Chapter 228 Chapter 220
Gambling dog?

Military God is a gambling dog?
is it possible?

If it is impossible to change it to other people, but it is not possible to throw it on Caesar, but it is a fact.

The famous Julius Caesar joined the army because he owed too much money. The political support at the beginning was because everyone was afraid that he would not be able to pay back the money after he died. He won the first battle in his life because he did the opposite and paid attention to the welfare of soldiers. .

In the original ancient Rome, the status of soldiers was not high, and the reason why Caesar became the great emperor was that he was the first to resolve the glory and status of soldiers and improve the status of various administrative regions of Rome.

Of course, Caesar is also a relatively special person who first bribed people.

In order to defeat Pompey, in order to obtain the right not to stand for election, he really bribed the elders of the Senate.

is a cruel man.

And he also smashed through Egypt, and went on a two-month trip to the Nile with the famous Egyptian queen.

On the whole, this person is basically the same as Uncle Cao Cao in Huaxia.

It's all waves.


Su Xi recalled the experience of Caesar, with a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm a little more curious now, is it true that the commanders of the evil ways are more promiscuous?"

Su Xi rubbed her chin and said doubtfully.


Everyone in the group jumped in their hearts, thinking about what Cao Cao had done, they all became interested.


Prime Minister of Shu—

"This person probably has something in common with Cao Mengde."

Zhuge Liang's wit told him that if Su Xi said this, because he was also an evil wayist, there must be a problem.


"Caesar and Cleopatra had a two-month trip down the Nile."

"Emperor Caesar was born in a noble family, and served as a financial officer, administrative officer, judge, chief priest, etc."

"The reason why Julius Caesar expanded his territories everywhere, and conquered one country after another, was to collect a lot of taxes."

"Caesar bribed senators for elections."

Su Xi said strangely.

Shihuang and the others frowned fiercely.

Can this person really be called the Great Emperor?
Su Xi seemed to know what they were thinking, and nodded helplessly.

"He is really qualified to be called the Great Emperor. Regardless of his deeds, he created a lot of things, laid down a lot of territory, and brought the dilapidated Roman Republic to the right path."

"Although he is expanding the territory for money, in the process he has improved the welfare of the soldiers, expanded the territory of the country, and met part of the needs of the domestic nobles."

"Slay through Egypt, destroy an existence that almost became an empire, and solve a serious problem for Rome."

"Raising the status of all the administrative districts except Italy, making Rome more like a complete empire."

"Open citizenship to newly conquered areas, greatly increase the power of Rome, and reasonably increase the power of the country."

"Abolishing the old national policies, establishing a complete national law, and perfecting various systems have basically accomplished achievements similar to those of the first emperor."

"This man is a great emperor in Roman history."

"Of course, it's still not ruled out that he is a gambling dog. There is only one way to open up the source of income. Fight south and north and destroy the country."

Su Xi couldn't help it. The climate and land quality in Europe meant that many small countries would grow there. Killing those small countries would make them richer.


Everyone was silent for a while, this person is crazy.

National wealth has done a good job in open source.


"In fact, the best way for the country to open up resources in the classical military era is to destroy the country."

"At the end of the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, the relatively large countries in the world experienced a national crisis."

"Different countries have chosen different options."

"We are in civil strife, and His Majesty Guangwu has reorganized the country."

"Both the Roman and Parthian empires expanded outward."

"The terrain and climate in Europe and Central Asia are very good. There are many small countries there, and it is not difficult to fight."

"So the two of them chose to expand abroad to relieve domestic pressure."

"Land annexation can be alleviated by acquiring more land through foreign wars."

"The country's wealth is not enough. If a small country is destroyed and they are emptied, the treasury will have money."

"The rights are not divided enough, and if the land of a province is laid down, there will be a new set of local officials to arrange."

Su Xi's words greatly expanded their thinking.

At this moment, everyone is looking squarely at the European countries.

Those barbarians seem to use a very special method, but it works.

They also have a lot of advantages to absorb.

Under the idea of ​​unification, one of Huaxia's important advantages is to absorb the advantages of others.


Cao Cao was puzzled.

If it weren't for the fact that he and Caesar were not of the same race or country, he would have doubted whether he was the reincarnation of the other party.

Why is their compatibility so huge.

Loving Wife—

"I think the evil flow should have something to do with Lang."

"Of course it can also be said to be active thinking."

"Just like that Caesar, no serious person would lend money to the soldiers to distribute benefits, but he still borrowed money from the military officers to distribute the benefits to the soldiers."

"This man, Lang."

Cao Cao directly admitted.

"Just like me in history, if I don't make waves, will I lose Xuzhou?"

"If you don't make waves, will you write a poem like Tongquechun Locking Erqiao deeply?"

"At the end of the day, we are the ones who wave."

Cao Cao abruptly cut off the topic and preached evil ways and vagabonds.

The others frowned deeply. They wanted to learn more about the systems of the powerful Roman empire from Su Xi's perspective, and they didn't want to hear Cao Cao's words about wandering in evil ways.


Loving Wife—

"Of course, we have come back from the waves, but our own thinking is broad enough, and we can make many unexpected actions, and these actions can bring huge benefits to the country and ourselves."

"For example, I assassinated Dong Zhuo, and a feudal vassal from the Eighteenth Route came to challenge Dong. People who behaved like this would generally not be able to do it."

"It's also like Caesar thinking of repaying debts by expanding the territory. These are things that normal people can't do."

"Who would have thought of such an approach."

"In general, the evil way is still the right way, which is very beneficial to the country."

Cao Cao's last sentence exposed his wolf ambition.

You have been talking about it for a long time, just to prove that an evil way is the right way, are you poisonous?

We want to smack you.

Most importantly, what he said was well-founded.

Taking a deep breath, everyone forcibly suppressed the thought of wanting to beat Cao Cao violently.


Son of God—

"Cao Mengde, shut up for me, and now concentrate on listening to Su Xi look at the ancient empires outside from his perspective."

Guangwu gritted his teeth.

They now want to absorb the advantages of those ancient empires.

Each empire has its own advantages that can be used to learn.

Cao Cao shut up.


Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)

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