It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 191 Chapter 190 National strategy determines the combat effectiveness of the first generatio

Chapter 191 Chapter 190 National strategy determines the combat effectiveness of a generation

I am proficient in Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism—

"The emperor doesn't need to know everything and do everything, but at the very least, he needs to understand the normal state of the people, at least one or two skills, and at the very least, a sufficient level of strategy."

"Especially national level strategy."

Yao Guangxiao, who had been silent for a long time, said quietly.

"I studied the history of the past and present, and finally came to a conclusion."

"Many emperors have no strategic vision at all."

Yao Guangxiao couldn't help sneering.

"Only by analyzing the strategy at a large level can we get enough benefits."

"It's not the right way to get entangled in low-level tactics."

Yao Guangxiao expressed his thoughts.

The eyes of the others brightened. As expected of a group of big brothers, everyone had different opinions, but there were enough new ideas.


Prime Minister of Shu—

"Tell me and listen, I want to know."

"How do you understand your national strategy?"

Zhuge Liang likes the term national strategy very much.


Seeing that he had attracted the attention of the audience, Yao Guangxiao took a deep breath and continued.

I am proficient in Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism—

"I think the national strategy is above everything else. For example, in the early years of the Han Dynasty, the national strategy was to restore people's livelihood, and everything was based on this."

Huo Guang and the others looked surprised, this monk has something.

"Emperor Wenjing and Emperor Wenjing have not been in power for a short time. During this period of time, the national strategy set by the two is to restore people's livelihood and accumulate strength."

"For this reason, folk rangers, merchants, and low-level nobles all began to rise. The nobles have a lot of wealth in their hands, and the lives of the common people are gradually serving."

"And under the premise of the national strategy of restoring people's livelihood, everything gave way, including foreign wars, so that the rise of the Han Dynasty at that time was a group of famous generals who were good at defense, mainly Li Guang."

"Facing the Xiongnu is a defensive strategy and pro-business, etc., and will not choose to fight toughly out of the city."

Everyone's eyes brightened, it was interesting.

"The result is that the population and national power of the Han Dynasty increased significantly, and enough wealth was accumulated to support Emperor Wu to fight the early war."

"The disadvantage is that domestic sentiment towards war is getting lower and lower, and the status of military commanders is faintly declining."

"And after Emperor Wu came to the throne, the national strategy changed, from restoring people's livelihood to revenge and cleansing shame."

"With the support of this country's strategy, everyone started frantically preparing for the war."

"The main performance is that the main combat generals headed by Wei Qinghuo Qubing entered the field, and Li Guang and others gradually retreated and their status was not high."

"The national thought adopted by Emperor Wu has also become the great revenge thought of the Confucian Gongyang school."

"The country's combat effectiveness has soared. For the sake of national strategy, Sang Hongyang's policy of taxing the rich has also been adopted."

"And this is the issue of national strategy, the main battle and the main peace."

"This is also a choice the emperor needs to make."

"In my eyes, the most important responsibility of the emperor is to choose the right strategy for the country."

"When Emperor Wu came to the Three Kingdoms, the country's strategy was to fight against the Xiongnu and attack the grasslands."

Clap, clap, everyone couldn't help applauding Yao Guangxiao, it was a wonderful recognition.

The national strategy determines the direction of the country as a whole.

This argument is a good one.

"So, in general, Wen Jing's restoration of people's livelihood allowed the Han Dynasty's economy to recover, and Emperor Wu's revenge greatly increased the country's combat effectiveness."

"Both got the results they wanted."

"And many emperors choose political struggle. In this way, a country without the support of a national strategy is like a confused beast. He has no fixed strategy. The emperor can only maintain the national policy in a daze and continue the previous generation. At this time There will be a lot of political incidents, and the country will enter internal friction."

"This era of internal friction without the support of national strategies is simply terrifying. Of course, before most countries entered this era, there was an era of invincibility."

"The specific reference is known in the early Jin Dynasty."

Yao Guangxiao's explanation made everyone's eyes sparkle.

That's right, think about it carefully.


I'm super cautious—

"So, in your eyes, national strategy is more like finding a life and death enemy for the country."

"It's a way to build momentum in the country."

"Prevent the country from entering the so-called era of invincibility, and then enter internal friction until the country perishes."

Huo Guang frowned while talking, and at the same time, the light in his eyes became more and more intense.

Fantastic idea, but extremely correct.


Prime Minister of Shu—

"Just like the national strategy of restoring people's livelihood in the early Han Dynasty, the enemy of life and death is poverty, and the country is poor."

"Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's revenge, the enemy of life and death is the Xiongnu."

"So they broke out enough fighting power, because the goal is clear, for this goal, they can give up everything, and at the same time, their own ability to resist pressure will also soar wildly."

Zhuge Liang is in a good mood and understands a little bit.

"Just like Cao Cao back then, the strategy of the entire force from the very beginning was to unify the world, whether it is weak or strong, it remains the same."

"And Sun Wu has been a separatist party from the very beginning, and there is no idea and strategy to dominate the world from top to bottom."

"In this way, the combat effectiveness displayed is naturally a problem."

Zhuge Liang sighed and understood.


I will not change history—

"So the national strategy is really important, especially after going on the fast track."

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth revealed a sarcasm.

Their Li family was originally a strategy to unify the world.


The ancestor of China—

"The unification of the Qin Dynasty was based on the unification of the world from the beginning, and the strategy of the entire country for hundreds of years has been this one."

"For this strategy, we can absorb people from Yiqu, we can bestow the throne to Lord Shang, and we can let Lord Wu'an slaughter the world."

"For the sake of this strategy, we can pamper the Xiangli family of Zhichangzi, and we can accommodate all kinds of foreign talents."

"And then we unified the world."



"What a national strategic theory."

"Very nice monk."

"Speak to my heart."

Wu Meiniang was in a happy mood.

If you don't have enough ambition and strategic goals, how can you break out your fighting power.


True - self-made -

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being a member of my Ming Dynasty. This kind of vision makes us happy."

"National strategy, good word."

"That's a good word."

"Like Hu Weiyong, Li Shanchang, Xu Da, and Liu Bowen, the strategy we set at the beginning was to unify the world and reshape the Han people."

"For this goal, we will work together and let go of our prejudices. We will fight against the corrupt scholars together, and we will march north together to tide over the difficulties."

"And what underpinned it all was the original strategy."

"Yao Guangxiao, you are very good."

"The national strategy you proposed is a good reflection of our thinking."

Zhu Yuanzhang and others were really happy.

This kind of vocabulary expresses everything in one word, and also explains the reasons for the decline of some eras.

In a word, national strategy determines combat effectiveness.


Chapter 4

 Please recommend tickets, etc., the author is begging coquettishly.


(End of this chapter)

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