Datang Longya

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Wei Zheng led several soldiers led by Prince Liu and galloped on the small roads in the countryside.

Early this morning, Wei Zheng received an order from the prince to inspect the autumn harvest of the people around Chang'an.

It was a hard job, but Wei Zheng happily accepted it.The famine he experienced when he was a teenager is deeply engraved in his bones. Even if he is not short of food and clothing now, he will never allow his family to be extravagant and wasteful.

Hunger is the last feeling a human being should have!

Wei Zheng still remembered what he said when he had his first full meal.

As one of Li Jiancheng's capable subordinates, he was not convicted, but instead became the head of the censor's official.

Li Shimin's detailed review of several memorials imploring the court to reduce taxes and save extravagance and waste.On the second day, several orders were issued one after another to reduce or exempt taxes, and to live with the people.

An emperor who is sympathetic to the common people must be a good emperor, and following Li Shimin is not a bad thing!
Wei Zheng said this to himself.

The rain this year is good, and even a few highland dry fields seem to have a good harvest.Wei Zheng walked into a remote village with a smile, wanting to see how the people here are doing.

Strangely, no one was seen since entering the village entrance. Going deeper, several dilapidated houses in the village were crowded with people, some villagers were making mud and some villagers were carrying stone slabs.

It seems that these villagers are building houses.

Wei Zheng took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. He had already patrolled around Chang'an, and the sun was still high. Now that we met, he had to help.

Help the villagers make mud, and help the villagers saw wood.When the embarrassed Wei Zheng walked into the open-air room, he found two people he couldn't believe were here-Li Tai and Li Ke.

"Since it's not heat transfer, what should be the reason? Master said that this principle is very similar to heat transfer, but it's much more profound when you look into it. If it's similar, it's definitely not the same. Oh... worry me!"

Li Tai pulled his hair irritably, not knowing about Wei Zheng's arrival.

Li Ke found the person coming, although he didn't know him, but he was wearing official boots although he was in a mess, presumably he was a person with a high official position, and the low-level county magistrates were reluctant to wear official boots except for some important occasions.

So he bowed his hands and asked, "I don't know which adult it is?"

Wei Zheng returned the salute earnestly: "Old man Yushitai Wei Zheng, according to the order of the crown prince, patrolled the village. I wonder if the two princes are here?"

Li Ke said proudly: "My master sent us here. The houses of the common people are simple and poor, and they are very easy to get sick in severe cold, so the master asked us to take people to build houses for the lonely and widowed old people in some poor places. Winter is not far away. Every family is taken care of, but it is still possible to build a bigger house so that the lonely and widowed old people can live together."

Wei Zheng immediately respected Li Ke's master: "But I don't know which great Confucianism your master is?"

"Great Confucianism?" Li Ke gave Wei Zheng a strange look: "My master is the landlord of Tianxialou."

"The landlord of the world building?"

Wei Zheng was very surprised by this answer, he had also heard of the name of Tianxialou, five cups of wine in a pot, ten cups of food in a plate.Such a place can be said to be a place for the rich to show off their wealth. Every time Wei Zheng passed by Tianxialou, he would spit.But I don't want Tianxialou to contribute money to help the people.

Thinking about it carefully, Tianxialou has a style of "the poor should not enter" everywhere. This kind of behavior can be regarded as a kind of gentle killing of the rich and helping the poor.

Recalling his previous actions, Wei Zheng couldn't help but blush.

"Doctor Wei, I'm going to arrange for the villagers and craftsmen to rest, you can do it yourself."

Li Ke picked up a pot of herbal tea from the ground beside him and walked out.

Wei Zheng looked at Li Ke who kindly invited the villagers and craftsmen to rest and drink tea, and it was difficult to associate him with the identity of the royal children.

Wei Zheng couldn't help being very interested in the Tianxia Louzhu who he had never met before.


Several of Li Chengqian's personal guards looked at the embarrassed Leng Feng and smiled unkindly...

After getting a bloody BMW, it is natural to ride a yo-yo, but Leng Feng, who rides a motorcycle, drives, and flies, has never learned how to ride a horse. Even Li Chengqian is better than him in riding skills.

As a last resort, Leng Feng could only practice horse riding at the racecourse outside the city.

However, Leng Feng's ability to accept is still very high, and he rode in style all morning.

In the afternoon, I had already practiced fighting with Li Chengqian's personal guards on horseback.

In the evening, everyone didn't go back to the city at all, and stayed at the racecourse. Leng Feng made up his mind to practice the fighting style on horseback thoroughly!

Wei Zheng came to Tianxialou early on purpose to rest and take a bath today.When he asked the waiter that he wanted to see the landlord of the downstairs, the reply he got was that the landlord was not there and had to go out of town.

Wei Zheng let out a long sigh: "Since that's the case, please wait for the landlord to come back and inform the landlord, and Wei Zheng of Yushitai will ask to see you."

The waiter looked Wei Zheng up and down, and asked, "But Wei Zheng, Wei Xuancheng?"

Wei Zheng nodded.

The waiter respectfully said: "The landlord has ordered that if Dr. Wei comes to visit and he happens to be away, he will give a gift to Dr. Wei."

With that said, the waiter led Wei Zheng up to the third floor, and asked Wei Zheng to sit down.A bronze mirror and a scroll were retrieved from a cabinet on the third floor.

Wei Zheng first opened the scroll, and saw the inscription: "Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later."

Wei Zheng was shocked, just these fourteen short characters were far from being able to be written by ordinary people. He looked at this sentence greedily, as if he wanted to imprint every word in his mind.

Gently closing the scroll, Wei Zheng was afraid of getting the word dirty.

Look at the bronze mirror again, but there is a huge "people" character engraved in the center of the front of the bronze mirror.With such a word, the bronze mirror loses its usefulness.

Wei Zheng caressed the word Min on the bronze mirror, which was a gift corresponding to his original intention of being an official.

Wei Zheng said to the waiter: "If the landlord comes back, please tell the story. Wei Zheng will reflect in the mirror every day!"

The waiter nodded, and then served a lunch box, which contained fine wine and dishes: "It's rare for Mr. to come here once. The host must hold a banquet every time he meets guests. Although the host is not here, these things are still given to Mr. It's morning, Mr. Noon You won’t lose the taste if you eat it at the right time.”

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "Didn't you say that the wine in Tianxialou cannot be taken away?"

The waiter replied: "That's to prevent some villains who go out with wine to brag about selling it. Yesterday, the Duke of Ju sent his servants to take away a pot. Today these wines are for entertainment sir. It's time to pay!"

Wei Zheng smiled wryly: "The family is poor, and the old man can't afford five bottles of wine."

Although he said so, Wei Zheng still accepted it.

The aroma of wine exuded from Tianxialou is enough to waft hundreds of meters, and even Wei Zheng has been coveting it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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