Chastity Layman 2

Chapter 122 Listen to Hadith

Chapter 122 Listen to Hadith
Cui silently watched this 'son' standing in front of her bowed, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Today Qin Lang is wearing a silk armor and a long sword at his waist, his heroic spirit is overwhelming.He and Uncle Baohua came out of the same mold, except that Shu Baohua's hair was premature, and the countless scars left by years of fighting on the battlefield had begun to seriously affect him, while Qin Lang in front of him was young and brave, just like the rising sun Rising, full of vigor.

Seeing the servant steward handing over the gift list from Cui's family as a dowry, she glanced lightly, and it was almost full of a list. There were ten famous Turkic horses, and some of them were specially selected. Pony, for Shiro Goro and the others to learn how to ride a horse.There are also four Silla maidservants, Turkic Manu, Kunnuu, and Japanese slaves brought from Hebei.

Ginseng from Liaodong, mink fur from Haidong, pearls from Quanpu...

This concubine who I was worried that he would take away his son's family business, is now indomitable.

"Sanlang came home, why are you so polite? These are cows, horses and servants, as well as mink, pearls, gold and silver. It's like visiting relatives." Cui said with a smile on his face, "I know Sanlang, you like it." Drinking clear brewed loose tea, when I went back to my natal home last time, I asked my family to find some, and told me that next year there will be new tea, and I must fry some good tea, try it and see if it tastes like this?"

Seeing Cui's enthusiasm, Qin Lang picked up the teacup with a smile and took a sip, the taste was not bad.

"Thank you ma'am, grandpa has already left for Beijing, and he should be home in a few days. How are things going at home these days?"

Mrs. Cui hurriedly said, "The family is very good, and Yuxiao often comes to say hello. She is a pretty good girl, and she knows how to answer gifts." Then she said, "Your uncle came over to sit at home yesterday and talked about how you treated him. Thank you so much for your help.”

"After my uncle's famous family, the grandson of the Minister of Rites of the former dynasty, he was already a member of Zhongshu Tongshi, and his own talents and abilities need not be mentioned. Now that he has to meet a famous master, he will naturally be reused."

Cui knew in her heart that Qin Lang was quite generous. Before his brother had some quarrels with him, the young man didn't hold any grudges to heart. If he was a generally narrow-minded person, even if he didn't take the opportunity to demote him to Cui Dunli , as long as you don't help, it will be a big trouble. How can it be the same as it is now? The brothers were sent by Qin Lang twice to persuade them to surrender and pass on the imperial edict. In the watch chapter, please give credit to the brother.

"Your uncle said that it was all thanks to your help that he was able to be promoted to the secretary of the fifth rank."

Qin Lang just chuckled, he didn't regard Cui Shi as his mother, nor did he regard Cui Dunli as his uncle, but Cui Shi is Qin Qiong's continuation wife, since he has left this family now, he should leave as a relative, and he doesn't want Qin Qiong to pinch her Difficult to be in the middle.

Of course, Cui Shi and Cui Dunli are not the kind of blindly arrogant people, otherwise Qin Lang would not pay attention to them.

Sitting there and having a chat, Qin Lang left, Cui Shi stayed him for dinner, he only said that he still had business to do, Cui Shi knew it was interesting and didn't force him to stay.

At the gate, Uncle Fu was still instructing the servants at home to move the hundred shi of grain that Qin Lang brought into the granary.The Duke of Qi's mansion has a larger population than Qin Lang's, so Qin Lang sent a hundred stones here after the food was distributed by the Zhenfu Division. If there is food, don't panic.

Qin Lang bid farewell to Uncle Fu and other old people in the family, and rode away. Uncle Fu stood at the door and watched him turn the corner, and said to the servants in the mansion next to him with great admiration, "Sanlang is magnificent!"

Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin finally entered the palace again.

In Liangyi Hall, Li Shimin visited his father Li Yuan.

Li Yuan waved his hand, and the servants in the palace retreated, leaving only the two fathers, and the historian who recorded the emperor's daily life was also waved away. The two fathers did not want a third person to know about today's meeting and conversation.

Li Yuan was looking at his son. Since the day on the fourth day of the lunar new year, the two of them haven't seen each other for two months.

Neither side wants to meet.

If it wasn't a last resort, Li Shimin actually didn't want to come to see Li Yuan today, he was afraid to see him, and didn't know how to face his father.

After entering, Li Shimin also kept his head down, very guilty.

a long time.

It was Li Yuan who broke the silence first.

"I heard that Master Liang colluded with Jieli Khan to invade again? And instead of intercepting and defending at the border, you let them go deep into the pass, and the Turkic forwards all arrived at the foot of Chang'an?"

"Father, you don't have to worry. The ministers and the important ministers and generals in the court have already planned well. They have laid a net for Jieli, just waiting for him to get in. It is easy for him to come in, but it is difficult for him to get out. Since our father and son raised their troops, the Turks have been Repeatedly forcing and threatening to ask for gold, silver, money and silk as tribute is extremely abominable, and now it is getting worse, every time the blackmail is used to make a covenant, but it will not be long before the covenant will be torn up, I, Tang Dynasty, cannot tolerate it forever!"

"This battle is about to be fought!"

Li Yuan looked at his son's confident and calm look at this time, as if he saw the confidence he had when he discussed launching the Xuanwumen Mutiny with his confidants in the Qin Palace on the eve of the fourth day of June. It was all planned for a long time and extremely confident.

He sighed a long time.

"Do you really think that Datang's current strength can defeat Xieli? You never thought that even if he could defeat Xieli, how much would Datang have to pay? Why did he have to fight? Why did he have to fight now?"

It's not that Li Yuan didn't hate the greed of the Turks, it's not that he didn't plan to fight, but Li Yuan also fought with the Turks in these years, but every time he controlled the war very well, controlled the war within a small range, and made the war with the Turks Never completely tear the skin off.

Li Yuan was not afraid of the Turks, he was just measuring the situation of the whole world, he knew where to fight first, where to fight later, when to fight hard, and when to forbear and give in.

Blindly fighting and killing is definitely not the best policy.

Just like at the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan was not the first to raise troops, and it was not Li Yuan who was once the most powerful, but he, Li Yuan, eventually took over the world.

This is because he is good at grasping the opportunity, he did not rush to raise the flag to rebel, but chose a mature time to raise the flag and raise the army, and he did not use the place where the army was raised as the base camp like other anti-kings, he did not stick to Taiyuan , but quickly gathered forces after raising troops and marched all the way into Guanzhong, with Chang'an as the base camp, and then strive for hegemony in the world.

At the beginning of the army, Li Yuan even took the initiative to send envoys to form an alliance with the Turks, which not only saves the worries of the back, but also can borrow a support.

Li Yuan values ​​the overall situation, pays attention to balance, and is good at making choices.

If there is no change on the fourth day of June, if he is still the master of the world, then he will never fight this battle with Jieli now, let alone let Jieli go deep into Chang'an, he will send troops to strictly guard the border and intercept the Turkic army , even if there will be a few fierce battles in the frontier, but Xieli's army must not be allowed to come to the city of Chang'an.

Li Shimin saw the meaning in his father's eyes.

Unconvinced, he said, "I know my father is worried, and I also remember my father's teachings. My father often said that the world can be conquered immediately, but it cannot be governed immediately. My father often said that the former emperor Yang Guang, before the great cause, conquered the north and the south. He made great military exploits, but after assuming the throne, he resorted to militarism, conquered Lin Yiping, Qinghai, and Yiwu, and conquered Goguryeo again and again. In the end, the country collapsed and the country was destroyed. What my father said, I will always keep in mind.”

"Actually, there are two other people who have said this to my son."

"Who else told you this, but you may not have listened to it." Li Yuan said.

"One is Wei Zheng, the Prince Xianma who was originally built, and the other is Qin Lang, whom my father has met before."

"It's not unusual for Wei Zheng to say this. This man is good at admonishing and has a sharp tongue. I transferred him to the East Palace earlier because I wanted Jiancheng to listen to his advice more, but you said that Shubao's son also told you this. Speaking of which, I was a little surprised. The kid came to me yesterday, offering a violin and mahjong, and I was quite happy to be coaxed. I thought this kid was just a lucky minister who likes to have fun."

"Father misjudged me. Although Qin Sanlang is young, he is a man of great ability, just like my father misjudged me."

Li Yuan sneered twice.

"I really misunderstood you. I never expected that your kid would be the one who murdered his brothers and imprisoned his father."

Li Shimin took a long breath, "Father, Shimin may not be a good son, brother, or elder brother, but Shimin will definitely be a good emperor who helps the world and the people. I hope my father can witness it with his own eyes. After seeing all of this, I can witness how my son led the army to defeat the invincible Jieli, how he pacified such an anti-king in Liang Shidu, and how he was able to conquer the world in one universe. In Kaitaiping, my father often said that the time when the emperor was founded was a prosperous age, and the first half of the dynasty was also a prosperous age, and his sons and ministers would do better than them. In the ninth year of the founding of the Tang Dynasty and the ninth year of Wude, my father created the country, created the system, and unified the world. If you have made great achievements in the world, your ministers will let historians record them, but your ministers will do better than your father, better than founding the emperor!"

Li Yuan laughed out loud.

"You are really arrogant, but do you know who I thought of when I heard you say this now? Yang Guang, the faint king Yang Guang, when Yang Guang was the king of Jin and the prince, he was much stronger than you now. After taking the throne, before conquering Goguryeo, people all over the world mistakenly thought that he was a great emperor who was better than Yang Jian, and some people even said that he surpassed Qin Huang and stepped into Han Wu, but what happened in the end?"

"Is the father just refusing to admit his son's excellence? Why is he still refusing to admit it until now?"

Li Yuan shook his head, "Do you know why I have been refusing to appoint you as the crown prince? That's because of commanding troops and fighting wars. You may be better than your eldest brother, but when it comes to governing the country, he was the prince in Chang'an for nine years. Very good, you are far behind."

These words made Li Shimin's chest rise and fall, and even his face became grim.

"I was too indecisive at the beginning, which led to the tragedy of Xuanwumen. If I had been able to calm down, this would not have happened. After a hundred years from now, your elder brother will succeed to the throne. He will definitely be a very An excellent emperor can make Datang go further!"

"No, I can mount a horse to rule the world, and I can dismount to rule the world!"

Li Yuan sighed, but he didn't want to argue with his son anymore, "I've been worrying day and night for the past two months, I've thought a lot, and I've figured it out. It's just like what the boy from Shubao's family said, whether I admit it or not, the fact It’s already like this. I am old and tired, if I continue to fight with you here, it will not help the matter.”

"Now the Turks are attacking in large numbers. If you want to fight, then do as you please. I will give you this seat. As you said, I will be a witness. Let's wait and see."

"But I have a few words I want to tell you, whether you want to listen or not."

When Li Shimin heard that Li Yuan was willing to abdicate, his emotions calmed down a lot.

He bowed and stood up, "My son listens respectfully to the hadith!"

"People in the world think that the emperor is high above and can do whatever he wants, but only the person sitting on this seat can understand that his high place is extremely cold, and everyone in the world can do whatever he wants, but the emperor must always be vigilant and guard against it, and follow the etiquette all the time. , because the emperor is an example for the people of the world, and his words and deeds must be passed on to future generations to be imitated by future generations. In this respect, the emperor is sometimes inferior to ordinary people, and you, who are about to sit on this dragon chair The second emperor of the Tang Dynasty has already made an extremely evil head. Even if I, Li Tang, will not perish in the second generation like the Sui Dynasty, I don’t know how many descendants will follow your example and kill brothers and brothers, or even kill them. The father killed the king and seized the throne."

"Erlang, even if you can become the emperor of Wei Jiayun, you will never be able to escape the crime of killing your brother and father, and you will always be remembered in the history books."

"The day you sit on the throne of the emperor, you will understand that you have actually been put in prison."

"You won't have a moment's freedom, and you can hardly feel at ease. You have to beware of the alien races around the Tang Dynasty, you have to beware of your clan and royal family, you have to beware of your prime ministers and generals, and sooner or later, you will have to beware Your prince, your princes."

"Erlang, especially when you reach my age, you will truly understand whether the choice on the fourth day of June is worth it or not."

Li Shimin's face was pale, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Li Yuan waved his hand.

"You don't have to argue with me now. You can't understand what I said now. You can't feel the taste of it now. It's okay. Take your time. Sooner or later, you will understand what I said to you today. talk."

After finishing these words, Li Yuan became depressed, "You go to Zhongshu Province to pass on my oral order, and the Ministry of Rites of Shangshu Province will choose an auspicious day, and then I will announce my abdication to the people all over the world, and I will follow the example of Han Gaozu's grandfather as Emperor Taishang and retire to Hongyi Palace. Sit back and enjoy the joy of hanging the arch, and you also choose a good day to formally enter the Taiji Palace and proclaim yourself in court."

Li Shimin fell to the ground.

"If it wasn't for the large-scale invasion by the Turks, the ministers needed this name, and the ministers would not dare to ask their father to pass on the throne. But as long as the father is still alive, the ministers would not dare to be named in the Taiji Palace. The Taiji Palace is where the father lived for a long time. This land is also the imperial father's inner house, please let my father live in the Tai Chi Palace with peace of mind, and the sons and ministers will succeed in the East Palace, just sort out the military affairs."

Li Yuan shook his head, "The emperor does not ascend the throne in the imperial palace, because he is not in harmony with the etiquette, and he will make irresponsible remarks outside, making wild guesses. Since you want to succeed, you should stay in Taiji Palace."

Li Shimin insisted on succeeding in the East Palace.

"If you insist on doing this, I will follow you. I hope you can be a good emperor, and I also hope that you can become a good father in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yuan waved his hand to let Li Shimin back down. He had finished speaking here, and he had nothing more to say to him.

Li Shimin bowed and retreated.

When he walked to the gate of the hall, Li Yuan suddenly said, "When you have time, let the boy from Shubao's family come to the palace to play mahjong and piano with me."

(End of this chapter)

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