The rise of the prince

Chapter 877 The Four Corps

Chapter 877
The war between Mongolia and the Kingdom of Jin in the north has been going on for several years.

There were [-] guns provided by Jing Guo, and Jin Guo temporarily defended them, but their manpower and troops were consumed again and again, and they complained endlessly.

Li Xingzhou doesn't care if Jin Guo can last for a few years, as long as Shangjing continues to supply graphite mines.

There are Yang Hongzhao, Gu Lichuan, and Xie Linjiang in the north, and Li Xingzhou is relieved for the time being.

As for the Northeast and the Korean Peninsula, Li Xingzhou is more and more determined to win, because he has a new ship, and the rules of sea navigation are about to be broken.

Once there is a strong fleet, it will be easier to control the situation on the peninsula.

In the autumn of the fifth year of Zhangwu, Feng Cheng, a maritime merchant who had returned from doing business in the Arabian region for several years, was hired by Emperor Li Xingzhou as the naval warehouse supervisor of the new army.

With the continuous production of Zhangwu-class new ships, a huge navy was gradually formed.

Li Xingzhou's goal is to use the inland sea to control the northeast and the peninsula.

Before I knew it, it was Zhangwu Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Xia Kingdom was destroyed in just one year the year before last, and then Liu Ji defeated the Uighur coalition forces outside Yumen Pass in the west of the Hexi Corridor.

News from the northwest quickly shook the two plateaus in the north and south of the Hexi Corridor, the Mongolian Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Then Mongolia hurriedly sent a woman on the grounds of business dealings. Li Xingzhou knew that Mongolia was afraid, but he couldn't bear to say surrender, so he sent a princess over to improve the relationship.

In addition to the deterrent combat power of the Northwest Facing Jing Army, the incident of Pu Chaling also greatly stimulated and inspired the Mongols. If the Pucha family had not given birth to a good daughter, the Kingdom of Jin would have been defeated by the Mongolian army long ago.

I wanted to find a son of the royal family to marry, but I didn't expect that the person who came here was actually Arihai Beji, the third princess of Mongolia!Li Xingzhou once wanted to buy a dead man and tried his best to assassinate him, but now he actually delivered it to his door.

Then he had to wrong himself, Li Xingzhou immediately changed his mind and prepared to dedicate himself to meet the legendary three princesses in person.

But at this time, it also attracted a lot of discussion, because he had already let out the rumor that he wanted to find a son of the royal family to marry the princess, but he changed his mind when he was approaching.

Several upright ministers, Bi Hezhao, even wrote a letter to this.

But he is the emperor, so there is nothing anyone can do about it.

They didn't understand that, in Li Xingzhou's mind, Arahaibeji was not an ordinary person. He wanted to see this princess of the Great Mongolia, the woman who guarded the country for him during Temujin's expedition.

I also breathed a sigh of relief, such a No. [-] person actually came to the Central Plains, and the threat from Mongolia will be much smaller in the future.

However, I didn’t have too many surprises after seeing Aji Haibieji. The beauties are beauties, but Li Xingzhou has seen more beauties. There is not much difference between the Mongolian beauties and the Central Plains beauties, but there is a plateau red that looks cute, and is more mellow nice chin.

But now, Asahai Beji is also pregnant. She has a good relationship with Yelu Yali and He Qian. The three of them like to ride around on horseback. Li Xingzhou doesn't care about them.

In Yelu Yali of the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Liao, Pu Chaling was conferred concubines, and the three princesses could not be treated favorably. Moreover, there were Qiu'er and Yue'er, two little girls who were also brought into the palace by him.

The four concubines of Kegui, Shu, De, and Xian were all in position, so he invented and created by himself.

A concubine Yuan was added to Acihai Beji. As for the word Yuan, only he could understand its meaning. In fact, it was the title of the country when the Mongols entered the Central Plains.

Yue'er was named Concubine Qiao, while Qiu'er thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to call her Concubine Ling.

Lingruo is used as a posthumous title, which is an extremely bad posthumous title. Most of the emperors with posthumous titles who carry spirits do nothing in front of them.

Ling has the intention of making nonsense, what Qiu'er did is not nonsense for today's people, but she can do everything.

And Li Xingzhou thinks this word suits her very well.

In the next two years, Qiu'er became Li Xingzhou's favorite concubine, and he would talk to her from time to time, and often send her to the bedroom palace to talk, which is also a fact that everyone knows.

However, the status of the queen is unshakable, and many things in the palace are managed by the queen.

Wei Yu was in charge of the imperial guard squad and was in charge of the imperial guards in the palace, personally protecting the safety of the emperor.

Li Xingzhou revised the palace regulations twice and issued an edict to relax the control of the harem. The main reason is that he does not have such a conservative concept, or the word "ethics" only appeared after the Song Dynasty.

Compared with the stability in the east, the west is out of control. Once the army came out, the Hexi Corridor was opened, and the pace of westward expansion could not be stopped at all. If Li Xingzhou hadn't written to Liu Ji repeatedly, asking him to fight steadily, he might Kunlun Mountain has been opened.

At this point, the general plan for the entire Jingguo Quartet has been finalized.

Liu Ji garrisoned the northwest, opened the frontier to the west, and controlled the Western Regions.

Yang Wenguang, Zhe Weizhong, garrisoned the northwest, from the west of Taihang Mountain to the line of Wucihai City at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

To the east of the Taihang Mountains, the Corridor of Western Liaoning, and the land of Eastern Liaodong were guarded and defended by Yang Hongzhao and Gu Lichuan.

These are the three major corps on the border of Jingguo.

The Liu Ji Corps in the Hexi Corridor and the Western Regions;

Yang Wenguang and Zheweizhong Corps in the northwest;

Yang Hongzhao and Gu Lichuan Corps in the northeast.

The three major corps together have a total of about 30 people, defending the safety of the entire north of Jingguo.

And Jingguo also has two standing corps.

One is Yan Shen leading the New Army Corps stationed near the capital.

One is the new naval fleet led by Di Zhi, which is active in the Bohai Sea and surrounding inland seas all year round.

Therefore, by the fifth year of Zhangwu, the world was basically stable, and Jingguo's army had expanded to about 47, totaling five major corps.

With such a powerful force, coupled with the years of annihilating Liao, Xia, and swallowing gold, Jing Guo's soldiers are so powerful that no one dares to move.

The world is safe, life in the sea, the people live and work in peace and contentment. Over the past few years, Jingguo has become stronger and more prosperous. The reform of spreading the income from the household to the mu has gradually gained popularity. With more and more people supporting the petition, the rich and powerful families also understand that they cannot fight against the current emperor. .

The lands of Henan, Hebei, and Shanxi Guanzhong are also slowly implementing the reform of dividing the land into acres, but only in the middle of Sichuan is there still great resistance.

At the same time, Li Xingzhou learned from Qin Shihuang, and began to repair roads all over the country with Kaiyuan as the center, but this time there is cement, which is more convenient and easy.

In the winter of the fifth year of Zhangwu, the empress dowager died of illness, and the whole country mourned.

Immediately, all the people in Kaiyuan sent off the Queen Mother in plain clothes. The Queen Mother Wu didn't do anything important, but her mother's respect for the world and her love for Li Xingzhou, her grandson, were true.

After sending them off with a state funeral, in the spring of the sixth year of Zhangwu, the rich and powerful families in central Shu also knew that their good days were coming to an end.

The reason why almost all the lands in the world have been reformed, only in the middle of Shu is not moved, it is because of the empress dowager, now that the queen has passed away, the big families in the middle of Shu have no resistance anymore, and the reform of dividing the household into the mu is also carried out in the middle of Shu.

However, because of the deep-rooted aristocrats in central Shu, Li Xingzhou once again asked Shen Lin to lead the tenth battalion of the new army into Shu to carry out reforms.

At the beginning, Shenlin was famous for massacring the whole family of landlords in order to carry out the reform. With him leading the army to sit in the town, the reform was carried out smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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