Chapter 794
Liuqiu Island, Anping County.

Luermen Haikou.

Qin Lang led all the officials to welcome the court angels who entered the island.

Lao Cheng looked at the court ship that was following the tide and coming along the channel under the guidance of the naval speedboat, "This court is really troublesome."

"It's not a bad thing either." Qin Lang said.

In the spring of the seventh year of Zhenguan, the emperor issued a decree in Chang'an to select the descendants of the descendants from the clan for the deceased king Li Kuan of Chu, Li Xiao, king of Jiangshang, and Li Jian, king of Dai Xiao, to inherit the titles of King Yue, King Jiang, and King Min.

All the three kings were temporarily raised in the palace because of their young age, and bestowed on Liuqiu, so that the officials of the three kings went to the fief to manage the land, and when the three kings became adults, they became the kingdom of vassals.

The emperor analyzed Liuqiu Prefecture as Liuqiu, Anping, and Chiayi. The king of Yue sealed Liuqiu, the king of Jiang sealed Chiayi, and the king of Fujian sealed Anping.

A Liuqiu island was divided into three parts, and three vassal kings were sealed at once.

When Qin Lang received the news, he was quite surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it had little effect on him.

Anyway, he never came here and thought that it is impossible and unrealistic to monopolize Liuqiu Island and develop it into his own private territory, and the court will not allow it.

After King Wei was eaten by a shark, he once had the idea of ​​swallowing King Wei's men, but he dismissed it immediately after just thinking about it.

Now the emperor suddenly sent the three sons who had died prematurely to the clan to adopt them, and all of them were enshrined in Liuqiu. Presumably it was just that the emperor discovered the importance of Liuqiu Island.

As for why three were sealed instead of only one as before, it is probably because the island is very large and rich, so they directly brought three vassal kings here, so as to avoid the future dominance of one family and facilitate the separation of powers and checks and balances.

This also reflects Li Shimin's style.

Hainan Island has always had several states, so it is not surprising that Liuqiu now has three states.The more the court is like this, the more it shows that the court has really begun to pay attention to Liuqiu Island, and it will develop it on a large scale next.

Sure enough, when the imperial envoy's ship arrived in Anping City, Qin Lang also knew the emperor's plan.

There are [-] Turkic families, [-] Dangxiang households, and thousands of Jihu, Xiqi and other miscellaneous households and criminals. A total of [-] households will move here, but they will move in batches.

"Wei Gong, Zhou Gong, the governor of Guangzhou, suddenly died of illness in office. The sage ordered Wei Gong to go to Guangzhou immediately."

Zhou Shaofan is a good person. Qin Lang had a lot of dealings with him last year. Although it was through his son Xiao Zhou, the two cooperated tacitly.

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhou suddenly died of illness in Guangzhou.

"Wei Gong, Zhou Gong is not an accident, right?" Angel asked quietly when no one was around.

"No one should have such courage!" Qin Lang said, he guessed that this was also the emperor's question.

Before Dang Hongren broke up in Guangzhou, he was brought down by Feng An and other local kings. Now Zhou Shaofan died just after taking office for a year.

This had to make the emperor suspicious.

"Before our family came out, Zhaijia asked to bring a message to Wei Gong. We must investigate carefully and thoroughly. Even if it is finally found out that this matter has nothing to do with Lingnan, the imperial court should indeed rectify Lingnan. Feng Chenning When some earth kings act so recklessly, they really think they are earth emperors."

Qin Lang was neither surprised nor surprised.

Due to historical reasons, Lingnan has always been relatively independent, and the situation in Fujian is slightly better. The Central Plains have always had stronger control over Guilin and Guangzhou. Other places are the territory of the local kings, and the mountains are even more powerful scope.

In the past, Lingnan rebelled at every turn, taxes were not collected at all, and the imperial court had no troops stationed there.

Since Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, this situation has been changing rapidly. Although there were several rebellions, they were all quickly put down by the court, and the truth of each rebellion is worth pondering.

Unstable factors still exist, and the root cause is profit.

None of the local kings are handsome and willing to give up their rights and interests easily. They are neither willing to register as a household, nor are they willing to pay taxes and serve in the service. The status is gone.

Ning Changzhen, Feng Xuan and others represented Lingnan's uncompromising forces, and they were straightforward.However, after a few times, the compromising barbarian kings like Feng An and Chen Longshu gained the upper hand.

They dare not be tough and choose to surrender, but they also have a bottom line. When their bottom line is broken, they start to obey others, and even make small moves.

Dang Renhong was dismounted by Feng An's scheme. Now that Zhou Shaofan died of illness, Li Shimin began to doubt.Even if there is no evidence, Li Shimin is already very dissatisfied with the situation in Lingnan.

Could it be that Lingnan has really become a place outside the law, where the court needles cannot be inserted, and water cannot be splashed?

Taking this as an opportunity, Li Shimin has already planned to rectify Lower Lingnan.

"Duke Wei accepts the order!"

The emperor ordered Qin Lang to be the appeasement envoy of Sanguang Economic Strategy in the south of Lingnan, as well as the observation and disposal envoy of Guangdong Road, the governor of Guangzhou, the governor of Guangzhou, and the governor of Guangzhou.

The emperor gave Qin Lang the sharpest sword, and the entire Lingnan Three Paths were under his temporary jurisdiction.

Sanguang Economic Strategy Envoy, Guangdong Observation and Disposition Envoy, Guangzhou Metropolitan Governor, Guangzhou Inspector, Dongnan Customs Envoy, plus the title of Governor of the Navy, and his title of Prime Minister of Pingzhang Political Affairs.

There are also double banners and double festivals, which are specially designed to inherit and worship.

Now that Qin Lang is in the southeast, officials from governor to county magistrate can decide to be promoted or dismissed with a single word, and they can even be killed first and then played.

For an earth king like Feng An, Qin Lang has the right to cut first and play later.

The emperor gave him enough power to let Qin Lang, the most troublesome son-in-law, have a good time in Lingnan.

"Didn't Feng An just come to Beijing a few years ago, and he hasn't returned to Lingnan yet? I heard that he sang this Yue song in front of the guests at the Chang'an court banquet. The Sacred Heart is very happy." Qin Lang ask.

"Your Majesty specially asked Feng An to stay in Beijing for a longer period of time, so that it would be convenient for Duke Wei to handle affairs in Lingnan. If Duke Wei finds out that Feng An really has disobedience, and he secretly folds it up, His Majesty can prevent him from returning to Lingnan forever."

Qin Lang thought it was a big deal, and Li Shimin couldn't even tolerate Feng An anymore.

After all, Feng An is also his in-laws, so does the emperor trust him so much?
"Mr. Wei, the sage said that Liuqiu is doing a good job here. The rest of the work will be taken over by the company. Duke Wei doesn't need to stay in Liuqiu for a long time. Please rush to Guangzhou to take up the post immediately after receiving the order."

"To Guangzhou?"

"We've just opened up the situation in Liuqiu." Cheng Chumo was not very happy. It's been a pleasure to grab people to enclose land recently, and the enthusiasm of the navy is undiminished.

Every day I calculate how much money I will save, not to mention how happy I am.

That Liuqiu Island is really full of gold and silver. You can rob hundreds of people by breaking up a random village, and at least you can rob thousands of people.And there's nothing dangerous about this gangster.

"It's almost the same here, we've already fought, and we have to be pampered next time, anyway, our stall has already been set up, and even if we leave, the income will continue to flow. Besides, let's take this fattest bite After eating all the meat, there must be some bones left for others to chew on."

"You have a lot of places to race horses, and the money you rob is enough."

"When you arrive in Guangzhou, don't think that everything will be fine and you can go to Kuma and release Nanshan. Since the sage called us so urgently, it means that the situation will not be simple, and there may be a big battle."

Zhang Daan was puzzled.

"Guangzhou? Great battle? Who will you fight with?"

"Whoever dares to fight against the imperial court, we will fight with him. We will give you three days to clean up quickly."

In Anping City, Mrs. Nong was very happy when she heard that she was going to Guangzhou.

"Staying here every day is really boring. I want to leave a long time ago."

Qin Lang hugged the beauty with a smile, "You are willing to leave with such a big profit here?"

"The slave family is reluctant to let Saburo be lonely here alone, otherwise he would have left early."

Years later, more and more ships came to seek travel, and each family brought in ordinary ships of merchants, slaves, and trilogy, and transported away shiploads of foreign barbarians and goods.

The eleven county towns in Liuqiu have become the eleven base camps of the Tang Dynasty to control Liuqiu Island. Although they are still very simple, the winter is rainy, and the ground is like a muddy quagmire, but everyone follows the wealth. Come.

Standing on the wooden building in the center of the castle, Qin Lang looked at this crude Anping City, which looked like a temporary camp, and it has now been upgraded to Anping Prefecture, becoming a state city.

The Ministry of Officials has sent a governor to come, as well as a lot of officials including Chang Shi, Sima, and Cao Shenjun.

Their arrival means the end of the era of barbarism and disorder here, and the transition from the era of the Qin family to the era of the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

However, Qin Lang has already preemptively encircled enough land here, and the port, wharf and city also occupy prime locations.

Even if he left, based on these, the fattest piece of meat on Liuqiu Island would always be in Qin Lang's hands, at least for one day when he was there.

The big families in the future will definitely compete with each other, and the remaining unconquered flat land fans will definitely be conquered one by one. Even the mountain fans in the mountains will not escape the day of being conquered.

Qin Lang opened this treasure box, and no one could close it again.

Li Shimin's courage is great, and the pattern is also great.

Transforming one island into three prefectures, and feudal three kings have already planned the layout of Baodao for the future. This may be the layout of 300 years. It will last until the day when the Tang Dynasty perishes, and it may even affect the layout of Baodao in the future of the new dynasty. .

Let Liuqiu island be handed over to the three kings of the clan, on the surface, because the Qin family is the most powerful one in secret anyway.

Three days later.

Qin Lang in purple robe and jade belt boarded the battleship Thunder God Mountain, and the pier was crowded with people who came to see him off.Looking at the happy faces, Qin Lang waved his hands, turned and entered the cabin.

"Damn it, you can't wait for us to leave so soon!"

"I don't even think about it, if there is no Saburo, how could they have this opportunity to get a share of the pie here, forget the well digger when they drink water."

Zhang Chao and Ah Huang complained in the cabin, feeling that those guys are not authentic.

Qin Lang didn't take it seriously, that's how people are.They wished that Qin Lang would leave earlier, so that they could grab more benefits on the island.

Now that Qin Lang is here, the fact that the Qin family dominates the island must be enviable.

The mighty navy's three major fleets slowly left the harbor with white sails.

Along with the navy left, there were Fuzhou Xiangyong sent by Dugu Yanyun, the Xiangyong brought by Jia Runfu from Zhangzhou, and the troops brought by Qin Huan, governor of Liuqiu Prefecture.

Since one island has turned into three states, Qin Huan, the governor of Liuqiu Prefecture in the north of Baodao, is the only one remaining in the territory. Of course, there is no reason to stay in the south.

Lao Jia didn't come here in vain, Qin Lang sent a memorial to the imperial court, requesting that Penghu County be transferred to Zhangzhou.Dugu Yanyun and Qin Huan also returned with full rewards.

The fleet first sailed to Penghu, and then arrived in Chaozhou. After a short rest, they went south along the coast and went straight to Lingnan.

Qin Lang was still at sea, but he had already sent a speedboat to Guangzhou first, and with his series of titles that frightened people to death, he issued orders to the Han officials and native chieftains in the three routes of Lingnan. Within half a month, all of them rushed to Guangzhou to meet them.

If anyone fails to show up, they will be punished severely!
Up to the imperial court's Shi Fengji Yizhou governor, down to the township head Li Zhengxidong's elder, Qin Lang asked them to come to Guangzhou to meet him.

Not only that, each person has to bring the household registration population under his management, tax payment and other documents for review, and he will also personally assess his political performance at that time.

A horse riding a stage horse rode out from Guangzhou City and ran in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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