Chapter 212
In the backyard of Huimin Bookstore, the workers in full swing did not notice that a figure got into the roof, and was looking down with wide eyes. His eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't believe his eyes. It turned out that Huimin Bookstore's books were made like this from.

Spread a piece of white paper up, and then, as if by magic, it was lifted up again and covered with square words. Is this too fast? Thief Strange looked around with his head, and there were such words everywhere. kind of magic.

No wonder Huimin Bookstore's books are cheap. It's not unreasonable. It's so cheap. It makes sense. Pirate Saint thinks about the price quoted by the owner, and then looks at the busy workers below. Why does he feel that this business has lost money? Woolen cloth.

No matter, let's take a look first, how to steal the things here?It is difficult to steal a holy book. It is very easy to steal a book, but it is difficult to steal a printing press under the eyes of so many living people.

After all, these people are all at work, and no one is idle. The thief lay there and stared at it for a long time, thinking that someone will go to the toilet, not to mention the person who really waited for the toilet, but unfortunately one person left , and another person on top.

Damn, there are still people on duty, Pirates really didn't expect it, continue to wait, thinking that this group of people work so hard, there must be time to eat, yes, there is indeed time to eat, but they are Take turns eating.

Originally, there were two people in front of a work rack, but when it was time to eat, one of them left, and the other worked alone. Although the speed was much slower, he was not idle. There was no one idle, and Thief was really dumbfounded.

Lie on the beams until dawn, thinking that when they got off work, they would sneak down to find a printing machine and take it away. It turned out that they were not leaving get off work but handing over shifts.

Thief Saint wanted to cry, he didn't wait for such a fool, it was the first time he had seen this kind of assembly line work method, not only was there no chaos when the shift was handed over, but it was more orderly anyway, after handing over the shift, he worked the overnight shift The workers even cleaned the place before leaving, but there was no one left.

Who the hell came up with this working model? Pirate Saint was really convinced. Not only did other people work overnight shifts, they didn’t complain, but they even talked and laughed happily, and even asked what they had for breakfast?Is there anything new?

Listening to their conversation, Thief Saint felt that he was also hungry. He heard that King Cheng was a fool with a very serious mind. He had never seen a real person before.

The meals arranged for the workers are too rich, there are buns, steamed buns, flower rolls, and small steamed buns. In the morning, it is good for ordinary people to have porridge for breakfast. You can drink red bean porridge to nourish blood and nourish your skin. Would you like such a good fire food?

Of course, what Thief Saint doesn't understand the most is that there are still women working. Aren't women all in the backyard?Why did King Cheng arrange work for them? I can't figure it out.

No matter if Thief Saint figured it out or not, he had to lie obediently on the beam of the house, because he couldn't go out at dawn, if he went out now, he would definitely be arrested.

This party lasted until noon, and I watched the workers below take turns to eat, and they talked about it after eating. Today’s braised pork is delicious. It’s awesome. One said the chicken legs were delicious, and the other said the soup was delicious. I’ll go , the talk is all about food.

In the afternoon, Qin Zixuan went out with Cai Jinbao. Today, Qin Zixuan decided to go and have a look at the typesetting of the new book. He encouraged the workers, cheered them on, and worked hard. After all, they had worked hard during this time.

When they arrived at Huimin Bookstore, Qin Yu got the news and hurried over to accompany him. Qin Zixuan waved his hand and told him to go, so he just came over to take a look, without motivating the crowd. Qin Yu knew the prince's temper, and left after explaining some things.

Qin Zixuan first went to the place where the books were bound and saw that everyone was working hard, so he nodded in satisfaction. After designing the entire assembly line, Qin Zixuan still put in a lot of effort, and of course the results are gratifying.

Although he didn't have any serious skills in his previous life, but he has learned a lot, coupled with his own assumptions, now it seems that he still has a super high level in this era.

When he came to the printing room, Cai Jinbao became dishonest and raised his neck and yelled, which caused the workers to look sideways. When they saw that it was King Cheng, they all saluted. Qin Zixuan waved his hand and told them to continue working without paying attention to him.

Leading Cai Jinding to continue shopping, but Cai Jinbao quit, and continued to raise his neck and scream, if the beams were not too high, these three guys would have jumped up, Qin Zixuan looked depressed, there is meat on the beams , It actually made these three guys shout so happily.

Looking up, he didn't see anything unusual. Several guards who came in with Qin Zixuan also raised their heads and looked at the top from different directions. They suddenly noticed the difference. There was a corner of the clothes on it.

Hurry up and report in a low voice, wanting to invite Qin Zixuan to leave, Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when he heard it, he heard that someone invited the Pirate Saint to the capital, it couldn't be an expert from above, hehe, Qin Zixuan's eyes rolled, and he started to hold back.

Pretending that nothing happened, he walked around the printing room, dragged Cai Jinbao away, and after walking a short distance, Qin Zixuan called the guards, and then they bumped their heads together to discuss countermeasures.

Qin Zixuan's idea is very simple. He heard that the thief is very patient, so Qin Zixuan decided to compare his patience with him. The method is very simple, that is, from now on, the guards will patrol non-stop for twelve hours, not giving the other party a chance to escape.

The most important thing is not to give the other party a chance to find food. This is the rhythm of starving the other party to death. After listening to Qin Zixuan's method, Lin Mo rubbed his nose. Fortunately, he is the prince's guard, not an enemy, otherwise, Touch his belly, he doesn't want to starve himself to death.

Zhang Hongliang was worried that his negligence would be punished by the lord, but he didn't expect that the lord not only didn't punish him, but also acted very excited. The lord didn't have any playmates, he actually wanted to play thief.

Of course, as the chief guard here, Zhang Hongliang is very aware of the burden on him. He is not only guarding the personal belongings of King Cheng, he is also responsible for guarding state secrets. It is his responsibility to prevent the enemy from stealing the secrets in the printing room. mission.

Today's incident made Zhang Hongliang understand that there were mistakes in the work, and the defense was not as strict as imagined. People still found opportunities to sneak in. This needs to be self-reflection, and then strengthen patrols.

Qin Zixuan turned around again, and then left proudly, telling Zhang Hongliang to notify himself as soon as he had any news, waiting to unveil the mystery of the other party, and see if it was the thief.

(End of this chapter)

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