Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 796 Emperor Wu City

Chapter 796 Emperor Wu City

"Nanwu City has three levels. The Governor's Mansion is in the innermost Yacheng City, the governor's office is in Neizi City, and there is Wailuo City. In recent years, Fanfang has been newly built."

A group of officials, including the Guangzhou Shipping Commissioner, the Guangdong Observation Commissioner, the Guangdong Changping Commissioner, Guangzhou Changshi, and Sima, went out of the city to meet Qin Lang at the port.

Jia Wuben, the envoy of Changping, Guangdong Province, and the father of Qin Qiong's original wife, Qin Lang had to call out his grandfather.He took office last year. He is in charge of Changping transshipment and other affairs of Guangdong Yiyi.

Guangdong Observer Wei Baoluan, the grandson of the famous general Wei Xiaokuan, the Duke of Huaguo, supervised a local prefecture and county, and inspected the achievements of officials. In fact, his powers were equivalent to the governors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The block was assigned to the Changping Division, but it had no power of judicial litigation or military immediately.

When Qin Lang was at sea, he had asked someone to sort out the situation of the officials in Guangdong. He knew that Wei Baoluan was also a dandy, but as the sixth surname of Jingzhao Wei in Guanlong, he was a complete idiot.Although the Wei family was very prosperous in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty, from the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the Wei family was only reduced to a marriage tool of the royal family, and the daughters of the Wei family were married into the harem of the Sui and Tang Dynasties one by one.

It's either a noble concubine or a princess. The Wei family's daughter is very good, but the men of the Wei family are not as good as the next generation.

Wei Xiaokuan is so amazing, he can be called the God of War.Wei Xiaokuan took Hongnong Yang family, Xingyang Zheng family and Henan Yuan family successively, and gave birth to seven sons and a daughter.

Obtaining the shade of his door, seven sons, one state prince, two county princes, two county princes, one county marquis and one county uncle.The fourth son Wei Shou attacked the Duke of Hua and had three sons and a daughter.The eldest son died early, and the remaining two sons, Wei Baoluan and Wei Yijie, one is the observation envoy of Guangzhou and Hua Guogong, and the other is the servant of the Ministry of Punishment and the Duke of Xiangcheng County.

Jue has a high position, but he is a well-known idiot.

When the Tang Dynasty was founded, the two brothers surrendered to Li Yuan and were sent to attack Yao Junsu in Hedong with his son-in-law Zhao Jingci. As a result, the two brothers were incompetent and cowardly before the battle, so the son-in-law fought alone and was captured and executed.Since then, the two brothers have never been in the army, and have turned into civil servants, but relying on the Wei family and the women of the Wei family in the palace, they insist on their official career.

To observe such an important official, the emperor chose Wei Baoluan.

The favored concubine Wei in the palace is the niece of Wei Baoluan, his uncle Mr. Wei, who had three sons and six daughters, two of whom were dukes of the state and one duke of the county.Wei Yuancheng was the daughter of Wei Bo and Kuang brothers, both entered the palace, one was a concubine and the other was a concubine.Both of them were married during the Sui Dynasty, and later they were both young and widowed. Li Shimin accepted the two into the palace. After becoming emperor, he favored Wei's daughter very much, and even the members of the Wei family followed suit.

Zhenguan was restructured, and the imperial court set up roads above the prefectures, and established several Dudufu and Daduhufus throughout the country.

Guangzhou is the center of the southeast, so Guangzhou was promoted to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to control Guangdong and Guangxi, and the prince was in charge, and important officials were appointed as the chief historian and governor of Guangzhou.

The Shibo Division was also established in Guangzhou, and at the same time, Guangzhou was used as the seat of Canton Road, where the Observation Commissioner's Office and the Changping Commissioner's Office were established.

In a city of Guangzhou, on top of the Governor's Yamen, there are three higher-level Yamen, the Observation Envoy, the Changping Envoy, and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, as well as a special institution such as the Shibo Envoy.

But now, the emperor directly asked the prime minister to go out of the town and go to Guangzhou to serve as the governor and governor in person.

Facing Qin Lang, Wei Baoluan forced a smile.

Although Guangzhou is located in Lingnan, it is indeed prosperous and prosperous. As an official in charge of a group of officials in Guangdong, he is naturally very nourished. Now that Qin Lang is here, he is going back to Beijing.

He was both reluctant and worried, for fear that after Qin Lang took over, he would find out the unclean places under his buttocks.

He is also jealous and flattering towards Qin Lang.

"The truth sent someone to pass the order before, did you receive it?"

"Received, received." Wei Baoluan hurriedly said.

"So, is everyone here?"

Facing Qin Lang who was like his own son, Wei Baoluan felt very guilty when he heard the voice without any emotion, and his clothes were wet with sweat in early spring and February.

"We've arrived!" It was Jia Wuben who took up the conversation, "There are three roads in Lingnan, many places are really far away from Guangzhou, and the transportation is inconvenient. It's really not easy to come here in half a month."

Qin Lang stood at the pier and looked at the city of Guangzhou in the rain and fog.

The city has three layers.

The inner and outer three layers, almost like Chang'an, this is a rare three-ring city, ordinary cities neither have such a large population nor have the qualifications to build a triple city.

Only when Guangzhou was upgraded to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion can it be qualified.

When Dang Renhong and Zhou Shaofan were in office, they expanded Guangzhou, especially on the left and right sides of Wailuo City, each expanding a large area of ​​land, with Fanfang on the left and Guanxiang on the right.

When the two planned, they didn't directly build a circle around the outer city, but only added ears on the east and west sides. In fact, they also avoided overstepping in form. After all, although Guangzhou is the governor's office, it is not as big as Chang'an.

Guangzhou is full of prosperity and prosperity.

But Qin Lang knew that if Guangzhou was really so good, the emperor would not specially urge him to come, let alone let him take up the post of chief governor, which is usually only given to princes.

This is to grant him full power to facilitate his actions. The more power he is given, the more it means that the problem in Guangzhou is so serious that the emperor can no longer tolerate it.

What could be wrong with Guangzhou?
Qin Lang was also thinking on the road. Based on his understanding of Lingnan, the problems in Guangzhou are not those things on the surface, but deep-rooted problems, which will affect the fundamentals of the future hundreds of years.

In the final analysis, the problem in Guangzhou is not a problem in Guangzhou city, but a problem outside Guangzhou city.It is the Lingnan area that the imperial court still cannot control, and those deep-rooted Han chieftains.

Li Shimin is no longer willing to let Lingnan become a special zone for detention, he wants to change the land and return it to the people.

Both Dang Renhong and Zhou Shaofan had the deep expectations of the emperor, but one fell and the other died.

The water is too deep.

But it also strengthened the emperor's determination to use strong medicine for his serious illness.

Qin Lang couldn't be unaware of Wei Baoluan's petty thinking, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it. He had no intention of turning against the Wei family, but he was too lazy to deal with this kind of person.

In fact, the Wei family still has some elites, and they are still a force that should not be underestimated in the court. Wei Ting is also a member of the core of the center.

Not to mention, in the emperor's harem, Wei's daughter is also very powerful, and the wind blowing beside her pillow is also very strong.

Cheng Chumo and others deliberately drove all the three major fleets into Guangzhou Port, and drove all the merchant ships out of the port.The sailors and soldiers, who had been nourished in Liuqiu, all stood on the deck in armor after entering the port, showing off their might, which really shocked all the Han officials, civilians, businessmen, and businessmen in Guangzhou.

When entering the city.

Cheng Chumo even put on his armor and rode a horse himself, and escorted Qin Lang into the city with [-] selected marines.

After the welcome banquet, Qin Lang chatted with Jia Wuben for a while, and learned a little more about the muddy water in Guangzhou. He knew that there are mixed fish and dragons here, and many forces converge, and even the Fanren maritime merchants are also powerful.

Go back to the room.

Qin Lang found a post on the desk, he remembered that he didn't have it when he changed clothes in the room before going to the banquet.Pick it up and open it.

A stack of bank notes, worth [-] guan.

Qin Lang was surprised.

The shot is really generous, directly [-] yuan.

But apart from the [-] guan bank note, there is not a single word.

Qin Lang didn't believe that someone forgot to leave a letter, and the person who can send [-] guan is not a fool.It can only be said that this person's actions are interesting, and there will definitely be a follow-up.

People don't have to worry about hacking his money and not doing things.

Looking carefully at the stack of banknotes, the banknotes of the eight most famous banks in the Tang Dynasty are all the kind of large-denomination banknotes that can be redeemed at sight, with a minimum of [-] coins, [-] coins, and [-] coins. It is also one hundred times consistent.

Qin Lang put down the bank note, glanced around the room, but found nothing.

"Old Huang!"

Zhang Chao came in, "I'm here."

"Where's Huang?"

"I went to the port, and I won't be back in a while. It's the same if I have something to call."

Qin Lang pointed to the bank note on the table, "Who came here just now?"

"Is there no one?"

"Is there someone guarding here just now?"

"Let me ask."

Zhang Chao went out for a while, and then came back with two officers.

The two said that from the moment Qin Lang entered the city to the backyard of the Governor's Mansion in Yacheng, they immediately took over the guards of the entire Governor's Mansion.

"Admiral Cheng took over and guarded the entire Yacheng outside, and this backyard is also full of our people, and none of the original people remained."

"We have been guarding here, and no one has come in or out."

Qin Lang's face turned serious, and he quietly handed over [-] coins to his desk. Now it seems that the other party is not only here to give gifts, but also to show off.

Since they were able to quietly deliver the bank notes to the desk in Qin Lang's room, and the guards outside were not aware of it, it meant that they might also quietly take off Qin Lang's head.

Although Qin Lang believed it, it was impossible.

He went to the welcome banquet just now, and the most elite personal guards around him have been following him and are not here.

"What happened?" Looking at Qin Lang's face, Zhang Chao also felt that something was wrong.

"Someone left ten thousand coins in my study."

"When?" Zhang Chao asked in surprise.

"Just now, after I left and before I came back." Qin Lang said coldly.

The two teams were sweating in shock, "Damn my subordinates!"

Qin Lang helped the two of them up, "Each go down to get twenty army sticks, and they will be confined in a dark room for a day."

"Thank you Saburo."

The two team leaders gritted their teeth and stood up, guiltily going to lead the batons.

Zhang Chao gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Damn it, you really have the guts to play with this. I will send someone to search immediately, and cut him to pieces."

Qin Lang looked around the room again.

"Go, change places!"

Qin Lang changed from the Governor's Mansion to the Governor's Mansion, but as soon as he entered the backyard, the personal guards found a box from the house.

turn on.

Another stack of banknotes.

Twenty thousand!
"Be alert, protect Prime Minister Qin!" Zhang Chao shouted orders as if he was facing an enemy, and Qin Lang's troops quickly approached Qin Lang, raising their shields to protect him in the middle, making it impossible to see through the wind and rain.

"Retreat!" Zhang Chao shouted, and opened the way with his sabers in hand. All the relatives held spears, horizontal sabers, bows and crossbows, shielded Qin Lang and quickly withdrew from the governor's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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