Second-hand little prince

Chapter 385 Before the War

Chapter 385 Before the War

"Brother Prince, are you stunned by my arrogance?" Qin Zixuan saw the prince standing there stupidly, and turned around twice in awe. As a partner, how strong the heart can bear.

"You." The prince pointed at Qin Zixuan, not knowing what to say, which trick this guy played, at least give me a hint, which goose feather fan is for which in winter?Is not It Cold?Obviously this kid is most afraid of the cold.

Alas, the crown prince sighed in his heart, and realized that he couldn't understand this younger brother at all. He hadn't understood it since he was a child. It was too much trouble. Qin Zixuan turned around a few more times in shock, feeling beautiful in his heart.

Come to the chair and sit down, looking at the prince's face, Qin Zixuan persuaded: "Prince brother, why don't you go to rest? I think your face is not very good, do you admit that you didn't sleep well?"

Recognize the bed?This reason is really strong enough, there is indeed a little bit of confession, but it is more of a worry, this is the first battle since the crown prince set off, if it is broken, he will be greeted with endless accusations, and may even abolish the throne of the crown prince.

"Brother Xuan, will they really come?" the prince asked again.

"I will come, don't worry. Have our people been sent?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"Last night, we quietly went down from the site we took over, and we have arrived at the designated location." The crown prince took out the information and sent it to Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan took a look and felt relieved. All he can do now is wait.

"Compared to patience, Qin Zixuan's patience is very good. Seeing that the prince was too anxious, he kindly pulled the prince to chat, tell jokes, make the prince happy, and help the prince relax. The prince is really too nervous."

Mo Shan was also in the same mood as the prince. He had dispatched his confidants to act cautiously, and was anxiously waiting for the time, circling inside the tent, when Cheng Tao's voice came from outside the tent, asking when to hand over the defense on the closed side.

Ding Huo was so scared that his heart trembled. If they handed over the door at this time, their plan would be over. It would definitely not work. They kept winking with Mo Shan and asked Mo Shan to delay.

Mo Shan slapped his head and yelled in pain, saying that he had a headache and asked to hand over later, and wait until the headache passed before handing over. Cheng Tao was upset, but seeing Mo Shan holding his head in pain, he had no choice but to give up.

When he was leaving, the kid was cursing and swearing. When it comes to acting, no one is a fool, and he acted very similarly. Seeing Cheng Tao leave, Ding Huo heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this kid is young and easy to deceive, otherwise he would be in trouble.

These forbidden soldiers are not easy to provoke at first glance, their murderous aura is stronger than that of these veterans, everyone looks like a piece of meat, just waiting to show their fangs and bite.

"Oh, I hope it gets dark sooner." Mo Shan sighed, and Ding Huo nodded in agreement. If Qin Zixuan was here, he would definitely laugh three times. Ask them if it snows, does it matter if it is dark or bright?We should pray that the Custodians fall asleep quickly.

It is only when they are asleep that it is convenient to move. Qin Zixuan has long thought of this. Qin Zixuan really doesn't care whether it is day or night. The night under the heavy snow is like day, the difference is that people want to sleep at night.

In the evening, the army had a full meal and entered the tent one after another, sleeping with their clothes on, holding weapons in their arms, and after a while, there was a snoring sound in the tent. Qin Zixuan said goodbye to the prince and was about to go back to sleep. Qin Zixuan's hand told him not to sleep too much, remember the big things.

Back in the tent, Qin Zixuan didn't rush to sleep, but wiped his weapons, muttering that he would let these weapons see the blood today, and successfully received Gu Yueru's ridicule.

"Such a beautiful dragon gun, it's a waste to put it in your hands." Gu Yueru saw that Qin Zixuan was having trouble holding the dragon gun, and wanted to carry it to the battlefield. It's all in the way.

"This is why you don't understand. This gun can only realize its prestige if it follows me. Think about it, Qin Zixuan, the most talented man in the world, led his troops to the expedition. What is he holding in his hand? Fire dragon gun!"

"Just because of this news, the Fire Dragon Gun will become famous. The shadow of a famous tree, I hold it, it is its honor." Qin Zixuan became narcissistic and unstoppable, as if he held the Fire Dragon Gun as if he was a Fire Dragon Gun This is the glory of following him.

"With your mouth, you can really turn white into black. I'm convinced." Gu Yueru couldn't say no to Qin Zixuan, so she turned and went into the inner tent to rest. There will be a big battle at night. At this time, you should take a good rest and recharge your batteries.

"My lord, don't rush indiscriminately during the battle, the shadow guards will protect you in the middle, you just need to follow them and charge." Lin Xi carefully explained again, this time the shadow guards brought out only one order, That is to bring the prince back alive.

If Qin Zixuan lost his life by rushing around, those who went out with the army would also die, and they would have to follow Qin Zixuan to the west in pursuit of the bliss in the world.

"Don't worry, you've said it eight hundred times, I'll remember it, I won't rush around, I'll just watch." Qin Zixuan wrapped himself up, because there was a war at night, and he couldn't take off his golden armor, so he fell asleep a little bit. uncomfortable.

"It's fine for the prince to remember." Lin Xi let out a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the prince would not remember. It is usually fine. Who would have thought of what the convulsed prince would do next?
In the icy and snowy environment, the two teams were rushing through the snow, sticking out their tongues out of exhaustion. Even so, they didn't stop to rest. They were still on their way. When the armors on their bodies collided with each other, they heard the sound of clanging.

"Hurry up and try to arrive at the second watch, so that we can have an hour to rest after we arrive." A voice sounded, and all the soldiers responded dumbly, and continued to run.

In the forest on the hillside they passed by, there was a team hidden in the white snow. Looking at the tired dog-like soldiers below, the corners of their mouths sneered, run faster, and hurry to death.

There was another team led by none other than Chu Yuyang. Chu Yuyang was excited after receiving the news that the prince and Qin Zixuan had arrived. He was tortured so badly by Li Han, so of course he wanted to take revenge.

If Li Han can't reach him now, then use Qin Zixuan for the surgery. Excited Chu Yuyang ignored the complaints from the soldiers behind him and hurried to Qiyun Pass. He wanted to rush into Qiyun Pass in the middle of the night and use Qin Zixuan's head as a ball Kick.

As soon as the second watch was over, the snoring of the forbidden army became louder, one after another, Ding Huo came out to check around, listening to the snoring, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, even if this group of people rushed here with all their might, they were already exhausted and paralyzed. It's been two days and I still haven't recovered.

Seeing that the imperial guards were not guarded at all, Ding Huo believed that his plan was successful, his great achievements were just around the corner, he was a little bit flustered when he walked, and the great cause of Wang Hou was right in front of him, so how could he not be excited.

(End of this chapter)

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