Chapter 73 Trap
Li Dejian couldn't help laughing when he heard his mother mention Li Bi.

"He..., before I went home, I saw a woman from Li's house coming to Zhuangzi with a carriage. I think Uncle Li's family might be in some trouble."

Zhang Chuchen smiled, covering his mouth and smiling very happily.

Others don't know the situation of Li Ji's family, but she, Zhang Chuchen, does.

Li Bi's main wife is Li Shanshi, an orphan adopted by the Shan family, so she is Shan Xiongxin's younger sister and Shan Daozhen's aunt.This girl has never learned anything except martial arts from Shan Xiongxin since she was a child.

Li Dejian mentioned Li Bi.

Li Bi is studying the technique of sausage stuffing, and he has a great hobby for eating, definitely more than willow, but he has no ability to make delicious food, so he is crazy to have the opportunity to make some delicious food that he has never tried before.

At this time, one of his long followers came in from outside the house.

"Mr. Lang, Ma'am is here."

"Ah, yes." Li Bi twitched his whole body, but his face was very calm, and he waved his hand slightly to signal for his wife to come in.

Li Bi's wife, Li Shan, enters the house.

Li Bi's face was dark: "You are not studying female celebrities at home, why are you here?"

"You haven't returned for a few days, and I miss you. I found out that you are here, so I brought some clothes, and worried that my husband would miss a change." Li Shan replied in a soft voice.At this time, Li Bi signaled the servants, attendants and maids to go outside the house.

The moment the door closed, Li Bi's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back a few steps.

But Li Shan's speed was obviously faster. When Li Bi took half a step back, Li Shan's two fingers pinched Li Bi's left arm with numbness. As long as Li Bi dared to move again, the numb feeling would definitely be worse than the pain more unbearable.

Li Shan's other hand stretched out, and Li Bi hurriedly begged for mercy: "My lady, my lady, if you have something to discuss, it's easy to discuss."

"Then the first question, how can you explain why you haven't come home for a long time?" Li Shan let go of his hand.

Li Bi hurriedly moved a stool over to ask his wife to sit down, and then stood aside with his hands down: "Returning to Madam, brother thinks I'm naughty, so he arranged for me to study here."

"Really? Learn how to be a cook?" Li Shanshi's tone was full of oppression.

However, Li Bi's face changed: "This is just a disguise. Madam can check with my elder brother for the real thing. We are moving out of here recently. It is a very confidential matter that is not known to outsiders. And the person in charge is not my husband, Madam You can also check with your brother."

Li Shanshi nodded, she believed this, she thought she knew Li Bi well.

Li Shan was about to ask again when there was a knock on the door.Li Shan quickly stood up, and the stool was only let in after Li Bi sat down.

Those who came in were Li Jing's mansion followed by Li Dejian's servants.

After entering the house, salute according to the rules, and then preached: "Report Erlang Lord to know, the plan is done. Even the county magistrate in Sanyuan County was alarmed, and there were hundreds of people who might fight. The villain asked Erlang Lord for instructions. The second step of the plan Do you wait until tomorrow, or do it today.”

Li Bi patted the table lightly: "Okay, bring all the people and do it today."

"Yes!" The servant clasped his fists and retreated.

Li Danshi narrowed his eyes and aimed at Li Bi, his eyes were asking what Li Bi was.

Li Bi wanted to run away quickly, but right now he had no choice but to curry favor with his wife, and immediately said: "Madam, please get in the car, there will be a lot of excitement, and then those little thieves have to learn some lessons, and let those behind them understand Don't just reach out."

When Li Shan heard that he was asked to go with him, he didn't ask any more questions.

From here to the county seat, it takes at least half an hour by walking, and the whole team can ride faster.Li Bi was not in a hurry, as it was just getting dark at this time, he arranged for someone to take care of the affairs over there.

In Sanyuan County East Street, a shop has been smashed beyond recognition.

Headed by five matchmakers, there are strong men in their fifties or sixties behind them, as well as middle-aged women in their dozens of decades. If Liu Mu was here, he would naturally recognize him. The one in the picture is the most famous matchmaker in Qili Baxiang.

Known as Piaohong Liugu.

The county magistrate stood in front of the crowd, and after checking his body, the guards came forward and reported: "The county magistrate, the person is not dead, but the person in charge lost a hand and a leg."

"What's the cause?" The county magistrate couldn't wait until the next day to deal with it. There was an armed fight in the county. If he reported to Chang'an, he would be in a lot of trouble, so it was a good thing to handle it urgently and report it by himself.

At that moment, the Piaohong Sixth Aunt stepped forward: "Master Baoxian knows that there are only three auspicious days for the celebration of the twelfth lunar month this year, so there are 20 villages planning to hold a wedding on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month. There are so many people."

"Well, what does that have to do with today's events?" the county magistrate asked.

At the moment, many middle-aged and elderly women came forward with boxes in their hands. In the box held by the first woman, there was a piece of incense, and there was a hidden pattern of the word "Shou" on it.

This longevity character is not an ordinary longevity, plus the surrounding patterns, it is used on the coffin.

It can be packed in a wooden box, but it is a lacquer box, the outer packaging for a wedding gift.

"This..." The county magistrate felt dazed. Originally, he was thinking about asking why the store was smashed. It was reasonable and reasonable, and it was unreasonable to pay for the punishment.But at the moment, this reasoning seems to be not only tough, but the beating is small to lose money, and there is also the possibility of lawsuits and prison meals.

However, he really knows the manager of this store.

There was someone who came to greet him before and took care of the shop. This is the servant of Dou Shikuan, a righteous official in the Prince's Mansion.It was Wei Zheng who came to say hello to the Prince's mansion.

The county magistrate checked all the incense washes one by one, and except for this one with the dark lines of the word "Shou", the rest are also things that are considered unlucky for weddings and happy events.There were some things he couldn't see, and the matchmakers explained them to him.

"Shopkeeper, why do you put this unlucky thing on a festive thing?"

"Xianzun, we also bought fragrant washes. The partners in the store don't understand these customs, but it's not intentional." The steward endured the severe pain of his broken leg, trying to defend himself.

The county magistrate said to the people around him: "It is said that the original owner of this item came here."

Soon, the shopkeeper of the agency store in Sanyuan County that had a contract with Liumu Na Workshop was called over.

The county magistrate asked, "Why are you selling this unlucky thing?"

"Xianzun, what is unlucky?" One of the shopkeepers asked back.

The county magistrate's face changed drastically, and he slapped the gavel: "Bold. Bring the truth, otherwise there will be no stick." Four yamen servants with sticks rushed out from both sides and stood beside the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's expression was as usual: "Xianzun, the incense washes in my store are divided into Hongxi, Jiexi, and Baixi. According to you, Xianzun, there is something wrong with this one. Hongxi celebrates a big wedding, Jiexi honors the elder Those who love the young and love their ancestors, what is wrong with it.”

Pa, the county magistrate slapped the gavel again: "Why did you put the white happiness in the red happiness box?"

(End of this chapter)

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