Han Zuo Gaomen

Chapter 444

Chapter 444

In Jianping Garden, the emperor sat in the middle of the hall, and the empress dowager sat obliquely behind him, separated by two servants and a palace servant.

Wang Dao and Yu Tan sat down together, with lowered eyelids.For Director Wang, it has been a long time since he felt the embarrassment of being embarrassed to speak out when facing a superior. The last time when a general was making trouble outside, he led his children into the court to plead guilty.

Even yesterday, although he was a little embarrassed when meeting the empress dowager, he still promised that he would solve it as soon as possible.But in just one night, something worse happened again. Even if the Empress Dowager didn't say anything, Director Wang felt his cheeks were hot and he was restless.

After listening to Director Wang's narration, the Empress Dowager did not rush to speak, but looked at the emperor sitting on the imperial couch, her voice was a little low: "What does the emperor think about this matter?"

When the emperor heard this, he grinned subconsciously, what could he think?He just felt that Wang Taibao was too annoying. After yesterday's visit, the queen mother was in a bad mood all afternoon, and she kept reprimanding him for being ignorant and turning everything to others. Go to the palace with a sharp blade!
The emperor himself was very wronged, he only met that Xue He once, and that time Xue He was just chattering with excitement, and he couldn't get in the way, but he just thought that Xue He was really annoying.Sure enough, this guy would disgust himself once he died. The garden is so big, Gyeonggi is so big, Jiangdong is so big, where can't he die?He just wanted to die in the front hall of Tai Chi!

This matter has not been revealed yet, but Wang Taibao came again today!Before the old man opened his mouth, the emperor could see that he should not have a good life this afternoon.

Hearing the Queen Mother's inquiry, the emperor also racked his brains to come up with a beautiful answer, hoping that the Queen Mother would not embarrass himself.He remembered that his mother had been talking about what happened to his uncle when he was alive yesterday, so he could borrow it now, so he sat up straight and said solemnly: "I remember that this kind of thing didn't happen when my uncle was alive. Less history, but also ask the Taibao to enlighten me."

When Director Wang heard this, his old face turned even redder.He deliberately retorted that such a thing did not happen when Yu Liang was in power, but Jiankang was lost!
However, seeing the immature face of the emperor, Director Wang couldn't bear to compare himself with a dead man, so he just bowed his head and said, "I'm ashamed, I didn't take precautions before it happened. It's thanks to Duke Yu who returned to the capital and was good at attracting his consort to suppress chaos. In an instant, it is not too late to remedy."

The empress dowager's face was extremely gloomy, and it eased a little at the moment. On the one hand, her son's answer was quite satisfactory. He stabbed the king, but did not make the atmosphere too tense. Quite pleased.On the other hand, his son-in-law did not live up to his trust and made another contribution.

In the final analysis, when something happens, family members are more reliable after all.The empress dowager can probably guess why those little people are making trouble in the market, and what are the little people's ideas?Most likely, some people in Taichung were dissatisfied with the construction of the palace, and thus incited the common people to riot!
She remembered that when Shen Zhezi proposed the construction, there were endless disputes in Taichung, and the discussion has not stopped until now!But what's wrong with this?Even if it's a small people's house, once you calm down, you must have a beautiful house to nourish your body and spirit!

These courtiers all regarded themselves as righteous, and they were satisfied seeing the emperor living in a house with dilapidated doors and leaky tiles!It is not advisable to spend a lot of money to make it useless.What is useless?Clothing, food, and daily life are the most important things for people, and everyone is busy with it, but the royal family is the only one that has to be treated harshly?
What's more, the treasury is empty, and her son-in-law used the donations from local righteous men for the construction, and the treasury is useless at all!But there are still people who want to object endlessly because of this. In the final analysis, it is just that some people have dark minds and always want to embarrass their orphans and widows!
Thinking in her heart, the Empress Dowager turned to look at Yu Tan, and said with emotion: "After the abolition of the Central Committee, we need Duke Yu's kindness and courage. Wei Zhou has repeatedly said in front of me that Mr. Yu is good at governance, and it will benefit me. The homeland is a place to protect the vitality of the imperial court. After Yu Gong returns to the capital, he will surely make the world in the capital healthy, and peace and happiness will not be far away."

Yu Tan got up and thanked him, but Director Wang looked rather uncomfortable from one side, not because of the empress dowager's indifference to him, after all, his position in the current situation cannot be determined by the empress dowager's attitude.However, this change in the attitude of loving Wu and Wu really has some marks. I think it will not be long before Yu Tan will be able to gain a foothold in the capital and build up his momentum.

"It's right and wrong for a woman to rule the country. There are many things in the universe, or she is a policeman. It's just that the late emperor resigned from the country suddenly, and all the masters have not achieved anything. And outside the court, but there are one or two things to rely on, but I hope that the public will not abandon each other and encourage each other with the country."

The empress dowager took a deep breath, and there was already a hint of exhaustion in her tone. The successive changes in the past few days made her feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Especially the chaos last year caused her extremely serious psychological trauma. Even if nothing happened, she would occasionally have nightmares and panic attacks at night. Once there was any trouble in the city, she would be so frightened that she couldn't sleep all night, lest some appalling chaos would happen again. .

The important officials came to report for two consecutive days, and she was too tired to think about it. Now she couldn't help but look at Director Wang and said in a deep voice: "If the Taibao doesn't judge women's shallowness and inadequacy, please tell the truth. Is it possible to live in peace?"

When Director Wang heard this, he couldn't be calm in his heart. He made a promise yesterday, but it was a pity that he was slapped in the face in an instant.Now that the empress dowager asked again, he didn't know how to answer.

The reason why he can't guarantee it is not that he lacks ability, but that his authority is limited!If Wen Qiao hadn't intervened, he wouldn't have been helpless when the mob rioted at dawn, even if it wasn't as straightforward as Shen Zhezi's solution, there was always a way to suppress it.

But now, first Wen Qiao jumped out to divide up the power, and Yu Tan returned to the capital forcefully, so his control was even weaker.Moreover, the parties involved in this incident, although the Danyang people are destined to be silent, neither Yu Tan nor Shen Zhezi have made it clear that they want to calm down.What's more, in the near future, the opinions of various local towns will also be sent back to the capital, and he can't guarantee whether there will be turmoil at that time.

Seeing Wang Dao frowned and pondering, the Empress Dowager's face turned cold, and then she looked at Yu Tan again: "Since Wei Zhou has returned to the capital, why didn't he come with him?"

Yu Tan replied: "The son-in-law has been working so hard all night, and he often rushes to fight against the enemy. There is a lot of blood, and he has to correct his demeanor before he dares to come in."

"This young man, how many times have I said it, after all, he still persists in his old habits, and his etiquette is too strict!"

The Empress Dowager sighed helplessly, and then ordered the palace servants: "Go and have a look, if the son-in-law hasn't arrived yet, send a letter to him to go home and rest first, don't rush to report."

The palace servants took orders and rushed out, but returned in a hurry after a while and said: "Duke Wen is asking to see you."

When Director Wang heard this at the banquet, his heart skipped a beat. Wen Qiao was originally staying in Taicheng, how did he come to Jianping Garden?Could it be that something happened in Taicheng again?

After a while, Wen Qiao walked in under the guidance of the servant, with a helpless smile on his face, he gave Director Wang an inexplicable look, and then stepped forward to salute.

"Isn't Duke Wen staying in Taicheng, is there another incident happening in Taichung?"

When Wen Qiao got up and returned to the table, the Empress Dowager asked, she was disturbed by all these incidents.

Wen Qiao lowered his head to avoid the empress dowager's eager eyes, put his hand into his arms and took out the letter Shen Zhezi left behind, and said respectfully: "Taichung is safe and sound, and the laborers have returned to the camp to be responsible, and all the officials are on their own. Going home, please don't worry about your majesty the empress dowager and the emperor. I take the liberty to ask you to see me, but it's because of the son-in-law."

"Consort? What happened to the consort?"

When the empress dowager heard this, she raised her heart that had just let go, and the emperor also pricked up his ears on the couch, staring directly at Wen Qiao.

Wen Qiao smiled wryly, put the letter in front of the case, asked the servant to present it, and sighed: "My son-in-law was shocked to hear that Xue Jitian killed himself in the palace, and felt hurt, so he wrote the letter sadly, left it on the desk, and has already left."

Hearing this, except for the vague knowledge of Yu Tan from Shen Zhezi, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed.The empress dowager was in a hurry to open the letter. In a hurry, she was not in the mood to appreciate the sad literary talent. After reading it, her face was already a bit sad: "This child is always too affectionate, and it is obviously irrelevant. I have to blame myself..."

She rolled her eyes and saw Director Wang's curious face, then said in a deep voice, "Send it to the Taibao for a list."

Director Wang took the letter, held it in his hands, skimmed it first, and then read it word by word from the beginning.Just when I was reading to the ecstasy, I heard the sound of weeping from the hall. Looking up, I saw that the curtain had been set up in front of the empress dowager, and she was covering her face and weeping.

"Love hurts the body, why bother? There are so many fakes in the world, this young man can do everything, but he just refuses to treat himself kindly..."

The empress dowager covered her face and wept, "He has done too many things, everyone knows, who can criticize him... The capital city was destroyed, all the males, birds and beasts were in chaos, only he remembered to rescue his grandmother! The rebels ruled the city , all the armies are at a loss, and he is the only one who risked his life to go to the king of Qin! The winter is severe and the sages are helpless, and he is the only one running to help and maintain stability..."

Hearing the empress dowager's mournful complaint, several people in the hall showed unnatural expressions on their faces.To sum up these words, it is that the son-in-law is the best, but these important ministers have nothing to do.

The empress dowager is deeply emotional at the moment, but she is not in the mood to pay attention to other people's thoughts: "Could it be that the woman has lost her virtue and hates it? It is a deep pain that my predecessor abandoned me, and my brother-in-law and deacon were robbed... My son-in-law is virtuous and dares to do things. But he was deeply trapped by the villain, and he was forced to go far away..."

"Wow... Queen mother, brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

The empress dowager's crying has already made people unable to sit still, and suddenly another loud cry broke in, like a naughty boy's chicken claws plucking at the heartstrings, making the listeners even more uncomfortable.

Is it over?In the end there is no end!
Wang Dao was already roaring in his heart, but he didn't dare to sit still, he hurriedly got up and prostrated himself on the ground: "Please Your Majesty the Empress Dowager to hold back your sorrow for a while, the son-in-law feels the loss of a good friend, and thinks of the suffering of the people and the urgency of the country. Use things At this time, the sage will not hide. The ministers will immediately go and ask to stay, and will not let the son-in-law leave the capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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