Chapter 76

Just when Li Shimin was buying grain like crazy, Qin Tian added a few more wine-making equipment to his manor in Qinjia Village.

In addition to the equipment for brewing beer, there is also an equipment for distilling liquor.

Liquor is relatively simple to make. It only needs to be distilled, which is not very time-consuming. After the equipment is ready, as long as there are other wines that can be used to concentrate.

Of course, apart from brewing wine at home, Qin Tian did not dare to be careless about selling beer.

Every day, after these beers are brought to the East City of Chang'an City, they are sold directly in a shop next to the perfume shop. Because Qin Tian can brew wine at will, the demand for food is not small, and some people are willing to exchange food. Also, but some people think that food is troublesome, so if other money is used to buy it, he will still sell it.

The reason why the grain was exchanged at the beginning was just to help Li Shimin, but now Li Shimin buys almost the same amount of grain, so it is naturally more convenient to use money.

On this day, Qin Tian brought several carts of beer to the store in Dongshi. Just as he put down the beer, the servants sent by the princes and nobles rushed up.

"Mr. Qin Xiaolang, ten altars, the ten altars I want, you agreed yesterday."

"There is also my ten altars. I bought them yesterday but I didn't get them. You said you must keep them for me today. Don't break your promise..."

"Ten altars, my Duke also wants ten altars..."

"Hmph, my lord wants ten altars..."

They are all young servants from rich and powerful families, and no one is inferior to anyone. They stand outside the shop and fight for each other. After a stick of incense, the carloads of beer that Qin Tian brought were sold out by them. .

The beer was sold out, and Qin Tian was happy to have a leisurely time. He wanted to chat with his elder sister, but at this time, Lu Feng, the shopkeeper of Sihaiju, who was opposite, hurried over: "Mr. Qin, my lady is here to invite you."

Hearing that Lu Huaniang wanted to see him, Qin Tian didn't think too much, and followed Lu Feng directly to the second floor of Sihaiju.

When she came to Lu Huaniang's room, Lu Huaniang was sitting in the room reading a book. As a daughter of five surnames, she must have some knowledge, but after Qin Tian came in, she quickly put down the book.

"Master Qin, please sit down."

Qin Tian sat down beside Lu Huaniang, and asked, "Why is Boss Lu looking for me?"

Lu Huaniang said: "Mr. Qin's beer business is good. It was sold out as soon as it was brought."

Qin Tian smiled: "My family is the only one selling beer in Chang'an City, so it's a rare commodity to live in."

Lu Huaniang said: "Mr. Qin is right, but I don't know if there are any in your house. I, Sihaiju, would like to order more."

Qin Tian sells beer in Dongshi, and as long as they want it from all over the world, Qin Tian will leave a few jars for them, so Lu Huaniang has never been short of drinking these days.

It's just that Qin Tian gave Si Hai too little, only enough for Lu Huaniang to drink, if he wanted to sell it in the inn, it would not be enough.

And this beer is very good, if it can be sold in the inn, it will definitely attract many diners, so Lu Huaniang wants to order more from Qin Tian.

Hearing this, Qin Tian already understood what Lu Huaniang meant.

"Boss Lu wants to order more, of course there is no problem, but at most twenty jars a day, I can't get out more."

Twenty altars are a lot for a family, but for an inn like Sihaiju, it is not much, but Qin Tian is willing to leave twenty altars for her, which is already very good.

So Lu Huaniang didn't hesitate, and directly agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Qin is really a straightforward person, but I don't know the price?"

"Naturally give Boss Lu a discount, you can rest assured."

Lu Huaniang smiled, beer is too expensive, of course it would be best if it could be cheaper.

And just as the two were talking, a clerk suddenly rushed up from above: "Miss, in charge, there is a man below who does not give money for free."

"Escaping?" Lu Feng asked hastily, in their line of work, the most fearful thing is that they would run away for free.

The guy shook his head: "No, that guy didn't run away after eating for free, he just sat there and let us beat him."

"Is there such a person?"

Lu Feng was very strange, and Qin Tian was also curious here. Generally, people who eat free food run away after eating, but there are people who sit and get beaten?

"Shopkeeper Lu, how about we go down and have a look?" Qin Tian said as he walked out, Lu Feng hurriedly followed, and Lu Huaniang continued to wait for news. Normally, she never cared about such things. With Lu Feng around, this This kind of thing is easy to solve.

When he came downstairs, Qin Tian saw the freeloader.

The man was tall and tall, but his clothes were ragged and unkempt, as if he hadn't been repaired for a long time. Several clerks beat him with sticks. Holding a dozen bowls of rice that he ate up.


After Qin Tian came down, he yelled, and when he turned his head, he glanced at the man's back. The man's back was already oozing blood, but he didn't seem to be in any pain.

When the guys saw Qin Tian, ​​they dared to continue fighting.

"Mr. Qin Xiaolang, this man eats free food. He has eaten more than a dozen bowls of our rice, and several dishes."

Qin Tian nodded, looked at the man and asked, "What's your name?"

While pushing the rice into his mouth, the man replied, "Hu Shiba!"

This name sounds uneducated, Qin Tian asked again: "Why don't you run away after eating free food from others?"

Hu Shibadao: "I don't have any money, so I eat people for free, and let them beat me to pay off my debts."

It is really rare to see such a person relying on beatings to pay off debts. Qin Tian suddenly had a good impression of this Hu Shiba, at least he is not the kind of person who shirks responsibility.

"You are from there, why come here?"

"I used to be with Liu Heita. After Liu Heita died, I helped him collect his body. Someone falsely accused me of treason, so I was imprisoned. I was just released today. I was starved to death in the prison. , so I come here to eat free food, I eat mine, you beat yours, as long as you can't kill me."

Hu Shiba began to eat again, but those guys were very angry when they heard that, when he was about to hit again with his stick, Qin Tian stopped them suddenly.

"Get him some good food and wine, and I'll pay for it."

When those guys heard this, they became anxious.

"Xiao Langjun, this man has no money."

Qin Tian smiled and waved his hands: "Don't talk nonsense, just do as I say."

The clerks glanced at Lu Feng, who nodded slightly, and those clerks hurried to the back kitchen to bring Hu Shiba some good wine and food.

When the food and wine were served, Hu Shiba was not polite, and started to eat directly. He had already eaten a lot before, and the waiter brought them again, and he quickly ate them all.

(End of this chapter)

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