is probably the advantage of the Imperial Guard system."

Yao Guangxiao's eyes flickered infinitely.

Perfect, no matter from any point of view, the cooperation of the Legion has reached perfection.

If there is no inheritance and simply rely on killing on the battlefield, the two or three legions are fine, but the army below is everywhere, and they can still cooperate tacitly. It can only be said that at the moment when they became soldiers, Some people instilled in them the experience of cooperating with other armies, and even cooperated in combat.


Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)

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