Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 75 How about the lady leave with me for a dollar?

Chapter 75 How about the lady leave with me?


"I wonder if my lady has a way to send me away?"

After listening to Li Yan's question, Li Shishi said: "If there are only one or two slaves, you can try it, but..."

Li Yan looked at the seven of them, and then stayed on the fat and fat Lu Zhishen for a while, feeling a bit embarrassed by Li Shishi!
Li Yan asked Lu Zhishen and the others: "Is there anything you can do?"

Zhu Jing said: "If the thousands of officers and soldiers outside don't withdraw, we may not be able to escape."

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "You are so troublesome, ask the lady to prepare some weapons for us, and we will kill the generals."

Chen Liqing agreed: "Yes, get out!"

Li Yan ignored these two brainless guys, looked at the resourceful Lu Zhishen, and asked, "Master, can you find a way?"

Lu Zhishen said: "When the Sa family was in charge of the vegetable garden at Daxiangguo Temple, they knew a group of rascals, the leader of which was Zhang San, a street mouse, and Li Si, a green grass snake. It is up to them to report Gao Qiu and that fellow, if they can be contacted, they may be able to escape."

Li Shishi said: "The slave family sent a maid to find the two of them?"

Li Yan thought for a while, and said: "No, the two of them are low-level rascals, and the lady is high above her. Sending someone to look for it rashly will definitely arouse suspicion."

Lu Zhishen also knew that this was right, so he remained silent.

Li Yan turned his head to Sun Jing and asked, "Did Master Sun teach me?"

Sun Jing said: "There is no way to save seven people, but there is a way to save Miss Chen's master and servant."

Li Yan shook his head secretly, "This Sun Jing is really not easy to give up. At this time, she still wants to sow discord."

Sun Jing continued: "Miss Chen, the master and servant only need to pretend to be the maid of the lady to go with the lady to offer incense, and no one will dare to stop her for questioning."

Before Li Yan could speak, Chen Liqing, who was quite loyal, said, "I won't run away alone. Besides, if I kill Li Yan, how can I explain to Axiu!"

Li Yan looked at Sun Jing and said, "Master Sun is sure that we will not escape?"

Sun Jing met Li Yan's gaze and said, "Unless Village Master Li can bring Xiao Ke and others to heaven and earth, otherwise..."

A flash of light flashed in Li Yan's mind, and then he smiled and said, "If I can escape with you, what should Master Sun do?"

Sun Jing stared at Li Yan for a while, then said: "It seems that Village Master Li has thought of a way to escape."

Li Yan admitted: "Master Sun is really boring, I still want to use this to impress Master Sun."

Sun Jing didn't answer Li Yan's solicitation, but said: "Xiao Ke is really curious about how the village master took Xiao Ke and others to leave?"

Li Yan smiled and said, "Master Sun reminded me."

Sun Jing thought for a while, but she was not sure: "Go to heaven and enter earth?"

Li Yan nodded, then looked at Li Shishi, and said: "My lady has an authentic way here, am I right?"

Master Li was shocked!
After a while, Li Shishi didn't answer and asked instead: "Why does Village Master Li say this?"

According to legend:

Song Huizong loved Li Shishi, but he could not take Li Shishi into the palace, because he was the emperor, the supreme ruler of the Song Dynasty, and the spokesperson of the feudal ruling class.He had civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty before him, six concubines in the back, seven temples and clans in the upper, and princes and grandchildren in the lower. It is impossible for him to challenge the laws of feudalism, even if he wants to, he is powerless.

But Song Huizong really fell in love with Li Shishi.

Therefore, Song Huizong would hide the truth from the concubines from time to time, and slipped out to have a tryst with Li Shishi.

Because it was inconvenient to dodge like this, Zhang Di, Song Huizong's confidant eunuch, offered a plan: secretly dig a tunnel leading to the Zuixing Tower where Li Shishi lived, so that it is difficult for outsiders to detect the behavior of the Holy One, and it can also ensure the safety of the Holy Majesty.Therefore, a tunnel directly leading to Li Shishi's Zuixing Tower was dug without anyone knowing. After that, Song Huizong often walked through the tunnel to have a tryst with Li Shishi.

Seeing that Li Shishi didn't deny it, Li Yan's heart was relieved!
Li Yanchong bowed to Master Li and said, "I beg my lady to save my life!"

Li Shishi really wants to know how Li Yan knew about this tunnel. You must know that this tunnel has only been built for less than a month, and in order to ensure that this tunnel is not known to outsiders, it can also be said to ensure the life of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. Safety, those who dug and built the tunnel were all killed by Zhang Di, that is to say, only a few people knew the existence of this tunnel, and it can be said that all the people who knew this tunnel were Song Huizong His confidantes, and they all know that disasters come from their mouths, no one should dare to reveal this tunnel, besides, the time it took to dig and build this tunnel is really too short, so short that Song Huizong only walked through it once!

After being silent for a long time, Li Shishi said: "It leads to the palace, and it cannot help you."

Hearing Li Shishi admit that she has a tunnel, everyone, including Sun Jing, looked at Li Yan like a monster—they wanted to know how Li Yan knew this tunnel, just like Li Shishi!
Among them, only Chen Liqing dared to ask Li Yan, "How did you know that there is a tunnel here?"

Li Yanshun said nonsense: "The Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress told me in her dream last night, but I forgot it for a moment. I just remembered that Mrs. Sun said that he went to heaven and entered the earth."

Li Yan thought he was just making up a cold joke, but he didn't expect that after hearing it, the others were all taken aback. Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at Li Yan differently, including Lu Zhishen, who was careless and thoughtful, and the well-informed Li Shishi, including Chen Liqing, who is very nervous, and Sun Jing, who is full of tricks, while Ruan Xiaoqi and Zhu Jing are very excited!

Seeing everyone's performance, Li Yan suddenly thought: "Maybe I should find someone who knows how to play tricks to help me maintain my rule."

Temporarily suppressing this thought, Li Yan said again: "Everyone takes turns to rest during the day, and we will leave through the tunnel at night."

Master Li opened his mouth.

Li Yan interrupted Li Shishi and said: "I don't have to go to the other end of the tunnel, I just need to find a suitable place to dig out, and then I can escape...Thank you for saving my life."

Li Shishi bit his lower lip, and then his eyes began to turn red!
Seeing this, Li Yan, who was ashamed in his heart, subconsciously shifted his gaze elsewhere!

Not bad!

Li Yan and the others can escape their lives through this tunnel!

But this is very likely to kill Master Li!

It is absolutely impossible for Li Yan and the others to break through a certain section of the tunnel and escape without leaving any clues, and it is very likely that they will be discovered by Song Huizong or Song Huizong's cronies, and then they will be found on Li Shishi's head.At that time, even if Song Huizong liked Li Shishi again, I am afraid that Li Shishi would not be able to escape his life.Because Li Shishi actually handed over Song Huizong's life while exposing this tunnel. This matter is too serious, which emperor can bear it?

Taking a step back, even if the stupid Song Huizong could bear it, the people around Song Huizong would never be able to bear it—they all depended on Song Huizong to be rich, and if Song Huizong had something good or bad, they would be extremely rich at the least, or at worst Even his life will be gone, don't you see the final fate of the six thieves?Therefore, even if Song Huizong wanted to let Li Shishi go, the people around Song Huizong would definitely try to get Song Huizong to execute Li Shishi.

Therefore, if Li Yan and others escaped through this tunnel, Li Shishi might not be able to escape with a white silk or a glass of poisoned wine!
After hesitating for a while, Li Yan is not the hard-hearted Li Yan, and said: "Or...the lady will leave with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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