The rise of the prince

Chapter 6 The general trend of the world

Chapter 6 The general trend of the world
Yan Yan probably didn't know why he suddenly became enlightened. The little prince who usually only asks for money to do evil suddenly said that he wanted to read a book one day. He probably had mixed feelings in his heart, both happy and worried.The happy thing is that the little prince is finally enlightened, and he can comfort Xiao Wang's spirit in heaven, but the worry is that he is not sure whether the little prince is really enlightened, and it is not easy for him to ask.

Yan Yan immediately dropped his work and hurriedly took him to look for books. Prince Xiao's mansion naturally had books. When King Xiao was alive, there was a special study room. Yan Yan cleaned it up every day, but the little prince never looked at it. But today... Could it be just a whim, he thought silently in his heart.

Once Wei Wei got acquainted with him, Li Ye's life began to stabilize. He was never a stable person, but at this time, if he was not stable, he would be in danger.

Afterwards, he mostly stayed in the study, flipping through Xiao Wang's collection of books. This era is basically the only form of entertainment. Yan Yan watched him stay in the study for a day several times, rejecting the friends who came to him. Miscellaneous, when I turned around, I went to worship in front of Xiao Wangling, and narrated the recent changes of the little prince.

The servants also slowly felt this change, whispering in surprise at the same time, the change about the little prince was spread in the palace, most people were surprised by this, but they were only surprised, freezing three feet was not a day's cold.

Li Ye stayed behind closed doors while silently sorting out information about the world. Books are the best way. "Historical records like this are exactly what Li Ye needs. He wants to understand the world.

The more I get to know Li Ye, the more similar this world is to my previous life.

Ancient tribes, three emperors and five emperors, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Qin annexed Liuhe but died in the second generation, the great ancestor Liu Bang counterattacked like a male protagonist of online literature, unified the world and created the legendary foundation of the Han Dynasty.

At the end of the Khan, the Three Kingdoms struggled for hegemony, Wei was the orthodox, Wei Wu wielded his whip, and the heroic talent roughly occupied the north.

Cao Pi compromised with the aristocratic family and used the Nine-rank Official Personnel Law to gain support. Wei Guo has truly followed the general trend of the times, has a solid foundation, and basically eliminated the contradictions at the top.

Unlike the original history, he didn't die short after that!

As soon as Zhuge died, the noble families of the Shu Kingdom welcomed the Wei army into Shu. As soon as Shu fell, the Wu Kingdom could not support itself, and then perished.

The world belongs to Wei, Cao Pi is capable, talented, and open-minded, and the Wei Empire recuperates and recuperates. Although there are chaos and wars afterwards, it is much better than the "five random China" in another world.

But Wei was always just a transitional dynasty. More than 200 years later, the landlords of the common clan gradually rose, and the Sui Dynasty replaced Wei. The Sui Dynasty did not have a short life. It lasted for more than 300 years. Li Xun unified and changed the name of the country to "Jing".

The Jing Dynasty is the era of Li Ye. It is now the fourth year of Yuanfeng in the Jing Dynasty, and it has been more than 100 years since the founding of the Jing Dynasty.

From time to time, Li Ye would call Yan Qu and ask about the state affairs, and gradually he began to understand this era.

The scenery is very similar to the Song Dynasty, with a heavy style of writing, poems and songs, literati, talented women and beautiful ladies.
But the overall situation is different. For example, in terms of the political structure, the two governments and three divisions are in charge of state affairs.

That is, the Zhengshitang, the Privy Council, the Yantie Division, the Duzhi Division, and the Household Department. The status of the second government is higher than that of the third department.

The difference lies in the affairs of the two governments.The "Pingzhang Shi under the Tongzhong Shumen" and the "private envoys" who are under one person and over ten thousand people are not civil servants like the Song Dynasty.

This makes Jing and Song have subtle differences.

The top bosses of the "Three Offices" who supported the imperial army in the Song Dynasty were civil servants, which made civil officials naturally superior to military generals, and civil officials could kill generals casually.

General disobedient?Killed; the military commander has too much credit and is afraid of being contested?Kill him; generals don't like it?kill.
Therefore, the Song Dynasty was extremely prosperous and rich in material. The Songbu people's armor was thick and heavy armor weighing six to seventy kilograms, and the horse armor was also very sophisticated, but it was not without reason that the combat power was low and the training was lax.To borrow a modern saying, do not give status in normal times, and want people to be sent to death during wars, is it possible?impossible.

The Jing Dynasty still had a Privy Council, but the Privy Envoys were indeed military generals, that is to say, the highest civil official "Tong Zhong Shu Men Xia Ping Zhang Shi" was at the same level as the military general "Privy Council Envoy", and the status of a military man was no more than that of a lowly literati.

It's just that the Jing Dynasty's army is still not strong enough. Ten years later, in order to recover the lost land in the north, tens of thousands of troops vowed to go north, but they were defeated by the Liao people. General, although generals don't know soldiers can prevent rebellion, they also greatly reduce combat effectiveness.

In terms of local administrative division, there are two levels of state and county, and the military division is the same as the Song Dynasty. The whole country is divided into fifteen roads.

Through books, memory, and strictness, Li Ye has been staying at home for the past few days and has been sorting out information about this world. The old emperor has been eager to recover the lost land in the north in recent years, but he is unable to do what he wants.

Is that feeling strange and familiar, like a dream, like a parallel universe?

In any case, Li Ye just wants to be alone, live a peaceful life, and do good deeds to help others.

The current prince is the third younger brother of the late King Xiao. The old emperor is old, and the prince will succeed to the throne in the near future.

Li Ye couldn't find any memory in his mind to speculate on the relationship between King Xiao and the current prince, but since he couldn't find it, it meant that he was unfamiliar, and the way of the world is basically the same, and the closeness is often determined by the amount of communication. Anyway, he and the prince will not be close that is.

Li Xingzhou is domineering and publicizing, doing evil things. Maybe no one will touch him when the old emperor is around, but once the new emperor succeeds, maybe he will be.

Now I can only try to avoid people's eyes and eyes, and thank guests behind closed doors. The more low-key the better, it is best for everyone to forget the existence of him as a person, and then wait until he becomes an adult and seal him to a place far away from the capital, so that he can live in peace and stability for the rest of his life No worries about eating and drinking.

He has a big plan, and in the next few days, while studying and learning about the world through books and strict knowledge, he declined the friends who came to see him, and he hardly stepped out of the palace.

He quickly got used to the rhythm and rules of life in the palace, and also got used to two thirteen or fourteen-year-old children serving him tea and water, washing his face and feet, the evil old society. But it was a little comfortable.

The two girls, one named Yue'er and the other named Qiu'er, were both personal servants who had served the young prince since they were very young, and had a high status in the mansion.

The age of the two children would be junior high school students in later generations, but they are both smart and capable, proficient in everything.

Every day before dawn, they would wait outside Li Ye's gate early, and wait for about an hour or two before Li Ye would get up. When they got up one day, they saw two children waiting outside the door shivering with cold, their little faces flushed, trying to stand upright. Straightforwardly, it immediately made him feel distressed.

I asked them to get up one hour later every day, but the next day the two little girls came and waited outside the door early, and asked why they said they were used to it and couldn't fall asleep.
Li Ye was speechless, looking at their pitiful eyes, he had no desire to blame.

(End of this chapter)

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