Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 237 Please Kill Qin Lang

Chapter 237 Please Kill Qin Lang
For a dine-in meal, the monarchs and ministers ate mixed flavors.

With the wonderful prospects Qin Lang painted and the astonishing data, Li Shimin felt that the bright red Dongpo meat was no longer fragrant, and the stewed mutton was no longer tasty.

Li Shimin knew very well how big of a problem Qin Lang had given him.

He knew very well that Qin Lang would not lie to him, if implemented, the prospect would indeed be so bright.But the question is, does he dare to bring up Qin Lang's knife and cut it down?

Who it was at the other end, he knew very well.

Qin Lang slashed at Buddhism and Taoism for the first time, and Li Shimin supported him. Now that his second slash was about to slash at the entire gentry and powerful people, he was a little hesitant.

His world has not yet settled down.

He didn't know if the situation in the world would become like the last year of the great cause, when everyone would be separated and wars would be everywhere.

The most painful thing in the world may be this. He was short of money, and Qin Lang found him a huge treasure. There were tens of millions of stones of grain produced continuously every year, but beside the treasure, there were Many fierce beasts are guarding, and he doesn't know if he can defeat them.

You can see it, but you can't get it, that pain...

In the end, the emperor didn't express his opinion immediately. He put down his chopsticks and couldn't eat any more.His answer to Qin Lang was to authorize the transshipment department to start a nationwide census immediately, check household registrations, measure fields and minerals all over the country, and complete the confirmation, registration and deed by the end of next year.

As for whether to implement land tax, whether to levy salt tax, etc., the emperor did not say.

But the emperor did not refuse.

The emperor needs to make more preparations and investigate more situations. He needs to know how many people will stand on his side and who will stand on his opposite side in this war.

Li Shimin only dared to make the final decision if he had figured out these things.

Let Qin Lang start the census first, so as not to waste time, but also to buy him some time.

Before the end of the meal, the emperor rewarded Qin Lang with a set of gold and jade tableware, the reason being that Qin Lang was conscientious and loyal to the king's affairs.

Walking out of the corridor, the emperor stroked Qin Lang's back, and said earnestly, "Your father Shu Bao and I are brothers, and now you are my son-in-law, so I treat you as a son."

"You should go all out to do the census, and the performance of the certiorari is good, so don't slack off, take advantage of this momentum and finish it in one go."

Half of the monks and Taoists in Chang'an have contributed millions of guandus. If all the monks and Taoists in the world are sold, they can bring in millions of guans. Li Shimin urgently needs this money.

"There is still food, you have to step up control, there is still a huge food gap in Guanzhong, find a way to supply."

"Your Majesty, I thought I had already obtained millions of coins, so I should be more cautious in issuing the certificates next time. I should take this opportunity to restrain Buddhism a little. I saw that there are countless famous temples and temples inside and outside the city of Chang'an. Not to mention the vast temples, it's just them. The number of fields they occupy is astonishing. In Chang'an alone, they have tens of thousands of servants, not to mention countless people who rent their fields. They also have quality warehouses and other loans. The government offices have little money, compared to the monasteries doing some good deeds every year to gain fame, their private influence on the court is too great, if they are left alone, it will be even more difficult in the future!"

"We should take advantage of this issuance of certificates to conduct a comprehensive survey of all monasteries, restrict monks and fields in each monastery, and prohibit them from operating quality warehouses and other industrial and commercial activities. For those monks who do not understand Buddhist scriptures, all monks should be ordered to return to vulgarity. It is best to Issued a decree that only a few Buddhist temples are allowed to remain in Chang'an and other cities, and it is even more forbidden for monks to live together with the common people..."

Qin Lang still had the attitude of suppressing Buddha.

Li Shimin was a little surprised.

"I will consider what you said carefully. You can continue the assessment and issue ultimatums to monks who pass the examination. As for those who fail, temporarily record their names and deal with them later. As for the temple's quality warehouse, fields, workshops, etc., I will let the prime ministers of the Political Affairs Hall discuss how to deal with it!"

After a short break, the court meeting of the Xiande Palace continued.

Qin Lang knelt down in the hall again, but he could feel the completely different atmosphere from the morning.

It was obvious that a storm was brewing in the palace, and someone wanted to fight back against him.

Sure enough, when the discussion resumed, Wang Gui, the admonishing doctor and the political adviser, was the first to jump out to attack.

He asked the emperor directly, "Your Majesty, how much worse is the governance of the country by the monarchs and ministers in modern times than in the past, why?"

Sure enough, he was a bold one, and he directly chopped down with a murderous sword.

Sitting there, Li Shimin didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically, "Please Wang Shenzheng to clear up my confusion!"

Wang Gui replied very bluntly, "It's because the ancient emperors governed the country, most of them advocated innocence and inaction, and put the people at the center. However, the modern kings satisfied their own desires by harming the interests of the people. The appointed ministers, He is no longer a refined scholar who is well-learned in classics and history."

"In the Han Dynasty, there was no prime minister who was not proficient in one kind of scriptures. If there were any difficult problems in the court, they could quote scriptures and refer to scriptures to make judgments. Therefore, everyone understood etiquette and the country was safe and stable. But in modern times, it is more important Martial arts, despise Confucianism, or use criminal laws to govern the country, which leads to the destruction of Confucianism, and the ancient simple folk customs have disappeared.”

Wang Gui asked the ancients to talk about the present, and the so-called modern monarchs and ministers were actually talking about Li Shimin, Qin Lang and others.

He himself is a descendant of the Taiyuan Wang family, a son of the five surnames, a family of scriptures, and a well-educated Confucian scholar. Of course, he looks down on Qin Qiong and Qin Lang's father and son.

He thinks that Qin Qiong is just a martial artist, not to mention Qin Lang, a concubine from the general family, now young and lucky, he slanders and flatters his master and acts recklessly.

After Wang Gui finished speaking, Wei Zheng immediately followed up.

When Jian Jian became the crown prince, Wang Gui was the crown prince Zhongyun, and Wei Zheng was the crown prince Xianma. Both of them were Jiancheng's confidantes. Although they are both officials in the new dynasty, they have been reused and entered the political center to participate in politics.But because one is an admonishing doctor and the other is a secretary and supervisor, their positions are not important and they have no real power, so they both try their best to talk about things when discussing political affairs or Xiande Palace.

Anyway, they only have the power to spray.

Wei Zheng said loudly, "Your Majesty, there is actually no difference between governing the country and recuperating from illness. When the patient feels better, he needs to take care of his breath. If he violates taboos, it will lead to death. The same is true for governing the country. When the world is a little stable, especially You need to work hard and be cautious. If you indulge in luxury and indulgence, you will inevitably lead to ruin. Now the world is in danger, and the responsibility falls on Your Majesty, so Your Majesty should be more cautious every day, even if you do it well, don’t boast. We wait Ministers can only play the role of eyes, eyes, hands and feet. The monarch and ministers are one, and should work together. Now, as ministers, we find that things are not done properly, so we must try our best to express our opinions without any reservations. To be honest, it is really a great harm to the country!"

Facing the two big trolls, Li Shimin could only say, "If you have any truth to tell, just say it!"

Wei Zheng said very bluntly, "Looking at the ancient emperors, some rose and some fell. It seems that there must be night when there is morning. This is because the eyes and ears are blinded, and they don't understand the political gains and losses at that time. Loyal and upright people Don't dare to speak out to persuade, but evil and flatterers gain power day by day, the monarch can't hear his own mistakes, and eventually perishes naturally!"

"Love is not a king, but fear is not a people. Don't think that there is nothing wrong with the world, and the world is peaceful, so you don't care about it. For the Son of Heaven, if you have the way, people will push you to dominate, and if you don't have the way, people will abandon it. It is sincere and fearful. Since ancient times All the kings who lost their country were all because they forgot peril in the time of stability and turmoil in the time of peace, so they could not enjoy long-term peace and stability. Now that your majesty is rich all over the world, you should maintain a cautious attitude like walking on thin ice when you are facing the abyss. The ancients said that the king is In a boat, the people are water, and the water can carry the boat, and it can also overturn it. The people are to be feared, as the imperial decree!"

Speaking of the excitement, Wei Zheng even pointed at Qin Lang and said, "Your Majesty, for the sake of the long-term stability of the Tang Dynasty and the peace of the world, please remove Qin Lang from his nationality and become a citizen. also."

Wang Gui also followed suit, "Please kill Qin Lang, this man is bewitching people with his demonic words, this is the treacherous officials of Yang Guangzhi Yu Shiji and Pei Yun. If you believe in Qin Lang, the Tang Dynasty will never have peace. The country's peril is caused by Such people rose up, Sui Yangdi died at the hands of ordinary people, and it was precisely because he listened to the words of treacherous ministers and villains and harmed the people, so after his death, few people in the world felt sorry for him."

Feng Deyi actually fell into trouble too.

"Your Majesty, after today's great chaos, don't make mistakes."

Wei Ting followed suit.

"In the Sui Dynasty, even if the people had property, it was difficult to preserve it. Since the Tang Dynasty pacified the world, I have devoted myself to caring for the people. Everyone can maintain their livelihoods and protect their own property. If your majesty is now thinking about how to wrest more from the people If there is a lot of money, all kinds of taxes are imposed, and the name is cleverly obtained, then even if His Majesty has reduced and exempted the people’s taxes many times and given them many rewards, what’s the point? Wouldn’t that be going back to Yang Guang’s old path?”

Dai Zhou also said, "When Master Wang invaded Chang'an, the beauties and treasures in the palace were dissatisfied, but Emperor Yang was still not satisfied, and continued to expropriate and expropriate, until the people had no means of living, complained, and then perished! This is so close. Lesson, you must guard against it!"

"At the beginning of your Majesty's accession to the throne, there were disasters caused by frost and drought, expensive rice and rice, raids and disturbances, and disturbances in counties and counties. Your Majesty should be concerned about the people, manage the state affairs meticulously, advocate frugality, and vigorously spread kindness. As long as your Majesty can sympathize with the people, then it will be considered temporary. The days are hard, and the common people eat everything and no one complains."

"On the contrary, if His Majesty starts to think about clever ways to collect taxes from the people all day long, it will chill the hearts of the scholars and people in the world. At that time, the hearts of the people will be lost, and they will never be regained."

"A human heart is worth more than a thousand pieces of gold!"

Qin Lang was besieged there without saying a word.

Fortunately, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui, the emperor's confidantes, never joined the siege.

It's just that Qin Qiong's face was already pale. This general who was not afraid of thousands of troops in the war was shocked by the mouths of these civil servants in this palace.He was terrified that his son would be scolded as a treacherous villain by them, and what he was worried about was that his son might not be able to escape unscathed today.

He was distraught.

These people, with mouths like swords, kill without blood.

Qin Lang sneered.

He looked at these guys calmly, and each of them spoke better than they sang. In fact, they are the spokespersons of the bureaucratic and noble families. They just don't want to sacrifice their own interests. How can they be so noble!
(End of this chapter)

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