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Chapter 19 "See You Again"

Chapter 19 "See You Again"

It turned out that it was almost noon, and Bai Fan was hungry, so he proposed to find a restaurant to eat and drink!
During the Tang Dynasty, people in the country had two meals a day. Bai Fan was not used to this habit, but Li Chunfeng had already gotten used to Bai Fan's "problem" with extra meals every day. Uncle Master has arrived at the most luxurious restaurant in Quandong City - Wangjinglou!

But before the two started ordering, a happy event happened next to them!
Hearing the commotion next to him, Bai Fan looked back, and it turned out that there was an argument between the two tables, but the strange thing was that no shopkeeper of the restaurant came to try to persuade the fight!

"It's not that I look down on you, it's because of your ability, Cheng Heizi, that you still come to such an elegant place to eat wine? You're not afraid of polluting the boundaries of this place!" A rich man about thirteen or fourteen years old taunted loudly. road.

On the opposite side, the sturdy, dark-skinned boy of the same age said angrily: "Chang Sun Chong, who are you talking about! The young master is here to eat, and it's not like he won't give you money. Why can't he come to the Wangjing Tower?"

The eldest Sun Chong taunted again: "Hmph! Mr. Hongwenguan took an exam the other day, and you, Cheng Huaimo, couldn't even memorize the first three chapters of the Analects!

Who doesn't know that this Wangjing Tower is a gathering place for literati, you are a rough man, haven't you polluted this precious place? "

you!Here, Cheng Huaimo had three or four people at the same table, and they were instantly furious, and they were about to go up and beat each other up!

And Chang Sun Chong was at the same table with three or four people, not to be outdone, they stood up one after another and called the guards on the side!

Seeing that things are about to cause trouble, the two groups of people came with their guards. If they do something, it doesn't matter if they win or lose, and they will definitely destroy the restaurant. Yes, Chang Sun Chong is obviously more resourceful.

I saw Chang Sun Chong shouting: "Hmph! What a bunch of vulgar warriors, if you can't say it, you have to do it!"

Not to be outdone, Cheng Huaimo said, "Hmph! You insulted me openly, and you still don't allow me to fight back?"

"Hahahaha! It's not that I bullied you. What else can you do besides your strength? Don't do anything, let's have a text competition, and the loser will get out of Wangjinglou obediently. How dare you?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Blunted it, but after saying this, Cheng Huaimo regretted it!Bad, this, Wenbi?He is not stupid, he knows his literary level, not to mention poetry, he can't even memorize poems!So start to hesitate!
Changsun Chong knew it well, added fuel to the fire, and said, "Well, if I don't compare poetry with you, it's bullying you, and you probably won't be convinced.

Just do simple math!If you want to come up with a simple algorithm question, if you still dare not compare it, then, hum! "

"Okay, how do you compare?"

Seeing that the other party took the bait, Chang Sun Chong was overjoyed, "Let's come up with a question according to the situation, you and I each calculate the value of the two tables of wine and food, whoever calculates correctly wins, how about it?
It's not that I underestimate you, just the brash and rough guy at your table, hehe, I guess everyone can't settle accounts! "

"Huh! Just compare, isn't it just a mere drink money? Let me count it for you!" Cheng Huaimo shouted.

Who knows, the result was very bad, Changsun Chong was fine with it easily, but Cheng Huaimo's wind and rain were small, and as time went by, sweat gradually broke out on his forehead!
This is not over yet, but the person at the opposite table is constantly taunting!
In the end, the unbearable Cheng Huaimo roared, took out a large ingot of gold from his arms, a total of twelve taels, slapped it on the table, and said, "Hmph, I don't care about breaking the problem! Is it money for the wine? If I take out this ingot of gold, I don’t need to look for it, right?”

Clap clap!There was the sound of eyeballs falling to the ground!

Strong, very strong!Local tyrants can still do this!The most luxurious dish for a table is a matter of more than a dozen taels of silver, and one ingot of gold is a hundred taels of silver, so you can definitely pay for it!

But the other party is deliberately bullying Cheng Huaimo's eldest Sun Chong, how can he be fooled like this?So the two sides started a dispute again!

Bai Fan, who had been listening here for a long time, understood that it was two gangs of dudes fighting!

They are all the children of Qin Wangfu's ministers, one table is Changsun Wuji's two sons, Changsun Chong and Changsun Huan, and Princess Pingyang's two sons Chai Zhewei and Chai Lingwu; the other table is Cheng Yaojin's two sons, Cheng Huaimo And Cheng Huailiang, and Yuchi Gong's two sons, Yuchi Baolin and Yuchi Baoqing!
Originally, Bai Fan was going to see Quan Wu Xing, but when he saw that ingot of gold, he was secretly happy, hehe, isn't this a door-to-door business?It seems that today's luck is suitable for making a fortune!

"Brothers, wait a moment, please listen to the next sentence!" Taking a step forward, Bai Fan stopped the people at Cheng Huaimo's table.

who are you?

Being stopped by someone by chance, both gangs were a little upset.

Bai Fan laughed loudly and said, "Isn't it just arithmetic! Why is it so difficult? Let me replace this brother and forget it?"

oh?When Cheng Huaimo heard it, yes, you can find a helper, basically everyone at your own table is not good at arithmetic, but can you just find someone who can?
So he said happily: "Hahaha, it makes sense, thank you brother for drawing his sword to help, since brother can count, it couldn't be better!"

With the Lord's permission, Bai Fan calculated the cost of two banquets in just a few breaths, which was not bad as calculated by Chang Sun Chong!
But in this way, Chang Sun Chong was not happy!
Cheng Heizi did the calculations as promised, how can someone do it for him?
Bai Fan already knew this in his heart, so he said: "This young master seems to be not good at counting, so he only dared to try this kind of problem of calculating wine and food. At best, it is at the level of a restaurant tent. It will also be boring! Forget it, I like to count the most in my life, and the master is lonely! It is difficult to be a match in life!"

Pretending to be an expert, he was about to call Li Chunfeng to leave with his hands behind his back!

With Hong Guoguo's ridicule, how could Chang Sun Chong bear it, and accompanied by the laughter of a bunch of gangsters, he was furious for a while, and shouted, "Wait a minute, I will compare with you!"

But Bai Fan shook his head and ignored him, and said in a refusal way: "Comparing with you is demeaning, and it's meaningless, so let's forget it, I don't want to waste time!"

Cheng Huaimo on the side was in a hurry. He had been ridiculed for a long time, and finally someone came forward to find the place for him, how could he let it go?
"Wait a minute, sir. If you can take down Changsun Chong, this ingot of gold will be your reward!" For a while, he used an honorific title for Bai Fan, who was younger than him!
Bai Fan shook his head again, "Since it's a competition, what's the fun if there's no jackpot bet? Forget it!"

Chai Zhewei on the side snorted coldly and said: "What do you say that a master is lonely? He can't be a liar! He was bluffing, and now he has repeatedly shied away and dare not gamble? I also have a gold ingot here. If you win, it will be yours, but I don't know. Can you come up with the corresponding gambling money?"

Bai Fan was overjoyed, haha, he finally took the bait, if I don't clean up all of you today, I'll be a fool for nothing!
Turning back to Li Chunfeng, he said, "Martial nephew, take out all the money you have on your body. Since the young masters are generous, we can't be stingy!"

Li Chunfeng asked weakly: "Master, this, this?"

"What? Could it be that you didn't bring any money with you when you went out? You have a lot of meeting gifts, so you've already squandered them all..." Bai Fan asked puzzled.

Haha, poor man, he dares to brag without money, he is really a liar!Chai Zhewei and others laughed loudly.

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(End of this chapter)

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