Han Zuo Gaomen

Chapter 396

Chapter 396
The sun is shining brightly, the suburbs are crowded with people, and there is almost no place to stand.

How many people are there in Jingkou?I'm afraid that no one can give a definite answer, because for various reasons, the people in this village are highly mobile, making it difficult to register and manage.Even if we take the most conservative estimate, there are [-] to [-] men and women.

It's not that Shen Zhezi has never seen a big scene. The population density of future generations, not to mention tens of thousands, has also witnessed gatherings of 10,000+ people in person several times.But even so, he was still shocked by the crowds of people in the suburbs.

Viewed from a distance, the suburban fields are empty, and there are moving figures everywhere in sight, and there is almost no free space.Several rivers separated the crowd neatly, but it couldn't be said to be neat, because there were also boats and bamboo rafts floating on the river, and there were also many swaying figures on them.There are too many people standing on some bamboo rafts, and the river water has overflowed to the ankles.

When the welcoming brigade slowly approached, the crowd became commotion. In such a huge scene, it was already difficult to distinguish the actions of a specific person. Shen Zhezi and the others could only see the avenue reserved for the brigade to pass through. It fluctuates with the surge of the crowd.

"Oh my god! What did I see? When did so many people come to Jingkou?"

Even Shen Zhezi's face changed slightly when he saw such a huge welcome crowd, not to mention Xie Yi, Shen Yun and others behind him, their faces were changing, sometimes red and sometimes white, half excited and half nervous, even The arm holding the rein trembled unsteadily, and the horse's back made harsh noises of friction and collision between the crotch armor and the saddle.Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes immediately makes one feel cramped.

In fact, long before they arrived at Jingkou, everyone guessed that they would enjoy a warm welcome when they returned this time. Not only were they outnumbered by the gate, but their accomplishments were too legendary and eye-catching.It is true that people at the time admired Xuanfeng, but in fact, why do more people not long for an invincible hero to appear, bring them hope, and bring them peace!

Therefore, the group of young people who are following behind Shen Zhezi have prepared for this return for a long time. From the pommel horse under the crotch to the bow and spear they are equipped with, they are all carefully selected, and even the armor and pockets are wiped clean. The cold light circulated and shone brightly, in order to brag about its merits in front of others.And the rest of the team also cooperated with them, giving up the qualification to lead the team.

Today's team is at the forefront, headed by Shen Zhezi, who is on a white horse in Xuanjia, and half a horse behind him are the sons of the northern and southern aristocratic families who followed him in a surprise attack on Jiankang. , walking slowly.Behind them are dozens of squad sword soldiers who were gifted by Shen Zhezi. Such a small team is really eye-catching.

However, their imagination is still lacking after all, and they have underestimated the size of the battle set up by the people of Jingkou.Because they had never seen such a large formation, these people were rather timid and did not dare to move forward.

Chu Jiye, who was ordered to meet the team earlier, also hurried forward, signaled Shen Zhezi to pause, and said with a frown, "The people of Jingkou Township are too enthusiastic. If there is such a battle, if the crowd is too violent, or there is a risk of trampling on the congestion, my son-in-law It’s better to abandon the horse and get on the carriage.”

After pondering for a while, Shen Zhezi waved his hands, looked back at the crowd from the side of the horse, and said with a smile: "We are passionate about loyalty, march forward bravely, succeed in defeating the thief, and live up to the integrity of the minister! The villagers love me, and we will gather in the countryside , look forward to loyalty and courage, why not be afraid! Pick up your gun and charge with me for a while!"

When those people heard this, their expressions lifted, and each of them held the spears hanging on the saddle in their hands, raised their arms and shouted: "Only the general!"

Shen Zhezi swung the horse's head under his crotch, and when the crowd was finished, he raised his arms and roared, and they all rushed forward.As the horse speeded up, the scene in front of him flew past as if broken, and in just a dozen or so breaths, it rushed straight into the turbulent road among the crowd.

The people of Jingkou gathered here just to see the majestic and majestic appearance of the victorious army. They did not expect this change. They saw dozens of knights in armor and cold clothes flying over, and the horses' limbs were majestic and powerful. Hitting the ground, it galloped across the field like an arrow off a string, and the knight flew several feet before the smoke and dust rose slowly!
Dozens of riders in a district actually created a passionate scene of thousands of riders sweeping Hiraoka. The onlookers were stunned for a moment. The iron rider had already rushed forward. They all leaned back.Watching from a distance, these dozens of riders seemed to be powerful arrows flying across the water, tearing a crack in the vast crowd, and two wave ripples spread to the left and right!
The deafening sound of horseshoes made people break out in a cold sweat, and the strong wind from the flying cavalry made people's faces hurt. After recollection, the knights had already galloped away and gradually drifted away. For a while, the onlookers were terrified, Passionate at the same time, the breath surged in the chest and abdomen in one breath, and finally broke through the throat and condensed into a generous applause!


"Your son is mighty!"

In this tumultuous and noisy environment, the galloping knights also felt magnificent, and could hardly hold back their roars.Brave and unparalleled, attracting everyone's attention, there is nothing comparable to heroism in the world!
At the point of this road is a high earthen platform, surrounded by many county soldiers and officials who are responsible for maintaining order.On the top of the high platform, sat Yu Yi and other officials on the platform.

Although Yu Yi is currently in charge of the imperial edict as the Minister of Zhongshu, he is not the head of the current stage, at least Lu Ye, Wang Bin and other officials must be ahead of him.Therefore, Yu Yi's position on the earthen platform is not in the center, but far to the left from the center.

When people have no more demands and capital, they will only care about a false name.If Yu Yi lived in the side seat in full view before Shen Zhezi returned to Jingkou, he would definitely feel very disappointed.But now, because of the confidence, she calmly sat in the seat arranged for herself.

The seemingly disadvantaged situation was easily broken because of Shen Zhezi's proposal to accompany the capital, and Yu Yi personally went off to discuss with various Jingkou families.So far, Yu Yi can be said to have no regrets or worries. It not only guaranteed his family's meritorious service in presiding over the overall situation in the counter-insurgency, but also was able to escape easily after the war, and also had a definite home. Complete.

However, compared to Yu Yi's relaxed mood, the mood of other people on the earth platform is more complicated.In addition to the fact that Jingkou was suddenly promoted on the platform in the past few days, and the reason why they appeared here this time, their personal feelings are also different.Especially Lu Ye and Wang Bin, who were in the center of the platform, were in a bad mood.

The reason why these people appeared here, of course, some of them were voluntary, but more people had to attend here because of the imperial edict of the empress dowager.The Empress Dowager's decree clearly stated that all those who have been cured by Xingtai with more than [-] stones must attend this welcome ceremony.
Therefore, no matter how central and important these people are on the earth platform, they all know very well in their hearts that there can only be one focus of today's welcome ceremony, and that is Shen Zhezi.

Although Lu Ye's seat was surrounded by everyone, he was in a bad mood.Even without considering his family background and seniority, he is already nearly seventy years old, and he actually has to come here under the scorching sun to welcome a young man who has not reached the weak crown!

When receiving the imperial edict, one could imagine the depression in Lu Ye's heart, and he even expressed his rejection.But the Empress Dowager responded very quickly, it was just some polite remarks, saying that she hoped that Lu Ye would put state affairs first, and should help each other, not to resign because of old age.Although the imperial edict did not force him to go out of the city to meet him again, the implication clearly implied that he was old and unusable.

If it were a different time and another situation, Lu Ye might really want to resign in anger, how could he be criticized by this woman!But now, there will be changes in the court situation, many people in Wu are lucky to stand up, if he retreats at this time, then his family is likely to be depressed.

Therefore, even though there were many grievances in his heart, Lu Ye could only endure it, and waited bitterly on the earthen platform against the sun.

If it was said that Lu Ye was unhappy here because of embarrassment, then Wang Bin was in an extremely bad mood.Wang Shu, whom he was originally relying on, reached a settlement with Yu Yi because of his status as the governor of Jiangzhou, and even put him under house arrest instead.Although his face was not completely torn apart and his activities were not prohibited, no matter where he went, Wang Yunzhi and others would accompany him closely, leaving him no privacy at all!
Wang Bin really didn't want to come to Shen Zhezi to show off today, but he really didn't give up, and wanted to take this opportunity to see if things turned around.However, many people he saw were flirting with Yu Yi, secretly communicating with each other, which made Wang Bin feel chills for a while.

What made Wang Bin more gratified was that Xijian refused to attend this meeting to welcome Shen Zhezi because of the name of the town outside Xijian, which made him feel a glimmer of hope.If Xi Jian can fight for it with a tough attitude, he may not have no chance at all.

Just when everyone on the stage had different thoughts, there was a shocking applause from the people in the distance. No need to ask, the protagonist must have appeared on the stage.However, the jubilant and passionate voices of the people reached the ears, which made many people on the stage feel overwhelmed.

The sound of horseshoes came from far to near, and before everyone on the stage could fully react, they saw a large number of people in the field of vision back away, and soon the field of vision became wider, and immediately dozens of male horsemen jumped into the field of vision.Everyone watched these knights galloping forward, their indomitable momentum was moving, without the slightest pause, the majestic hoofbeats not only knocked on the eardrums, but also knocked on the heartstrings of everyone on the stage!

After rushing to less than three feet in front of the earthen platform, even the county soldiers surrounding the earthen platform retreated hastily, and several people on the platform were so scared that their faces turned pale, and Shen Zhezi suddenly reined in his horse and stood up.As he paused, the rapid sound of hoofbeats suddenly subsided, and every horse was riding a vigorous body, and those deep and energetic eyes looked at the earthen platform, showing a trace of reverence instead of a trace of reverence. A sharp edge!

Standing in front of the earthen platform for a moment, hearing continuous and loud applause, Shen Zhezi slowly turned over and got off his horse as he took in all the expressions on the faces of the people on the earthen platform.Then there was a uniform sound of dismounting from the horse behind him, and a group of people followed Shen Zhezi's pace and walked slowly towards the earthen platform.

Seeing Shen Zhezi and others approaching the earth platform, although Lu Ye and others in the game were still a little uncomfortable, they had to lean up and get up.However, Shen Zhezi suddenly turned around and walked around the center, and walked to the position facing Yu Yi, then slowly leaned over and said with military salute: "The last general was ordered to return to King Duqin. Jin Zuo Yongan!"

"Shen Lang is mighty!"

Amidst the cheers that resounded through the sky, Yu Yi laughed so hard that his back molars were faintly visible, hurried down from the stage, and personally helped Shen Zhezi up.In such an environment, it is naturally impossible for everyone to sit on the stage. No matter how happy or angry they are, they all have to greet them with smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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