Chapter 101
Su Lie has led troops for more than ten years, doesn't he know how severe the punishment for deserters will be?But the problem now is that those guys who escaped were not originally soldiers.

If the killing ring is activated at this time, I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect.

How could Qin Lang not know the mystery of this, Li Shimin has already presented the Duke of Dou Jiande as a posthumous gift, and reburied him with princely rites, and asked Qin Lang to build a temple for Dou Jiande in Hebei, in order to win the hearts of Hebei and avoid these things. People have always hated the court.

If Qin Lang started killing again now, then the previous hard work would be in vain.

You can't kill them, but you can't ignore them, otherwise if you let them go today, the whole battalion will probably run away tomorrow.

Seeing Su Lie's troubled look, Qin Lang couldn't help pinching his chin and thinking.

"I've read your report before. These [-] Hebei 'heroes' have all followed King Xia or Liu Heita, and a few of them are the descendants of those followers. In addition, most of these people are Some landlords and strong men, a few bandits and strong men, right?"

Su Lie nodded, indeed.

Of the 8000 people, [-] were summoned by Su Lie and Dou Hongxian, and [-] were summoned by Li Yuan.

They were originally rebels and had some resentment towards the Tang Dynasty. Most of them were Dou Liu's old troops. After the Tang Dynasty occupied Hebei, the status of these people changed drastically. They were originally officials and generals in the Hebei court, but were beaten later. Not to mention the common people, many people's property was deprived or confiscated by the Tang Dynasty.

Not to mention returning to his hometown, he had to be monitored and suppressed by local officials.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, Li Yuan and Wang Junkuo raised his arms, and they immediately stood up.This can be regarded as a characteristic of Hebei people. When Dou Jiande was defeated, his prime minister and queen offered Hebei to surrender. Many generals and officials returned home after sharing the money and silk treasures in the treasury. The officials sent by the Tang Dynasty fled everywhere.

Therefore, when Liu Heita rebelled, they responded immediately. Even after Liu Heita was defeated for the first time and raised his troops again, they still responded quickly.

These people, whoever opposes Tang, they will respond to.

Now that Qin Lang asks them to fight for Datang, few are really willing.

"These people think that they are not from Datang, and that Hebei is not from Datang, right?"

Su Lie laughed a few times, he also had this idea before, so he refused to serve Tang.

People from Hebei had grudges against Tang and had no sense of identity with Tang, especially those powerful landlords. They fought with Dou Jiande for many years at the end of Sui Dynasty, and finally got an official title. They were also the founding heroes of the country. There are dignitaries in the new dynasty, but when Li Tang came and drove them into the mud, who could be happy.

"If, you said, if I give official positions to these Hebei tycoons, do you think they will accept it? Do you think these people are willing to be officials of Datang?"

Su Lie was taken aback.

"His Royal Highness asked me to comfort Shandong and Hebei, and granted me the power to depose officials. I can supervise the officials in Hebei, demote or remove those who are not qualified, and confer positions on those who are capable and loyal. This is the crown prince. Give me cheap power, right?"

Su Lie nodded, indeed, this is a very heavy power, although officials who are demoted or promoted after the event have to be reviewed by the court.

"Actually, I think those good men in Hebei, why they cherish their old masters and resent the court, are actually just because they lost their official titles, titles and even money status because of the Tang Dynasty, so they harbor resentment. Especially those Xia people in Hebei In Wangjiu's Ministry, most of the civil servants are still in the Tang Dynasty, but because most of the heroes only know how to lead troops to fight, and even many thieves and bandits from the end of the Sui Dynasty, they were not reused. The difference in status made them even more aggrieved That's all." Qin Lang told the truth in one sentence.

Don't talk about the distance, let's just talk about Su Dingfang. Didn't he hate Datang before, but now it's really nice to be an official of Datang.

"What kind of officials does the governor plan to confer on them?"

Su Lie asked, if the official conferred is too small, I am afraid that others will not recognize it, but if the conferred is too big, the court will not agree.

"I am going to give those Hebei heroes with high prestige, high ability, and other positions such as regiment training envoys, coach envoys, and military envoys, and let them lead the Hebei troops."

The positions of regiment training envoy, coach envoy, and soldier and horse envoy sound similar to guard envoys and military envoys, but they are not official positions of the imperial court.

Su Lie heard that there were envoys in these official titles, and felt that this should be a kind of envoy, an unofficial official, but a temporary official position, for example, Qin Lang's Comforting Ambassador is an envoy. Job type.

"Of course, I can also award them Sanjie, and after meritorious service, I can also award officers with merit."

"Liu Xidao, Meng Zhu, Liu Bin, Cui Yuanxun, Cui Yejiu, Cao Zhan, Wang Xiaohu, Wang Cong, Fan Yuan, and Dong Kangmai were all generals of King Xia's former army. They also raised troops with Liu Heita twice, and all died later. After entering Turkic, they sneaked back to Hebei and hid in their hometown. This time when they heard Li Yuan's rebellion, they all jumped out."

Qin Lang reported the names of all the jealous Hebei generals killed by Tang Jun back then. These people are now in Qin Lang's army, and some of them are still hiding their real names.

"Now that the enemy is at hand, I don't care about past suspicions, so I will temporarily confer the post of training envoy to the ten-member regiment, each with [-] soldiers, and the fifth-rank general of Wu San, the same level as the commanding army of the Xiafu Commanding Army Mansion. .”

In the official system of the Tang Dynasty, there were scattered ranks, ministerial officers, honorary officers, and titles.Among them, Sanji is also called Jilu official, which means that no matter what your job assignment is, Sanji is equivalent to your official level, and your salary will be paid according to this level.Your actual ministry can be higher or lower than the casual rank.

When appointing officials in the Tang Dynasty, one must first confer the ranks, and then give the posts.

Therefore, Qin Lang arranged some temporary regiment training envoys for these Hebei heroes, but it was not all a fool, and he was willing to take out the loose ranks of the fifth rank, so that they would be at the rank of the fifth rank.

"Will the court recognize it?"

Qin Lang told Su Lie that even Dou Jiande can be crowned king by the imperial court and build temples to offer sacrifices, so what's the point of giving these people official positions?
And if the battle is over by then, even if the imperial court no longer reuses them, but only one official rank will be retained and no job will be given to them, and it will not have any influence or threat to the imperial court.On the contrary, if these people retain their official status, they will still be officials, and they will be able to enjoy many benefits of officials.

Not to mention, the children of fifth-rank officials can have the qualifications of the family, and can be selected as the three guards, or study in the Guozijian. This is a road to officialdom.Not to mention, even if you want to be a powerful landlord in the countryside, if you have no honors, titles or officials, then you are just a common man. There is a limit to the number of land you can own, and one person cannot exceed a hundred acres.

Even if you want to be a big landlord, you can't even become a big landlord, so even if you only keep a fifth-rank loose rank, you can justifiably own a high amount of land, and you can be a big landlord leisurely.

"Of course, if they fight well and make meritorious service, it is not impossible for them to be rewarded with meritorious service, and even to be reused. After the rebellion is over, won’t you be given the position of commanding the army? If you make more contributions, then generals, governors, and the like will be a matter of course.”

Hebei heroes resented the imperial court for losing their old status, now Qin Lang can give them status, no matter if they want to be an official in the Tang Dynasty in the future, or they want to return to their hometown to be a powerful landlord.

"As for Fan Yuan and below, they can also be awarded to coaches, military and horse envoys, command envoys, capital heads, ten generals, etc. according to their original official positions and their abilities."

Qin Lang didn't mention the titles of school lieutenant, brigade commander, team leader, etc., but he mentioned the positions of soldier horse envoy, command envoy, capital head, and ten generals, which sounded like counterfeit positions.

However, he also said that he would follow the example of Fan Yuan and others, and give these people the Sanjie.

In fact, the regiment training envoy is equivalent to a commanding army, the coach envoy is equivalent to a commanding army general, as for the soldier and horse envoy, it is equivalent to a school lieutenant in charge of a regiment of 200 people, and the command envoy is similar to a brigade commander in charge of a hundred people. It is the leader of the team of 50 people, and the ten generals are naturally the leader of the team of ten people.

They all sound grand.

"Go and tell Fan Yuan and them that when they supported Liu Heitai in the chaos, there were ten governors who died in the imperial court's conquest of Hebei, five Dukes of the state, and the rest of the soldiers suffered tens of thousands of casualties. All the past is not to blame. However, now that the enemy is at hand, the Governor has issued an emergency call-up order. Whether they are willing or not, they must help the Governor to finish this battle. Whoever dares to be a deserter will be punished according to the military law. If they are willing to cooperate and defend against foreign enemies together, the governor will recommend the merits to the prince and give ranks to officials. After the war in the future, if they don't want to be officials, they can keep their ranks and return to their hometown to continue to be his powerful landlord. !"

Fan Yuan and Cao Zhan were Hebei generals of the same generation as Su Lie's adoptive father Gao Yaxian back then. They have lived in incognito for the past few years, and their lives have not been very good. This time, they thought they could respond to Wang Junkuo and Li Yuan's glory again, who would have guessed He actually got into the net of Qin Lang, a little bastard.

Su Lie and Dou Hongxian took Qin Lang's words and asked Fan Yuan to have a meal with them, explaining Qin Lang's intentions.

"Fan Gong, Cao Gong, the new crown prince Ren De, overturned the case for King Xia, prosecuted and established a temple, and pardoned you and the former subordinates of King Xia. Originally, this time you rebelled against the army, which is an unforgivable death crime, but the crown prince pardoned it. Right now, Yiguo has publicly offered very good conditions, giving ranks and positions, and even promising to let you choose whether to stay or not after the war."

Dou Hongxian said bluntly, "Although I hate Li Shimin, I have to admit that he did a good job this time. Also, I think no matter what the grievances in the past, we are all Han people. Now that Hulu and Turks outside the Great Wall are coming to invade, we should Let's unite and fight against foreign enemies."

Cao Zhan said, "What's the difference between Han and Hu? Didn't Li Yuan and his son raise troops to claim the title of Turks and borrow troops to seize the world? Now we are talking about the difference between Han and Hu?"

"Uncle Cao, if Hulu cavalry invade Hebei, countless people will suffer. Hebei is the Hebei of all our Hebei people, and it is our hometown and ancestral land. Would you like to see our tribe and our neighbors killed and plundered?" ?"

Cao Zhan couldn't refute that after the Tang army entered Hebei, although they were very vicious towards them, the former Xia king, they were no more vicious than the Turkic people.

The Tang army was only pressing on them as victors, but if the Turks invaded Hebei, all of them would only become Turkic slaves.

Fan Yuan asked Dou Hongxian, "Does Qin Lang's words count? Will the court accept him when he said he would give the rank to the fifth rank?"

"Qin Lang is the consolation ambassador of Hebei personally appointed by the crown prince, the governor of Youzhou, who holds the great power to dethrone him, and Qin Lang is also the son-in-law of the crown prince. Their father and son are now deeply favored by the crown prince. I believe his words will hold true."

Fan Yuan asked again, "What is Qin Lang going to do with the dozens of brothers who escaped yesterday?"

"The governor said that if you all understand the righteousness and are willing to stay and defend against foreign enemies, then those brothers from yesterday will only punish them to clean the toilets in the barracks for half a month. I'm going to kill you together." Su Lie didn't hide it either.

"Haha, this Qin Sanlang is also a straight person, but I think his words are more credible when he says this." Fan Yuan smiled, "But, we must hear what Qin Dudu said to us with our own ears. These words, in addition, have to be formally appointed by the imperial court to report to them before they can be counted."

Su Lie was overjoyed, Fan Yuan and others were finally willing to let go, that's good.

"Okay, I'll report to the governor here!"

(End of this chapter)

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