Chapter 181

Qin Lang finally welcomed the long-awaited envoy of the emperor.

"Duke Yi, His Majesty has a message for you."

"My minister, Qin Lang, respectfully listen to the oracle!"

"Get lost to the East Palace immediately."

The oracle is very short, just one sentence.After Qin Lang heard this, he thought it was a good thing, probably Li Shimin was angry, and he felt relieved when he finally served as the governor.

The servant who came to announce the oral order thought Qin Lang was worried, but secretly reminded, "Duke Yi, please don't worry. Your Majesty was in a good mood when he issued this oral order. He was still smiling when he said this."

Qin Lang was stunned, and after thanking the servant who boldly leaked the forbidden secret, he couldn't understand it.

East Palace.

Li Shimin sent Qin Qiong away, returned to the couch, took a sip of tea, and laughed.

"This little bastard wants to steal and dodge all day long. At such a critical time, he still wants to hide. If it weren't for this little bastard who did such a shocking case these days, I might really have believed Wei Zheng's nonsense. Dereliction of duty? If you really want to defile yourself, you should make more, it’s a fart to make such two stones!"

Although there are indeed irregularities in the matter of privately distributing food, but not all of it was put into Qin Lang's own pocket, and someone secretly told Qin Lang that he was buying people's hearts by kindness, Li Shimin didn't believe it, Qin Lang was A 16-year-old kid, how can he have a bad heart.

If Qin Qiong is the one who secretly divided tens of thousands of shi of grain, maybe he really needs to think about it.

Well, Qin Lang, forget it.


As soon as Qin Lang entered the palace, he just opened his mouth, but Li Shimin gave him a glare, "No, come with me."


"The chicken is out of its shell." Li Shimin said, almost making Qin Lang shiver.

He has been busy investigating the case these days, and almost raised the entire Chang'an city, so he really forgot about the warming. Counting the time, it seems that it has indeed been about twenty days.

Followed Li Shimin to the greenhouse, only to find that Li Lizhi was there, Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke were also there, and even Empress Changsun was there.

Inside the greenhouse, a group of chicks were chirping.

Princess Changle grabbed a handful of broken rice in her hand, and was about to sprinkle two grains here and there on the ground, attracting the fluffy chicks to chase after it happily.

These little chicks Chirp Chirp and jump around, they are really cute.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come here to eat rice."

"Xiao Hei, let Xiao Bai eat a little too."

Li Lizhi was very concerned about the chicken cubs she named them.

After Li Shimin came in, seeing the appearance of his wife, children and children, he was very happy, and his face was full of smiles.

"Unexpectedly, your method of not using an old hen actually hatched chicks. This morning, chickens began to hatch out of their shells, and there are already so many chicks."

Cheng Qian said loudly, "Father, a total of 37 chicks have hatched, and they are all healthy."

But Li Tai shouted, "We checked according to the method of a bachelor. There are 37 chicks. There are 24 roosters and [-] hens in total."

A group of princes and princesses have even divided up and claimed this group of chicken cubs, and have named their chicken cubs one after another.

"Hahaha!" Li Shimin laughed.

The chick broke out of its shell, which made Li Shimin look at the young son-in-law again.

After staying in the greenhouse for a while, Li Shimin pulled Qin Lang out.

"After hatching, can these chicks grow up without the hen belt?"

"Of course it is possible. Just pay attention to feeding and keep warm at night. At the beginning, give these chickens some small broken rice, and then you can slowly add some bran, green vegetables, etc. It doesn't matter when they grow up, just raise them normally. Just fine."

Li Shimin was more concerned about how many eggs Qin Lang had collected and were hatching.

"a lot of."

"How do you plan to raise so many chickens?"

"Building sheds for farming, feeding feed, and semi-free-range farming."

"If you just feed the chickens, the more you raise the chickens, the more you will lose money." Nowadays, the price of food is so high, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy so much food.

"So I'm planning to raise some maggots and some earthworms. In addition, the feed doesn't have to be grain. Aren't there a lot of locust eggs in river beaches and other places now? I have sent people to spread the word everywhere and buy these locust eggs from the people. I collect locust eggs to make chicken feed, and mix some young grass and fish bones into powder, and the effect of raising chickens is very good."

Li Shimin was dubious, but since the chickens hatched without hens, he felt that what Qin Lang said was also possible.

"Could it be possible for you, kid, to have thought out a way out for yourself a long time ago, and planned to resign from the township envoy to raise chickens?"

"Your Majesty, I'm not raising chickens, I'm just looking for a way to relieve disasters and treat locusts, and I'm also doing my part for the famine."

Li Shimin was silent.

After a long time, he took the initiative to say, "Before you suggested to me that I should take hundreds of officials and soldiers to Luoyang for food, and to start moving the people to Shannan, Huainan and other places for food in advance. After thinking about it, I think Forget it."

"Your Majesty, why?"

Li Shimin said, "Back then the Turks invaded several times, and once the situation was critical. The emperor thought about moving the capital to Shannan, and I firmly opposed it. Although the situation is severe now, I don't think it will be more critical than that time. As long as the court is united , can always overcome difficulties and get through this pass.”

As the emperor, he has his own considerations.

The case of the two kings' rebellion just happened reminded Li Shimin that he has not completely controlled the world yet, and there are still many people who do not accept him.

If such a large-scale move eastward at this time, even if it is only a temporary refuge for food, it will easily cause a lot of turmoil, and many unpredictable situations may occur.

In this case, Li Shimin intends to stop quietly.

Qin Lang was not too disappointed when he heard the result, because he had already guessed it.

After the extreme disappointment, there is nothing to be disappointed, after all, hope has long been lost.

"Huailiang, I have allocated 3 horses to you. I hope you can guard Chang'an City for me at this critical moment and take good care of your home. Although you are young, I know you are loyal and trustworthy."

Qin Lang could only smile wryly.

"Your Majesty, in this way, the responsibilities of the Zhenfusi are too great. I am young and I am afraid that I will not be able to bear them."

"With me supporting you, what are you afraid of?"

"Your Majesty, my father is the general of the left guard, and it is a matter of peace. The left and right guards are in charge of the palace guards and are responsible for guarding the imperial city. Now your majesty has asked the minister and admiral Jiumen to lead the six streets. The outer city of the imperial city is controlled by the father and son. It is really a taboo thing to take it together, and I ask you to avoid it."

"I trust Shubao and you!"

"Your Majesty, the subject and father are naturally loyal to His Majesty and the court, but avoidance is a system and cannot be broken because of this, otherwise it will be a bad start, and there will be endless troubles."

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this matter. It's okay to tell you now. I have decided before that I want to worship your father as Minister of the Ministry of War, so he will step down as General of the Left Guard at that time, so you don't need to avoid it."

"Your Majesty, if my father is the minister of the Ministry of War, I should also avoid it."

"The Ministry of War doesn't care about the Zhenfu Division, so you don't need to avoid it." Li Shimin didn't give Qin Lang a chance to refuse. "Don't push back and hold back, just do this job well."

"Your Majesty, I have arrested all the people who should be arrested, tried all the people who should be tried, and copied all the people who should be copied. There is nothing to do."

Li Shimin glared at him angrily, "Fart, the town governor has a heavy responsibility, so there is nothing to do? How many Li Xiaochang, Li Youliang, and Liu Deyu are still conspiring in this whole court? How many Li Yi are still plotting against each other? Not to mention anything else, now that there is a shortage of food in Chang'an, and you said that the locust plague is coming, can't you think of a way to tide over this difficulty for me?"

"Your Majesty, what solution can I come up with? It's nothing more than soldiers coming to block, water coming and soil flooding. It's nothing more than treating the head with a headache and treating the foot with a pain in the foot. Now that Chang'an is short of food, we can only find a way to bring food in from outside the pass. Plus throttling. Increase food imports, and at the same time strengthen control over the imported precious food, so that it can no longer flow into the hands of those profiteers, and can’t be reduced to a tool for them to make money.”

Li Shimin nodded, "You are right, so I entrust this task to you."

Qin Lang was helpless.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that the food emergency management order be implemented immediately in Gyeonggi. The food in the Gyeonggi area, except for the people's own rations, will be uniformly collected by the imperial court, bought at market prices, and then put into official warehouses for unified storage and management. Rationing and supply at a fair price, prohibiting random trading and hoarding, so that all the grain in Gyeonggi can be used for disaster relief.”

Li Shimin thought for a while, "If you act like this, you may easily cause chaos."

"In extraordinary times, we can only use extraordinary methods. Otherwise, if this continues, once the people in Chang'an can no longer buy grain or cannot afford grain, there will be even greater chaos."

"I authorize you that if there are traitors who take advantage of this crisis to rob you, the town governor will severely crack down on you."

"Your Majesty, I think that at this critical moment, the imperial court can issue a decree to encourage merchants and people to transport grain into the customs. It can imitate the Han Dynasty's system of conferring millet for exporting millet, and for every amount of grain transported into Chang'an, one will be awarded a first-level honor, or a first-level official. In this way, merchants and people are encouraged to transport grain into the customs.”

In the Han Dynasty, the conferment of nobles by transporting millet was actually to spend grain to buy titles. Now Qin Lang proposes to encourage everyone to buy honors and titles with grain, which can be regarded as a temporary emergency measure.

"Okay, let the prime ministers discuss it and come up with a standard." Li Shimin has no objection to this. After all, at the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, in order to win people's hearts or win support, various honorary officials were awarded all over the sky. , Even the princes were awarded many titles.

The order of honor is not a substantive official job, so the impact will not be too great.

Li Shimin chatted with Qin Lang for a long time, and finally parted with him.

"Keep an eye on Xiaogong and other family clans, and don't forget Li Yi in the local area, and Pei Ji who has returned to Puzhou..." Li Shimin repeatedly confessed that he must strengthen the surveillance of those types of people, After all, these people are not his people.

After Qin Lang finally left the East Palace and rode back to Pingkangfang Duke Yi's mansion, when he inquired, the eggs in his greenhouse were breaking open one after another, and the hatching rate was astonishing.

"Start telling everyone to come and pick up the chicken cubs."

"Ten eggs for one chick is still valid!"

"Exchange as much as you have!"

"Organize some people and transport some chickens to the counties below for sale."

Qin Lang counted the time, the locust eggs were about to hatch, and now it was a race against time to see how many chickens and ducks he could hatch, and how many chickens and ducks he could raise for the common people.

"Also, continue to buy locust eggs. Locust eggs can be exchanged for money, chickens and duck cubs, or food. We can exchange as much as we have."

Qin Lang believes that with the listing of his chickens and ducks, everyone will be very interested in trading eggs for chickens, and this transaction volume is expected to usher in a period of explosion. While there is still some time, try to Collect eggs and hatch as many chickens and ducks as possible.

He only hoped that when the locusts came, there would be countless chickens and ducks in the fields all over the capital.

Li Shimin now basically believes that there will be an outbreak of autumn locusts this year, but he doesn't have any good countermeasures for the locust plague, basically he is passively coping with the situation.

Qin Lang can only do his best!
(End of this chapter)

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