It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 117 The Real Cause of Sang Hongyang's Death

Chapter 117 The Real Cause of Sang Hongyang's Death
The first emperor was curious. He had known Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and knew that he was a man of great talent and strategy. Therefore, he was curious about how the economic policies of a person who was reserved by him as a minister for the government would be regarded by another minister for the government. A thorn in the side.

The ancestor of China—

"Tell me, what exactly is Sang Hongyang's economic policy?"

Shi Huang was curious.

Huo Guang didn't speak, just watched the screen quietly. He also wanted to know how other people understood it, and by the way, let's see what happened in this group.

"The first policy of Sang Hongyang is to nationalize Yantiejiu and sell state assets."

"The second is to harvest wealth taxes, which can be harvested by the middle class of the entire country."

"The third one is to attack the nobles and families, collect various taxes, and graft the taxes on them."

"The fourth is to report, allowing the poor to report the rich."

"The fifth is to throw the policy of employing people and the rent of corvee on the heads of the people."

Su Xi's explanation was easy to understand, Shihuang understood it, and Huo Qubing knew it long ago.

The ancestor of China—

"It is not good?"

"I don't think there's a problem with such a policy."

"It just needs the support of a talented and crazy monarch."

The first emperor agreed.

Su Xi also nodded.

"That's right, but you said it yourself, you need the support of a talented person."

"In the early stage, Emperor Wu relied on the inheritance left by Wen Jing to fight wars. After entering the middle and late stages, he mainly lived by exploiting the wealthy class."

"Emperor Wu had the powerful soldiers accumulated from fighting the Huns, and he killed the rangers of the landlord class at that time, which completely proved his determination, so that he can carry it forward."


One-handed chariot—


Confucius was a little puzzled.

Prime Minister of Shu—

"It's the thieves, the retainers raised by the nobles."

Confucius' expression changed dramatically.

One-handed chariot—

"Should be killed."

As an aristocrat, Confucius knew a little about the retainers, or knew that some retainers would do things in the name of the patriarch.

The ancestor of China—

"Tell me, how did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty kill him?"

The First Emperor became interested.

"The army swept away."

"The knight-errant is mainly divided into two parts, one is the knight-errant who is mainly from aristocratic families and nobles in the court, and the other is the knight-errant who is mainly from the people in the countryside and the common people."

"Heroes are related to aristocratic families. They have undergone transformation and become a landlord class. Naturally, they dare not resist, and those who resist are often commoner men."

"The commoner men roam the countryside. They hold swords in their hands. They focus on killing themselves for benevolence and personal feelings. They are full of personal heroism. This kind of people can often be pursued by the people."

"This is not allowed by the imperial power."

"At the same time, these people's words in the countryside are more effective than imperial power. They are the local kings."

"So that at that time, the transmission of orders formed a situation, imperial power-family-clothed ranger-common people."

"The imperial power does not go to the countryside. This was a crazy situation at the time."

Those in power in the group are neither happy nor sad.

This is what everyone knows.

For them, this is an unacceptable situation.

Rangers, for better or worse, have broken the law.

The ancestor of China—

"Slay, must kill."


"Unofficial folk history records that a commoner man dared to assassinate officials."

Su Xi said silently.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty killed Guo Jiejumeng, which was passed by everyone.

"At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty moved the heroes to live in Maoling, which was convenient for management."

"When the commoner men were about to be relocated, even General Wei tried to comfort them, saying that they are not rich and there is no need to collect taxes."

"In this way, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's face changed drastically, and his heart to move was further strengthened."

"This relocation triggered a war to kill rangers that disturbed the whole country."

"In the end, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty won. The biggest result at that time was the harvest of a large amount of private wealth. The most important thing was that the imperial power began to really go to the countryside. During that time, the aristocratic families killed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not dare to talk nonsense."

"This is also the reason why Sang Hongyang's policy can be implemented."

"At the same time, this is also the reason why later generations Li Shimin was belittled when he was praised as an emperor through the ages, because the salt and iron of the Tang Dynasty were not in the hands of the state, and it could not really highlight the power of the emperor's imperial power."

Li Shimin was speechless, why did it involve himself again.

One-handed chariot—

"So, it can't be said that the economic policy is not good, but that the young Emperor Zhao and Huo Guang didn't have the guts to continue doing what Emperor Wu of the Han did."

Huo Guang nodded secretly.

Yes, that's it. Sang Hongyang's policy is very good, which fully limits the gap between the rich and the poor, but there is one thing, this is a matter of the people in power.

Whoever is in power knows what is sitting under his ass.

Those aristocratic families are okay at the beginning, but once you are not tough enough, everyone will flock to you.

The ancestor of China—

"It's like this in the world. Sang Hongyang's policy is very good, but it needs a strong enough attitude."

"But Huo Guang and the young Emperor Zhao didn't."

Shi Huang shook his head and sighed.

Feudal dynasties are not good at this point, there is no way to guarantee that generations will be Mingjun.


Su Xi also sighed, yes, Huo Guang was not wrong, and Sang Hongyang was also fine, the problem is that there is a lack of a Han Wudi.

"So Huo Guang waited for six years, cleverly cooperated with Sang Hongyang and the family for six years, exploited the final benefits, and finally pushed Sang Hongyang to die."

"I have become the beneficiary, and the rule of him and Emperor Zhao can be maintained."


This is everyone's evaluation of Huo Guang.

The ancestor of China—

"It combines the characteristics of Li Si and Zhao Gao."


"Huo Guang is more than that. His most powerful thing is that he is fierce to foreigners and has a gentle attitude towards his own people. He has always had a rigid and low-key image. He has a good personality and no one will be suspicious."

"At that time in the early days of Emperor Zhao, the people were exhausted and had no energy to continue the foreign war. Huo Guang chose to take advantage of the death of Emperor Wu and the new emperor ascended the throne. The common people have been exempted from corvee and taxes for a year, and many exorbitant taxes have been canceled one after another."

"At the same time, I also took Emperor Zhao to the farmland to cultivate, and told the people that now it is a new dynasty and a new atmosphere, and everyone can farm with peace of mind."

Beautiful, worthy of being the ultimate boss, what you do is good.

I also don't say that I overturned my father's policy.

It is to implement policies based on the achievements of the first emperor and the psychology that the young emperor and I should learn from the first emperor.

I don't pay much money, you can't say that the first emperor didn't want to do this, right?

I am benevolent to the world, the late emperor is so awesome, he definitely wants to do it too.

As for whether Emperor Wu thought about it or not, that doesn't matter.

Everyone calls Huo Guang's advanced operation beautiful.

Complimented the dead Emperor Wu and appeased the people.


Chapter 4.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

 Chapter 4
  Sorry, the book will be on the shelves soon. The author is too concerned about grades, so I am a little anxious today.

  After all, this book is related to my life for a period of time after I resigned.

  I will guarantee the number of updates per day, four basic chapters a day, as long as I am not busy, I will write Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

  Come on.

  I hope that when it is on the shelves, the big readers can help to make a first order.

  I will let you know before it goes on the shelves, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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