Chapter 5 Diao Chan

The woman murmured a few words, bowed her head and said: "Everything is according to the master's order."

Guo Jia hurriedly ordered his subordinates to take her back to the mansion, as if she was afraid that the girl would change her mind.

Seeing that Diao Chan had settled down, the big man was slightly relieved.Originally, I wanted to come up to thank Guo Jia, after all, he helped him out of the siege.But when he heard that he was a member of the government, he dismissed the idea.

Because he has a murder case on his back, it is really not suitable to deal with people in the government.

This person is Chen Liudianwei, who killed a friend for a friend in his hometown, and has been on the run for some time.

"Strong man please stay!"

Seeing that Dian Wei was going to sneak away quietly, Guo Jia became a little anxious, and walked forward quickly, blocking Dian Wei's way.

How could he let the powerful bodyguard of this eternal warrior slip away so easily? Once it was in the hands of Cao Aman, it would not be so easy to get it back.

"Thank you so much!"

Dian Wei was originally a rough man, and the biggest official he had ever seen since he was a child was the county magistrate, and he had never seen such a big official as the sheriff.I felt a little nervous in my heart, and didn't know what to say.

He had a case on his back, so how dare he stay longer when he saw that the officials couldn't hide in time?

But he just got out of the siege and left without a sound, which is really unreasonable.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "I don't know if a strong man is willing to show his face, let's go to a wine shop for a glass of wine together?"

Hearing that it was drinking, Dian Wei relaxed slightly.

"If the Fujun doesn't think a certain family is rude, then a certain family would be more respectful than obedient."

The four of them came to a rather clean restaurant and sat down among the guests of honor.

Dian Wei is fond of wine, after a few glasses of wine, he gradually became less restrained.

Whatever Guo Jia asked, he would say.

He also had a good impression of Guo Jia, and immediately revealed his life experience.

It really was Dian Wei.

Hearing this, Guo Jia's heart finally sank.

"Classic warrior!"

He picked up and helped Dian Wei refill the wine, and said gently: "Although the slain person has his own way of death, it is the law of the great man to kill for life. I am afraid that the strong Dianwei will not be able to go home in this life. "

Dian Wei's face darkened.

He hasn't been back for many years, and he doesn't know what happened to his family?
"It's not an option to stay away all the time. Is Dian Zhuangshi willing to go to Zhongshan County with me to take office?"

Guo Jia threw out an olive branch at the right time.

To Zhongshan County?

Dian Wei was stunned, what he wanted to go most at the moment was Chen Liu's own hometown.

But as long as he goes there soon, the officials will definitely come to arrest him.

Guo Jia then bewitched: "In fact, there is no way to go back. Zhongshan County is located in the northern border, and there are many barbarians and bandits around. It is the kind of talent that is needed. If the strong man can make military achievements, he will be named a marquis." Jue is not a problem. At that time, Chen Liu's official will come to arrest you, the court official?"

Dian Wei smiled happily as he spoke.

He didn't want to get promoted and get rich, he was already very satisfied to get rid of the murder lawsuit and let him return to Chen Liu's hometown.

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Fu. A certain family is very grateful."

Said Dian Wei fell to the ground.

"Strong man, please! It's just that the Lord of the government has not yet taken office, so I can only wrong the strong man to be a general for a few days."

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Dian Wei up.

Dian Wei grinned and said: "As long as the governor can let a certain family serve in the army and return to the country with good clothes, it doesn't matter if the certain family is your servant."

Then he knelt down on the ground and called out to the Lord earnestly.

He is also a real person, otherwise he wouldn't be so determined to risk his life for a little favor that Cao A kept secret.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, officials everywhere had private soldiers in their hands, and only private soldiers were called lords.

When Dian Wei called it that, it was obvious that he already recognized Guo Jia as the master.

Get it!

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

"Congratulations, Mr. Fu, for accepting a brave man!"

After Dian Wei settled down, Xi Zhong and Xu Shu congratulated each other.

They have long seen that Dian Wei is very brave.

Guo Jia also nodded in satisfaction.

The road from Yingchuan to Zhongshan was not smooth, this time he brought all his belongings with him, now that he met Dianwei, he felt a little bit at ease.

Naturally, the number one bodyguard of the Three Kingdoms was not called for nothing.


Soon, the appointment of the imperial court came down, Xu Shu Xizhong and others settled down their families, and Cheng Yu, Man Chong, and Mao Jie also arrived.

The three of them were quite satisfied after seeing Guo Jia's talent and learning. They were also depressed people, and now that they had Guo Jia's appreciation, they unanimously decided to follow Guo Jia to take office.

The sheriff's staff is still very attractive to these people.

Ever since, Guo Jia slowly embarked on the road to Zhongshan County with his newly recruited team and family members.

The next stop is Chen Liu.

It is said that the reason why he came to Chenliu was to satisfy Dianwei's wish to visit his hometown in Zhongshan County before taking office.

With the help of Guo Jia, the quasi-prefect, the officials of Chenliu County naturally turned a blind eye to Dian Wei, allowing this nominal fugitive to walk into Chenliu.

At this time, Dian Wei's parents had passed away, Dian Wei cried a lot, cut off the last thought in his heart, and followed Guo Jia to make contributions with all his heart.

The matter of Dian Wei came to an end, and Guo Jia's people were almost recruited. The group left Chenliu County and planned to head for Hanoi.

But Chenliu's borders are not peaceful, and bandits occasionally roam around.

As soon as the group left the border of Chenliu, they were attacked by bandits.

"Protect the lord!"

Dian Wei let out a loud roar, and the two halberds stood guard in front of Guo Jia's carriage.

The rest of the people also drew their long swords.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, aristocratic families controlled the channels for official career.If the children of poor families want to stand out, the only way is military merit.

If you want to build military merit, you need to have a strong body, so most of the children from poor families practice martial arts, and their martial arts skills are not bad.

Xu Shu originally also studied martial arts, but later changed to study literature.

After everyone was vigilant for a while, they realized that it was a false alarm. The target of the thieves was a carriage. The guards of the carriage had already died in battle, except for a big man who was still stubbornly resisting by relying on the terrain.

Although there are many thieves, they are powerless for a while.

good man!
Guo Jia secretly praised, and said: "It's evil, do it, save that man!"

Evil has become Dianwei's character.

Dian Wei was a rough man, and he didn't know what it meant, since it was given by the lord, he accepted it.

"Understand my lord!"

He pulled out his double halberds, patted his horse and rushed over.

Seeing someone coming from this side, the bandits immediately sent out more than a dozen people to meet them.

Bandits, die!
Dian Wei let out a loud roar, and his two halberds danced like lightning, killing more than half of the bandits with just one encounter.

The literati gasped.

They always felt that Guo Jia was too generous to this vicious-looking servant beside him, even a little too much.

But I didn't expect this person to have such earth-shattering martial arts, especially those two iron halberds, I'm afraid I can't even lift them if I don't have the strength.

This person is actually able to run like flying immediately, this strength alone can scare people to death.

No wonder Guo Jia treated this person so politely?

Seeing Dianwei's ferocity, the bandit rushed forward and was cut to pieces by a pair of iron halberds, and his soul was thrown out of his body. He was so frightened that he turned his head and ran away, hating his parents for losing two legs.

(End of this chapter)

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