Second-hand little prince

Chapter 775 Gold Mine

Chapter 775 Gold Mine
Qin Zixuan glanced at Qin Zexi, then at Lu Yuanyuan who was screaming and pounced on him, with a puzzled expression on his face, is he so scary?

"You, you are a ghost, you are a ghost." Qin Zexi pointed at Qin Zixuan and shouted. Li Han stepped forward and kicked him out of breath. smoke it.

"Zechuan, you are Zechuan," Lu Yuanyuan stared at Qin Zixuan with a hopeful face, "Zechuan, I was wrong, please forgive me, Zechuan, I still love you, and you love me too. wrong?"

Qin Zixuan looked at Lu Yuanyuan and understood, this woman must be the one who instigated someone to assassinate him, ouch, I'll go, this is so thick-skinned, she still has the face to say love, cut it!
"Pull it down!" Qin Zixuan didn't want to talk to them so much, so he waved his hands to let the soldiers pull him down. Lu Yuanyuan rushed towards Qin Zixuan like crazy, and was slapped by Liu Yi, so he calmed down. Liu Yi glared at the soldier, Let them learn a little bit.

Qin Zixuan arranged for a few soldiers to teach the savages to speak, and then walked around with Li Han to look at the island. At the same time, he also sent out spies to check the terrain. If you want to build a city, you must first find out the environment.

Jiang Yunji commanded the soldiers to clean up the battlefield. Qin Zixuan and Li Han came to a nearby mountain and looked around with binoculars. Li Han looked around for a while and said, "There should be no problem building a city here, the area is large enough."

Qin Zixuan nodded, but where to build the city still needs to be carefully considered. It is impossible to build a city that will be submerged by sea water twice in three days. When this question was raised, Li Han smiled crookedly. This is indeed a big problem.

The two held hands and walked around, sitting on the city wall where Qin Zexi chose to rest. Bai Jing came over with a few documents, which recorded the list of people Qin Zexi had spent money to buy over the years. These documents were really worth a lot of money.

Li Han took it over and opened one of the books to check. He didn't recognize the name written on it. He probably was an old man who had passed away a long time ago, or he might be an official along the coast, and he hadn't seen it yet.

Several people were sitting there looking at the documents and chatting, Qin Zixuan was holding a recent book, and he knew all the lists recorded on it, Qin Zixuan widened his eyes, pointed to a person's name and said: "This bastard is actually from Qin Zexi! "

"Which bastard?" Li Han looked over and found that it was Hu Hui who framed Yun Qing. Li Han couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. This Hu Hui thought he was a corrupt official, but he didn't expect him to be a fool, a little traitor.

"This guy didn't take less money!" Qin Zixuan looked at the string of numbers behind, which said the silver taels spent to bribe Hu Hui, and couldn't help sighing, being an official means getting money quickly, as long as you crooked your mouth and framed Zhongliang, you can get it to money.

"This kind of person should be divided into five horses." Liu Yi shouted bitterly, hating this kind of shady person the most.

Qin Zixuan yelled in agreement, while still staring at the small book. After a long time, Qin Zixuan put away the account book and shook his head. Qin Zexi spent so much money to bribe the officials, but in the end he failed to do anything. It's a pity. If he used the money to train soldiers, he said Maybe a powerful force has been organized.

Qin Zixuan expressed his thoughts, and Li Han agreed that with the money to occupy an island and train troops every day, he would definitely be able to train a powerful army, but Qin Zexi's subordinates are really scumbags.

Some of these people have good strength, but they don't know how to cooperate. They are fine in single fights, but they will be miserable when they encounter joint attacks. Do you usually train?

Li Han scorned Qin Zexi, the soldiers over there had already cleaned up the battlefield and started cooking, Qin Zixuan ordered someone to bring Qin Zexi's dog-headed military commander up, and while cooking, he tried first.

Ning Xie came to Qin Zixuan and knelt down, made a big salute, and offered to express his willingness to cooperate, and only begged the lord to be lenient and spare his dog's life.

Qin Zixuan asked where Qin Zexi's treasure was hidden?Ning Xie's eyes widened, and he replied that there was no treasure. Qin Zixuan was furious. The fugitives in the movie were all cunning rabbits and three caves, burying treasures everywhere, so they wouldn't put money in a bag.

Based on this, it was deduced that Ning Xie was not telling the truth, so Li Han cooperated with the performance of the young man, caught Ning Xie and beat him up. Ning Xie wanted to die after being beaten up.
Well, Qin Zixuan gave up this question and asked Ning Xie how Qin Zexi got money. Qin Zexi is so good at spending money, he must be good at making money. Ning Xie knows that the first way to get money is Haicheng Gang, but Haicheng Gang has fallen.

The second way to get money is the Huang family, one of the three big families in the south of the Yangtze River. Most of the pearls, corals and agates that Qin Zexi salvaged are sold through the Huang family, and the other way to get money is the gold mine.

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Zixuan's eyebrows were beaming, he was very happy, there was a gold mine, he had never seen it before, so he asked where is the gold mine?Ning Xie wanted to use Qiao to negotiate benefits with Qin Zixuan, that is, if he confessed, he would be exonerated.

As a result, the negotiation failed. When Li Han saw that someone was threatening the young man, without a word, he stepped forward and gave him another beating. The beating made Ning Xie give up the bottom line, and he will talk about it later if he is guilty or not. He should save his life first. If he does not cooperate with King Cheng, Ning Xie was worried that he would be killed first.

The clerk next to him who was in charge of recording looked at Ning Xie with a sympathetic face, and he was so courageous in negotiating conditions in front of the general. Does the general not like others threatening her?

Soon, the location of the gold mine was also found. The gold mine was not on Guangming Island, but on Chiyan Island. Qin Zexi, an old fox, knew the truth of the three caves of the cunning rabbit and did not put all his eggs in one basket.

Guangming Island is not the only place to shelter, but Guangming Island was discovered not long ago. The island is very suitable for human habitation, and it is far away from the coast. Qin Zexi thought it should be safe, but he did not expect that the place he thought was the safest was the most dangerous.

Lu Yuanshan, who knew Qin Zexi well, betrayed Qin Zexi completely, just like that, Guangming Island came into the eyes of the emperor, and the emperor ordered Li Han to lead troops to wipe it out, and caught him right away.

Li Han took out the map and quickly found Chiyan Island, which is about 4000 miles away from Guangming Island. At the same time, Qin Zexi also had an island, and Ning Xie also confessed that he just wanted to quickly disappear in front of King Cheng and the general. Neither of the two is a good person.

Li Han marked the location on the map, waved Ning Xie back, and prepared to serve dinner. After dinner, he discussed the next step. Jiang Yunji walked over with a few soldiers, holding a meal in his hand. This is the dinner for the general and the prince.

Several people sat at the table and chatted while eating. After Jiang Yunji heard the interrogation results here, he stroked his beard and looked proud. This trip has been fruitful, and he even found a gold mine.

(End of this chapter)

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