Chapter 514
"Second, are you overwhelmed by my arrogance?" Qin Zixuan shook the goose feather fan in his hand. When he opened his mouth, Qin Yu knew something was wrong. He was obviously dressed as a general, so why was he holding the goose feather fan? The delicate little face really doesn't match.

Li Han took three steps back, looked Qin Zixuan up and down, was satisfied at first glance, and praised with his thumbs out, "Xianggong is so handsome, so handsome, so cool!"

Qin Yu's body went numb, and his hair stood on end. The thickness of the couple's skins made Qin Yu look sideways. He couldn't compare, so let's dodge. He turned his head and got into the team.

Li Han also changed into a Zheng robe, mounted a horse with a knife, and stood side by side with Qin Zixuan. The murderous aura emanated from Li Han, crushing Qin Zixuan every minute. Qin Zixuan looked at his woman, picked his nose, secretly envious, Why doesn't he have such arrogance?

"Let's go!" Li Han yelled loudly, and the army was dispatched. He dismounted from his horse and neighed.

Under the night sky, uniform footsteps sounded over Lingchuan City. The army went straight to Qinghu. The common people hid at home shivering, not daring to go out to take a look. The heroes of the rivers and lakes came out to take a look. The army moved, shrank their necks and retreated to the room.

When the army passed by, these people walked out of the room in twos and threes, and followed the army in groups of threes and fives, wanting to know who King Cheng's first sword attack was when he came to Lingchuan City.

When Chen Zhizhou received the news, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears. After all, he is the biggest official in Lingchuan City right now. Why, why did King Cheng not even notify him of his actions? Does this mean he doesn't believe him?

Regardless of Qin Zixuan's trust or not, Chen Zhizhou didn't dare to sleep anymore, he should follow behind with the yamen servant, in case there is a need, he can show up at any time, so as to save himself from complaining.

In the Qinghu Gang, there is a person sitting on the leader's throne. This person is none other than Zhan Jue Dao, the son of Zhan Shentong.

When Zhan Shentong entered the palace, Zhan Jue Dao did not accompany him, but was arranged outside to meet him. He was also worried that if the situation was not good, both father and son would not die. He still loves his son Zhan Shentong very much.

Hearing the footsteps outside, Zhan Juedao's expression was very ugly. Such uniform footsteps must be belonged to soldiers. Zhan Juedao didn't expect that the mad knife gate would be exposed so quickly, and he didn't expect that he didn't get any news before. Just hit the door.

The heroes of the rivers and lakes who followed the army looked confused. They saw that this direction was Qinghu Lake, but what was there about Qinghu Lake?Isn't it just a small Qinghu Gang?As for dispatching the army?

Look at the equipment on the soldiers, they are long spears, strong bows, and armor covering the body. Why is this posture a bit of a sledgehammer?Everyone can't figure it out.

Of course, some people stared at Qin Zixuan's attire and laughed strangely. King Cheng's attire is a bit weird. If he was holding a long spear instead of a goose feather fan, it would be perfect, but it's a pity that King Cheng didn't take it.

The army came to Qinghu, Li Han waved his hand, the army dispersed, surrounded a piece of civilian houses, the arrows were strung up, the guns were raised high, and the torches illuminated half the sky, Qin Zixuan and Li Han rode to the front of the three armies, staring at the piece of civilian houses There was a sneer, it was really well hidden.

"Listen, the remnants of the Crazy Sword Sect, raise your hands and surrender, Rao Er waits for death, if you dare to resist, you will be killed." Li Han's voice resounded under the night sky, like a thunderclap exploding over Lingchuan City.

Oh, so that's the case. The people in the rivers and lakes who followed understood it. It turned out that it was the person who captured Kuang Daomen. Li Han, now it seems that all this is true.

Unexpectedly, Kuangdaomen escaped to Lingchuan and hid by the Qinghu Lake. This man is smart, he is too good at finding a place to hide, people in the rivers and lakes are discussing in twos and threes, and no one steps forward to interrupt the army's actions, they all think it is right.

Of course, there are also people from Zhenlongtang among them, but they dare not open their mouths, for fear of being targeted by others. There must be spies planted by Li Han. Too bad.

"The general will give you three breaths to think about, pass three breaths, kill!" Li Han's voice sounded again, "One, two, three! Kill!"

ah?Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, counting one, two, three is not too much, he feels that one breath is not over yet, hurry up this murderous bastard, this daughter-in-law can do it, probably the other side is still trapped in the magic barrier of three breaths.

With a wave of Li Han's hand, thousands of arrows were fired, and there were screams in the house. Before Zhan Jue Dao could figure out a countermeasure, he was interrupted by Li Han's attack order. He sent someone out to talk a few words and draw a line.

No way, Zhan Jue Dao had to take the remaining disciples of the Mad Saber Sect to kill outside. Only by rushing out would he have a chance to escape.

Surrounded on all sides, where should we go? Zhan Jue Dao took a look and realized that he should not charge in the direction where Li Han was, so he charged in the direction of the right hand, but he was forced back by arrows all over the sky after only a dozen meters. If the left hand doesn't work, then the right hand.

Change the direction and charge again, still more than ten meters away, retreat again, and there are fewer and fewer people behind Zhan Jue Dao rushing left and right. Face up to Li Han.

Qin Zixuan watched Zhan Juedao turn around and charged, rubbed his nose, and asked, "Why didn't that idiot charge towards us? We don't have sharp arrows here."

"I'm here." Li Han raised his chin and answered, Qin Zixuan turned his head, this guy is even more arrogant than himself, his sentence of "I'm like a thousand sharp arrows", Zhan Juedao was so frightened that he didn't dare to charge this way, Niu ah.

Zhan Jue Dao couldn't rush back, leaving only corpses. Now Zhan Jue Dao could see that he had nowhere to escape except to face Li Han, so let's fight, Zhan Jue Dao has not yet To start the war, he sighed first, and lowered his head a few times in his momentum.

"Li Han, it's too embarrassing for you to bully people!" Zhan Juedao shouted and rushed towards Li Han.

Li Han raised his hand and raised his longbow, with a twitching smile on the corner of his mouth. The words "too much to be bullied" don't apply to her, she just came for revenge, causing Dahai to give birth prematurely, this account must be settled, Li Han loosened his fingers , Three sharp arrows pierced the sky.

Um?Zhan Jue Dao, who was advancing, had to stop, raised his saber and slashed at the sharp arrow, only to see that the three arrows suddenly split into three and shot at three different parts.

After bumping, Zhan Jue Dao knocked two of them away, and another sharp arrow accurately shot into his knee. Li Han drew his bow again, and the soldiers standing behind Li Han drew their bows at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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