Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 21 Visiting the world with the Tao, its ghosts are not gods

Chapter 21 Visiting the world with the Tao, its ghosts are not gods

The three big men swam to the bank of the Xunyang River in extreme embarrassment, and then lay down on the bank, gasping for breath!
After a while, a grown man said dejectedly: "The money and goods worth tens of thousands of pennies are all gone. My brother's hard work these past few years is in vain!"

A man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, red face and iron beard said indifferently: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. It's just tens of thousands of floating fortunes. I, Li Jun, will pay for it. Brother Tong Meng, don't say such despondent words!"

Another grown-up man was Tong Wei, and said, "Brother, my hometown is definitely taken away by the army, so what should we do from now on?"

Tong Meng interjected: "Some time ago, I met a man named Li Mingli. He was called a life-threatening judge in Jianghu. With brother's loyalty, he will definitely be able to take him for his own use."

Tong Wei said: "That's not right! Then Li Li is doing the business of selling human flesh. If we work with him, we will definitely be ridiculed by friends in the world!"

Tong Meng retorted: "Now we don't even have a place to stay, why do we care about so much?"

Tong Wei insisted: "It's okay for you and me to have a dirty reputation, but my brother is a person who wants to do big things, how can he ruin his innocence?"

Tong Meng retorted: "Those who achieve great things don't care about small things!"

Tong Wei still wanted to persist, Li Jun stretched out his hand to stop Tong Wei, and said: "Brother Tong Meng's words are right, those who make big things don't care about small things, if we really have nowhere to go, it's okay to hang out with that Li Li..."

Tong Wei persuaded: "Brother..."

Li Jun reached out to stop Tong Wei again, and then said: "Brother Tong Wei, please listen to me!" Li Jun continued: "However, we are not at a loss now."

While saying this, Li Jun took out a letter soaked in the river water from his bosom, and said: "A few days ago, Brother Li Yan, who was in the water park of Liangshan, asked someone to bring me a letter, inviting me to go to Liangshan Park. Let's work together for heaven... To be honest, I have been hesitant before whether to go or not, after all, going to other people is not as happy as in our own territory, and now we are afraid that we have to go."

Tong Meng immediately stood up and said: "I heard that Liangshan Po is very prosperous now, with four to five thousand people and several camps!"

Tong Wei also stood up, and said: "The key is that the land is good, there is a vast swamp everywhere, and the reed water port, if you don't have a large army, boats and horses, you can't attack the Liangshan moor at all."

Tong Meng curled his lips and said: "Now that the lawsuit is moving everywhere, it will harm the people; but if you come to the village, you will eat all the pigs, sheep, chickens and geese raised by the good people, and then you will have to send him away. If the superior officials sent them to arrest a large group of strong men, and they were so scared that they would pee and shit, how dare they get close to the eight hundred miles of water?"

Tong Wei also said angrily: "I don't know much about the lawsuit, and I'm confused. If you have committed a serious crime, it's fine. Let's sell some salt and earn some hard-earned money, but we bite like dogs. put!"

Hearing that both brothers Tong Wei and Tong Meng are willing to throw themselves into Liangshan, Li Jun also stood up and said, "Okay! Since the two brothers don't object, then let's go to Liangshan to vote for brother Li Yan!"

Tong Meng hesitated, and said, "Just leave empty-handed like this? Will the people in Liangshanbo underestimate me?"

Tong Wei smiled bitterly and said, "The three of us have nothing on us, so what if we don't leave empty-handed?"

Li Jun thought for a while, and said: "From my observation of Brother Li Yan's behavior, he seems to have great ambitions. How can he value such vulgar things as gold and silver?"

Tong Wei asked: "Then what does brother Li Yan value?"

Li Jun resolutely said: "Talent! It must be talent!"

Tong Wei was stunned and said, "Talent?"

Li Jundao: "That's right! If I can bring one or two good talents to join Liangshan Po, brother Li Yan will definitely give me a high opinion of me!"

Tong Wei said: "But where can we get good food and take it to Liangshanpo?"

Tong Meng said: "How about we take Li Li with us?"

Li Jun said: "No! The two brothers may not know that brother Li Yan passed by that cross slope not long ago and slaughtered the vegetable gardener Zhang Qing and the hag Sun Erniang, and then set their black shop on fire. Come to think of it, brother Li Yan must be I hate people who open black shops and sell human flesh, if we take Li Li with us, it may backfire!"

Hearing what Li Jun said, Tong Meng, who hadn't had a deep friendship with Li Li, immediately stopped talking about it, and just said, "Then where can we find good talents?"

Li Jun thought for a while, and said: "I heard people say that Shi Bao from Fuzhou has the courage to be undeserved and the ability to command thousands of troops. How about Liang Shanbo?"

Tong Meng was a little reluctant and said: "It takes a few hundred miles to go around Fuzhou..."

Li Jundao: "Brother, quit your hard work, this matter is related to my future, so don't be careless!"

Tong Wei reprimanded Tong Meng and said: "Lazy, how dare you ruin big brother's affairs!"

Tong Meng immediately corrected his attitude and said, "Go to Fuzhou, go to Fuzhou!"


Zixu view.

"Li Layman, the old Taoist has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Looking at Master Luo who seemed to be an expert outside the world, Li Yan hesitated for a moment, then sat down on the futon opposite Master Luo, and then asked, "Master Immortal knows I'm coming?"

Master Luo smiled and said, "Naturally."

Li Yan asked nervously, "Then... where did I come from?"

Master Luo shook his head and said, "Come from here."

Li Yan was startled, and then said with a fake smile: "Then if I ask the fairy head where I am going, will the fairy head tell me where I am going?"


Immediately, Master Luo really didn't know how to respond to Li Yan's abrupt and rude words!

Li Yan didn't bother with this topic, but said again: "I heard that the immortal elder knew 500 years ago and [-] years later, is this true?"

Master Luo secretly adjusted his immortal demeanor, then smiled and said, "Naturally."

Li Yan said leisurely: "Then what will happen next, the Immortal Elder must also know?"

Master Luo's head was not slow to react, but his pampered body couldn't keep up with his quick mind, so he was slapped by Li Yan's long-planned slap!


Li Yan withdrew his hand, then looked at his hand, felt it for a while, then looked at the dazed Luo Zhenren, who was covering his face, and said: "So, the fact that the immortal elder will call the wind and rain and scatter beans into soldiers is also fake. ?”

Master Luo suppressed his anger, and said: "Use the Tao to reach the world, its ghosts are not gods!"

Li Yan didn't understand Tao Te Ching, but he could tell that Master Luo should be personally denying the existence of ghosts and gods.

Since there are no ghosts and gods, then naturally there is no Taoism, so what is the use of cultivating Taoism?They cannot live forever.

Li Yan stood up with a look of disappointment and relief, then turned around and walked outside Songhexuan.

Just when Li Yan was about to walk out of Songhe Pavilion, the voice of Master Luo suddenly came from behind Li Yan: "Wait a minute!"


(End of this chapter)

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