Han Zuo Gaomen

Chapter 699

Chapter 699
After Shen Zhezi finished speaking, the entire hall was slightly silent.

Jiangdong atmosphere, Sheng Xuan talks and likes to discuss.Everyone here, including many famous people who are not present, has more or less experience of uttering wild words.Sometimes, blowing a resounding cowhide is much more praised than bowing down and doing many practical things silently.

Shen Zhezi's words were indeed heroic, but everyone who heard them felt their hearts swaying slightly and were quite shocked.However, it would be a little exaggerated to say that the entire room was silent as soon as this statement was made.

All that matters is timing!There are millions of slave soldiers, and they come all over the country. Everyone is more or less scared, worried that they will be killed by military disasters.And Shen Zhezi's position is also the front line of the front line. If he said this, it can be said that he has cut off all retreats, and he is already somewhat heroic!
"The son-in-law's strong voice is very comforting! Only this ambition, and the internal and external efforts, there is no danger that cannot be defended, and no enemy cannot be defeated!"

"We may not have the bravery to kill the enemy, but we have the sincerity to serve the country! It is our duty to destroy the family and relieve the difficulties! The son-in-law is useful, and he will never back down!"

After a while, there was a burst of high-fives and admiration in the hall, and the public was incited by it for a long time.As Shen Zhezi said, the battle is imminent, and he dare not speak lightly of the outcome, but the fact that the border town generals in charge of heavy troops have such a fierce determination to defend is the greatest comfort to the public.

Sima Xun also applauded along with everyone in the banquet, but his expression was slightly numb, and there was even a bit of disapproval in his heart.Although this statement sounds a bit heroic, it is probably just meaningless for the ignorant.

This son-in-law of Wu Township, who was born and raised in Wu Township, probably has never seen the posture of Jie Nu Xiongbing in his life, so he dares to speak out ignorantly about it!He probably still doesn't know what it's like to line up with hundreds of thousands of slave soldiers, if he sees it later, he'll be terrified in an instant!
What's more, what he said is too big, what Jin Zuo's survival is in this battle, he thinks too much of himself!Even though Sima Xun hadn't crossed the river for a long time, he knew that the Jienu seemed to be powerful in the first battle, but in fact it was nothing more than sweeping up the towns in the north of the river. It was really hopeless to cross the river and enter Wu.In other words, even if all the towns in the north of the river are defeated, they can still defend against the last natural danger of the river, and there is still room for survival.

However, he didn't understand that Shen Zhezi didn't say this to the people present, nor did he say it to the princes of Taifu, but directly talked to his father Shen Chong who was still in Kuaiji: If this battle is won, then Everything is easy to say.If he loses, Jiangbei will be destroyed after several years of accumulation, and the family business will be in danger, so there is really no need to think about the overall situation.And if the overall situation is no longer maintained, as long as Jiangdong sticks to it, there is really no need for Jin Zuo to continue!
Although he was slandering in his heart, Sima Xun was a little anxious. Hearing what the other party said, it seemed that he didn't intend to leave the county and return to the capital at all.In this way, he has no chance of approaching the attack!
"The army is imminent, don't dare to get drunk and mess with the law. And replace the wine with clear tea, I hope brother Hongdu will not mind. If you still need to review the military affairs in the county to return, you will return to the command. Later, the envoy Yu will return to this state. The city arranges, but I don't have time to accompany you for a long time, and I have to leave later."

Sima Xun was still thinking about how to respond, but Shen Zhezi had already picked up his teacup and said to Li Chong.

Li Chong had an in-depth conversation with Shen Zhezi last night, and he knew Shen Zhezi's decision in advance, so he was not surprised. After hearing the words, he also raised his tea and said, "If it weren't for the mission, I would also like to follow the son-in-law. Go north to fight against the enemy. When you return to the capital and report back to the princes what the son-in-law said, you will definitely go to the town, even if you are too stupid to use it, the work of holding the gate and attacking the watchman will be sweet!"

When Sima Xun heard this, he couldn't help glaring at Li Chong. He originally planned to force Shen Zhezi to return to the capital under the order of Taifu, but he didn't expect that Li Chong would simply give up his mission here. It's stupid!

Li Chong didn't care whether Shen Zhezi returned to the capital or not, but Sima Xun didn't.Even if he doesn't consider the issue of whether this trip is fruitless and whether he will be punished after crossing the river, the failure of his ambition alone is the result that he absolutely cannot bear!

Everyone in the hall had already started eating, but Sima Xun didn't know what to eat.At this time, the noise of people and horses gathering could already be heard outside the county mansion. It can be seen that Shen Zhezi's statement that he would leave later was not a lie, and Sima Xun couldn't help feeling even more anxious.

Seeing that Shen Zhezi had put down the tableware and seemed about to get up to say goodbye, Sima Xun couldn't help feeling even more tormented.

Should he just swallow his words and continue to live his life of misery that would be worse than death after returning to the capital?Or take a risky gamble, if you succeed, you will be a high-ranking noble, and if you fail, you will be decapitated?
At the moment of lightning and flint, the two voices in Sima Xun's heart seemed to wrestle a thousand times, and finally he made up his mind, stood up from the table suddenly, looked straight at Shen Zhezi, tried his best to make his expression calm and calm, and said seriously: " This time when I enter the county, I still have the Taifu secret training with me, can the son-in-law move a little bit so that I can deliver it?"

Shen Zhezi had finished his meal at this moment, and was rinsing his mouth with fragrant tea. Hearing this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then looked at Li Chong who was sitting next to him.And Li Chong also raised his head, looked at Sima Xun in astonishment, then turned to Shen Zhezi and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

After Shen Zhezi pondered for a while, he also stood up, bowed his hands to everyone, and said: "Then please come in and discuss in detail, everyone."

Everyone stood up and sent them off one after another, and then two personal soldiers entered the table and led Sima Xun to the back of the county mansion.

Sima Xun moved slowly later, and after walking a few steps, his heartbeat had already slowed down, and his expression was calm.At this time, Shen Zhezi was walking in front with his back to him, the distance between the two was less than a foot, but within these few feet, there were still five or six fierce soldiers filling the space.

Simultaneously, Sima Xun could also feel that those few fierce soldiers seemed to be guarding him, but in fact there were several eyes cruising around him, which can indeed be called excellent guards.

The two walked in front of a small building, Shen Zhezi was the first to enter, but the soldiers in front raised their arms to embrace Sima Xun, motioning him to take off his sword.

Sima Xun smirked in his heart that Wu'er regretted his life, so he untied the sword and handed it to the soldier. He can survive in Guanzhong where all kinds of people live together, how could his fighting skills be limited to swordsmen.

"When did Pu She come from the south to return to the capital?"

Shen Zhezi stood in the room and asked an ordinary question.

Sima Xun didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly described his itinerary from Hanmian to Gyeonggi in detail.

"It doesn't need to be so detailed, I'm just asking casually. Speaking of which, I have to apologize to Pu She. Earlier, when the soldiers in the town returned to the capital to report their meritorious service, they had some quarrels with Pu She. Being able to stand out in court makes me feel a little less ashamed."

Shen Zhezi said with a smile, beckoning Sima Xun to come closer, and then smiled again: "Earlier, I was registered as a family member, and occasionally I saw that the Jinan king's biography seems to have been broken. ?”

Sima Xun was concentrating on moving forward at this time, and saw that the distance between them was getting closer and closer, as long as they crossed the threshold, there would be no obstruction between them, and they would be there in one fell swoop!
However, he had already raised his front foot halfway, when he suddenly heard Shen Zhezi talking about the secrets of his life experience, he was occasionally stunned for a moment, and at the same time flustered, he forced a laugh and said: "The family affairs, we will talk about it later, it is better to submit the order to the court first." Prince Consort."

As he said that, his front feet had already landed firmly on the threshold, and half of his body had already penetrated in. However, his body froze suddenly after a while, because out of the corner of his eyes, he had already seen the rear of the interior door, and several soldiers were holding their hands. Point the crossbow straight at him!
"This, this... The son-in-law is worthy of being a famous general in the town. The guards around him are so strict. If there is a traitor with a hidden blade, it will be very difficult to get close to him! Entrusting military affairs to him is really worthy of him!"

In the snap of his fingers, thousands of thoughts had already passed through Sima Xun's mind, and he didn't feel that he had exposed any flaws, so after a little panic, he forced a laugh and said.

Shen Zhezi also smiled after hearing the words: "This is not necessarily the case. Although there are many family members around me who are waiting for orders, treacherous people are naturally difficult to get close to. But if I recruit them in front of me, it will be different. What do you think?"

When Sima Xun heard this, his heartstrings couldn't help but tightened even more. There was already fine cold sweat on his forehead, but he didn't dare to move a little.Being pointed at by a strong crossbow at such a short distance, if he dared to make any changes, he might be pierced by a strong arrow in no time!

"At the moment I am still in the county mansion, I am the envoy sent by Taiwan, why is the son-in-law so vigilant, there is really no need to surround him with swords and sharp weapons."

Sima Xun frowned again and said, he was still betting that Shen Zhezi didn't see his flaws!

"Sima Xun? Let me call you that first. In fact, I had to leave for the north last night. I had to stay an extra night because I had to receive the Chinese envoy. Who are you? Take a high look. A scum who pretends to be a slander, why do you think that I will waste too much time on you?"

Speaking of this, Shen Zhezi had already taken a step back and walked into the room completely, and those several crossbowmen also took a step forward, which was very obvious.

"You, you...how are you,"

At this moment, all of Sima Xun's defenses were broken, and he realized that he had really thrown himself into a trap, and the other party had already been wary of him.But how did he know?Is it just because of those small disputes with his subordinates a few months ago?
"I am a good soldier in Yuzhou. I was brave and brave to fight. I never retreated, but I was interrupted by a traitor like you! You can easily expose this matter? If you are just a poor man, I feel sorry for you. Pursue it. You are slandering me for luck, harming my siblings, and wanting to settle down in the capital? I just don’t have time to leave and return to the capital, but your situation in the capital will be watched by everyone!”

Shen Zhezi sneered and signaled his soldiers to tie Sima Xun upside down, then he walked up to him and said in a concentrated voice: "Wang Hutun tricked you into forcing people in my name, and this time his family is using all their strength to force you into the stage. You dismissed your post and sent you to the county. What kind of intentions do you have? Do you think that I am just like you? The war is imminent, and I don’t want to spread evil and scandals, which will cause turmoil in people’s hearts. If you had been obedient before Returning to the capital, I can allow you to live temporarily after the war, but you want to seek death!"

"You, Shen Weizhou, you deceive people too much! I only injured a few of your soldiers, but you actually made people chase me for months!"

When Sima Xun heard this, he was half about to cry, and half out of indignation. He didn't expect his lies to be revealed a few months ago.Even the conspiracy he participated in was much clearer to the other party than himself!Even he himself doesn't know who is instigating him, so he has to rely on guesswork.

"Whoever dares to harm my people innocently, I will kill him! You don't have to complain, the Tao family's son is also not spared, but right now I have no time to get away."

After Shen Zhezi finished speaking, he stopped looking at Sima Xun, who was ashen-faced, and turned around to go to the hall again.

(End of this chapter)

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