Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 200 Conferred God

Chapter 200 Conferred God
Qin Lang stood in a temple of heavenly kings, looking at the clay statue of heavenly kings, he couldn't laugh or cry.I don't know whether to say that the people are simple, or to make a fuss.

The Locust Temple, which had just been demolished, was transformed into the Temple of Heavenly Kings in a blink of an eye.

Also Qinglong Tota Subduing Demon Heavenly King, Shenwu Hair Swinging Demon Heavenly King, their names are quite long and bluffing.

"Why do I look like the statues of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Temple of Heavenly Kings in a Buddhist temple?" Qin Lang looked at the angry eyes on the statue, feeling very abstract.

But it happened, and it did have a bit of the image of the two of them.

Lin San on the side told Qin Lang, "The craftsman who repaired this statue originally made Buddha statues for the temple. Since he was hired to repair this statue of the Heavenly King for the village here, it is said that it is very popular now. Qizhou is everywhere. Looking for him to make a statue of the king of heaven, his apprentices are now following everywhere as masters."

Building temples for the statues of Qin Qiong and his sons was voluntary by the people.At the beginning, some people set up longevity plaques for Qin Qiong and his son at home. Later, when the people of this village collected money and food and invited the craftsman of this village to erect a statue of the heavenly king in the destroyed locust temple, so, Qizhou Soon there was a wind of building the Tianwang Temple.

The craftsmen who made statues in temples in the past have been reused again.

Soon those destroyed locust temples and insect king halls are now converted into Tianwang temples, and many Tianwang temples have even been built in various places.

Where there is money, build big temples, if there is no money, build small temples, and if rich stone and wood carvings do not have money, then clay sculptures are used. In short, when the locust plague is under control and the people don’t have to worry about hunger for a while, everyone’s energy begins to be devoted to this place. coming.

Everyone put all their passion and enthusiasm in catching locusts into the Xiutianwang Temple. Men, women and children joined the battle. Apart from catching locusts, they cut down trees, picked soil and chiseled rocks, which was very lively.

They imitated the four heavenly kings of the Buddhist family, and gave Qin Qiong and Qin Lang the names of heavenly kings. One became the Heavenly King of Conquering Demons riding a green dragon and holding a golden tower, and the other became the Heavenly King of Destroying Demons who stepped on Xuanwu and held a black sword.

Even in appearance, it is very similar to the heavenly king in the temple.

"Catching locusts and disaster relief, this is His Majesty's benevolent grace, and it is the decision-making and scheduling of the court officials. My father and son are just following orders to supervise the implementation. This credit is also due to Your Majesty and the court officials. Everyone should be grateful and thank you, too. Thank you Your Majesty and all the princes, it is really inappropriate for us to build statues in the temple."

Qin Lang has nothing to be happy about. Although this is the spontaneous behavior of the people, it represents the recognition of the people and their gratitude to them, but now is the era of the monarchy, and the merits must be attributed to the emperor or the prime ministers. my own.

Now you openly accept that the people set up longevity plaques and build temple statues for you, what is going on?Taking credit?
"Let the people tear it down."

Lin San and the others said, "Why are you tearing it down? This temple is so good, it's much better than the locusts that were offered in the past. Everyone said that in the future, with the king of Qin, big and small, there will be good weather for one side!" "

"It's inappropriate!"

Qin Lang still shook his head.

It is inappropriate to start singing praises before the locust plague is over.Not to mention, as an official of the imperial court, he has the responsibility to lead the people to fight against locusts and rescue disasters. This is a responsibility.Why do you have to let others be grateful for your duty?

Qin Lang ordered the Temple of Heavenly Kings to be demolished and the statue of Heavenly Kings destroyed.

As a result, the nearby villagers heard about it and all rushed over.

Everyone surrounded Qin Lang, protected the statue of the king of heaven, and begged not to destroy the statue of the king of heaven in the temple of heavenly kings.

Everyone said that once Qin Xianggong and Bachelor Qin came, the locust plague was finally over, and everyone didn't have to go hungry. Everyone was really grateful.But the two will leave eventually, and everyone just hopes that after the two leave, the Temple of Heaven and the Statue of Heavenly Kings will be left to continue to bless the people of Qizhou and bless Qizhou with good weather.

No matter what Ren Qinlang said was inappropriate, but the people just refused to let go.

There were even elderly people who came up and cried and begged that they could not be dismantled...
In the end, Qin Lang couldn't forcibly demolish it, he couldn't step on those gray-haired old men and old ladies, and he couldn't ignore those simple people who were desperately guarding the statue of the Heavenly King in the Temple of Heaven.

Qin Lang had no choice but to return to the prefectural government office and report the situation to Qin Qiong.

"Our father and son will make a plea to His Majesty."

But as soon as the apology form of the two fathers here was issued, the people of Qizhou over there have spontaneously produced a petition of ten thousand people. They petitioned the emperor to express their feelings, saying that they would keep the statue of the king of heaven in the Temple of Heaven...
Even because of this incident, the enthusiasm for building Tianwang temples in various places has become even greater, and this trend has spread rapidly to the surrounding areas. Longzhou, Jingzhou, Binzhou, Wugong and other places are also competing to build Tianwang temples. picture.

In the common people's homes, every family has the longevity card of Qin's father and son.

According to the common people, Qin Qiong and his son have lived hundreds of thousands of families this time, and this kindness is boundless.

Zheng Yuanxuan saw all this in his eyes, held it in his heart, and felt uncomfortable.

He is the local governor of Qizhou, and he has done many things for the people before, such as building roads, building state and county government schools, and persuading farmers to teach mulberry, but he is not as good as Qin Qiong and his son who have only been in Qizhou for half a month.

He wrote several memorials, but every time he finished writing, he tore it up, and after tearing it up, he wrote it again, but he still didn't send it to the court.

Just under this sub-wave.

An envoy from Chang'an arrived.

Tongshi Sheren read out the imperial decree, Qin Qiong and Qin Lang's father and son supervised the management of locusts for their meritorious service, and rewarded them heavily. Yun took over as governor of Qizhou.

Zheng Yuanxuan accepted the order with a pale face, he did not expect the punishment to be so severe.

As a relative and the son of the founding prime minister, Dou Yun was very polite to Qin Lang and his son when he arrived.

"Your Majesty is very satisfied with Qizhou's performance in catching locusts for disaster relief, and has also heard the voices of the people in Qizhou. Regarding the fact that the people spontaneously erected longevity plaques, built Shengsheng Temples, and repaired statues of Tianwang Temple for Qin Xianggong and Qin Xueshi, His Majesty said that The chancellors also praised the achievements of both of you for your accomplishments and popular reputation."

Anyway, the imperial court has already made a judgment on this increasingly troubled matter, and thinks it is a good thing, just like some officials in the local government have won the popularity of people by performing benevolent policies, and when they finally left office, the people gave them umbrellas. , this is a good thing to record and boast about.

"Tianwang temples built by people from all over the country must not be damaged. They are directly included in the court rituals and listed as official sacrifices. After that, the local government will spend money to maintain them, so that the people can pray for good weather and drive out locusts and disasters."

According to the emperor's intention, this Temple of the Heavenly King is different from the Temple of the Locust God.

In the future, it will become an officially recognized orthodox priest, just like the Confucius Temple, the Wu Zixu Temple, and the Luo Shixin Mengjiang Temple.

Qin Qiong and Qin Lang's father and son entered the temple when they were alive. Although it was not the Taimiao Confucian Temple and the Wu Temple, it was still a great event.

After all, there were indeed many people in the past dynasties who built ancestral halls for those benevolent and promising local officials, but most of them were in one county and one prefecture. It is extremely rare for Qin Lang and his son to sweep the ancestral halls in Guanlong states.

The emperor officially issued an imperial edict to recognize the respectful title of heavenly king for Qin Lang and his son by the common people.

"Is this bad?"

"Sanlang, this is the will of the people." Dou Yun said very politely to Qin Sanlang.Although he came to Qizhou and felt the enthusiasm of the people today, he was a little envious and jealous, but he also knew that since the emperor had a conclusion on this matter, there was no need to argue any more.

In fact, many famous figures in history were invited into the temple by the people, but most of them were some historical figures, some were invited into the Hebo Temple, the Water God Temple, the Mountain God Temple, etc. Please enter the temple of fierce generals.

There are quite a few titles of this god and that heavenly king.

For example, after the death of God Luo Shi, the common people built the Mengjiang Temple. Please enter the statue in the temple, and it is also revered as the king of Tiancao Sishang.Therefore, although Li Shimin was surprised by the rising enthusiasm among the people, after thinking about it for a long time, he finally did not pour cold water on it.

Taking advantage of the situation, the Tianwang Temple was recognized as an officially recognized temple, and it was used by the people to pray for good weather and good harvests, to repel locusts and prevent disasters. The names of the two kings of the two days, Qin Lang, were also recognized by the court. Anyway, it is beneficial and cost-effective false name.

Qin Lang was surprised that Qin Qiong, the door god in history, did not become the door god now, but became the heavenly king who manages the weather, and he himself became the heavenly king.

Qin Tianwang, big and small, now in the hearts of Qizhou people, he has the same status as the four heavenly kings in the hearts of the post-[-]s when they were young. He has become an idol in the hearts of Qizhou and even most of the people in Guanzhong. With this trend , maybe he can still become the superstar who is popular in the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with the title of the Heavenly King, the [-] mu of land given by Li Shimin did not excite Qin Lang much.

Dou Yun very humbly asked Qin Qiong and Qin Lang for their experience in catching locusts and disaster relief. As for Zheng Yuanxuan, he was not even qualified to participate in the reception banquet that day. Immediately urged to do it.

I simply packed up my luggage and started to return to Xingyang that day.

He was lucky, because he cooperated with the disaster relief in time, but he was expelled from the country and became a citizen, at least he was not sent to Lingnan, otherwise the officials would pass at least ten stations a day. This way of traveling at least two hundred miles a day can sometimes make many people who are weak The exile official died halfway before reaching the place of exile.

"Mr. Dou, Qizhou will be handed over to you, so I will go to Jingzhou according to the order without delay."

Qin Lang asked people to sort out the official documents of the state government, and then handed them over to Dou Yun.Looking at the countless deficit accounts, Dou Yun couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Now Qizhou looks pretty good, but there are boxes and boxes of deficit accounts behind it. The state government has issued countless white notes to the people, and there is nothing else in the warehouse except the hundreds of thousands of locusts.

"Qin Sanlang, what else do you want to tell Dou?" Dou Yun asked.

"I believe Master Dou will manage Qizhou well. I have nothing else to say. The only thing I can say is that there will be a major epidemic after a major disaster. Please pay more attention to epidemic prevention after the disaster."

"Will there be an epidemic?" Dou Yun immediately became serious. Although Qin Lang was young, he knew that this man was not easy, and many of his predictions had come true.

"Epidemics are prone to occur after disasters. This is past experience. I dare not say that there will be an epidemic this year, but prevention must be done early to be prepared, isn't it?"

"Saburo is right, I'll start preparing now."

On that day, the reception banquet for Dou Yun was also Qin Lang's farewell banquet.

After the banquet, Qin Qiong will continue to inspect Longzhou, Qinzhou and other places in the west of Longyou, while Qin Lang will part ways with his father and go north to Jingzhou to meet Li Yi for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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