It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 233 Chapter 232 Huo Guang: I just let my surname take advantage

Chapter 233 Chapter 230 Huo Guang, I'm Just Letting the People Take Advantage
Both Huo Guang and Sang Hongyang were ruthless, and so was the young Emperor Zhao.

What touches the interests of the family?
What destroys the industrial structure?
No, no, that's all about your family, what does it have to do with the three of us.

Sang Hongyang took the lead in starting a non-profitable industry, which only produced one thing, cotton.

Cotton is grown in large quantities.

It only needs to grow various cash crops throughout the year, and then it is for cotton processing.

The industry has been established, the land circle has been established, and the basic planting base has also been established.

So where do people come from?

The young Emperor Zhao had a special way. He sent a few old farmers who could farm the land, and then went to the streets of Chang'an City, as well as other cities, to arrest people.

Whoever has nothing to do and walks on the street and presses the road will be arrested and thrown into these industries for labor.

This is also the reason why the military ended. If the military does not end, no one dares to do so lightly.

Although Emperor Wu abolished the idle power of rangers, the lean camels were bigger than horses, so they still had some strength.

After a year of back and forth, the national strength of the Han Dynasty has increased a little.

Sang Hongyang looked at the cotton in that warehouse and asked people to start making cotton clothes.

One person in the factory makes a whole body, and then sells it.

Guaranteed capital is enough, the quantity is large and the price is low, and it is enough to take back the manpower.

The result is still a small profit.

Cotton clothes and quilts were no different from stealing money in the classical era.

Especially when only capital preservation is pursued.

After making a small profit, Sang Hongyang's head twitched, and he continued to engage in the upstream and downstream industrial chains.

After the idea was cleared up, Sang Hongyang found that this was much more promising than collecting noble taxes.

Especially after eating from upstream to downstream.

In addition, Sang Hongyang used the opportunity of factory workers to build dormitories to encourage those people to buy houses.

Our factory provides dormitories, and the house will be sold to you cheaply if you do it well. You only need to spend an extremely low price, and then you can get two houses and permanent residency.

As soon as the common people heard that working in a factory, they felt that they could buy the staff dormitory prepared for themselves and live there permanently.

You know, they need to pay rent when they live in the first place, how much is a lot, almost equivalent to a quarter of their salary.

After working for one year, they can buy it with two months' wages.

For a while, many people went out of the mountains to work, and everyone praised His Majesty for being a good emperor.

Then he said in private that the emperor was being taken advantage of, so hurry up and take advantage of it.

Sang Hongyang carefully explained to Emperor Zhao.

It is said that the cement used to build the staff dormitories and factories is our own, and the money to hire ordinary people to build is old and young, and the rent is almost a year. We have returned the cost of building factories, houses and cement. Their.

What Huo Guang told Emperor Zhao was even simpler.

It’s better for the people to treat us like idiots, and let them take advantage of it. The more they take advantage of, the more they will support us.

Think about it, do the people prefer a person who gives them benefits when they have nothing to do, or a person who imposes tyranny.

Emperor Zhao thought for a while and found that Huo Guang was right.

In the next period of time, Emperor Zhao watched as large villages were built around factories and the national industries purchased by Sang Hongyang.

Speaking of villages, when Huo Guang started to arrange leaders from factories and industrial parks to arrange village heads for them, they all agreed.

The more people gather, the better they rule.

For example, in some large villages and towns with thousands of people gathered in some industries dominated by steel forging plants, a group of people led by Shangguan Jie wanted to set up county magistrates for them.

This is so awesome.

For large villages and towns with thousands of people, it's time to set up a county magistrate.

Huo Guang slapped him away.

piss off.

There was also a joke in the middle, a ranger who had just been arrested was sent to work in a factory, and he didn't work hard every day, saying that the emperor's tyranny affected his original life, and if he wanted to rebel, he had to bring the people in the factory with him He rebelled, and was beaten up by the old farmers who worked together.

Well, this is a garment factory, and he's in charge of moving it here.

The old farmer was beating him and cursing, you rebelled?What a joke, I have worked for a year, saved enough money, and will soon be able to get a brand new three-room house, built of pure cement and bricks, with a fireplace. It would be nice for our family to live in it.

As for the money to buy a house, isn’t that just the national salary earned?
Earning from the country, is that called money?
The emperor who can take advantage of me is really a good emperor.

The old farmer is very good at fighting. It is said that he fought the Xiongnu with Wei Qing during Emperor Wu's time, and also fought Zhelanwei with Huo Qubing. Now that he is old, he has retired.

But in the words of an old farmer, am I proud?As far as I know, my former comrades-in-arms, as long as they can move, work in various factories.

Why?Taking advantage of the emperor.

It's just a little bit of effort, and it's not life-threatening, so why not take it.

When Emperor Zhao heard these words, he became silent, and asked Huo Guang quietly, if someone rebelled, would the villages next to the factories be able to pull out hundreds of qualified soldiers at any time.

Huo Guang was silent for a while, and said silently, Your Majesty, this is your illusion.

Emperor Zhao also fell silent, and asked again, did those factories have some controlled knives.

Huo Guang immediately denied it, isn't it normal for the farm to have some sickles and guillotines?Isn't it normal for everyone to take a knife and cut some rope?
We humans are so few, tigers and leopards often come out to make trouble, is it normal for us to prepare some bows, arrows and swords?
Although these weapons are very similar to those eliminated by the military, it does not mean that they are controlled knives. Do you understand the eliminated ones?

Emperor Zhao just wanted to say that he was too young, and he was far behind a shameless old hooligan like Huo Guang.

As for some leaders who see that the factories they are responsible for do not make money every year, they only keep their capital, leaving a warehouse of supplies, and have to take part of them to distribute benefits to the people, which hurts their brains.

If it weren't for Huo Guang and Sang Hongyang, the big fools in their eyes, who would always give average and upper evaluations during inspections, they would go crazy.

After the factory was built and the large villages and towns centered on the factory were built, Huo Guang and Sang Hongyang took advantage of the opportunity to set up a school. Yes, it was in the village. This was also a national welfare. The children of workers, soldiers and farmers in the village were given priority in admission.

This is yet another opportunity to take advantage of the country.

As for the sabotage, did you see the group of farmers and workers holding guillotines, retired knives used to kill tigers and leopards?

Some old people who worked in the steel factory took advantage of the opportunity to assemble a dozen small crossbows with steel tools in front of the bad guys who destroyed the school, and set them up on the school wall.

Emperor Zhao died laughing when he heard it.

Everyone also knew about Huo Guang and Sang Hongyang, two shameless people who joined forces.

One ring after another, it's really ruthless.

After a set, the hearts of the people are on their side.

I just let the people take advantage of it,


Chapter 2

(End of this chapter)

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