Chapter 224

More than 1000 mu of depressions were transformed into more than [-] mu of paddy fields, another [-] mu of fruit and vegetable fields on small islands, and about [-] mu of water surface.

Before it rained and accumulated water, Qin Lang was asking his servants to scatter some fermented chicken and duck manure into the bottom of the pond.

"Wouldn't it be better to scatter this manure into the fields?"

Lao Wang was puzzled, he had been farming all his life, but he had never raised fish.The people of the Tang Dynasty had long understood the use of manure as fertilizer, even before the Qin and Han Dynasties. Now, ordinary people understand the importance of manure, so manure will accumulate, even cattle and sheep manure in the wild will not If it is wasted, it will be picked up at home to accumulate manure.

But Pharaoh obviously didn't understand why the bottom of the newly dug pond had to be sprinkled with manure.

"Our pond used to be just a puddle, very shallow. This time, it has been dredged and deep excavated, so there is no silt underneath, and it is a hard bottom. This new pond has poor buffering capacity, insufficient organic matter, and the water is not fertile. It is difficult for fish to feed. Fat. Fish also need fat, so we spread the fermented chicken and duck manure on the fermented land first, and add a layer of fat mud to the bottom. After the water is full, raise the water and then it can be put The fish fry are ready, so that the fish can grow fast and fat."

There must be a lot of learning about fish farming. Although Qin Lang doesn't know much about it, he has at least seen pork before. He knows that if it is an old pond, quicklime needs to be sprinkled regularly. It is used for disinfection, and it can also be sprinkled with water to cure some fish diseases.

Even sprinkling quicklime depends on the weather, such as thunderstorms, stuffy days, etc., it cannot be sprinkled, and it cannot be used in combination with acidic things.

In the final analysis, quicklime still plays a role in resisting excessive organic organisms and maintaining the ecological balance in the pond.But now the new ponds are short of organic matter. After the drying ponds are disinfected, manure and fertilizers are added to establish a soil environment for the survival of organic organisms.

"Don't fish eat grass and manure?"

"Fish is a very particular thing to raise. It's not that simple. How big is a fish pond, how many fish are raised, and what kind of fish are raised. For example, grass carp are mainly grass carp that eat grass. Grass carp usually live near the shore. Or the middle and lower layers of the pond, they mainly eat grass. However, silver carp, for example, mainly live in the upper layer of the water and like to eat green algae, etc., while fathead fish live in the middle and upper layers and like to eat planktonic insects in the water, etc. Herrings generally live at the bottom of the pond and mainly eat snails and mussels, while carp and herring have similar habits and also live at the bottom, mainly eating snails and mussels."

Carp is revered by Taoism as Lord Chihui. It is even said in folklore that carp leaps over the dragon’s gate and burns its tail to transform into a dragon.

Taoism respects carp and associates carp with immortals, so Taoism forbids eating carp.

Today is the world of the Li family, and the Li family respects Lao Tzu as their ancestor, and then respects Taoism.

However, at present, the Tang Dynasty does not prohibit the people from eating carp, but the Taoist believers are forbidden to eat carp. It was not until Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, when Lao Tzu was honored as Emperor Taishang Xuanyuan, that Li Longji formally issued an edict to prohibit the world from catching and eating carp.

So right now, the people in the Guanzhong area actually eat the most fish, the carp, especially the Yellow River carp, which is the most famous.

Qin Lang planned to raise the four main fishes in the [-]-acre pond, and carp as well. These five fishes live in different levels in the fish pond and will not conflict.

As for black fish and catfish, Qin Lang does not plan to raise them. These are carnivorous fish that can eat fish. He plans to raise a small amount of such things as shrimp and crab. Raising less can provide food for carp and herring, and can also harvest some.

As for crucian carp and the like, it all depends on their own reproductive ability.

"Old Wang, now we can almost go to various places to find fishermen to order fish fry. As long as we have these five kinds of fish fry, we will order them and let them keep them for us. We will start releasing seedlings into the pond after spring begins."

The breeding industry is not mature these days. The biggest problem is not that you can raise whatever you want, but there is still a lack of seedlings. There is no special seedling raising. Basically, fishermen catch and screen when fishing.

So Qin Lang plans to do some fish farming by himself in the future, breeding, screening, transporting, selling fry, and mastering the upstream source of fish farming, just like he raises chickens.

Under the current conditions, Qin Lang actually does not have the technology of artificial breeding of fry. He can't produce that kind of hormone, and he doesn't have the conditions.

However, generally excellent old fishermen can master some spawning grounds for fish. These fishing grounds are actually formed naturally and have unique hydrological and water temperature conditions, so fish will go to spawn regularly every year. In fact, there are conditions to catch labor fish fry in the time, but it will be more difficult to traffic fish fry, especially if it is far away.

"This embankment needs to be strengthened. After the spring thaws, all mulberry trees will be planted. At that time, the mulberry leaves will be raised for silkworms. The surplus mulberry leaves can also be fed to sheep, especially after drying, they can be stored as winter food for sheep."

Mulberry trees can not only stabilize dikes, but also feed silkworms to feed sheep. Sheep dung can be used to fertilize fields to feed fish. Wool sheep can be sold for money, and fish dung sludge can also be used to fertilize mulberry trees.

"Don't you plant willows?"

"The economic benefits of willows are not high, so we don't plant them here. We plant all mulberry trees. The piles of soil and rocks in the middle of the pond are not suitable for rice planting. We plant some jujube trees, walnut trees, cherry trees, pear trees, and some melons. Fruits and vegetables. At that time, there will be mud and water at the bottom of the river, which can guarantee some harvests."

Qin Lang stood on the embankment, looking like he was pointing to the country. The vision of the future he drew made Lao Wang look forward to it.

Regarding Qin Lang's words, he firmly believed in them, and no longer doubted them.

As far as Qin Lang is concerned, this is actually just his experimental field, an experimental field for ecological breeding, and a new type of manor economy. As long as this experimental field is successful, then this model can be fully promoted in the future and can produce more The benefits can even benefit more people.

"Sanlang, the old Li from the next door came over to secretly look around every day recently. This old guy wants to learn from us secretly."

"Let him learn. It is better to be alone than to be happy together. Besides, as soon as this new manor economic model comes out, anyone who cares will be able to see the way, so they can't hide it if they want to. It's better to let them be generous. Come and learn. Of course, it’s hard to figure it out in a few years just by looking at it. You can tell Lao Wang directly, if he is willing to pay some tuition fees, we can teach the technology directly and let him come and learn in person, and we won’t Let him think about how much tuition fees he needs."

"Sanlang, you can't teach it. You have taught the apprentice to starve to death!" Old Wang said anxiously, this old Wang always thinks of the protagonist.

"Instead of letting them figure it out on their own, it's better to charge him some tuition to teach him. Anyway, he can figure it out sooner or later by himself. Can't he charge a little tuition now? Besides, after they learn it, they will definitely think about it." Let’s do it, then we can just sell them chickens, ducks, pigs, lambs, and even fish fry, isn’t that great?”

In later generations, how many farmers did not make money, and those who made money were all selling seedlings?
Old Wang slapped his thigh, "Sanlang is right, it makes sense."

Qin Lang laughed. In fact, he was willing to teach one because others have seen it a few times, and they can always figure it out if they think about it slowly. , and the market will not be saturated. In this era, the economic market for non-staple food will always be in short supply.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, and we have to start preparing for the New Year."

Qin Lang walked back with his hands behind his back. Next to this pond was the Zhuangzi of the Qin family. Now that a new pond has been built, it will not only solve the problem of waterlogging, but also provide water for his Zhuangzi during the dry season. Well, it serves multiple purposes, turning waste land into treasure land.

Not to mention how much the thousand mu of land has increased in value, even the Qin family's original several hundred mu of Zhuangzi land has immediately increased in price.

That's called development, that's called transformation, it's just buying low and selling high, that's just a bad guy.

"The weather is fine, so it's time to marinate and smoke."

Qin Lang asked Lao Wang to make a note that the chicken and duck farms in various places should increase the amount of slaughter during this period. Those roosters, male ducks and capon ducks weighing four to five catties no longer need to be raised. They will be slaughtered in batches and made into pickled meat Smoked cured meat, or increase the supply of chickens and ducks in the Qin family's shops in Chang'an and surrounding cities.

"It's the Chinese New Year, the price can be lowered a little, and let everyone have a good year. Let's take the opportunity to clear the market. Anyway, the chickens and ducks grow to four or five catties, and they don't grow much. If we continue to raise them, we will eat a lot of feed. But the meat doesn’t grow very much, so it’s not worthwhile to raise it.”

"Have an event, five hundred dollars and three chickens, each weighing about four to five catties, choose!"

"The price is too cheap!" Pharaoh shouted quickly.

"So this is called an event, and it's limited to three days! This time, we want to promote the word-of-mouth brand of our Yiguo Mansion, so that everyone will think of our family first when buying chickens and ducks in the future. In the future, we will be sheep, pigs, and fish. It’s also on the market, and everyone will definitely rush to buy it, so it won’t lose money.”

Lao Wang understood that he wanted to lose money and make money.

Back in the village, the servants were still there, lifting stones and dancing knives and guns, and a servant hurried up to meet him.

"I've seen Duke Yi!"

The servants sent eunuchs over to give oral instructions to lift the ban on him, and called him back to Chang'an to enter the East Palace to discuss matters.

"It's the Chinese New Year soon, and my village has been very busy recently."

Contrary to the servant's expectation, Qin Lang was not happy, and he didn't even want to return to Beijing.

The servant was extremely surprised, so he could only persuade him, "Duke Yi, but this is His Majesty's order."

Qin Lang said disapprovingly, "I was dismissed from office, and even expelled from Chang'an. This is not only a decree from His Majesty, but also a document signed by the Prime Minister of Zhengshitang and reviewed by the Menxia Province. There is no Zhongshu Menxia now. How can I return to Chang'an?"

(End of this chapter)

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