Datang Longya

Chapter 79 Sleeping Overnight in the Palace?

Chapter 79 Sleeping Overnight in the Palace?

"The previous dynasty?"

Leng Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was none of his business when he went to court to discuss matters!Looking up at the sky, it was already close to noon at this time, even if it was Shang Dynasty, it shouldn't be this time to go!

"Your Majesty's urgent order is related to Prince Xianma Yao Silian..."


No matter how fast the speed of stepping on the snow was, by the time the cold front entered the Taiji Palace, the sun had already set to the west.

Yao Silian was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. When he saw Leng Feng coming, he grabbed his pen and greeted him: "Lord, hurry up and write "Ode to Efang Palace" again!"

Leng Feng came galloping all the way, he was still confused, he was pushed onto the chair by Yao Silian.

"I said old man Yao, what kind of fu are you writing! What happened?"

Wei Zheng stood by the table and smiled gloatingly. Leng Feng's "A Fang Gong Fu" has more characters than him, and he also requires calligraphy...

Yao Silian was not used to the cold front of the large pen that Yao Silian stuffed. The brush (crab) he used had thin and hard hair, which made it feel more hard.

After hearing clearly the reason why Yao Silian asked him to write it again, Leng Feng found a hard pen and wrote it silently on the scroll again.

After waiting for nearly a day, Yao Silian finally achieved his goal. He lay down on the table and blew on the table without caring about his image, so that the ink would dry quickly. After the ink dried, he happily ran out, leaving a whole palace of monarchs and ministers looking at each other.

It was almost a day since Chenshi was in the early court, and the stomachs of many ministers began to growl.

It's all right!

Li Shimin heard Fang Xuanling's stomach growling, and couldn't laugh or cry, so he asked Leng Feng: "I heard that the master went to the Qinling Mountains to eliminate wild boars and other scourges, did you get anything?"

Leng Feng counted and said, "We hunted four wild boars, four deer, fifteen badgers, and countless pheasants."

Wei Zheng joked: "We have been waiting for the landlord for nearly a day! The landlord has gained such a fortune, isn't he going to treat guests to dinner?"

Li Shimin also said: "The craftsmanship of the imperial cooks in the palace is still good, and there are also many good wines that have been tributed from all over the Tang Dynasty."

This is Hongguoguo's robbery!

But it happened that Tianxialou just bought a batch of peppers from Sichuan, Leng Feng really wanted to try barbecue, so he agreed.

It’s very strange. Chili peppers were discovered as early as the Qin Dynasty, and spicy food is very popular in Sichuan now, but no one in Chang’an likes chili peppers. In winter, Leng Feng wants to eat spicy hot pot, but he can’t find some chili peppers in Chang’an. .

The only time I met a merchant from Shu who was carrying it, and when I asked about the price, it turned out to be ridiculously expensive.

After Leng Feng told Lao Yuan that there were a lot of hot peppers in Shu, and he hoped to buy some, Lao Yuan specifically found a familiar Shu merchant and asked him to bring some back to Beijing next time.

Lao Yuan's face is very valuable among the customers of Tianxialou. When the businessman returned to Chang'an, he brought two carts for Lao Yuan!

In the past, the banquets given by the emperor were always held in the Taiji Palace, but this time, under Leng Feng's strong request, everyone entered the imperial garden.

Barbecue grills are ready-made in the back kitchen of the downstairs. Wild pork, pheasant wings, and thighs are marinated early. Vegetables ripen earlier in the greenhouse than outside are juicy. A weekday barbecue party is better than New Year’s state banquet dishes. But also rich.

The courtiers and military generals in the imperial garden are separated by a small bridge. Here they recite poems and fight against each other, and there they wrestle and scold their mothers. Each has its own fun.

On the small bridge, Leng Feng, Li Shimin, and Wei Zheng got together and announced to the outside world that Leng Feng and Wei Zheng were able to drink with the emperor, which was a reward from the "Chang'an Zhigui" incident.

On the small bridge far away from the officials, Leng Feng couldn't help asking Li Shimin at this moment: "Have you really put our gifts on the wall?"

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "Didn't you realize that the paper I write on is the most fragile? How could it be pasted on the wall?"

After finishing speaking, Wei Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty speaks eloquently, lying is not something a wise king does!"

Wei Zheng is a speech officer, so he can boldly accuse the king of his fault directly.

Li Shimin laughed loudly: "You saw through it, I did lie, and the authentic works of the two of you were actually collected by me. I will never repeat such a lie!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shimin pointed to the chili oil and asked Leng Feng: "What is this oil made of? Why does it taste delicious and spicy like cornel?"

Leng Feng said: "This is chili oil, which has a very good therapeutic effect on wind diseases. There are many in Shu. Lao Yuan asked someone to bring two carts back from Shu. If His Majesty likes it, I will let Lao Yuan pull a cart."

Li Shimin and the Empress Changsun all had wind disease, which is actually hereditary hypertension, and Tang Gaozong Li Zhi also suffered from this disease.During the onset of wind disease, people have unbearable headaches and sleepless nights.

Capsaicin in chili can anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation, promote blood circulation, and reduce the chance of thrombus formation.

Speaking of "wind disease", Li Shimin had a headache. Every time he got sick, it was a torture for him. He took countless medicines prescribed by the imperial doctor, but they just didn't work.

Since Leng Feng said that chili can cure wind disease, it is worth a try, so Li Shimin put a lot of chili oil and chili on the roasted chicken legs, and ate it regardless of the spicy taste.

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Xiao Yu lost very badly in the pairing, and the way they drank turned into an "S" shape, and they even ran here to pull Leng Feng to recite poems to fight against each other.

Wei Zheng wanted to go over to participate, so he dragged Leng Feng over as well.

"My lords! Hiccup..." Fang Xuanling hiccupped and continued, "Who said I couldn't invite someone just now!"

Wang Gui obviously had drunk too much, dipped his chopsticks in the wine and handed it to Wei Zheng: "Doctor Wei's "A Fang Palace Fu" is very famous! Why don't you write an imperial garden on the spot... How about the preface to the barbecue banquet? "

Wei Zheng took the chopsticks forced by Wang Gui, dumbfounded!

Foreword?Dip chopsticks in wine as a preface?But he can’t do without writing, people who drink too much are unreasonable!So he took the chopsticks and started writing on the table.

Xiao Yu and Wang Gui were clearly dazed from drinking, and squatted at the wine table praising Wei Zheng's writing from time to time.

The situation on Leng Feng's side was better, but Du Ruhui insisted that he compose a poem on the spot.

It's easy!The smashed Sima tank, no, just change the poem of Sima Guang who smashed the tank!

"The customs of Chang'an are very prosperous, and the woodcutters on the shoulders of the load also wear flowers. The civil and military officials have a barbecue party, and the princes forget to go home in the dark."

Seeing Leng Feng read out a poem without thinking, Du Ruhui immediately applauded and handed over a bowl of wine.Leng Feng had to drink, but after he finished drinking, he found that Fang Xuanling was also holding the wine, waiting for him to finish drinking...

A banquet lasted until midnight, and all the ministers ate well and went back drunk.

Naturally, the palace banquet used high-quality wine from Tianxialou, after Fang Xuanling and the others poured it heavily, Leng Feng was a little confused.

Li Shimin commanded the eunuchs to help Leng Feng to the Jiafu Hall, which is the nearest to the Imperial Garden, and said to Li Sanniu who came with him: "He drank a lot of wine and is sweating now. He is easy to catch cold when he is sent back to Tianxia Tower, so let him stay in the palace." sleep!"

 When writing this chapter, I have no ideas... my brain is dry... ah!My brain cells, you guys are dying so badly...

(End of this chapter)

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