Chapter 259
Originally, Qin Lang planned to discuss the salt tax, the customs duty of the Municipal Bureau of Shipping, the industrial and commercial tax, the special tax on tea and wine, etc., but seeing Feng Deyi and others wanting to pounce on him and beat him to death, he saved the saliva.

Li Shimin saw that it was not good, so he quickly asked someone to bring stewed pears with rock sugar.

After he ate this thing once, he thought it was very good. In this winter, charcoal was burned in the temple. Although it was warm, it was very dry. sweet.

When the emperor gave pears, of course he had to give face.

So everyone retreated to their original positions, rolled up their sleeves and closed their mouths.

But there is always time to finish eating two pears.

After eating, the tongue is not so dry, so these guys are gearing up to encircle Qin Lang again.

Qin Lang didn't touch the pear. To be honest, although he made the rock candy, he didn't like to eat candy. In fact, he used to like to eat candy very much, but later found out that his family had a history of diabetes. They all broke out with diabetes, so he was also very scared. He stopped drinking drinks and eating candy, let alone sugar.

People in Tang Dynasty like to eat sugar. In their eyes, sugar is a good thing. It can even cure diseases and keep healthy when they are not sick.

Seeing that Ma Zhou was eating too much, Qin Lang actually asked him, "Why don't you eat? If you don't eat, let me eat!"

Thinking back to history, Ma Zhou seemed to suffer from diabetes, so he died very early. Isn’t this diabetes?

"You can't eat candy anymore."


"Have you often felt thirsty and urinated a lot lately?"

Ma Zhou was surprised, "Yes, recently I eat a lot, drink a lot and urinate a lot."

Qin Lang looked at Ma Zhou carefully, and found that he had lost a lot of weight recently. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, and always thought that Ma Zhou's diabetes should be in the future, but he didn't expect to have symptoms now.

"You are a symptom of diabetes. With this disease, you can't eat sugar, and you can't eat sweet fruits. You should also drink less porridge. It is best to stop drinking and stay up late, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"How troublesome?"

"If you can't control it, you will go blind, your hands and feet will rot, and your kidneys will rot. I didn't scare you. There is no cure for this disease. You can only control your diet, eat less, eat more, exercise more, and forbid sweets."

"Is it that serious?"

"It's only going to get worse."

Ma Zhou was also a little intimidated, but he got along well with Qin Lang and knew that Qin Lang's serious look was not deceiving.He put down the bowl melancholy and was in a daze.

At a young age, he had just been appreciated and used by the emperor, and he wanted to flex his fists in order to serve the king, but who knew that he might suffer from such a serious illness.

"You need to exercise more in the future. It's best to get up and run every morning. Swimming every day in summer is also good. If you control it, in fact, it's okay to live to be eight or ninety years old, just be careful not to overwork!"

Seeing that the emperor had finally finished eating the pears, Qin Lang got up and patted his butt.

"Your Majesty, please leave!"

This time, everyone who was gearing up was stunned.

Li Shimin was also stunned.


"Your Majesty, I have said everything I should say. This tax reform is for the sake of the country, the people, and the long-term stability of the Tang Dynasty. It is of no benefit to the minister. Even with such a change, the minister will have to pay more than 1000 shi a year." Grain, hundreds of pieces of silk, I have no selfish intentions, but I am afraid when I see the appearance of the prime ministers and ministers who want to tear me up and share the food. I am just a transshipment department, and this year is only seventeen. The power of one person How can we resist the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty?"

"So please resign, I don't care. How to make decisions is the responsibility and power of your Majesty and the prime ministers."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang didn't wait for Li Shimin to stop being dazed, he took off the crown directly, put it on the hall, then turned and left.

When he did this, it really surprised everyone.

When Li Shimin returned to Shoushen, Qin Lang had already walked out of Liangyi Hall.


Li Shimin cursed.

Feng Deyi and the others were also a little speechless.

He was about to refute Qin Lang, an ignorant boy, but he left.

Surrendered, retreated.

This long-prepared counterattack has nowhere to hit.

Feng Deyi took advantage of the opportunity to impeach Qin Lang, without looking at the Son of Heaven, and accused Qin Lang of more than a dozen serious crimes in one breath, wishing that the emperor would catch him and chop him up now.

Wang Gui and others also followed up with impeachment.

But after hearing these impeachments, the originally angry emperor gradually calmed down.

They were still chattering, but Li Shimin had already tossed his sleeves, stood up with a dark face, kicked the court case, and left.

Now Feng Deyi was even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

Qin Lang left as soon as he said, and now the emperor is here again?
Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others got up and left without saying a word.

Feng Deyi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay in the hall.

After Qin Lang left the palace, he went back to Pingkangfang to say hello to Yuxiao and the others, then took Ah Huang out of Chang'an City and headed straight to Sanyuan.

After Li Shimin listened to the report of Li Junxian, the leader of the Baiqi Division, he just replied "oh", and then he didn't say anything.

The emperor sat alone in the imperial study, closed his eyes and meditated, and no one should disturb him, and he stayed there for a long time.

The emperor summoned Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Changsun Wuji to discuss secretly for a long time, but no one knew what the emperor had discussed with them.

On the north bank of the Weihe River, Xianyang.

Qin Lang looked at the Weibei Wetland. Along the river bank was an endless grass marsh with reeds growing and water pools everywhere. In autumn, there were plump ducks everywhere. It was a place where the nobles of the capital often came to shoot and hunt.

But now, here is a withered yellow, full of desolation.

The ice on the Weihe River has not yet thawed, and the warm land is still in the dry season.

According to a casual estimate, this is tens of thousands of acres of land, an undeveloped virgin land.

In the Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasties, this area was actually developed, but the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty brought it back to its original state.

Because the terrain is low-lying, and it is close to several rivers such as the Wei River, once the flood season occurs, the water potential will rise sharply, while the south bank is high and the north bank, especially Xianyang, is low-lying.

"Sanlang, let's just run out like this, are you okay?"

Qin Lang smiled, the emperor did not send anyone to chase him, nor did he come to inquire about the crime, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

He has said everything he should have said, there is no point in continuing to spit on the princes in the court, and now that he is gone, he is actually going forward instead of retreating, and the initiative is in the hands of the emperor.

How to choose is also the emperor's business.

He is just a pawn. Once he crosses the river and sinks to the bottom, he is useless.

He rushed through this wave and completed his mission.

Ah Huang curled her lips, "Actually, I think Sanlang, you have taken too big a step this time. If you levy salt tax, you will levy salt tax. If you are doing well, you will have to change the rent regulation. This is the basic national system, how can it be so easy?" It has been changed. Besides, what is the purpose of changing that thing? We are not accountable. If you change it, our family has more than 6 acres of land, and we have to pay more than 1000 stone grains a year. Hundreds of bolts of silk, year after year, how much is this worth?"

Qin Lang smiled, yes, even Ah Huang thought so, who would support him.

I really have nothing to do, so I insist on stabbing this hornet's nest.In history, Li Shimin didn't have himself, didn't carry out such laborious reforms, isn't he just as wise and great, is he still a khan?
I am full of food, so I have to stand on the opposite side of the entire gentry bureaucracy?

Is this not afraid of death or too long?
"Ah Huang, you're right. I'm a little overwhelmed. I've gone too far. From now on, let's not care about it. The year is over, and we're going to plant trees and raise pigs!"

"Not going back to Chang'an?"

"I won't be going back for the time being. Anyway, the hole I made this time is very big. It is estimated that the capital will not calm down in a while, so it is better to stay away."

"Ah Huang, look at this place is not bad."

"Saburo won't want to buy this land again?"

"Didn't we make a fortune from sugar making a few days ago, about [-] yuan?"

"It's about the same. Now there is still a daily income, but the raw materials are in short supply, so there is not much sugar for decolorization and refinement."

More than 3000 guan, it's like picking it up for nothing, and it doesn't cost much.

He took a fancy to this wetland in Xianyang Weihebei and wanted to buy it.

"Why are you buying this? It's far worse than the land in Sanyuan. The water is really rising every year."

"Buy it first, and then slowly transform it. Digging ditches, repairing canals and building fish ponds, with a little effort and time, you can still transform some fields."

"I'm afraid the cost is not worth it."

"How can it not be worthwhile? Land is a valuable thing. The longer it lasts, the more valuable it becomes. Let's come a little bit. I plan to build some villas here this year as summer vacation homes. They can be rented out to scholars and merchants in Chang'an. We can Plant some lotus root here and raise some fish, and when the time comes to go boating and pick lotus, it would be nice to go fishing by the pond.”

Ah Huang shook his head helplessly, "Sanlang, you really want something to happen, but if Sanlang's tax reform plan is implemented, buying land in the future will not be cost-effective."

"Maybe there is some restraint on land annexation, but the powerful gentry will still buy it if they should. Do you think that if you pay the land tax and Ding Yong, you will lose money? Buying land with money is always the safest income."

Qin Lang went directly to the Xianyang county government, found the county magistrate and proposed to buy the marshland.

"There is a large part of this place that belongs to the royal hunting ground."

"Then buy the part that is not the royal hunting ground."

"There is also a large swine farm belonging to the royal family."

"Except for this piece, there must be some wasteland, right? I don't want to take it for nothing. If you give money, how about three hundred yuan per mu?"

The county magistrate was a little confused about Qin Lang's intentions at first, but he was surprised to see that Qin Lang really wanted to sell the swamp land.

After some detailed discussion, Qin Lang finally bought about [-] mu of wasteland for [-] yuan. Xianyang County has made a lot of money in vain by buying such swampland at a price of [-] yuan per mu.

After signing the formal contract, both parties are very satisfied.

Qin Lang put away the contract, did not continue to stay in Sanyuan, and went directly to Sanyuan Zhuangzi in the north.

As for this piece of land, I will plan it later when I have time. Three thousand guan is replaced by such a large piece of land. Although it is now barren and full of reeds, Qin Lang still thinks it is a good deal.

(End of this chapter)

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