Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 174 The Emperor's Wrath

Chapter 174 The Emperor's Wrath

Qin Qiong looks good recently.

After taking command to defend Chang'an and forcing the Turkic army back, he is now in a state of semi-retirement. Although the emperor asked him to go to Zhongshumen to make peace at the gate of Zhongshu every two or three days, every time he passed, he just closed his eyes and rested there. Basically no speech.

Qin Qiong knows his own skills, and charging forward is his forte, but if it is said that state policy and government affairs are discussed in the political affairs hall, it is not his forte.He is a martial artist, and he doesn't want to argue with those prime ministers who are involved in politics. He is very clear about his ordinary affairs, and he is the representative of the emperor. Just come and listen and take a look.

He still holds the post of General of the Left Guard, but usually he doesn't need to worry about anything else. The Left Guard has five Zhonglang generals who are in charge of the palace guards, and several generals who are in charge of the soldiers of the guard.

As soon as the person relaxes, the energy and blood will gradually recover and improve a lot.

He taught Luo Tong, Pei Xingjian, Qin Li, Qin Xun and Qin Gui brothers at home, and their idols also went to the East Palace to guide the prince to inherit Qian, which can be regarded as fulfilling the duties of the prince and Taifu.

Now Qin Qiong has also changed her habit of liking strong wine and buttermilk, and started to make tea and drink tea. Although she is still not used to Sanlang's weak tea brewing method, she feels a different taste after drinking it. .

Mrs. Cui came over.

"Is Ah Lang drinking tea again?"

"Well, have a cup of tea and read a book." Qin Qiong lit the book in his hand, which was Sun Tzu's Art of War.Qin Lang once mentioned to Qin Qiong, saying that you, A Lang, have fought for half your life, are brave and good at fighting, and have rich experience. Why don't you sort out your life's fighting experience, take out some classic battle examples, write them down well, and summarize them, which can also be used as an example. A military book.

He also said that as a general, no matter how good the battle is, if you can't write one or two military books, you can only be called a general.And if there is a military book handed down from generation to generation, and if it can be approved by future generations, then in the future, it will be able to surpass the general and become a military strategist.

Qin Qiong didn't think about becoming a famous military strategist. He just felt that Qin Lang's words of summarizing the experience of past battles made sense. He could summarize these experiences and present them to the emperor, or as a lesson for the prince. After all, he was the prince's wife. Fu, to teach Prince Wu.

"Ah Lang, did you hear that there are people in Chang'an who are begging for chickens?"

"A lot of money for eggs, why?" Qin Qiong hadn't been out of the house for several days, and she really didn't know about these things outside.

"Hatching chicks."

Half a day later, Qin Qiong couldn't read the book anymore. He closed the book and said to his wife, "I haven't been to our Weibei Zhuangzi for a long time. I'll go and have a look."

"Ah Lang, I heard that Sanlang has returned to Chang'an this morning, maybe he will come to pay his respects soon." Cui said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qin Qiong sat down again and opened the book, "Then I'll go back in a few days."

In the afternoon, Qin Lang really brought Yuxiao to Qinrenfang to pay his respects.

Cui smiled and took Yuxiao to the inner courtyard, leaving the two of them chatting in the living room.

"Do you want to be a chicken man?" Qin Qiong asked.

During the Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou specially set up an official position called chicken man, who was a person who raised chickens for the king of Zhou.There are many similar official positions, such as orc, fisherman, bubble man and so on.

Qin Lang smiled, "There may be a plague of locusts this autumn, and raising some chickens and ducks can be considered as a contribution to the eradication of locusts."

"You have to pay attention to your identity. You are now a duke of the state, a scholar of the Chongxian Hall, a teacher of the prince, and a minister of the court." Qin Qiong said.

"Grandfather, is it shameful to raise chickens?"

"It's not embarrassing, it's a mismatch."

Qin Lang has always admired and respected Qin Qiong very much. If others said this, he would not even bother to explain, but he patiently explained his thoughts to Qin Qiong.

"If my hatching method is successful, then in a short period of time, I can obtain a large number of chicks and ducks, which can just eat locusts. I can kill locusts and obtain chickens and ducks. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? From a far-sighted point of view, now that the Tang Dynasty is newly established, people's livelihood is in decline, prices are soaring, and the common people can't even afford meat. If this hatching method is successful, then the cost of raising chickens and ducks will be greatly reduced, and it will be more convenient. In the future, the common people may I still can’t afford chickens and ducks, but it should be feasible to eat a few eggs, isn’t this also a major event to improve people’s livelihood?”

"When the people are rich, the world will be stable."

Seeing her son pulling so far, Qin Qiong shook her head, "Where did you learn this method of hatching? You can do it without a hen?"

"The key to hatching eggs is temperature, not the hen. The role of the hen is to lay eggs, and the role of the rooster is to reconcile yin and yang to nurture life. Otherwise, only hens do not have roosters. Although they can lay eggs, such eggs cannot hatch chicks. But as long as there are eggs with well-balanced yin and yang, coupled with a suitable temperature, chickens can be hatched without the help of hens."

Qin Qiong shook his head, "You first set up a winery, and later you set up a dry food workshop. The Weigong wine and Guogong wine in the winery are very mellow, and later you set up a dry food workshop, which makes fried noodles and noodles. Meat floss, meat floss, etc., are all excellent dry food. The Ministry of War made a trial batch according to your recipe before, and gave it to the soldiers of the Suwei Mansion in the Beijing Zhuwei to try it. I asked, and everyone’s response was not bad. "

These show that Qin Lang is indeed not the kind of nonsense person, so now what he said to Qin Qiong about the reconciliation of yin and yang, Qin Qiong can't understand it, but it doesn't matter, he believes that his son is doing things seriously.

"This time the imperial court adjusted the title system and food town system, and Princess Changle was changed to food town, you have no idea?" Qin Qiong asked.

Before that, the Princess of Changle had already added [-] real seals, and there were so many seals, a total of tens of thousands of seals, and a year's rent transfer could have tens of thousands of stone rents and a lot of silk cloth.

Now that it's gone, it's gone, Qin Qiong is afraid that the young people will not think about it.

As a result, Qin Lang smiled, "It's a lie to say that you have no idea, after all, there is so much food and silk in a year, and the rent has not been collected once this time. As a result, the imperial court has issued an edict to cut down [-] households first. The remaining [-] households will have to wait until the princess gets married, so it’s all for naught.”

But Qin Lang's mentality is good after all, these belong to the princess, and he is only managing them on behalf of the princess, so take it back as soon as you take it back.

His mediocre power of a thousand households was taken back by the court, and he didn't say anything about the reduction in income, anyway, everyone is like this.

"You really have no complaints?"

"To put it bluntly, those of us who have been honored as heroes are all on the same boat as His Majesty, and we are all on the same boat as Datang. Only when this boat is stable can we go far. If everyone just eats the boat like a moth , I have gnawed fat, but the boat is empty, isn't it also empty?"

"You're a good analogy." Qin Qiong was very satisfied with his son's thoughts.

The fiancee Li Lizhi is now officially titled Princess of Changle County. The name of the county is definitely lower than that of the country. Therefore, those with county names are definitely not as popular as those with county names.

The princess is the daughter of the prince, and the daughter of the prince is the county master.

The emperor took back the real seal granted to Changle by exception, but the Yongye field and the rewarded field were not taken back.

Mrs. Cui led Qin Lang to have dinner in the mansion.

With a face full of joy and a mysterious look, she only announced that Yu Xiao was pregnant when the whole family gathered for dinner.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure before. The lady saw me throwing up just now, and after asking about it, I asked the doctor in the mansion to take the pulse, only to find out that it was the Xi pulse." When Yu Xiao spoke, she had a happy expression on her face.Before Qin Lang said that he wanted her to bear him a child, he had been thinking about it, but now he finally has it.

In fact, there were some signs before, but she didn't dare to go to the doctor to confirm, because she was afraid that if it wasn't true, she would be lost in nothing.

Now that it is finally confirmed, it is finally stable.

As a concubine, or a concubine of a son-in-law, she was once reduced to Jiaofang, and worked as a schoolgirl in Pingkangfang. Yuxiao felt very insecure in her heart. Now that she is pregnant, she is also at ease. She only looks forward to Being able to have a baby early is enough for both men and women.

Qin Qiong was very happy to hear that.

Go directly to the study to fetch a pair of jade pendants.

"The big one is for you, and the small one is for the unborn child."

Yuxiao took it in surprise, thank you.

In ordinary noble families, concubines are not even qualified to worship their parents-in-law, but no matter in Pingkangfang Yiguogongfu or Qinrenfang Qiguogongfu, Qin Qiong and his son have never belittled her.

"Take good care of the baby, this is San Lang's first child." Qin Qiong ordered.

Qin Qiong said to his son, "Sanlang, although you are only 16 years old this year, as long as you have children, you will be a parent and an adult. You must always remember that you have a wife and children behind you, and family members to take care of you."

"Thank you for your teaching, my lord!"

I had a very happy dinner. Qin Li and Qin Xun's young brothers and sisters are innocent and carefree, and Cui's face is exquisite...

After dinner, Qin Qiong talked with Qin Lang about locust plagues, famine, Turks and so on.

After her son left, Qin Qiong felt ups and downs.

He walked into the study room, wrote down the things he talked about with his son, his own worries and suggestions, and then sealed it to the emperor.

Early the next morning.

Qin Lang went to the Chongxian Hall first, and didn't come for several days. Under the leadership of Chu Suiliang, the Chongxian Hall was well-organized. With the rules he set, everything in the academy was still as usual.

I ate oil tea and green juice in the cafeteria with everyone for breakfast, and Chengqian, Li Tai and the others seemed to have gotten used to these pig foods.

After the meal, students Cheng Qian and Li Tai gathered around and asked if Qin Sanlang was really raising chickens?

To them, Qin Lang raising chickens seems to be the hottest topic in Chang'an City now.

It is difficult for these young Tianhuang nobles to understand this fact. Why do the dignified scholars of Chongxian Hall, Zhenfu envoys, and Duke Yi want to raise chickens?

Shouldn't raising chickens be the job of the most depraved people?
Although they often eat eggs in the morning, they don't look down on people who raise chickens.

"Let me ask you a question, who knows, in this world, which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" Qin Lang asked with a smile.

Little fat man Wei Wang Li Tai rushed to answer, "Of course the chicken came first, because the chicken lays the egg!"

"Oh, where did the chicken come from?"

Cheng Qian said beside him, "Chickens are hatched from eggs!"

Now, a group of children are scratching their heads there, the chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
"Duke Yi, do you think which came first, the chicken or the egg!" the fat man Li Tai asked.

Qin Lang looked at these curious guys, "Since you want to know so much, why don't you find the answer yourself, let's do an experiment together."

Qin Lang asked for a basket of eggs from the cafeteria, then found a charcoal barrel for heating, found old clothes and ragged jackets and put them in, then put the eggs on, and then shoveled some charcoal ashes from the stove, put them in Inside the charcoal bucket.

"Now, let's do this experiment together to see how chickens come from."

Qin Lang wrote numbers on the eggs, Cheng Qian and the others claimed one each.

"I remember this egg that belongs to you, take good care of it, and carefully observe the records. We want to see how an egg turns into a chicken, and then how the chicken lays eggs."

If such an experiment was arranged for them before, no one would be interested.

But now these guys are all enthusiastically participating.

Chu Suiliang heard that as soon as Qin Lang came back, he took Prince Wei Wang and others to raise chickens, and immediately reported to Li Gang, but after Li Gang listened, he just said, "Before Sanlang said that the Chongxue Hall should be a door practice. Lesson, I guess that's it."

"The prince is the heir apparent of the country, and what he should learn is the Confucian classics, the knowledge of governing the world, how can he learn how to raise chickens!" Chu Suiliang said.

"Qin Lang is not a fool! He's not crazy either!" This was Li Gang's final answer to Chu Suiliang, and after finishing speaking, he kicked him out.

Chu Suiliang, who was kicked out, stared at the sky at a 45-degree angle, but was not convinced for a long time, so he immediately took up a pen and reported to the emperor. He wrote thousands of words eloquently on the best Yizhou jute paper, and finally came to the conclusion One conclusion, Qin Lang's being a scholar of Chongxian Hall is completely misleading his disciples.

The Chongxian Hall teaches the prince, and the prince is the prince of the country, so Qin Lang is wronging the country!

After Li Shimin received this memorial, he was in a daze for a long time.

He read it again, then found Qin Qiong's memorial and put it together.

After a long time, Li Shimin summoned his servants.

"Call Qin Lang!"

Li Shimin did not allow his crown prince to learn how to raise chickens in the Chongxian Pavilion.

In the future, even if my crown prince can't be able to govern the country with literature, and be able to rule the country with martial arts, he still shouldn't be a master of raising chickens.

When receiving the decree, Qin Lang was flipping through the ledger, it was indeed easier to collect eggs in Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty hastened to call Duke Yi to have an audience!"

Qin Lang nodded with a smile. He knew in his heart that it was probably related to the experiment he taught the prince and the others to do this morning.

Putting on a purple robe and jade belt, Qin Lang went to the East Palace with a smile on his face.

When seeing Li Shimin, the emperor looked gloomy.

"Qin Lang, what do you intend to do?"

"Your Majesty, I don't understand."

"Don't pretend to be confused!"

"Please show your Majesty."

"Tell me, why did you teach the prince to raise chickens!"

If the prince plays with the eagle and walks the horse, it is regarded as a plaything and loses his mind. If you teach the prince to raise chickens, that's okay.

"I am teaching the prince to learn to observe, not to teach the prince to raise chickens. Your Majesty, what is done on paper is superficial, and I know that this matter must be practiced. It is just a small experimental class to teach the prince, etc. Students learn how to observe by themselves, how to think and summarize by themselves, and come to the final result, instead of just listening to what others say, or just believing what is written in the book."

"Your Majesty, the sage said that if you listen to both, you will be clear, and if you listen to it, you will be dark. There is also a saying, it is better to have no books than to believe in books. As the crown prince, what the prince needs more is to learn to observe and think by himself."

Li Shimin, who was originally very angry, couldn't help being a little stunned after hearing these words.

"These are not enough, continue!"

The emperor has made up his mind, if Qin Lang can't come up with enough reasons to convince him today, he must give this guy a good meal today!
(End of this chapter)

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