Chapter 512
As a general, you should be brave and fearless, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there.

Qin Qiong led [-] Han and Qiang Qingqi out of Songzhou Village, marching relentlessly.Bali Buli, who rode behind Qin Qiong on horseback, admired Qin Qiong's five bodies in his heart. This kind of bravery and determination made the little Qiang chief admire him very much.

He is indeed the great general of the Central Plains Empire.

Hit the horse out of Songzhou, go north along the Minjiang River for [-] miles, then turn west, and go west along the Yangdong River Valley.

"Ah Lang, is this Balibuli really trustworthy? If he turns his back on the battlefield, then we will be gone forever." Qin Biao carefully reminded Qin Qiong that Baliburi is a Qiang after all, The vassal of the Babu, who knows if this guy will really start fighting, after all, this guy was only captured and surrendered.

"I don't think that guy is trustworthy. As a chief, he has no blood at all. When we captured him, he would have no resistance. If he was asked to swindle the city, he would swindle. This kind of person cannot be trusted."

Qin Qiong was riding the Hulei Leopard, with a calm expression, "You don't doubt the person you use, and you don't use the person you suspect."


"I think people still have some experience. If you take advantage of it, you will not turn it back."

Some of his sons were sent to Chang'an, and some of them served as soldiers by his side. His clan and family members are still in Songzhou City. Besides, Qin Qiong thought he was quite accurate in judging people, so he used Libuli After getting in touch these days, I feel that although this person is not very brave, he is not the kind of capricious villain.

[-] riders, without baggage, without civilian husbands, traveling lightly.

In the narrow and steep river valley and mountain road, the army advanced silently.

Waiting for the Qiang cavalry with Li Bu Li, he was a little dazed and worried, but the Tang cavalry led by Qin Qiong were arrogant and arrogant, without fear, and only hoped for an early battle.

Originally, Qin Meng and other generals all asked him to lead the team, so it would be good for Qin Qiong to stay and stay in Songzhou, but Qin Qiong still wanted to lead the troops in person.

Although there is a suspicion of using a sledgehammer to kill chickens, Qin Qiong did not underestimate the enemy.

The enemy is outnumbered, and the long-distance water cannot quench the near-thirst. He must take this battle seriously without making any mistakes.

Instead of letting the enemy come down to Songzhou City to be beaten passively, it is better to jump out first, actively look for fighters, and ambush and wipe out the enemy.

For a qualified general, everyone knows that defending a city cannot be defended to death, but must be defended alive.To defend is to be slaughtered and passively beaten. You must hold the initiative of the war in your own hands, use all means to mobilize the enemy, lead the enemy by the nose, and disrupt the enemy's deployment arrangements, so that you have a chance.

Songzhou is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and Gansong Mountain Gansong Ridge is an excellent counterattack opportunity.

As a famous player, how could he miss such an opportunity?
"Ten years!"

Qingqi galloped for a hundred and thirty miles, Qin Qiong boarded the pass of Gansongling, looking at the mountains and mountains on the opposite side, Qin Lang couldn't help sighing.

The Qiang people are an ancient tribe, and the Dangxiang Qiang is just a branch of the Qiang people. The Han and Qiang once belonged to the same origin, but the Han and Qiang fought a thousand-year war.

During the Han Dynasty, the battle between Han and Qiang was fought for more than a hundred years, and the boundary of Han and Qiang was finally roughly determined.

The Qiang people were driven to the further west, which is also a remote and barren area.

Whenever the Central Plains was strong and prosperous, most of the Qiang people belonged to their vassals. Although there were often Qiang rebellions, they were all small episodes.But once the Central Plains is in turmoil, the Qiang people will be in chaos. They always try to regain the lost territory, not only wanting Hexi Longyou, but even Guanzhong and Shu.

It's just that no Central Plains dynasty will tolerate this.

In this continuous valley, by this treacherous river, I don't know how many corpses have been buried, and I don't know how many times the clear river has been dyed red.

"Barisma, do you know Chinese characters?"

Baili shook his head in embarrassment. He could only speak some Chinese, but he was illiterate and could not write.

"The character Wu in our Chinese characters, when folded, is the word Zhige. Wu means Zhige. Ge is a spear, a weapon of war. Wu is not about oppression, but to stop wars and stop wars with martial arts. I respect His Majesty ordered Songzhou to come to guard the border, and I never thought of oppressing the surrounding tribes. I only hope to end the years of harassment and aggression on this border, so that everyone can live a stable life, not for generations. Blood feud, more than revenge."

"This mountain and river is very beautiful!" Qin Qiong said.

Bow Li Buli, Qin Qiong's words are very good, but he thinks it is unrealistic. The war between Han and Qiang has lasted for thousands of years, and it seems to be an endless deadlock.

The Han people are strong, and the Qiang people are retreating.The Han people were in chaos, and the Qiang people entered.

The continuous border will always be fought endlessly.

This kind of battle is because of the blood feud inherited from the bones.

Today's Qiang people are no longer as brave as they used to be, and even feel a little scattered. Dangxiang Qiang, Bailan Qiang, Xishan Qiang, and even Supi and Yangtong, which were annexed by Tubo, all belong to the Qiang nationality.

There are many Qiang people, but there is no strong leader who overwhelms them. They live scattered in the harsh environment, but they still don't forget the internal struggle.

Even the Dangxiang Qiang has hundreds of thousands of people, but there is no Dangxiang King, and the eight powerful ministries are still fighting among themselves.

The Qiangs have a vast territory, and at the same time have a population no less than that of neighboring countries such as Turks, Tiele, Tuyuhun, and Tubo, but their influence is far less than those countries.

The extremely powerful Dangxiang can only rely on Tuyuhun because the ministries are not subordinate to each other.But Tuyuhun, a powerful country, was actually just a branch of Xianbei Murong who came from Liaodong in the early years. They moved to Qinghai from distant Liaodong. With a small population, they were able to conquer the Qiangdi who had lived here for generations, and became the masters.

Even Dangxiang is attached to Tuyuhun.

The Qiang people, who were once able to compete with the Central Plains dynasty, have now declined.

"Surprise with might, and embrace with kindness! I plan to quell the war here and make peace here again."

Ba Li heard Qin Qiong's murderous intent from this sentence.He said that he wanted peace, but he still wanted to be shocked by his might. He said that the word "wu" means to stop fighting, but now he is leading thousands of horsemen to lie down on the narrow road.

After all, it is inseparable from a typing.

The Hexi, Longyou, and Jiannan courts of the Tang Dynasty all had a special task, which was to manage the Qiang people.The task of Hexi Road is to isolate the Qiang and Hu people and prevent the Qiang people from connecting with the Turkic Tiele and other Hu people in the north.

Longyou Dao's mission was to guard against the Qiang raiders, secure the border, prevent them from threatening the Guanzhong area, and block them out of Longxi.

Jiannan Dao's task is to caress the wild fangs.

Separation, defense, and caress each have their own emphasis, but the heart of guarding against the Qiang people has never changed.

In the emperor's secular plan, the borders of Hexi, Longyou, and Jiannan will seize a large area of ​​land from the Qiang people to establish a secular prefecture, which will be granted to the meritorious officials and prime ministers, and let them guard for the court from generation to generation. frontier.

Qin Qiong's Songzhou was enfeoffed based on this idea. Songzhou was originally the territory of the Qiang people. The imperial court forcibly established a Songzhou in this strategic place and granted it to Qin Qiong in order to seize the territory.

This is just the beginning. If Qin Qiong's enfeoffment of Songzhou goes smoothly, then the imperial court will successively entrust the heroes to guard the edge of the three roads and compete with the Qiang people for territory.

In the future, dozens or even hundreds of border states like Songzhou may appear.

"Situ, you haven't come back yet, Situ hurry up and take a rest!" It's useless to think about Libuli's fate and future for the Qiang people.In fact, the Qiang people only recognize the tribal family, and there is no such concept as a community of shared future for the Qiang people. Maybe there used to be, but now there is no such thing.

Now Libuli just wants to hug Datang and Qin Qiong's thighs tightly, so that he and his tribe can have a better life, at least he can survive in this crack, as for other things, he doesn't want to think about them.

If Dang Xiangqiang came over, he would never be polite in his actions.

Qin Qiong took out a piece of beef jerky and started chewing it raw.

Yak meat is air-dried, and the meat is extremely hard. You can tear off shreds of meat if you tear it hard. It smells fishy, ​​but it is not bad to chew, and it has a good effect on satisfying hunger.

"When we left Chang'an, Saburo told me to let me dry some more dried yak meat and send it back to him."

Since Ba Libuli followed Qin Qiong, he often heard him talking about that young Mr. Qin.

The family general Qin Biao galloped back.

Bring back a message.

"A team of about a thousand people is approaching. Judging from the banner, it should belong to the Tuoba Department. It is probably a forward."

This team of thousands of people was very arrogant. They came all the way, and they didn't even send out scouts. They just came like this.

"Do you bring any livestock or family members?" Qin Qiong asked.

"Without family members or livestock, a thousand Qiang warriors."

Qin Qiong nodded. It seems that this is indeed the forward of the Tuoba tribe. It is not the traditional scene where the whole tribe dispatches. The Qiang people are very tough. When they go out to battle, young and strong men and young women often ride horses together. When they go into battle, the old man takes his children and drives the cattle and sheep to follow. During the battle, he is responsible for guarding the camp, guarding the prisoners, and robbing the enemy's cattle and sheep.

But now came a thousand pure Qiang men.

"I wanted to snatch some livestock, but it seems that I have no chance." Qin Qiong smiled, "Get ready, and fight whatever comes. It's better to kill these thousand young men first."

Qin Qiong turned to Ba Libu and said, "Ba Li Sima, tell your people that the head of a Qiang bandit can be exchanged for [-] copper coins, and a slightly injured Qiang prisoner can be exchanged for [-] coins. Strong prisoner, I can give you five thousand coins."

"You can also exchange this money for salt, tea, wine, sugar, cloth, etc."

"The captured war horses and weapons can also be exchanged for money from me!"

"If unfortunately you die in battle, I will also give you a pension, and you will also be rewarded if you are injured."

After hearing the interpreter's words, the fighters of the Baili tribe were all uplifted and extremely excited.The Qiang people usually fight for the purpose of looting, but now fighting for Qin Qiong has so many benefits. These sturdy Qiang warriors are naturally extremely passionate.

A thousand Qingqi forwards from the Tuoba tribe came to the pass arrogantly and unpreparedly, and they marched swaggeringly.

Suddenly, a horn sounded, and the huge rocks and rough trees on the mountains on both sides rolled down, blocking the front and back roads of the Tuoba Qiang people one by one.

Immediately afterwards, arrows rained down, and countless people on the hillsides on both sides shot arrows condescendingly.

Blocked in the narrow passage, Tuoba Qiang cavalry could not advance or retreat, could not evade, and wanted to fight back, but Qin Qiong led a thousand and five troops to occupy the dangerous slopes on both sides condescendingly, and the Qiang cavalry could not fight back at all.

Rolling stones and beating trees, accompanied by arrow rain and javelins, the attack lasted for more than half an hour.

When the arrow stopped and the stone stopped, the valley was dead silent.

A thousand Tuoba forward Qingqi were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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