Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 239 The Emperor's Bottom Line

Chapter 239 The Emperor's Bottom Line

The abbot of the Inspiration Temple looked at the dark green thick phlegm, and couldn't help frowning.

He took two steps back, then bypassed the mouthful of phlegm, came to Qin Lang, and clasped his hands together.

"The poor monk came to visit Lord Yi. The test was completed a few days ago at the Bi Temple. The monks and clean people in the temple have all obtained certificates of degree and deed. I don't know why Lord Yi came today?"

The Lingling Temple was re-established because it was abolished a few years ago. It is not as good as the Da Zongchi Temple, etc., but there are still dozens of monks who spent thousands of dollars to buy Dudu, and it is still painful.

Wei Chang, however, was not polite to him. With his left hand on the hilt of the knife, he said viciously, "The thieves and bald donkeys occupy such a precious place in Chang'an, but they hide filth and do a lot of evil. Now they are ordered to raid!"

The abbot Guangzhi was shocked, "Why did the benefactor say such a thing?"

Wei Chang leaned in front of him and said, "Thief and bald donkey, the monk in your temple is righteous. He was originally a scoundrel, but he fled into your temple because of a crime. You took his money and gave him a shave and asylum. Now this man is private. Princess Tongdanyang..."

Guang Zhi was shocked.

Wei Chang waved his hand directly, "Search the Inspiration Temple, all the eunuchs and clean men in the temple will be arrested and interrogated, and everyone's details will be found out."

"It's absolutely impossible..."

Wei Chang kicked the big monk to the ground with one kick. It is said that Wei Chang was a slave when he was young and was bullied by the monk, so he has always had a grudge against the monk. In addition, he has been a hobbit all his life, and he has no Buddha in his heart. In awe.

A group of Zhenfusi sergeants who were like wolves and tigers, who were also street fighters, suddenly jumped around in the temple.

Qin Lang saw it and didn't stop him.

A law enforcement officer sometimes needs deterrence. He is here to handle the case today, so of course he has nothing to say.

Qin Lang wandered around the temple, and even went to the Daxiong Hall to burn incense sticks.

After offering incense, the sergeant of Zhenfu Division had already gathered everyone in the temple together, from the abbot to the sweeping monk to the fire head monk, there were more than 300 people in total.Compared with the last time when Qin Lang came to take the exam, there were obviously many more people.

Undoubtedly, the Temple of Inspiration deliberately concealed the number of people last time.

"Wei Shuai, thoroughly investigate the identities of these people!"

Wei Chang said, "These are all our specialties."

While examining the identities of these monks and servants one by one, they began to check the money and food in the temple and check their account books.

Not to mention other things, the location of this house is very good, and it covers a large area. The land alone is worth a lot of money, not to mention that there are so many bronze Buddha statues and other bronze statues in the temple. It is also a lot of money to take the utensils and melt them into money.

The temple houses can be divided into many other courtyard gardens after renovation, or the houses can be sold.

Wei Chang was indeed very effective in handling affairs, and he had found many problems in a short while.

Sheltering fugitive prisoners, housing undocumented black households, and slaves who have not registered with the government, etc. In addition, the property in the temple is also amazing, including rewards from the Sui and Tang dynasties, purchases from the temple, and donations from others. Of course, many of them are unavoidably controversial fields, etc. The temple also has a lot of water mills, etc., and some of these were originally banned by the government, but they still retained them by virtue of their influence.

Not to mention the loan from the quality warehouse, the interest is very high. In fact, many land properties in the temple were mortgaged by the common people to the quality warehouse.

This temple actually still has its own grain store, incense candle store, and gold store in Chang'an City...

"Through investigation, detailed investigation!"

Qin Lang only said four words, and then continued to look through the ledger.

In the afternoon, Qin Lang got up satisfied with all the confessions and evidences he had collected.

"Continue to block the Inspiration Temple, and please Wei Chang send someone to seal up the shops, workshops, farms, water mills, etc. in and outside the city of Inspiration Temple, and temporarily detain the slaves belonging to the temple. I will report to His Majesty first."

As for that Wei Xiaobao, he was taken down immediately, after interrogation, he knew everything without saying anything, and now he is under strict guard.

The emperor is eating.

At this time around two o'clock in the afternoon, the emperor had no time to eat the busy meal, and the imperial meal was passed on three times, served and withdrawn.

"Huailiang is here, have you eaten yet?" Li Shimin was eating a fried chicken.

"Your Majesty, I have already eaten."

"You said there was something urgent to report, so go ahead."

Qin Lang said there was no rush and asked the emperor to continue eating.Li Shimin was indeed hungry, so he lowered his head and continued to eat. The diced chicken was fried well, but it was a pity that there was no chili. Although Fuliu vine, dogwood, ginger, etc. could be used instead of spiciness, the taste still lacked a lot.

There is also no peanuts, otherwise you can make authentic Kung Pao Chicken. Now the imperial chefs obviously only make dry fried chicken without chili.

However, the diced chicken is also fried golden, and it is sprinkled with expensive pepper and other seasonings. It looks good.

The emperor is very diligent, and every time he sees him, he is devoted to government affairs. Although the emperor also has some hobbies of his own, such as hunting on horseback, playing with eagles and walking dogs, as far as he knows, the emperor succeeded to the throne After that, these past personal hobbies have not been played much now.

Li Shimin was full and wiped his mouth.

"Tell me, what's the matter? Is it about land tax and salt administration? I have to think about it again!"

"Your Majesty, it's not these, but another matter, which is related to the face of the royal family."

Qin Lang handed over the file.

The more Li Shimin looked at it, the more shocked he became, and the more he looked at it, the more angry he became.


"Your Majesty knows the subject well, and the subject always seeks truth from facts and never dares to deceive the monarch!"

Li Shimin got up angrily, blew his beard and stared, put his hands behind his back, his chest heaved unsteadily, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was, he kicked the imperial case over with a sudden kick.

The guards and servants on duty at the entrance of the hall hurried in, only to see the emperor kicking over the imperial case, while Duke Yi was still kneeling in the hall, far away.

Li Shimin waved to the guards, and they all quickly withdrew again.

I have been on duty in the palace for a long time, and everyone knows that once the emperor is angry, he will kick the case, but he is used to it.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Qin Lang waited for Li Shimin's breath to come out, and then said, "Your Majesty, I think it's time to rectify these monasteries. There are too many filth. Many monks in the so-called famous temples are actually monks. Thieves and rascals who have been convicted. There are even many monks in the temple who only exist on the list. In fact, they are not really monks at all. Most of them are sons of powerful landlords. The status of a monk is just to avoid class service."

Before there was the case of Fa Ya and Pei Ji colluding, and later there was the case of Li Xiaogong's family secretly raising a monk, and now there is another incident of a monk having an affair with Princess Danyang to become pregnant.

Again and again they are challenging Li Shimin's bottom line.

Qin Lang began to talk about statistics again. How many Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, nunneries, maiden Taoist temples, so-called monks, houses, bronze statues and bronze wares, and fields in Chang'an City , how many loans are there, how many servants and tenant farmers...

More importantly, these people have not only influenced the beliefs of the people, they are also extremely powerful economically, and have begun to invade politics.

"Your Majesty, you should remember that during the Turkic invasion in the sixth year of Wude, Fa Ya quickly gathered thousands of monks as soldiers in Chang'an City. We have to guard against it!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Li Shimin's expression became more and more ugly.

Chang'an City is the capital, and under the feet of the emperor, the monks were able to quickly gather thousands of monks as soldiers, which already made him extremely afraid.

Qin Lang reiterated the old saying that the temples should be rectified, strict assessment should be carried out, and those devout ones who are dedicated to cultivation must be retained, but all the temples in Chang'an City must be moved outside the city. Not only Chang'an, but the whole world should be like this. The temples and temples must be moved at least twenty miles away from the residential areas of the common people, and temples and temples must not occupy fertile land.

All monks and Taoists must pass the examination, obtain the degree certificate and become a monk to practice, and they are forbidden to enter and leave cities and villages at will, and they are not allowed to hold pujas at will. For pujas with more than ten people, they are required to report to the government for approval, and temples are also prohibited. To engage in any industrial and commercial activities, it is not allowed to operate quality warehouses, and it is not allowed to operate workshops, shops and caravans.

Temples should also strictly limit the land. According to the order of equal land, each monk or Taoist can reduce the land granted by half.However, the food and silk for the rent adjustment must be paid in half of the regular Ding. In addition, each monk must also perform [-] days of free labor every year.

It is forbidden to use gold, copper and other statues, gilt paste, etc. in temples and temples.

"It is strictly forbidden to keep or use slaves in temples!"

This sequence is actually equivalent to exterminating Buddhas and banning Dao in disguise. However, compared to the one-size-fits-all approach of exterminating Buddhas with two martial arts, Qin Lang still has some reservations, affirming the existence of true monks and true Dao.

"In the future, monks and Taoists must first apply to the government for shaving. Those who are young and strong are prohibited from shaving, and those who have committed crimes are prohibited from shaving. Men who are over [-] years old and women who are over [-] years old can only be shaving if they can pass one or more classics."

Li Shimin's breathing gradually stabilized.

Qin Lang's proposal was very bold.

But if you really want to implement it like this, I'm afraid the impact will be huge.

"Your Majesty, Taoism is small in scale and has little influence. It is mainly Buddhism. Taishi Ling Fu Yi also said that Buddhism does not respect the righteousness of the monarch and his subjects, father and son. Shave hair and wear clothes easily, avoid taxes and servitude. Exploit the common people, cut off the national reserves. He is good at preaching evil books and evil methods, intimidating fools, and defrauding property."

"The common people have little knowledge, don't know the root cause, and believe their lies. They pursue past crimes, falsely hope for future happiness, make people foolish, falsely seek merit and virtue, defy punishment, and violate the law. He is in prison, but he is still in prison. Respecting the Buddha, reciting Buddhist scriptures, trying to avoid sins!"

"Your Majesty, when it enters the family, it destroys the family, and when it enters the country, it destroys the country. There was no Buddhism during the time of the five emperors and three kings. The emperor was loyal and his ministers were loyal, and the ancestors lived for a long time. Emperor Han and Ming first established Buddhist temples, but only the Sangmen in the Western Regions taught themselves. Before the Western Jin Dynasty, There is a strict law that prohibits the people of the country from shaving their hair to become monks. After the Wuhu invasion, the ban in the Central Plains was relaxed. After that, it was a disaster for the Central Plains, and Shi Le served the Buddha, making the monarch fatuous and treacherous. Emperor Wu of Liang should be a warning.”

"In the past, Baosi alone could confuse King You, and lead to the subjugation of the country. Now hundreds of thousands of monks and nuns are carving and painting clay Buddhas, casting money to cast Buddhas, in order to confuse the world, and must be controlled."

Qin Lang didn't say prohibition, but control.

"As long as a little rectification is made, the national treasury will be filled, and the country will be rich and full of soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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