Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 567 Chapter System

Chapter 567 System
There was a moment of silence in the temple.

"Auxiliary machine, what do you think?" The emperor didn't expect the reaction of the ministers, so he called the name of the uncle.

Changsun Wuji mused, he didn't have any objection to Qin Qiong's appointment as the Grand Tutor and Pingzhang's important military affairs. Qin Qiong was loyal and stable, but Qin Lang was different. He could make meritorious deeds, but he was also a troublemaker. Last time Qin Lang Came to Luoyang from Chang'an, originally made a great contribution to the epidemic prevention and disaster relief, but suddenly returned to Chang'an, and was dismissed from several important positions.

No one knew what happened in the middle, but later Changsun Wuji found out through his younger sister, Empress Changsun, that it might have something to do with the sudden death of Zheng Jieyu. Very unpleasant.Even Empress Changsun in Chang'an knew a thing or two, so she knew the seriousness of this matter.

Since that time, Qin Lang has been staying in the Guanzhong country manor, not caring about political affairs, until the Songzhou Party invaded, Qin Lang led his troops to rescue his father Qin Qiong.Last time Qin Lang had made great achievements, but for some reason, this kid deliberately committed many things, falsely reported military achievements, etc., all of which were extremely bold and undisguised.

But in the face of the imperial censors' impeachment and the exact evidence, the emperor's final punishment was thunderous and rainy. Although Qin Lang was dismissed again and demoted to be the governor of Diezhou, the emperor returned the punishment to him. With a solid seal, there was no intention of taking the opportunity to clean him up.

This inevitably made Changsun Wuji a little puzzled, how far did the last incident go, and where has the relationship between the monarch, minister and Weng son-in-law reached?
Qin Lang's crimes last time were very intentional to provoke the emperor.

With the precedent of last time, Changsun Wuji didn't dare to say whether Qin Lang would do something deadly after his great victory this time.

"Your Majesty, the battle is not over yet, I think it's better to finish the battle first, and then describe the merits and rewards in detail."

Li Shimin thought for a while, "That's right, then temporarily appoint Qin Langlong Youdao Xuan Fu envoy, governor of Diezhou, governor, deputy envoys of Dangxiang and Tuyuhun, and general commander of the Taoshuidao march."

Next, the monarchs and ministers happily discussed for a long time about the more than 30 Qiang people recruited by Qin Qiong to surrender.

Wei Zheng said, "Your Majesty, after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Western Qiang was weak, and either served China, or fled to the mountains. After the Yuwen family destroyed Dangchang and Deng Zhi in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the party began to be strong. Its border was Songzhou in the east and Yehu in the west. In the south are Zachongsang, Misang and other Qiangs, and in the north it is connected to Tuyuhun, in the valley, and stretches for more than three thousand li."

"Party matters are related to the peace of Tang's western borders, so the handling has to be carefully considered."

Wen Yanbo and Yang Shidao, representatives of the Jimi faction in the DPRK, stood up again at this time and proposed Jimi rule over the party. The reason is that the land of the party is more difficult to rule directly than the land of the Turks.

They called altitude sickness cold peaks, and said that it was difficult for people in the Central Plains to adapt to the climate there. If the imperial court directly brought it under the rule and set up Zhengzhou, the gains would not be worth the loss. It would be better to rule directly and use them as a buffer zone in the western border of the Tang Dynasty. It is enough to guarantee their loyalty to Datang.

This time, even radicals like Wei Zheng, who shout every day that people who are not of our race must have different hearts, can't refute it. It's really that kind of place, and it's really hard to control.I think that when the Northern Zhou Dynasty expanded westward, it only included the Qiangshui, Baishui, and Minjiang River areas under its rule, but it was also because in the Han Dynasty, the imperial court had brought these places under its rule through the Han-Qiang War, and the altitude of these places was actually not high. , is indeed a farming and nomadic area, which is suitable for the survival and development of the Han people, but it will not work any further to the west. It is only suitable for animal husbandry, so this is actually a natural boundary line.

Just like the northern part of the Central Plains, it extends to the foot of Yinshan Mountain at most. Going further north is actually not suitable for farming civilization at all. The cost of ruling is too high and it is difficult to be effective.

Wei Zheng was a scholar-type official. He had done in-depth research on barbarians such as Turks, Dangxiang, and Tuyuhun, and had achieved some results.

General Tang officials only knew that Dangxiang was in the southwest when they talked about Dangxiang. Some people even regarded the most powerful Dangxiang tribe as the Tuoba tribe, so they took it for granted that Dangxiang Tuoba was the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei in the Northern Wei Dynasty.But in fact, although the Murong family of Tuyuhun is the same family as the Xianbei Murong of the Yan Kingdom during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, Dangxiang Tuoba has nothing to do with Xianbei Tuoba of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Wei Zheng investigated the history of Dangxiang and found that Dangxiang also claimed to be medicine. In the myths and legends of Dangxiang people, their ancestors were macaques. This is actually the same as Tubo, Supi, and Xiangtong on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In their common myths , These Qiang people on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are also called Fan.

The original Fan clan consisted of four major clans, among which the Dong clan was the origin of the Miyao clan.

The Sui Dynasty officially recorded that Dangxiang was a macaque species, and according to the records of the Han Dynasty, Dangxiang belonged to a branch of the Western Qiang. The Qiang nationality has been a big concept since the Qin and Han Dynasties. The west is all Qiang.

Since the Han Dynasty, those who have accepted the deep influence of the Han culture have all accepted the saying that the Han and Qiang have the same origin, while those in the more remote Western Qiang have been less influenced by the Han culture, so they all agree that their ancestors are macaques.

Dangxiang used to belong to a group of Qiang people who were less influenced by Han culture. However, with the continuous western expansion of the Central Plains, the once remote and barbaric Dangxiang Qiang lived directly next to the Han family in the Central Plains.

According to Wei Zheng's research, Tubo, which is rapidly rising on the snow-covered plateau, is actually a branch of Qiang, but in terms of origin and inheritance, it is not as noble as Dangxiang.

Because Dangxiang's ancestor, the Dong family, was one of the four major clans of the Tubo family, but the Zanpu family of Tubo couldn't even touch the borders of the four major clans. Surviving silently, after hundreds of years of hard work, it is only now that it is powerful enough to dominate the snow-covered plateau.

Li Shimin is not very familiar with the history of Dangxiang, he thought that the Tuoba tribe of Dangxiang was really a member of the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei, who came from the Central Plains like the Murong family of Tuyuhun, and then merged with the Qiang people.

What Wei Zheng said, he only half-believed. As for what Wei Zheng mentioned about the snow-covered plateau rising a strong Tubo, the emperor didn't even care.

In the eyes of the emperor, Tuyuhun and Dangxiang were really worrying in the Southwest, and the other small Qiang were not worth mentioning.

After discussing with Changsun Wuji and others, Li Shimin decided to set up Jimi Prefecture for the subordinate Qiangs as last time, under the leadership of the leaders of the party and various ministries.

However, in order to be able to control the party, Yang Shidao suggested that more states and counties should be divided.

So the monarchs and ministers studied a relatively general map of the Dangxiang Hequ for half a day, and finally decided to set up Jijizhou rule for the slightly stronger tribes according to the surrender list submitted by Qin Qiong to divide the Dangxiang.

Sixteen prefectures were opened from the east of the Yellow River to the Qingshan Tang border in the west, and 32 prefectures including Yi, Cuo, Lin, and Ke were established from the west of the Yellow River to the Hequ land of Jishi Mountain in the north.

A total of 48 prefectures have been established, and together with the seven prefectures established last time, there are actually 55 prefectures.

These 55 Jimi prefectures almost represent 55 Dangxiang tribes with more than a thousand accounts. Among them, the eight major tribes such as Tuoba were split into several states.

There are 32 prefectures in Hequ, seven prefectures in Jiayuan, and a total of 39 prefectures, all of which are assigned to Jiannan Road and managed by Songzhou Dudufu.

The sixteen prefectures in Hedong were assigned to Longyou Road and were managed by the Governor's Mansion of Diezhou.

In the 55 states, the governors were all awarded to the leaders of the tribes who belonged to them, and those who made meritorious deeds were also awarded titles.

Regarding Tuoba Chici, the leader of the party Xiangqiang, Li Shimin decided to confer the title of governor of Xirong Prefecture, and gave him the surname Li, and was restrained by the governor's office of Songzhou. He was also specially named the Duke of Pingxi County.

On the southwestern border of the Tang Dynasty, there are many Qiangs. In addition to the powerful Dangxiang Qiang, there are also Bailan Qiang, Misang Qiang, Bailang Qiang, Xishan Qiang, Dongnvuo, etc. There are countless Qiang tribes, large and small. .

Now that Dangxiang, the largest Qiang tribe, is conquered, Li Shimin and other monarchs and officials are very excited.

Tuoba Chici directly bestowed the surname of the country, made him the Duke of the county, and gave him the title of governor. Xifeng Bulai also entered the title of the county prince this time, and the post of governor.

The imperial court also allowed hereditary official positions and exempted them from taxation and taxation.

Li Shimin and the prime ministers of the imperial court, what they want now is to sweep these party items into the Tang dynasty system first, and let them be the state and county officials of the Tang Dynasty. As for other populations, taxes, etc., there is no requirement , so as not to push too hard, the party members cannot accept it.

After drawing in, slowly digest it, just like Lingnan before.

There are very few requirements for these party members, that is, they are required to pay tribute to local products, such as musk, cinnabar, dragon beard mats, ox butter, good horses, etc. The symbolic tribute is not a big burden. Send children to court as bodyguards or to study.

In the final analysis, Li Shimin and his subjects did not have much confidence in being able to completely conquer the Qiangs.

The Qiang and barbarians took advantage of danger, but the imperial court was unwilling to employ teachers and laborers for the people. For the barren and miasmatic land, what the imperial court wanted was that they would not come to the border again in the future. The imperial court was willing to confer official titles on those leaders and let them be the imperial court agent, in fact, it is tantamount to the mutual recognition of both parties.

The court recognized the independence of those chiefs, and the chiefs acknowledged their suzerainty to the court and the emperor.

Of course, the division of prefectures and counties and the granting of official positions are actually to allow Datang to openly intervene among the Qiang people. On the surface, it is to preside over the adjudication of disputes, but in fact it is to unite the weak and separate the strong, to prevent one family from dominating, and to prevent them from uniting. Betrayed Datang.

"The four generals Duan Zhixuan, Cheng Yaojin, Zhang Shigui, and Xue Wanche of Longyou were appointed governors of Shan, Kuo, He, and Tao prefectures respectively; Xi Junmai, Gao Zhensheng, and Gao Kan were appointed governors of Min, Dang, and Wu prefectures; The Sima of the Governor's Mansion of the state is still serving as the envoy of the Zhenxi Army."

"All the generals should listen to the envoy Xuanfu of Longyou Road, the chief of the Taoshui Road marching, the escort of Tuyuhun, and the deputy envoy of the two tribes, Qin Lang, for restraint!"

(End of this chapter)

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