Chapter 69

Wearing a helmet and armor, Zhao Wen took the guard camp and the general banner where Song Hu was located out of Longmen Fort.

The two teams wore iron pointed helmets, 56 and a half hanging on their backs, and bright red mandarin duck war jackets.

Looking from a distance, a group of red flames came from the city gate, looking quite magnificent.

Zhao Wen rode on a tall horse and walked forward slowly.

Li Xiaosan followed closely behind Zhao Wen, his whole body was like a bird out of the cage, his eyes were rumbling and rolling.Zhao Daniu and Song Hu sat on the horses, staring at the front intently, and followed behind.

A gust of wind blows, blowing the red cherry blossoms on the helmets of the soldiers into the wind.

Zhao Wen looked at the middle-aged man standing at the front of the cart convoy with a sneer on his face.

However, the sneer quickly disappeared.

"Brother Fan left?" Zhao Wen asked the middle-aged man after looking around the motorcade for a long time, but he didn't see Fan Zheng.

The middle-aged man cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and said, "The shopkeeper Fan has gone back."

"Oh!" Zhao Wen agreed twice casually, and then asked again: "Are you ready? Can you set off now?"

"Yes, we have been preparing for a long time. We just wait for the general's order." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

The middle-aged man couldn't help praising this Ming army with strict military discipline and majesty.

If Fan Zheng hadn't told him that Zhao Wen was a reliable person who had business dealings with the Fan family, the middle-aged man wouldn't have dared to let Zhao Wen escort him just by seeing this team with strict military discipline.

A Ming army with strict military discipline and magnificent momentum, can its generals be like dogs?

Zhao Wen nodded, then said, "Let's go!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly turned around and shouted to the grooms pulling the horses, "Let's go!"

Zhao Wen led the personal guard battalion to the front.

Song Hu was at the back, and the convoy was in the middle.

There were probably hundreds of carts in this convoy, and each cart was filled with huge sacks.Each sack is full of grain, which can meet the urgent needs of Liaodong.

Zhao Wen walked in the front, turning his head to look at these sacks from time to time.

"I'll let you keep it for me now. After I get to Jibeikou, hehe, then I'm sorry." Zhao Wen looked at the sack with greedy eyes.

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hand, you don't panic.These grains are not only important to Huang Taiji, but also to Zhao Wen.

As far as Zhao Wen knows, since Chongzhen ascended the throne, in the past 17 years, the entire Ming Dynasty has been plagued by disasters. In the next ten years, food will be the hard currency.

The convoy made a creaking sound, and the wheels were pulled by the horses, heading northward in a mighty way, and soon walked out of the Great Wall.

The endless wilderness suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Wen.

Although it has entered spring now, winter has not completely left, and the plants on the grassland have not yet sprouted yet.

The ice and snow on the entire grassland have melted and seeped into the ground.However, no plants germinated.

Because this grassland has turned into a desert.

Over the past few hundred years, the number of people on the grasslands has continued to increase.

The increase in population has also forced the number of cattle and sheep to increase, and the cattle and sheep are constantly gnawing on the pastures.

Overgrazing has turned most pastures into deserts.

The entire grassland is as barren as the Gobi Desert.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, rolled up the sand on the ground, and narrowed Zhao Wen's face.

Zhao Wen spat out a mouthful of saliva, squinting his eyes and looking at the bare grassland.

There are a few goshawks looking for food circling in the sky, and a few skinny yellow sheep running in the distance, they are gnawing on the grass roots on the ground.

Looking at the desert-like grassland, Zhao Wen cursed fiercely, "What kind of fucking place is this?"

Looking at a desolate grassland, Li Xiaosan spit, his face flashed with excitement, "Hey, it looks like the pasture production on the grassland will decrease this year. These damned Tartars, no pasture, cattle and sheep They will starve to death, without cattle and sheep, all of them will starve to death. Hehe, they deserve it.”

The convoy walked forward slowly, the wheels of the cart were crushed on the ground, leaving several deep ruts.

It has left a striking mark on this uninhabited wilderness.

Zhao Wen took the water bag from his waist and took a gulp.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, he raised his hand, "Send down the order and set up camp on the spot."

Li Xiaosan rode his war horse and galloped back quickly.

Not long after, the middle-aged man hurried over.

"Master General, why did you stop suddenly?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Wen anxiously.

Can he not be in a hurry, the entire Liaodong area is short of food now, if this batch of food arrives one day earlier, it can save many lives.If you arrive one day late, many people will die of evil.

If it weren't for Amin, Mang Gurtai, Dorgon and others who were ready to move, just to be on the safe side, Huang Taiji would definitely send troops to personally escort the food.

Zhao Wen looked at the middle-aged man, condescending, and said in a deep voice: "It's getting late now, if you're not afraid of freezing to death on the grassland, you can continue on your way. Anyway, I won't be on my way. The brother I took out, I want to be safe. Take it back safely."

Although it has already entered spring, the weather is still very cold. If the camp is not set up in time, many people may be frostbitten.

Zhao Wen's soldiers are all treasures, and they are not comparable to those frontier soldiers who are like farmers.

Even the servants of those generals are, to some extent, inferior to Zhao Wen's soldiers.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to follow Zhao Wen's order to gather the carts together and let these guys set up camp outside the carts, for fear of any accidents.

For middle-aged men, these food and grass are more important than life.

In this era of lack of food and clothing, human life is as worthless as weeds on the side of the road.

Zhao Wen gathered the personal guard battalion and the general banner led by Song Hu together, and set up a tent.

In the camp, teams of soldiers armed with 56 and a half patrolled back and forth.

Zhao Wen sat in the big tent in the center, looked at the people in the big tent, "Daniu, how much weight do you think this much grain can have?"

Zhao Daniu squinted his eyes, squeezed his chin, and said slowly: "According to my estimation, there should be a lot of food in this convoy. Each cart is calculated at two hundred shi, and there are more than 300 carts in total, nearly 7 carts. Car, I estimate that there should be more than [-] to nearly [-] shi of grain."

Hearing Zhao Daniu's answer, Zhao Wen's face flashed with excitement, but he soon fell into deep thought. He didn't know what the middle-aged man was thinking, and asked himself to escort the food.

And he only sent out these fifty or so soldiers, isn't he afraid that he won't be able to protect so much food?

After all, fifty soldiers are too few for these hundreds of carts.

In fact, Fan Zheng had told the middle-aged man long ago that although Zhao Wen had few soldiers, he had extremely strange firearms in his hands, which were powerful and could fire in bursts.

Although Fan Zheng didn't know everything about Zhao Wen's battles, he knew the general idea.

With just a few people, he was able to resist thousands of Tartars, how could Fan Zheng not care about it?

Besides, when Zhao Wen fought against the Tartars outside the city of Xuanfu, many common people witnessed it with their own eyes.So, it's not that hard to play.

In Fan Zheng's view, Zhao Wen's 500 men are definitely more effective than the [-] frontier troops.

In fact, for middle-aged men, the biggest use of hiring Zhao Wen is actually to act as a deterrent.

Since Zhao Wen made his fortune, Zhao Wen's deeds have been uploaded non-stop on the grassland.

Those few battles almost frightened the small tribes near Xuanfu Town.

Those Tartars who fled back described Zhao Wen as a monster ninety feet high and ninety feet wide, capable of breathing fire, with a green face and long fangs.

Especially the weapons he used, each one was even more weird.Exploding missiles, fire-breathing firecrackers, exploding wooden sticks, and demon-like weapons are mercilessly slaughtering the warriors on the grassland.

Rumors such as these are uploaded throughout the grassland with nose and eyes.Although many people scoff at this, there are also many people who believe in it.

When Zhao Wen heard that there were tens of thousands of stones, several rays of light burst out from his eyes.

"Grandma, these Shanxi merchants are really nothing to send Jiannula to Liaodong with so much grain." Song Hu gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"The food will not belong to them soon." Zhao Wen said slowly with a long breath.

As night fell, a fire was raised in the camp, providing a dim light for the camp.

An owl made a shrill cry and swooped down from the sky. Its eyes aimed at a field mouse on a small hillside.

But just when it was about to catch the field mouse, it flew away in a panic.

A team of more than 200 people appeared behind the hillside.

This group of people wore leather armor, rode war horses, and hung scimitars from their waists.

This is a group of heavily armed Tartars.

Like a pack of hunting wolves, this group of Tartars quietly walked up the hillside and looked into the distance.

Sporadic lights appeared in their eyes, and the lights were the burning fires in the convoy.

(End of this chapter)

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