Tang Dynasty good brother-in-law

Chapter 54 One Sentence

Chapter 54
The number of 300 million sheep is indeed scary.

"Ah!" Ashnadur was stunned on the spot.

Liu Mu walked up to Ashnadur with a smile on his face, and did not avoid Ashnadur's eagle-like eyes at all: "Besides, within a year and a half, I can make you the top player on the grassland." tribe. Do you want food? Do you want armor? Do you want iron? I have it."

"Why are you?"

"I have quite a lot of tokens on me, and just one of them can prove what I am. But is it enough to rely on just one token? No wonder you are the poorest prince on the grassland. I have a word, please think deeply."

Willow is full of confidence.

Ashnadur asked coldly, "What are you talking about?"

"Before the country and the country, between the tribes, what is the friendship, what is the love, all fucking fart. Only naked, naked, naked interests are eternal. The prince realized this sentence, let's talk about it If you don’t realize it, I’ll go to another tribe.” After speaking, Liu Mu took a few steps back and stood with her arms crossed.

A full quarter of an hour.

Ashnadur pushed open the tent and walked outside: "Kill the sheep and entertain the guests."


The treatment changed immediately, Liumu and his team had tents and boiled mutton.

And Liu Mu, Ba Dao, Lao Lang, and Liu Zhengze were also invited into the big tent as hosts and guests, and the top people of the tribe all entered the big tent.

A fire was set up outside the tent to roast the sheep.

Liu Mu walked to the middle of the tent with a bowl of kumiss, took a deep breath, and encouraged himself in his heart.

come on, come on, come on.This is Liu Mu's verbal battle with wolves in Datang, so don't be nervous.

After drinking the bowl of wine in one gulp, a copper coin appeared in Liu Mu's hand: "What is money, this thing allows you to have high-quality weapons, countless flocks, women, and territories."

"Can you make us money?"

"I will buy you 500 million sheep a year." Liu Mu flicked the copper coin to Qianhu who spoke, which was 200 million words higher than the number he told Ashnadur.

"Hmph, our tribe currently has less than 300 million sheep."

"Your eyes are flashing. I'm afraid this number is false. Are there 200 million of them, hahaha." Liu Mu laughed and took out another copper coin. "You are poor because you lack a wise person to guide you. I, Liu Mu, can't ride a horse, and I can't write very well, but I am a wise man."

"So, how do you buy our 500 million sheep, and we only have 200 million?" An old man asked.

Liu Mu laughed again: "A ridiculous question, let me ask you. I will exchange three sheep without skin, that is, pure mutton, for two live sheep. Do you want to exchange it?"


"That's right. You can go to other tribes to exchange them, and give them to me after you get the sheep. Do you know what the price difference is? That is, the grain in Hebei is bought for [-] yuan a stone, and then sold to Henan for [-] yuan. .”

Immediately, a very strong guy jumped up: "You are stupid, you don't know how to buy it yourself, and you can save twenty dollars."

"Stupid. I have already earned forty renminbi when I have time to collect grain. If someone else collects it for me, I can earn another [-] renminbi just sitting at home. And the person who collected the grain also earned [-] renminbi. Do you understand?"

"don't know."

"Then sit down, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just do as I tell you, and then count money, sheep, and women."

Hahaha.Everyone in the tent laughed.

"There are actually only two things I want to collect. One is goat milk, which is not easy to preserve, so you have to protect my people to receive goat milk in places deep in the grasslands, and then do some processing on the spot. The other is wool. The sheep in the spring have to be sheared, and more than [-]% of the wool has been set on fire, and now I want it. The price is very high.”

That Qianhu asked again: "What do you want that useless thing for?"

"You don't care what I want the wool for, as long as you exchange the wool for money, that's fine. Take the wool home and put it on display, no way!" Liu Mu replied viciously, then laughed again: "Just kidding, I have great use for the wool. You can earn a lot of money if you spend some time cleaning it, so I collect wool.”

"OK, fine."

That Qianhu is a very tall person, so he sat down with a smile.

"Then, you go to the tribes to collect goat milk and wool. Prince, do you think these tribes will look at your face, give you face, and do things for you?"

Ashnadur shook his head: "Someone will destroy our tribe."

"Xie Li? He won't." Liu Mu took out something from his pocket and threw it over. Ashnadur reached out to catch it, his face changed drastically, and then handed it to the elder of the clan.

The old man asked immediately: "You are too young."

"You understand Chinese, are you waiting for me to mention Ganluo? No. Even if you don't believe me, then who will think who I am? This thing is real."

What Liu Mu said made sense.

Ashnadur held the thing that the willow had thrown in both hands and handed it back, General Tiance ordered.When the willow was stuffed into his arms, he saw that Ashnadur had ordered someone to close the door of the tent.

"The first step is to exchange horses for food. Why choose horses, because if you lose the horses, you will have to trade with me next year. With money, you can buy horses from other tribes. With food, you can spend the winter."

"It's what my brother said."

"Yes, that's the sentence." Liu Mu knew that what Ashnadur mentioned was that there are only interests between countries.

"What about the second step?"

"The second step, I have a very detailed plan. After the beginning of the spring, King Rencheng will be in charge in Yunzhou himself. Guarantee that you will become the richest tribe in the eastern grassland. Then, as a sincerity, I want two things. First, Always give my Highness an explanation. Second, help me complete a small plan to deal with the fake Yan."

Ashnadur had wanted to surrender to Tang for a long time, but without Liumu coming, he was trying to find a way to surrender to Tang.

In history, in the sixth year of Wude, Ashnadur did things for the King of Qin, but why in the records of the Tang emperor, only Ashnadur was whipped by Jieli Khan, who seemed to be unwilling to wait, but why? There is no record of descending to Tang.

Willow did not understand.

Perhaps the historical records of later generations are biased, but this is indeed a huge gift from God for nothing.

Liu Mu was thinking about how to persuade Ashnadur to write a letter of sufficient weight, but saw Ashnadur tore his clothes, pierced his shoulder with a sharp knife, and wrote a letter with blood on the sheepskin. It was written in Turkic script, and then the bloody handprints were directly patted on the sheepskin.

"Then, let's lighten up the details." Ali Nadur immediately got to the point.

"Liu joins the army." Liu Mu backed away and handed over the details to Liu Zhengze.

Because Liu Zhengze understands Turkic, Korean, and a little Japanese.He is a very talented and capable person.

(End of this chapter)

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